The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

EIGHT ynuH TIIE ZANESVILLE TIMES UECORDEK MONDAY, APRIL 28 15 WONDERFUL BUWeS DESIGNED DY AND IT MAKES YOU LOOK OLD CASS GILBERT. FORMER LOCAL MAN ffjsfjj) FIRST LESSON IN TURNING FREE HOUSE OR FLOOD LOSERS TO KEEP POPULAR KEEP "YOUR APPEARANCE OF YOUTH OFFERED TO CITY equal ability and Inventlvenesa. Ho Punday msgajiina papers contained ivcr. not so many as have great Idea friend, because It la gnnulnoly good, always, restore grey hnlr to Ha nat. ural color; destroys dandruff, keep the aralp clean and healthy.

You he-gin to note ttin difference at once. The few grey balra disappear and never return. ma fortunately enabled to put them A young man was surprised to have a aiory of the work of Cass Ollbert, the famous architect, who Is a former Zaiteevlll hoy. The article is ap ovt.r," All tha Cass Gilbert "of New l-t AN I.ES A pended: York- and St. Paul" 18 an extraordinary man of his time an architect Why look old when ynn are yonngt Oct a bottle of Hoy's Hair Health at THROl'MI rORMER IXK'AIj MAJf, WIIJ, fJVE 8CTS OF world wide significance, whose Indt Kla application for a position "turned down." Ha wa better equipped for the position than the fellow mho got It He discovered that hla (trey bulra did It.

He wa "too old" looking, li'a the same everywhere. There, la no doubt but that (trey hair (Iocs make a man or woman look old. There is no uaa waiting another minute don't to) tout position or fall In getting a better one becauan you are old look. once, atart lining It and a what dlfferencn few application make. wriual achievement can hardly be i latched, either In extent or in quality.

Horn In Zanesvllle, a llttl more Free: Sign thla adv. and take It to following dniRKlHta and get a 60c. hot. "For Qod' cake, no aansationsl-lm!" Involuntarily cried Cass Ullbert, urchltect, Somebody' proper pride In the de-rlgner of the Cuttom House and the Wool worth building had ugsesieJ Hslorlo oomparlauns, and uch nftnic as Michael Angelo and Mr Chrlatophfl Wren had been casually mentioned. (3 reek temples and Oottuo ca Zaneilla property owner In the flood dlNtrlcla who lout or partial!" than 60 years ago, the aon of General tie of Hay llnir Health and a 250, lot, their home In the highway humuei oiirjert, u.

H. he wa domed for hi great-uncle, Lewi Mite of Harflna Jnap, for SOo.j or $1.00 hottlo of Hay' Hair Health and two month ago, ar to be given book of I'Ouaa plana to encoiinige them nnd ing Hay a Hair Health now, ('ues, thu noted antu-bellum Pemo Those who are recommend It to their cake or llarGim Boap Free, for 11. era It statesman. He began tho study aid them In reconnecting their i'f architecture in his 17th year, wa a thedral were In danger of Ijoiis homea, the offer coming thla morning C. .4.


ItAhKH HT; IMll ItTKOX GOR. rCH; BCHWIXT PHll.M.CY, prise winning gruduate of the Masaa from lie Angola, Invent imnL Co, The nffsr waa aeeured by churett Instittue of Technology In and gained hla early professional experience with McKlm, Mead and drugged In. "A hard working business man and practical builder like myself," 'ununited thla middle-aged, undemonstrative, prepossessing yet personally little known celebrity, "has no concern with W. F. Hale former Zaneavllle man, a giaduate ot tha Zaneavllle hlK'h White of New York aftur a European hool In 1883 and a former reslden: HUNDRED BOOSTERS Don't Throw of Ml 7 Main treet.

Mr. Oatea' letter to The Time Ke Irlu for study and observation. Yeara later, having won under dra matlc circ*mstances the coveted fed i such fancies. We are up against 20th century conditions and things as they irrdcr la a follow: ure. An architectural style Is not an cral commission for the New York Sir: I have perauaded the large build CONUNG- TO CITY Custom House, he undertook to real law that grandiose structure on i Inii company with which I am con invention to be credited to a men or to a school or even to a single ago or country.

It i the low growth of time. It took a thousand year to da- noiiid to maka tha following offer to that would make It "an elephant ny pciHcm whnaa noma waa destroy' marching among giraffes." vtit.p the Oreek temple and about ns e.d, or partially ileal royed, by the ra- OTHER POINTS TCI RK VISITED I'luiing the seven year ubseriuent Teach the youngsters USEFUL play. Teach them to use Spartana (formerly called Spartan Stain) Show them how it penetrates the wood and changes it from dull to bright how with a few magic sweeps of the brush thev can change ugliness into beauty, banish scars and mars and scuffs and bring forth brilliant shades. Teach them how it protects and disinfects the wood. How it lengthens the life of things about the house.

How an old piece, of furniture may be renewed and the purchase price of a new piece saved. And Id them test out the truth of your precepts by practical u)or play for themwith SPARTANA No lesson learned in school will last longer or have a more beneficial effect. It will do you good; it will do the children good; it will do your home good. long to evolve the Oothle aathedral. cent flood.

to en early sojourn in the Northwest, ThB modern Manhattan office build Thla conipany publiahe a number INCH lE XKW LKXI.VGTOX, SI OVN KLS I l.I.E A MARIETTA it Away Look it Over Carefully itvery Uttl bit help In the way of saving Pnrnttur. ara now ready te help you In the way of Floor Stain, Furnltnr Varnlah, Disinfectants In fact, anything In the frus Una, All our prescription axe saved from the Oood and wa are now ready to help you. Mr, Gilbert had risen to something liko national prominence by his clasal-cai-doned design of the Minnesota ing is the Immediate outgrowth ot local commercial condition, and the of house plan book, having about YS houxe In eath. (inn, exterior and Interior photograph, description and i.tfitt capltol building at St. Paul.

distinctive architectural type known aa the 'skyscraper the steel skeleton building coma are given tor euch Further details have been an When he came to compete t'or the Inclosed In an outer shell of bricK, IiiiUh. Our book contains houses rmunied for the annual trade-exte n- it'jove I2.40U In cost. Our book "IV stone or terra cotta Is scarcely 25 yen old. iilon tour of the I'iiirlnnall chamber of commerce to Znnesvllle and other h. below that figure.

'the offer la that we will send to my Inspiration I necessity. southern Ohio cltlea May 31 to S3. any periion who will write us. stating The trade excursion la to be made the Iohb of hla home and givtmi the by about one hundred member of tho Custom House New Yorkers called Gilbert a "Western architect." In subsequent Western competition. Including those for the Wisconsin, Arkansas and Montana state capltois aud the Texa University, all of which he won.

he wa branded aa a New York. As a member of the board of architects of the St. Uiuls exposition, 1901. ho designed the Fine Art building location of the house destroyed, a I'lm In I Witt chamber of commerca May not art. True, I study beauty because beauty 1 one of the rarest things In the world.

But beauty, with in, meana first of all fitness perfect minpUition to the everyday working ncedN of the structure in hand. of either book, as he may pre "2 and Leaving Clmsiiinati fcr, without expense to htm, These bonks are on sale In store fver the Pennsylvania In the morr.lpg of Slay 21 the special train uarrytna tlia Clnclnantl party will make stons Keller Hcrron Form follow as an old all over the country and have teen ordered from about 40 foreign o.iun- tliCh. ot Wilmington, Waahtngton Court nnd that elaborate, fantastic struc professional asoclate of mine uaed to Bay, House, t'lrclevllle, Lancaalnr, Bronu-n So, you see, there Is no reason for We make this offer hoping that It N.w Lexington, arriving at Zanesvllle Proscription Prugjlst S5 X. 4th St. PROMPT DELIVERY Phone No, it making a fuss.

A good many of us at p. in. hnd spcmlliig the night may oe of Penerit to those who intend to build new home. ture, the Festival Hull, which wn the piece, de resistance of the entiio exposition group. The Important examples of Mr.

Gll-bett's work In cities east of the Mississippi during the past two decades In are working along the same line with I have read with Intenae Interes: there. From Zanesvllle the parly will ro to J'aikergtiurg. W. avc Ilia H. (topping at Md'onnelsville clude, besides those already sped ltd: end overwhelming sorrow the report In )our valuable paper concerning the I In Zanesvllle end adjacent territory and I have been told that my 0 CHARGE GRAND JURY ON MONDAY llttlf mite waa the first to reiich WALK-OVEHSiOES ZitncRville from tho outnldo for the relief of the destitute.

However thit For interior work on new buildirjgj use SPARTAN ART WOOD STAINS The beat architectural stains ever offered to the practical painter and decorator. and After leaving Parker-hmg ihe train will proceed to Atho, Weltston anil Jackson, apendinK th second night at tho lHtter city. From Jnckaon the party will return to Cincinnati, slopping at L'hlllleothe, Greenfield, Lee-sburg, Now Vienna anil r.Uiiiohemer. All arrangement hnd been made for the trip early In May, but the re- may be, I wish 1 could have maile It thousand times aa much. Answers to the above offer should be add reused aa follows: Jtt-GK FRAZIKK WILL AtJSO W.

F. Oatea, care Ixs In- tent flood caused a postponement. The trip will enable Cincinnati busi eminent Broadway at Eighth l.os Angeles, Cnl. ness men to get a flint hand nlts- of the effects nf flunda In southern oliln V. F.

Oates, class 'J3 ZanesvlUe HEAR FOIR CASES THUKE MARRIAGE LICENSES I.SStEO Judge A. A. Frazler, of common Twenty thoncaiul pro-pie bny Walk-Over Shoe every day certainty there must be mnrh merit tn a shoe to attain weh popularity. In addition to the better quality of oiir short we offer our hotter manner of serving yoo. 31 Oberlln, the Oherlln College; at N.

the F.esex county court house; in Boston, the brazer building and tho Kul'folk Sivings bunk; in New York City beside tho Customs House and the Woolwort lithe Union Club, the West Street building und the Broadway chambers. Tho last two named are especially sting type of tho modern building, though necessarily eclipsed In the popular gaze by the Wonderful cloud-piercing VVoolworth tower. That the Woolworth itself now ha a mate in Clnclnantl will probably bo news to the greater part of the general public. It la the very latest Cans Gilbert creation tin association with J.lefsrs. Oarber and Woodward of Cln-ci'inati) the Union Central I.i-suifliioe building.

This, the fu.rth higheHt commercial structure In the world, unquestionably holds the record for expeditious construction. A ytnr ago Its site waa nothing but a hole In the ground, an uncompleted A. B. Price, Sth and Marietta Sts. Kettler Herron.

23 N. 1th St. Ilornunff Nicholson, Dresden, 0. Adam Gobel Son, Roscville, O. Wells' Drug Store, Lee St.

and Linden Ave. Mrh school, formerly at 807 Euat Main street. end the needa of tho territory. Weber's hand will accompany the party. On the excursion will lie many of the fnmous "Clnclnantl Boosters" of the pleas court, will charge the grarwl Jury the first thing Monday morning.

It It expected that the body will re WOMEN GAMBLE FOR HIGH STAKES Many women nre gamblers for very chmher of commerce who hftve traveled many thouwinda of mile on various trip, having recently returned from a trip to the Panama cti about Friday or Huturdny of this week. A large number of witnesses nve been Bubpoomied for the first high Makes, They mnke their health Illustrated lecture will be given In JZaiif avllle and Jackson at the night three days, and more subpoenal will and good look upon everything work- ng out all light when attacked by "Tip Top" Brands muting. be served by the sheriff when these have been heard. hose ailments which their sex alone are called upon to suffer.

'nacs Tor onday Four case will be heard Monday Davis 4 Dilley's tTatk-pver Hoot Shop 8t Main St. The only can be Ignorance excavation; before the end of this by Judge Frazler, Frank Koliler vs. of the dnnReroiia consequent- or an aversion to undergo medical cotnmln current month of April Its office will be ttnanted. The Woolworth 1 not really the last atlon. Thly may often be avoided by SCORE GRADUATE AT NEWCOMERSTOWN recourse to Lydta E.

Plnkham' Veg word In skyscraper building, our architect declares. In fact, there Is etable Ccnvpotind, a perfectly eiifo no such thing aa the last word. "Provided with sufficient base," says Mr. and harmless remedy compounded from roots and herbs, which for nearly forty year ha been curing O'Ibert, "there is no reason why a American women from the worst We can furnish our "TIP Brands of Grade Fertilizer In any quantity, at any tima Best fcrtlUier on tha mariset and price the lowest. Come and aee us we can supply your wants.

Also hlsrheat price paid for Hides, Sheep Pelts. Tallcw, Old Run-bere and SlPtals. L. FRANK SONS lOO-atory building, 1.000 feet high. form of female ilia fihould not be erected.

That Is to say, there Is no obstacle so fur as safety Is The Zancsville Tile Mary C. Bane cs. John Bane, Virginia Power vs. Ji-hn Powers, and Hottle Maddox vs. Koward Maddox.

The case of ICmma LI. Burke vs. John S. Burke, ha been continued. Minor Xotc The premise In the suit of Ernest Graham v.

G. W. Turner et. ou the Coopermlll road, w-a offered for saJe Saturday by Sheriff Frlck but there were no bidder. The Inventory In the laU Harrison Kkinner estate show asset or $3275.17.

A petition tn ell realty entitled Newton P. Frey v. Eliw A. Fray, wn filed In probate court Saturday. Marriage licenses "Cupid in Uniform" at CLASS PLAT WILL HE GIE BT R.VD I' ATEir At A A CREATE SEIiMO.V NEWCOMErvSTOWK.

April 87 concerned. Whethor or not It would lit. a paying Investment Is the ques Grand Theater Monday tion. That Is a matter of economic limit In which the elevator ervice Kanosvillc, Ohio The graduating exercises of the Newcomerstown public schools will lie Sixth and Howard Sts. plays an Important part." A messenger boy Is "Cupid In I'nl-tenr," in the beautiful picture drama iWfSSHEnSBBBi at The Orand for matinee and night on Monday.

He acta aa the go-he HOW TO TREAT AIUNG tween for quarrelsome lovers the boy Is Injured and the lover reconclllat bt hla bedside. "Do It Now" la a com turn (or Monday too. Thla is a CHILDREN held this year on the evening of May In the opera house. A class play, "At the End of the Rainbow," comedy, will be given on the evening preceding. The class colors ere blue and gold; clars flower, chrysanthemum.

The haccalsureate address wll ha delivered May 24. The class Is composed of the allowing members: William Hothenstina, Augusta Mct'onneil. Russoll Sf-hlear, TVIla McElroy, Frances llaicroft, nna Mi'Kensle. Ada Norman. Harrit McCleary, Eva Neumelster, Zella Eag-on, Anna McCoy, William Palmer, little farce with good laughs a.

plenty, i 'no other good reel Is also oliown. V. ttch The Grand program announce Lout Robert, machinist, snd Olive Ackerman, daughter of John Ackerman. both of the city. Rev.

Kinney, minister. Homer C. Bagley, potter, snd Eva V. Martin, daughter of James P. War-tin, both of the city.

Rev. Wjyte. minister. Earl A. Kearn.

stenographer, and Myrtle May Brooks, daughter of Kber rooks, both of the city. Rev. Bailey, minister. ments of Maniger Collin In The Times Beeorder" amusem*nt columns Read Oar Classified Ads with morning. jMM.JitJWiltg Ehoc to fit every fancy.

fr Bhoea to fit every foot. Shoe to fit every pur's. See the window. fW 1 Sign of the Big Electric Shoe, ''ii Talk on Corn liaising Given by Prof. Clark jWllma Couta.

Walter Pperllng. te.ry Haverflcld, Ernest Asher, Raymond Chaney. Ovel Heller, Alma Hull and Nellie Titu. On Tuesday evening, April JJ, Prof. J.

K. Clarke, supervisor of agriculture AtXKGED AUSOMST II ELD FTEUBENVILL-E. April ST. John Burn. wa.

h.ld to tho grand "Jury In mayor' conrt on a charge of having et fire to the Imperial hotel, from which 200 made a thrilling yesterday morning, liond wa fined at ft, 000, which wa not furnished. All Hail the leverage King! for the floutheaatern dialrtct, gave mnrt Interesting address on "Corn and II the Corn Boys and Oirls" at Elmvllle CASCARETS school, Brush Creek township. T.y using special care In selecting seed on the stalk, keeping It from free ilng, testing each ear In the germ ination box, and by thorough prepara FOR THE BOILS POLICE PATROL delights tn era. Please tb palate libacrean nd nourtahe tb truly pMrlcaa dtnk I ooal. pwkUnc Crowlnjf children play hard and work hard at school which with rapid growth use up an enormous amount of energy and vitality that mut be replaced.

When a child la tired all the time, no appetite, weak, delicate and sickly we guarantee Vlnol, our delicious cod liver and Iron tontc, will build them up, create a hearty appetite, Bound flesh and muscle tisane, pure healthy blood, and make thorn strong-Mary Liwg of Altoona, writes: "Every since childhood I hare ben weak ajiddelicate and my blood been thin "and poor. Many different fcrms of treatment did me no good, but spring I took Vlnol and now I am so much stronger and better that I want you to know It. I don't know when I have felt so well and vigorous as I hnve since taking Vlnol." If Vlnol fall to do Just what we say, we will give back your money. Culbertson Goreuch, Druggists, ZaneFvllle, Ohio. V.

S. For ajiy skin trouble try our Saxo Palve. We guarantee It. THIX, MKELKSS, FADET) HAIR Restored to health and beauty by using Mrs. Majion's Old English Shampoo It wonderfully promotes It growth, lie a tithe.

tion of the seed bed the corn bos' had produced SO bushel to the acre than the men. The trip to Washington, D. wa described, how one boy fell out on the floor of the sleeper at night and what NOT WORKING YET Linser's Beer the boy said, how I'ncle Joe Cannon spoke to them of one Buckeye girl that keep house for him In Ilirhols, the best ever, and how silent tha boys WALL PAPER At Popular Prices Here you will find all thi latest pattern and ahades in wall covering and our line of cut-out border Is the largeit shown In this section of the state. Russi Griffith The Old Stand 330 Main St. stood at the tomb of Washington He said he had seen toll tn Brush Creek township that waa much better rOLICKMKX ARE GREATLY IX- OXVEMKXCED IX THE CfTr, ESPECIALLY AFTER MID.

XIGHT The police are greatly 'Inconven than some that boy were gotii to rlunt In other counties, and that there v. no reason why hoys in thi town ship should not win om of tho three TMs beer (tand In tb very forefront of good brew, be-um It ha the quality behlnl Up quality la maierlal, quaJtty ha brewing, quality la proper aging. LINSER'S BKFR come to you with a appetising, nfrMh-to st a wholevoraeQea. a beaJthfuloee bard U3 find to any otbar beer. Aak tot LINfiER'B.

ienced because the patrol box tystem ha not been placed tn working order or four free trip offered In Muskin y.wmwiattsuj gum county, and be In the thousand that will go to Washington next fall. yet. Thla Inconvenience I felt greatly after midnight a they have ni Cascaret Users Never Have Head-j ache, ConEtipation, BUiousnesi or Bick Stomach It Is more necessary thnt you keep Bowels, Uver and Btomach (icsn. pure nnd fresh than It is to keep the stivers and drainage rf a laree rliv free from obstruction. Ara yim keepmw i.lesn Inside with or merely forcing a pa every few dnys with mm.

cnihamc pill or casuir oil? Thi I Imporrent. Caacareis Immediately ciennse and regulut the tomach, remove th isour, undigfsted and fermer.tlng food foul fcs. take the execs tile from th Ilcer and carry out of tha system the ecnetipaieu waste mat- ter and poison In the Intestine and bowel. I No odds how badly and upset you foci, Caacaiot tonlsht will straighten you out by morning, They work I whil you sleep. A I0-i-ent from your 'druggist will keep ycur hud clour, stom.uh sweet and your Ilvar 'and bwels regnlnr for months, tion't forret the children thtlr little In-'e1d need a gripd, gentle clenneln.

too. (Ad.) method of communicating to headquarter In case they need help or WILL SEW TO IIJXP QUICKLY EXTRACTS CORNS Gtras Instant Relief To use Putnam'. Corn Kitraetor la to get quick relief. Tb. sting d.ap- the patrol wagon In their diauict THE FLOUD SI FFFREKS The Aid society of the Forest Avt- lliey keep up a report system over borrowed telephone a long a pos- nue church win meet in tne tsunaiy school rooms Tuesday morning at Now Paint I Come here for your Paints, Oils, Varnishes, "Wood Stains, Brushes, Etc, m.

and spend the day tn sewing. The SIMON LIHSER t.M each evening, but after the tn their district retire they have no way of reaching a telephone with-Ut calling wmie cltiaen from hen. Mrs. Voung I tn receipt of clothing am' bedding and 100 loave of bread secured through the effort of th pears. to.

leei Miter at once, Mother. apulleanen er two. i and the torn go. away. Norbtng eeor-known mii so elicit as Putnam Katrao-traotor it so sure, so painless, so certain to root out any kind of a corn tnat ever utrww on Ftre Chief Tanner ha had the fire 1 BREWING CO.

alarm lystem In good working order 1 yihlan (Slater of Uiouster, Mr. Young 1 chairman of the orgauiaa-Uon in charge of the relief NIELE LONGWELL tor om time but so far, according to ttw police, no efofrt ha been nuia to KAXKHTtUJC OHTO secure even temporary sy.tem check for 13 wa received by Lr. Crowl from the ec.rury of th Flrt Both Phone 1M foot of man. Put- 622 Main Street thy can report or call for help from falls 2le osSi Mini iiitmlu headquarters. Not a atngle patrol box Pretbyterlan church of Lancaster, which will used towsrd relief work.

some, sow recommenna sy drug-: i cist, ead Uular L-rug Co, the city 1 In working order..

The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.