The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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Cleveland, Ohio

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CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER SATURDAY JANUARY 7 1961 at 50 will also address to METHODIST wsTtniniru nwjii sc NATIONAL COUNCIL l'2 HOURS of GOSPEL MUSIC UILIC SQUARI 30th Street I'l PRESBYTERIAN (UNDAMENTAL) 5 I LAKEWOOD METHODIST ffi a fj There Goes the will speak in St Syrian Orthodox 14th Street and Stark eather Avenue Thursday night His subject: "The Turbulent Middle The talk is the second in a series of 12 public lec arranged bv the Rev Phil ip Saliba pastor of St of di i 4 WCUE Sunday II to 12 Noon Trimtv in me of the include WEATHERORD QUARTET HUMBARD SINGERS CATHEDRAL CHORUS HoK at IRST CHURCH EAST CLEVELAND 16200 Euclid Ave at Note Our Lady of Mercy Cited in Publication Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church 2425 11th Street receives special mention in the current issue of Novena Notes published in Chicago by the Servite athers an order which conducts missions and retreats The parish here is commend ed as it observed the 22nd an niversary of the start of the novena last night in the church In the tribute paid to the parish the mosaic entitled Our Lady of Mercy and the Seven Sorrows which adorns the sanctuary is reproduced KEV EDWABD BASKERVILLE MM Halloran RADIO WADC Daily 10 Church of the Cross Winsford and Caledonia Roads Dr James Sivard Minister 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Morning Worship Cemmunlon Sunday IRST CHURCH Hoyden Ave at Clolberne Rd Minister Tlie Rev Wm 7 Wilhoyte Sundey Sekeel AM 10:45 AM: Morning Sorvieo 7 PM Evening Service HOLY CRMt 4290 Rocky River Dr nULI McJtee p6to 83 Wanhlp 10:49 A3L GIORGI ALIIRT ALLON MINISTER Idintlcal Sanctuary Sarvlcw 9:30 and 11:00 am Heart! ear Dr allon preaching Music by the Chancel Choir Charles Smith Diractor at Music Elmarla Vandarhalda Organist 15700 DETROIT AT SUMMIT TELEVISION WJWTV Channel 8 Sunday 9 to 10 Church in thn Home Daily 7:30 A Saturday 7:5 A Disciples to Convene Representatives of the 18 Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ) of Greater Cleveland will convene in ranklin Circle Christian Church at 6:30 pm Tuesday for the annual meeting of the Cleveland Disciples Union Dr Herald Monroe executive secretary of the Ohio Society of Christian Churches will speak on the nationwide "Decade of Deci program Warship Service Daily (2:1512:35 Carillon Programs Dally Noon and I Building A Useful aith The Blueprint Leonard Budd preaching Wada Park Manor lot Church Office Newly redecorated sanctuary of St Josaphat Church in which are 17 of 24 murals just completed by a Byzantine rite artist Plain Dealer Photo (Karl Rauachkolb) Church of The Saviour Lee and Bradford Rds Dr Howard Brown Minuter Church School 9:45 AM 1 1 AM Morning Worship "What Akeut Mlssleni ink Uliileairiail" EPIPHANY (Northfield) Highways 631 and 8 REV DAN LUDWIG PASTOR SS 9:30 Service 10:45 AM Messiah Lutheran Church 5200 Mayfield Rd Lyndhurst The Rv David Mumford Raster 9 :30 Cherch School vAdanced 9:30 and II Holy Communion 1 Tho Service Church Primary 10:45 AM "'Slaw Oaift Mill tho Scenery" Ths Rev Lewis Raymond SS Peter and Paul Byzantine Rite Church 2280 7th Street is the only Catholic church in Ohio to observe the east of the Nativity or Christ mas today voting by the con gregation to change from the Julian to the Gregorian calen dar which sets Dec 25 for Christmas has still not reached the required 95 or more" Msgr Dmytro Gresko pastor said yesterday This percentage of voting has been requested by Archbishop Constantine Bohachevsky the pastor said Other churches of this rite in Cleveland St Mary 10420 Kinsman Road and St Josaphat Parma voted the change several years ago These parishes observe the feast day on Dec 25 Held Midnight Mass The Rev Andrew Ulicky pas tor of St Josaphat officiated at the low mass at midnight last night Vespers starting at 11 pm preceded the mass Msgr Gresko officiates at a high mass at 7 am today Oth er masses are scheduled for 10 am noon and 7:30 pm Yesterday was observed as a day of strict fast from meats and dairy products or the traditional Christmas Eve supper in the home 12 dif ferent kinds of food were spread upon the table The different foods symbolized the 12 Apos tles Hay was spread under the tablecloth and on the floor to recall the birth of the infant in a stable A lighted candle on the table recalled the star of Bethlehem Throughout the octave of Christmas parishioners will vis it homes to sing Christmas carols tmkruwh 14502 Detroit at Marlowe MINISTERS: Wllaon Ktlsore Merton MeKendry David oraberr 9:30 and 11 A Holy Communion end Church School Meditation by Dr Kilgore 1 COME TO CHURCH SUNDAY PARMA LUTHERAN 5208 Broadview Hev Willmann Church Worship 9:15 10:45 AM Sunday School 9:15 and 10:45 A An extensive redecorating job has just been completed at St Josaphat Catholic Church 5720 State Road Parma and is scheduled to be blessed on Jan 22 Theodore noted By zantine rite artist of' Chi cago has designed 24 murals for the redecorating program and put the final touches on the work this week All of the murals are me morials to departed members of the Byzantine rite parish the Rev Andrew Ulicky pastor said The 'church is part of the combination school and church built in 1948 to serve Ukrainian Byzantine rite Catholics in Parma and Parma Heights Priests from SS Peter and Paul Church 2280 7th Street served it as a mission under the direction of Msgr Dmytro Gresko pastor Change of Status In September 1959 Arch bishop Constantine Bohachev sky of Philadelphia changed the status from a mission to an in dependent parish ather Ulicky was an assist ant at SS Peter and Paul parish and was named first pastor for the Parma parish The murals are on canvas and are permanent memorials When a permanent church be comes available they will be transferred ather Ulicky said Seventeen of the 24 murals Seminars Set for 5 Sundays by Methodists A combined Sunday morning seminar type program extend ing over five Sundays will have its5 first session tomorrow at the Church of the Saviour Me i t) in Cleveland ifeights Participants will include the Wesley class the Towers class and the Kingsley Couples seminar will embrace hfee general topics Chris tian and At titudes Under Community Pres program has been planned to give our people a choice and to meet their said the Rev Eldred Bucklew minister of education seminar will tackle such questions as: What shall I be lieve concerning the1 authority Scriptures? Are religious faith and scientific knowledge really at odds? What do we mean when we say we believe in a personal God? The group discussions will afeo deal with family and edu cational pressures housing communications and mass media youth and delinquency Prim of Peace Ma Bev Geerye tlrteh Sunday 10:30 Worship BROOKLYN MEMORIAL 25TH AND ARCRWOOD AVE Tte Bev Benjamin I Black Minister Morning Worthip "Mare Utt AM Lilienthal Guest at Church Alfred Lilienthal of New York author of "What Price Israel? and Middle East Georges Church In previous years this cere mony of blessing of infants was conducted on the Sunday clos est to the east of the Holy In nocents on Dec 28 Because that Sunday was New Year's day the blessing ceremony was deferred until tomorrow The Rev Jerome O'Hara pastor assisted by the Rev Lloyd Boymer will be in charge Will Bless Infants Gesu Church 2490 Miramar Boulevard University Heights will bless infants and children at 4 pm and will also bless new mothers and expectant mothers in a special blessing reserved for them The Rev rancis Dietz SJ pastor will officiate Most of the parishes wijl co operate tomorrow with the amily Communion Crusade and are recommending that families assist at mass together and receive Holy Communion This crusade which was sug gested by a Brooklyn layman in 1950 as part of Holy amily Sunday observance has spread to the 50 states and into countries Msgr Paul austmann Brooklyn spiritual rector for the crusade said that more than three million explanatory pamphlets in 48 languages have been distributed for this observance These request each family pray for world peace NAZARENE INTERDENOMINATIONAL Student Retreat Begins Monday Beginning Monday and con tinuing through January the 1590 students attending St Joseph Catholic High School 18491 Lake Shore Boulevard will take part in a spir itual retreat The retreats have been ar ranged by the Rev Eldon Rei chert SM chaplain at the school and the Rev Paul Reich SM director of religious activities Senior students in three groups will make closed re treats at the nearby St Joseph Retreat House 18485 Lake Shore Boulevard retreat will be in the school chapel Jan 23 to Jan 25 Sophom*ore and junior stu dents will attend a retreat also in the school chapel from Jan 25 to 27 are in the sanctuary These are the 12 apostles two angels flanking the group also St Josaphat patron of the parish and a dove symbolizing the Holy Spirit Dove on Ceiling The dove is on the ceiling immediately over the main al tar The group of apostles is back of the altar reaching to wards the ceiling Jesus and his apostles at the Last Supper form the mural for the front of the altar The murals also include one dedicated to the Holy It is on the ceiling center of the nave church Other murals St John the Baptist Jesus be ing baptized in the River Jor dan by St John and three dedi cated to tne Blessed Virgin 9:45 AM Church School for All Ago Jatrnunurf airmount and Coventry 9:15 and II AM Morninq Worship and Church School Guest Miniiter Dr William Dovles Hobo" United Presbyterian Men Gather riday National officers and some 300 elected voting delegates from all synods will attend the three day annual business meet ing here of the National Council of United Presbyterian Men beginning riday in Hotel Stat ler Hilton The sessions will be a de parture from the usual format announced Paul Moser execu tive secretary of the group In th past the meeting has been held as a part of the area meeting in Chicago each spring OUT TOWN MEETINGS WITH THE HUMBARDS STUART HAMBLIN Jan 9 Pittsburgh Pa Cornagia Hall North Side Jan 10 Naw Castle Pa Scottish Rita Cathedral Jan II Zanesville Ohio Municipal Auditorium (All Meetings Start at 7:30 M) INTERDENOMINATIONAL 7:45 PM Beautiful The Kerry Bi(olaw Cnlvarv B906 Pleuant Valley Rd vaivary Albert I5tot Sunday 9:45 AM Divtne 11:00 AM MAPLE HEIGHTS ItNt Libby Read MO 3 HM Minltten: The 'Rev Alfred Krele The Rev Eugene Priest WORSHIP SERVICES: 9 and 11:15 AM Church School Crib Room thru 4th Grade 9 11:15 Junior Hi and Sanior Hi 10:15 REV REX HUMBARD Pastor CATHEDRAL of TOMORROW 2700 State Road Cuyahoga alls CHRIST CHURCH Lorain at West 1 3Rth Dr Virgil Jump Minister The Rev Ronald Goats Associate Minister 8:00 and 11:00 AM and 1:30 PM Sorvlcds of Holy Communion Crib Room and Nursery During Svvicts Sunday School 9:00 10:00 and 11 arma Snutli 6149 PEARL end 11:115 Morning Worship and Church School 9:30 and 11:15 Christmas Is Observed by Church Here ft Mission School to Run 4 Weeks Brooklyn Memorial Method ist Church will begin its first of after a supper at 5:30 pm tomorrow Continuing for four Sunday evenings the program will be concerned with problems of population explosion atomic energy illiteracy racial injus tices and international rela tions Dr Hazel oster who formerly was a teacher in the Orient and the Rev Alan Davis of North Royalton Meth odist Church who was a dele gate to a NATO conference in Germany last year will speak tomorrow night The Rev Benjamin Black is pastor of Brooklyn Memorial Church Al ARIA ntl Memphli SB th ULUnIA MEI Rev HG BUekenaderfu 9:15 and 10:45 Church Wanhlp 9:15 Sunday School 7:00 SUNDAY NIGHT ILLUSTRATED SERMON BY REV "JACKIE" BURRIS Beautiful Scenes 15 Living Characters COLORUL COSTUMES "ATONEMENT" Wednesday 7:30 PM Evangelistic Service REV GGORGE PRYOR Preaching PARMA Ridgewood Methodist 4330 Ridga Kd Chorlos Bright Mlnlitor 0 9 AM and I2' "Wo Coo Make Our aith Work!" Church 9 10:15 11:15 Crib tad Bantry at all Mrtfm 3 Holy amily Churches Set Minhton: Howard Wells Bruce Reeves Identical Services 9:30 end 11:00 Church School and Worship "John: Good News In Eternity" Mr Reaves preaching uiTl'tiTirro mru ini i iiti yirrwiTir Grace Chareh 13001 Cedar Rd Knuxth Betrmaa Bester Sunday School and Bible Cluses 9:30 Momtnr Worship 10:45 "THE BAPTISM JESUS" Coffee Heer Ample Parklnt Nursery The Her A Roepcke Pastor Sunday School Worship 10:45 SUNDAY ATERNOON SING! STUART HAMBLEN Gospel Singer Author end Compoter of "THIS OLE HOUSE" "IT IS NO SECRET" "UNTIL THEN" etc SOUTH EUCLID J8? Green B4 10:00 A NOTTINGHAM flelirtUelrRd! The Bev Warren Treat 'Metes Is 7:45 Of Mayfield Methodist Corner SOM Center and Wlhon Milin BSs Allan Blnrkman Jon reabwater rank Junta Mornlnr Wurehlp and 11:15 AM ChurrltJhDol 0:00 10:10 11:15 A WILLOUGHBY METHODIST 4111 River Street Dr Edwin 'H Dicltey The Rev Gary Klempneuer Church School 9:30 end 11:00 Worship 9:30 end 11:00 AM Your Troubloi" ALRED LILIENTHAL Cnurcii Lilienthal the Knights of Columbus lunch eon in Hotel Hollenden Monday noon His topic is Are Arabs Right?" The public is invited to the luncheon orth Into 1911" The Rev Howord I Withers rifitT Ell A I Itu fcuclid Helghti and Plnll ERULIIR Derbyshire Road Rev Dale Meeker DD Minhltf 9:15 A Church School 10:30 Worship Holy Commuoioh UftBC 2222 Taylor Rd Cleve Hti nsrB Rev Clyde A Miller 9:45 Sunday School 8:30 AM and 11 AM Morning Worship MARTIN Madison at 89th St LUTHER Arnold Elfers Pastor 9:30 Worship Service 10:45 tlilllillillllllWIIIIIK 1 Rocky River Mothodist I 10414 Detnrtt B4 Minister! Bebert Aeelly Meaweil Bever William Bade 9:45 end 11:15 A Morning Worship end Church School or The Rev Scully preaching Africa Missionary Holy Name Speaker The Rev Edward Basker ville MM who is on a six month leave from his mission duties in Tan ganyika East Africa will speak at the an nual Holy Name ntion at 2:30 pm tomor row in St John College audito rium Archbishop Ed ward Hoban is to preside Msgr Edward diocesan director of the soci ety will be another speaker: Benediction in St John Ca thedral will follow the meeting Thi Church of tho Covenant 31205 Cuclid Avtnuu A Hout of Proyor for AH Poopio 9:30 end 11:30 Service! of Worship Dr Hrry Toylor will procch Gifts and Ours" Tko Covtnant Choir will ting 9:31 and 11:35 Church School a UNITED PRESBYTERIAN TRINITY PRESBYTERIAN Chagrin Blvd Between Belvoir and Green Robert Horiag Minister AM Junior High Staler High and Adolf Clouts 31:00 AM MORNING WORSHIP "Coeversatioes Devoutly to Be Wished" Winery ThrnurB Primary Claeaet Daring The Service Special Rites Three parishes in the Catholic diocese of Cleveland named to honor the Holy amily have ar ranged special ceremonies to morrow in observance of the liturgical feast of the Holy amily Auxiliary Bishop John Krol will officiate at one the dedication of the new amily church in Stow noon Two other parishes 131st Street and Southview Avenue and at 7367 York Road Parma will have de votions of the forty hours Devotions in the Parma church opened yesterday and will close with solemn cere monies at 4 pm tomorrow Re newal of marriage vows by parishioners will be part of the closing devotions The Rev Stephen Krupa CSSR Balti more Md preached last night and will preach again tonight and tomorrow The Rev Robert Thomas Leipsic a native of Holy amily parish at 131st Street and Southview will preach in that church tomorrow night for the opening evening service The Rev Wenceslas Uhler pastor of St Procop parish and a former assistant at Holy amily will preach Monday night The Rev George Law rence pastor of St Ladislas parish will preach for the clos ing on Tuesday night ather Lawrence is a class mate of the pastor the Rev IRST METHODIST Euclid Avenue Robert Courtney Howard Crabtree 30:30 AM Organ Prelude 10:45 AM Morning Worship Guest Minister Rtv William Millar Wesley Methodist Church Nursery Care Provided Ohgrth School AM Sunfay Roon eUowahlp Dinner Tnsday Noon Sarvleo 12:05 12:25 Lancbeon itrved at 11:50 and 12:38 Mld Waok Santee Wad 7:30 PM prccedad by dinner at 6:15 BIBLE BESBYIEBIAK 2909 Walter Rd North Olmsted A ranklin ioectte Pastor 9:30 AM Ebl School 10:45 AM In The Will of 7:30 PM si "Enoch" aith Harden Ave and Glenslde ruiin R(V Ralph Laoatatne Pastor 3 AM Holy Eucharist 0:15 AM Sunday school 10:30 AM The Servicea Catholics to Mark 9:45 A SUNDAY SERVICE 1 0:45 A MORNING WORSHIP REV REX HUMBARD Preaching 2:30 CONCORDIA art Blvd at Union German Service 10:00 Sunt School English Serv The Bev Storm LUTHERAN Redecoration Is Completed by St Josaphat Church Holy amily's east By sAra McCarthy THE east of the Holy amily to be observed tomorrow in Catholic churches has brought a pastoral leter from Archbishop Edward Hoban He directs pastors to mark this day with special ceremonies so that fruits of such observance may fall upon the diocese and its families in the greatest abundance" in addition to the observance oPthe feast with' masses in all churches tomorrow a number of the parishes are combining the renewal of marriage vows and the blessing of infants and children in special ceremonies foj the afternoon Renew Marriage Vows Msgr Albert Murphy pas tor of St Ignatius Church Lo rain Avenue and West Boule vard will officiate at this dual ceremony at 3 pm He intro duced this custom when he be came pastor He will distribute medals to each infant The Church of the Conver sion of St Paul Euclid Avenue and 40th Street will have the renewal of marriage vows for the first time in connection with the blessing of infants METHODIST SYNODICAL CONERENCE ETHEL 7171 Ptrl alHUb Middlebury Height Robert Landeek Paetor Worahln Services 7:45 9:00 and 10:15 Sunday School 9:00 and 10:15 AM Nursery at 10:15 Service OUR SAVIOR'S ROCKY RIVIR 20300 HillUrd Wvd ED 11773 Rrv Arthur Towne Paitor 9:30 and 11 Wonhtp Servicet Nursery Care provided 9:30 Sunday School Kindergarten Age 3 5 Grades 1 8 and Adult Bible Class 11 ALM Sunday School Kindergarten Are 3 5 Grades 1 4 and Grades 7 12 WINDERMERE AvGnUG 0 M4IHODI5T A MINISTERS Thurmaa Altiaadar A RlsharO Clark 9:30 CHURCH SCHOOL 10:45 HOLY COMMUNION 3 Meditation: "On Beginning Within" Cburtk Haar Classes Nursery Through Jualer Dspartaieat Perkiag tssllt it Islam Ejnunrtlj Surltii si: hit 1 13 th Stmt it Choiter Amu ii Bernard Lomei MinUter 11:00 AM Morning Worship'or Thae Tempted To Give i Up Praying larnard Lomei preaching 7:00 RM Bj ares v'C'x a t7 feb I ighMrS I 1 i 3 1 I ikw I Y'v'W Rail El rgt 1 tZ our 1 fft I 1 SYNODICAL CONERENCE Holy Nativity 5127 Highland Road HI 2 5742 Rw vbries av Gvwhrtng astor I Sun School and Bible 9:15 AM Morning 10:30 AM MESSIAH CHURCH 21485 Lorain Rd Bertwtn rey Pastor 8 and 10:45 Worship Servlca 9:25 Sunday School 8T Peart at Ardmore Bev Arno Krenta aster 8 and 10:30 Worship School ST AVL 55th North of Superior SS Worehip: 9 10:30 AM Rev Thee Dorn SAINT PAUL (Lakewood) Detroit at Arthur Rupert Ulfelman Pautor Sunday School and Bible Classei 9:15 Worahln Service 10:30 Nureery during 10:30 aervtce ST SHAKER HEIGHTS Ol retene IIOOO Van Aken Blvd Rev Elmer Brown arter Sunday School and Bible Clas 9:15 Mornlnt Worehlp ZION rwpect at SS 9:45 The German Service at 9:30 English Service 10:43 Rev Schuknecht NATIONAL COUNCIL ItTUIUy Trukett Rd at Lorain Ave eeiHRNI Eine LrM 1b4 Trout Pastors Worship Service at 9:00 and 11:00 A Sunday School at 9:00 and 11:00 A BtthlihoM Luthinn Church Mayfield and Crest Rd Cleveland Hta Rev jack Serslg Pastor 9:30 AM Sunday School 9'30 and 11 A Morning Worship CAITU Hilliard at Woodward MI I Marviu wilt PaatOf 915 Sunday School 8:00 and 10:45 Morning Worahip "A STAR TO LEAD THEM" Directs Concerts Dk I fl Edgar Tassler (above) will conduct the Cleve land Lutheran A Cappella Choir in Trinity Lutheran Church at 4 pm and in St John's Lutheran 1 Church South Euclid at 8 pm tomorrow A picture of John Katt Lutheran High School Band direc tor was incorrectly iden tified as that of Tassler in last Saturday's Plain Dealer Clarence A Liederbach Adults of the parish instead of the children will join in the proces sion of clergy for the opening and closing ceremonies Open ing ceremony is at 7:30 am tomorrow 4 WHK AUDITORIUM 5000 EUCLID AVE AVAILABLE OR RENT Rallglaui maatingi lacturai muilcal coacarft ttaga playa Sailing capacity 1400 loaty of raa Talking ar Information Call UT 1 0710 "''J: i SALVATION ARMT UUMltUUlttMi'N'tlMttUlllfiHtfUW HNUiiHUKHianMattMMtMHMtnHUMUHM SPEND SUNDAY AT THE SALVATION ARMY SERVICES ADDISON CORPS 71 10 Wada Park Copt and Mn Harr I Sault 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM Kemple corps 823 152 st I Brigadier and Mrs William Lap pin II :00 A and 7:30 CENTRAL AREA CORPS 7604 Central Ave Capt Cretta Smith Lt Louiie Hagler 1 1 :00 A and 7:30 NEWBURGH 4139 93 St Capt and Mrs Robert John son 10:00 A and 7:30 WEST END 2042 26K St Capt Norma Lollio 1 1 :00 A and 7:30 HARBOR LIGHT CENTER 830 Eagle Ave Capt and Mrs Ed ward Dimopd 1 1:00 A and 7:00 SUPERIOR 1309 90th St Lt Abraham Johnson 1 1 :00 A and 7:15 MEN'S SOCIAL SERVICE CENTER 5005 Euclid Ava Brigadier and Mrs William Charron 10:45 A WEST PARK CORPS 12833 Lorain Ave Capt Lorraine Car roll 1 1:00 A and 7:30 gp THE UNITARIAN SOCIETY CLEVELAND Eeelia Ave et 92nd Btrert Emerson Schwenk Minister 11:00 A Moralag Worship Guest Speaker BARTON CLAUSIN "The Silinl Trouble Miker" 11:00 A Church An Integrated irst Unitarian I 21 600 Shelter Blvd i at Belvoir Oval a Ministers: JL Robert Kill am Angvs Maclean Education nWI Robert Shaw Music David ohl Auiitant and His Sermon by Dr MeeLeun 9:15 and 11 Identical Servient WEST SHORE UNITARIAN CHURCH 20401 Hilliard Road Dr Pater Samsom Minister Services 9:30 and 1 1 in Rocky River Memorial Hall Hilliard Roadaf Wagar Pulpit Guest: Dr Henry Pommer Church School 9:30 and II at the Church Mr UNITY UNITY CENTER HIIGHTS MASONIC TEMPLI 1 635 Lee Reed at Mayfield Rev Winifred Wilkinson Minister Sunday 11:00 AM "What Price PKAYER SEBVICE TI ES 2 PM MID WEEK LECTURE WED 8 PM CHURCH Atfiliaitd with The Unity School of Christitnity LAKEWOOD YM YWCA 16915 Detroit Avenue Office 15017 Detroit AC 1 0040 Norma Olsson Minister Service and Sunday School "WHAT IS THAT TO Classes held i LAKEWOOD METHODIST I I I.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.