The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER RIDAY DECEMBER 4 1959 37 Delinquents to Get THE GIRLS Educational TV Study Unit Named By olger A WONDERUL XMAS GIT Closer Supervision TR 3 ROADSTER CALL OR A DEMONSTRATION Public avors Arbitration of uture Strikes in Court PAJAMAS no monty down JEWISH Dr Colorful Paisley patterns in flannel SANTA CLAUS is coming to SHAKER SQUARE to turn on the famous (jKirtstntaa Ogljts TONIGHT 7:30 PM 26th Holiday Greeting ywy CAROLS Cleveland Heights High JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES sound management BOZO THE CLOWN WJW TV STAR and SANTA CLAUS ARRIVING "A LA WESTERN 25 MINUTES AMILY UN STORES OPEN UNTIL 9 PM second federal savings ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION I Mombor Ndtrol Stvlngt and loan Inwranct Corporation 8 SHAKER SQUARE ASSOCIATION SHVER ANNIVERSARY VEAk 1934 l)59 22! EUCLID AVENUE EUCLID SHORE PARMA EASTGATE AVON LAKE 54 30 16 5 5 I avor Oppose No opinion The public was also asked for its views on the chances of the steel dispute being settled dur ing the present cooling off pe 45 Qaart $546 Cda lll Erica lacladaa Tiz 5 5 i BEDORD PORCH ENCLOSURES 26381 Cannon Rd Bedford BE 2 5540 Open Dally 8 A to 5 Saturdays 10 AM to 3 PM Traffic will bo detoured around Shaker Square at 7 pm Living testimony of the how and the business acumen of Second ederal officers is the phenomenal growth over 25 years It is tribute to their sound management Where your dollars are concerned entrust them where they will be invested wisely for your profit dividend and peace of mind Have you become a Second ederal Saver yet? The manager at any office will be glad to wel come you personally and help you start your sav ings program here VALIANT SID PELUNIS PLYMOUffl SID PELUNIS SOTO SID PELUNIS SERVICE SID PELUNIS You ust can't beat Sid Pe luni price and Sid Pelunis service You find 'em both at 2950 Mayfield Road across from the Cleveland Heights City Hall Open Monday Wednesday and ri day until 9 pm YE 2 9292 by the All the fun of a fine motor car in the most popular sports roadster the TRIUMPH TR 3 imported from Britain Immediate Delivery Western Reserve University indicated they would accept if the governor backed the idea DiSalle said he was in favor of the program and would tell the deans of his support Gets Schools Post William Gammie of Ber lin Heights Erie County was named by the governor to re place James Lavey of Milan on the State Board of Education Gammie a farmer was grad uated from Lorain public schools and Ohio State Univer sity He is a member and past president of the Berlin Heights local school board Lavey resigned the 13th Con gressional District seat to join the State Highway Depart ment DiSalle also appointed Stan ley A Hitner of Cincinnati to replace Charles Axtmann of Youngstown on the State Ac countancy Board Clifford Leitner of Toledo was reappointed to the board Both terms expire Nov 18 1962 TV or a flip consid was a an act 59 21 20 and Plain Dealer Bureau COLUMBUS Gov Mich ael DiSalle yesterday ap pointed a nine member interim educational television study commission The legislature appropriated $60000 for the commission to study the idea of creating a statewide educational television network and a statewide radio system for public agencies The commission also is to ad vise the state superintendent of education how to use federal funds made available for edu cational TV Its reports are due by Jan 15 1961 for the next session of the legislature The law required appoint ment of Dr Holt state superintendent of education and a representative of a tax sup ported university to the board Dr Novice awcett presi dent of Ohio State University was appointed Also named were the Rev Paul president of Xavier University Cincinnati to represent private schools Richard Hull of WOSU TV to represent the Ohio Council of Educational Television and Allen Land of WHIZ TV Zanesville to represent the Ohio Association of Broadcast ers Two professors who have taught television courses Dr Vincent Jukes of Ohio Univer sity and Dr David Berg strom of Miami University with two sponsors of the legis lation State Sens Oliver Oca sek (D Northfield) principal of Tallmadge High School and Theodore Gray (R Piqua) an insurance man were also ap pointed The commission will elect its own chairman Will Meet Deans The governor said he would meet Monday with the deans of three medical colleges in Ohio and Dr Robert A Haines di rector of mental hygiene and correction Dr Haines has asked the deans to act as consultants on the medical care in the 35 institutions for mental pa tients and adult and juvenile offenders Drs Stanley Dorst dean of medicine at the University of Cincinnati Charles A Doan dean at Ohio State University and Douglas Bond dean at by the a Capella Choir 90 voices Thirsty Santa Can't Overlook This Home RUTLAND Vt Santa Claus may make a long stop at one Rutland household come Christmas Eve A little girl who signed her name left a letter in the box at the Rutland post office Wednesday She told Santa what like to find under the tree and added leave you a glass of gin ger ale and if still thirsty I could leave you two quarts of beer Remember my house is the one with Speaking from our own wide experience in such matters pajamas are very popular and well received as a Christmas Gift We have a big selection of materials patterns and colors to make the selec tion easy Solid color broadcloth with piped edge in coat pullover or sleep coat styles $900 Stripes and checks in various fabrics $550 1 400 "Six footer" pajamas for tall men solid colors $1 100 "Six footer" pajamas in stripes and figures $65O $I25O Wales flannel in miniature checks blue brown or grey $10 Solid color flannel pajamas in blue yellow or grey $600 $600 "When looking for really fast relief' I turn off the set!" A King once chose this Scotch above all others since then millions have made it a popular favorite 13 56 monthly inttalled Average 8x10 ft porch 3 tides and door' Immediate installation for porch or breezeway Permanent alumi num screens self storing glass ad lustable to ANY DEGREE of ven tilation It tales only seconds to change from fully open to fully closed Phone BE 2 5540 for REE estimate today! Catholic Charity Drive to Report inal results of the 1959 cam paign will be announced Thurs day at the annual dinner meet ing of the Catholic Charities Corp in Hotel Statler Hilton Officers and trustees will be elected Archbishop Edward Hoban chairman of the board will preside The corporation is the official fund raising agency of the Dio ces eof Cleveland for 28 social agencies and institutions A meri can Can Sues irm Here for 11 Millions Suit for $1168914367 was filed in US District Court yes terday against Wean Equip ment Corp 22800 Lakeland Boulevard Euclid American Can Co of New York Basis of the suit is the charge that 19 Wean press lines ap paratus for rapid cutting of strips of tinplate into plates suitable for the inanufacture of cans were defective American Can said in 'the petition that the machines were ordered under a proposal made by the Wean Corp in October 1956 They were to cost $4201 869 When the sets of apparatus were set up in the American Can factories it is alleged they had structural weakness im precision and other defects The petition said American Can had paid $3930761 to the Euclid concern and had ad vanced another $25838267 for a breakdown of costs These two items and an additional $7500000 for alleged damages suffered by American Can make up the total asked Wean Jr president of Wean Equipment Corp said he would have nothing to say until he had more information Industrial School Boys Indus I trial School and Juvenile Dieg nostic Center because each will have fewer to watch and less territory to cover erguson said In addition to the 10 field supervisors serving Cuyahoga County the Cleveland office will have two assistants to Miss Stiglmeier for general supervi sion and to handle difficult cases The office also has an em ployment counselor a post sup ported by the Welfare edera tion and by Rotary Internation al through its youth program Miss Stiglmeier has been su pervisor of family and' child welfare for the Buffalo Youth Board since 1956 Before that she was a case worker and supervisor for Cath olic Charities a parole officer for the state of New York and secretary of the So ciety of Buffalo She holds a degree from Canisius College and a degree from the Uni versity of Buffalo 1 The expansion of supervisory services for juveniles follows by several weeks a similar expan sion of parole services for adults Both correction divisions are part of the Department of Men tal Hygiene and Correction Cochran Named Reuel Cochran of Colum bus will become chief of the Division of Business Adminis tration of the Mental Hygiene Department Dr Robert A Haines director said yesterday Cochran is systems and pro cedures specialist in the State Department of inance and for mer chief accountant for the Ohio Turnpike Commission He will replace John Waidner who is retiring VOICES LIBERAL RELIGION Religion is like a great moun tain on the slopes of which there are many trails leading upward At the base of the mountain those trails are miles apart and lead through swamps and jungles confused and un certain At that stage religions are many The men who tread each separate trail may'imagine that theirs is the only upward way and gives the only view of the far distant country But as the trails ascend they converge and gain ever widening outlooks which they increasingly share At the summit they come to gether and those great and ad venturous souls who reach the upper heights see the whole en compassing horizon as one all embracing panorama So though religions are many at the highest level religion is one the common aspiration of mankind for the life of peace and goodwill Henry Wilder oote IRST UNITARIAN CHURCH CLEVELAND (Universalist Unitarian) 21600 Shaker Boulevard By GEORGE GALLUP Director American Institute of Public Opinion PRINCETON With a steel strike settlement appar ently far off the American public is in a mood to accept some form of compulsory arbi tration as a means of settling such strikes in the future A substantial majority of Americans questioned by Gallup Poll reporters believes that if unions and companies cannot reach an agreement in a labor dispute a special court should hand down a decision which both sides would have to ac cept Such a proposal similar to one advanced by Sen George Smathers of lorida also meets with majority approval from the rank and file of union labor Here is the vote of all per sons questioned in the survey: COURT TO SETTLE LABOR DISPUTE? avor Oppose No Opinion Among union members their families interviewed this was the vote: Union Member amilies The Temple on ihe Heights 3130 Mayfield Road Rudolph Rosenthal Rabbi Tonight at 8:00 PM RABBI LEVY will speak on: Herman "THIS IS MY GOD" Rabbi Rosenthal will officiate assisted by Rabbi Levy Cantor Meiseh will chant the liturgy with the choir All Are Welcome SEE REE ILM DIVINE WILL INTERNATIONAL ASSEMBLY JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES in color persons at World's Largest Christian Convention Saturday Dec 5 7:00 HEAR BIBLE TALK WHEN IS GOD'S WILL TO BE DONE ON EARTH? By Kovalak Jr Sunday Dec 6 3:00 Circuit Assembly Of Witnesses EAB Auditorium 18th and Euclid Cleveland Ohio All persons of good will wolcomo tr convnwtuC to twpular HemarnL With union 27 With companies 28 Neither 22 No Opinion 23 Copyright 1959 American Institute ot Public Opinion CAR RANCE ranchised Dealer 18th CHESTER TO 1 8282 riod Here are the views of the general public and union member families AGREEMENT DURING COOLING PERIOD? Yes will be 44 No will not 35 Uncertain 21 Yes will be 40 No will not 42 Uncertain 18 The trend of the public sym pathies during the 'steel strike something both sides have been particularly interested in is revealed in the following table: SYMPATHIES IN STRIKE? Today August 27 32 25 16 Main Street Meditations By ELEANOR CLARAGE A vigorous and looking citi zen of our town bounced out of his office the other afternoon and announced to one of his younger associates "Well sir this is my 67th "Yes I returned the other man "You told me so this said the first man "That proves it losing my By'MURRAY SEEGER Plain Dealer Bureau COLUMBUS The state announced plans yes terday to give youths returning to their communities from correction institutions closer supervision Under the plan Cuyahoga County will get 25 of the field counselors for juveniles John erguson chief of the Division of Juvenile Re gear Classification and Training announced that Miss Norma Stiglmeier of Buffalo had been appointed head of the Cleveland regional of fice effective Tuesday In addition four extra field counselors have been assigned to Cleveland bringing the total staff of counselors to 10 Cuyahoga County will be come a single region in the new program under loyd Voigt recently appointed as istant to erguson in charge of juvenile placement services Adds 12 Counselors for State Total of 39 erguson said increased ap propriations approved by the legislature last summer made It possible for his division to hire 12 new counselors to bring Its statewide staff to 39 Three new regional offices are being opened in Akron Dayton and Lancaster to cut down the territories served by the existing four offices in Cleveland Cincinnati Colum bus and Toledo Each counselor will be able to give closer supervison to youths sent home from Girls Thre it time to get your PORCH ENCLOSURE KWWilliaml SCOTCH WHISKY BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKY 868 PROO PENIELD IMPORTERS LTD NY ELEANOR CLARAGE Close Enough brother and sister fin ally retreated from their vigil in front of the writes Karen Getties of Nor walk said they had been watching their favorite west ern Lesson in Grammar had a story about a foreigner who wanted to say that something was nice because it sounded more American than says May Alice Dolbee I hear it on radio it makes me do flop Why would it 'be ered to use or instead of I remember when I younger woman seeing at vaudeville theater The man said better treat me nice I have an awful lot of women crazy about the girl replied: "They MUST be an awful And When Would That Be? riends who had driven miles out of their way to try a res taurant they'd heard recom mended found on its door a sign reading for Vaca tion Will Open How to Start a Panic It bears a certain resem blance to that old dog and mushroom story but true The hostess of a dinner party that was a gourmet's delight telephoned one of her guests next morning and was told by the maid: in the hos Horrified and remem ber i the raw oysters and fresh lobster bisque she had served the hostess began call ing the other guests Were they all right? Had any of them been ill in the night? No they assured her they felt fine and dandy and certainly had enjoyed her good food inally she reached the hus band of the hospitalized friend at his office What in the world she asked was wrong with his wife? said he poor girl fell in the bath tub this morn ing and broke a bone in her Short Order of the funniest answers ever seen on a crossword writes JM one by a giri who was working in a restaurant definition was a five letter word meaning to which the answer was But my friend probably influenced by her work had filled in UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST Uimtt iBrnthers SHAKER SQUARE Open Evenings WY 1 0900 Be sure to ask for our new Christmas Gift Catalog bi Id 4 frwkwl HH I i TTVT YTT I T7 TTY IT I I fl Mb HP PKl The irrhiA pyop a Kxnscoraf 43 whiskies if Li 1 I sr I Is HUH 'J i HIH 4 ilk LlG SHVER ANNIVERSARY YEAR 1934 1959 I I i 5 i 5 I 3 5 i i i i 5 I I 5.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.