The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)

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The Salt Lake Tribunei

Salt Lake City, Utah

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aalt alt pl alp aily 1 mou ellsa arousa II 11 IMS I 1 NEWS SUMMARY tug taco caw the overman and tb the larer I 1 companies of I 1 decided tam favor of mhd gocr man ofbftha abond lw toy lj several of the principal national banks ol of now ow yuri iya blin tt ma bytho 1 alio brits arr thoilia matter is to bo be gated IT by the ilaoa A cpr to imao IND duxon upop with will thoilia spanish com ti boo i rr I 1 I 1 ja otil vy lik li ni wor ry ill ctet clr coult ill tho old front EnglAr nl on oil tilethu Ala Al Aluni bitans will have haro on uioilia marlet tiletho alaird 16 to bo be paid in october andthe price ofbf gold lu has already WUA to lo walkee waukee A PASTY of eight capano or it led so in imn in they ato lu coilAnof tile judiciary of at tilt IT cone cou olry try and au drabot after our wanner snot anil speak our language la very fluk atly oaty 17 0 Chin anica arrived by thothe tail lul fronifrom cloelia Cl clin otlia a this falling fAllin jr off ji is attributed 1 tri I busedbuted to the fearoftrouble in california to lo I 1 tb he colistia Ctr tl ld already there in to negotiate forits id to building bui laing ends nd com lm has leea appoint cd to visit bui ban nat teco and thothe fast but with that view JACOB cr VALE has I 1 lan dominated for of low iowa ly by lw anti aati monopoly farmers state convention gar ga bulted mount hail laday la day goes to lo danger Bao fior too carlisa arero al to liim have matured ucros TUC TUB 6 cor vt to calliel CAl lidl lift hu has gone tote loto King stoil jamaica with ive cata cat a of yellow fort ouon iward lluy goods in 10 11 ibo a lawrn alvo done anat to ceope oropi and ad I 1 I 1 1 1 I- I I 1 the journal is with the lie past in its i basua last evening appeared the announcement of its ita de demise mio in its own language il it ji I not celoso be cabic it lad accumulated large sums of money on oa the be contrary it hadbad vigorously bously wrestled esith ich financial problems that would hae bale llieilia bruinbrain of a rothschild audandhas fallen llan this ii drawing hiie it rather dalbor wang but wt we do not doubt that mr sawyer feels as hebe liasiles writtenwritt writ tep cr that it would worry thothe aforesaid money king to it a newe in ia utah without means or patronage out oat with willi the journal and ana its editor hive have been been of of the friendly nature and we regret that misfortune lai hai ber bertallentillen it bocc to its in IT is a sailsad state of affairsaff airs which bich the secretorysecretary of the lie illinois state Far farmers merso society describes as existing in the garden state lie says bays the majority majo rily 0 of the farmers of illinois have bare hardbard work to support their lann lini ye car or by year now new mortgages art given to plykiy now new debts and it is iq theiho exception rather thanthe rulorule for a firmer to to be giving anything at least one half the farms A in tho slate arc mortgaged for money borrowed at ten per cent interest and the majority ofthem will never be redeemed yet kt it it be cnown that a man in any ofthetha has hit i 1000 to lend on fire eret clasa i od ho be kill aill hive a dozen applications application lochore night tua slitter cal banner gives the following lowing lol as thothe of IV 1 kiark tys wheat farmfurfor this season on onca acres bubbis of wheat were raised 51 0 acres were eummer fallow audand went thirty onoone bushels to the acre two hundred and twenty acres with thothe exception of nf about fifty acres of volun beer weresown in february and went twelve bushels bubels to the acre the volunteer equaling the ho winter sown the is iaof the white chile variety wises balloon project the scientific american Amt rican says to ILA thetha probabilities of his success appear to be little betterbelterthan those of an individual who in an open boat without culs oroars airs should attempt to float doit across abo atlantic upon the surface of A the gulf stream ACCORDING to the regulations of the exposition every article sold must remain romaio in the halls halla until novem- ber oram last la st till says gays all the available for europe has ila- be been engaged for the transportation ot grain grain 01 OUR GOOD from the newly discovered mines in ID nevada cool dinue Duc the distance fronifrom kilo ello is six ty six wiles miles ilia nl from little battlo mountain only efty five ir il la is reported that horses arearc a dying ying in large carfo numbers cumbers io in the vicinity of the railroad on reese river of a disease seaa which is thought to be farcy tux assessed balue of property properly within the city limits of salem oregon mounts amounts to vi thothe murderer or of moxley molicy I 1 at Tia gintic tintic on election day is in now dow confined in the provo jail ilia caso cams will ill be up lor for trial cri CD the octh TUE THE new bow mining district in nevada where theibe rush is has been called I 1 the be cornucopia ia CITINA of vj are indulging in their favorite national of lite A NEVADA man ebent a whole day io in painting pai oling hishou white lie kot got up tho the next morning and found to his hid astonishment ment that it had turned to an inky hack black lie wants the han omena explained tile THE junca junction fu erica of I 1 lo iho ogden ites in ia chis chii way will avill ogden quietly allow the celiel in ia the late ron noll fla gration to rit pit aown downin ID luicir without an effort to lilla them out of their trouble it appears afir cara to us ua that they bay whose bobies arid and ROWS goods were baked ought to 10 hafid out a little to boio aboc bho property in lost some of tho lo lowers crasha aro able alc to the affliction with dequan injety having plenty of meansmcana to build up the places ilac eg but os bal haio a had their little mill all swept away eithercither iy 17 ay tile devrou or theiha necessities of the alii di alvr and it would only I 1 I 1 just to la say nothing of cf charitable if i they were assip tol ta ajo a new bearl I 1 inthe in the worl wint what live have cur I 1 to key ay in the gualter 7 san arcu los lag not no 1 aji it 0 too a lull ull as an at al bince sain brannan I 1 Ijo add lil of iho he hired who ito a year deal ago to sway eway slid surge aniland real an aal haul through california street 11 i a grott greit riot was ragin 9 now glow moire albut DB da gently as sucking doets and liaro have afu ww axa ot the fl toes ol 01 rl their boots loots dr dragging aggio their I 1 aci a il le lasly asly over the pavement boil tut but fur the colica jo licA ilce one inc mightinight sark go to elcee bleep on the sidewalk in arout or 01 the ibo stock where but it re irin ito sit activity to avoid being aig ton run aad fraul pled to to death by ti be excited young belgians lately 1 laid 1 a I wager gr that list they licy vituld remain ri iii awake continuously continuo uly ay for seven ilaya days they apt up all manner if add irani boryc biot ir of dl coffee and onoone of I 1 bein woo 1 lili with tle bomol five bounas in aci weight 1 I two tro fell drierafler ajo 1 hours onti ono otvis sorted withwilh inflammation of fir lie lung and LA kiil liil 1 to jive in to fads hixhin life liari anil lilt tin CB and ban fell us off nuj and woke liia his arruarra I 1 I 1 I 1 A MAI meeting of barmen Vira iem clubs clubie was told hold at scott county illinois on thursday which was addressed by 1 magg flagg presidents and 31 smith secretary ofthe state A association i both speakers favored cutting loose from the existing political battles atil and the ali formation oro of a acir etc party parly to lo thoilia interactinter ct of labor hutbut south gate gale utterance to fonio extremely radical declaring in of certain tax legis I 1 by the list ien Iea cral assembly of lie state thatit must lo ile changed or the I 1 he anil 1111 lill 1114 boys and motile ol of ilia his 0 digh burs boys would gather and ride some of tile the legislators out ol of town ona rail with a coat ol of wr and leathers again licea sneaking king of the corruption oloi clans ciann lie he declared there must bo be some remedy loundfound for abr it or some of them would dangle croul the blought of trees around the country the speech if the sub jiel of general nc ral comment coni ment deputy united states liahfish commissioner livin tn sione a camp on mccloud McC loal river one ofthe tributariestributa ries of the iho sacramento fur the purpose or of securing Curing BC spawn 1 niah I ith which to ewel theibe eastern rivers livers A tent thirty by sixty billy feetfeel los hai been for the ti lion 0 of abe party lo 10 bodeo chilo i 0 men a and alfre tarco che ad arta ar are 0 already i anad for 0 me vice the party parly will remain at that locality for the prosecution of their sy work ork until about tile alic first ol of noyem ber tim THE saturday leview takes up tho the figures ofthe united censki and aa that a as a adding i 1 to 0 the local I 1 a aia a tion 0 la ei and and indebtedness tho I 1 i 0 taxation a and dabe dibal of the federal government it is plan that eliat per riar load head the he thirty cihat i alio llio 0 of ck citizens ti 0 of tl the 1 0 united it slates ta i es a arc a by ajr 4 the 1 0 heavily ali il taxed a xe and ill mot ot deeply indebted people of like worm world LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE II eriq I 1 fulico Fu ua laco co guvo place to the following why did alwort shams of ermal stock inorio OK ono per allaire ol laire and egid to Ls londonlandell ndell lilly would male it worth per biro iahlo GO bodas front and light upon an the 0 korold of ill salty wall huohion tc tallon llon in PC ol of the asid ia stuwart stewart kud ratio lo in thothe cue CASO rod add that decision in kondla aarem lioi irin or afim HA heral IV baj it for ilia honor tile chic jus loci to hebe in now iorli soab luew to this ihu ju do for or ta there etithith was wal pig UK is sou I 1 i I 1 honor onor able lima rant of tho the triant anti iogal fares that capr or it a federal or nr other corot in uiothe daml ato kiihl or which it Is llo prot aided terminating ilia boott boswein the ilia illinois Illin oln caw cam loo I 1 every observer preot pra was cipior titi stor to li Is in loret ao 0 or uiothe pr wirl wt A the molt wu was IL ft conclusion it wan poleio billj ng its ILA ti so is day aal yet in iliaiho deot moo he rusell to tho the korbur aico aud ud to call open non ilia li honor to tho the of lii its to MV ed from this rol pollution unlit 0 0 then airl A a jotta gwim in ahn py pays the iio moin mai bit amt it alra in to stand on tho the indo walk ranking their cigars cl fira bl llah dortingworting ilia wy way anti staring at lull I 1 lifting lUf ting ly by aad wor workings it aiu lit almost militia billo bible to wood wy way through this I 1 of idlers cra an mj a vt ry fuw few indian idia care to ionia 1 along th east llo ido of alo street vi litre it is biti nol tace ce is the iho thickest lit in ther cicro a no way my to tile the nuisance maws AtAi iti EDITOR EDITO it an individual him liiRi ifir conn conaler Co ter jumper on oab of the I 1 ii that fit that heha is id villi milling tig lissys ready ta to ailt on sf ho ii ho la anti and Is id lv of ft either acdal LAKI I 1 VICTIM A ill itri lan EA I 1 A an ink nonn gnats Jur nisto frontfrom a le artler into else lie RACI lost rapid arrom alic Giul Gazi tc As the steamer on it glicr cr ibay way to montreal which she elio reached list CTOL ing came within sight bight of lach ineina anil every ones chabel attention was tome turned A to the he rocky over which they WOr wore about Calicut tOb to shoot boot a acal commotion suddenly took lico and the cry to re sounded man overboard ardi A sense of danger seized upon all aai and there was a shrill of lear lest an aa accident like that oat of theiho jauis benaud might be renewed the facts were ore soon a aasc to bobe abe one af thetha wl was standing on deck a little apart from the rest ind and seeminglyengaged like them in watching the current suddenly lie he hil hat arota arms aloft and raising a 4 loud cry ajr fi forward into the water lieile sank lilo ilo lead fead but soon foon emerged again mid and made a struggle or for hn his lirelilo those who were dearest hiru tely rushed forward to the ade nide ot or the steamer over which hebe hadbad gone and gave the morinalarm it took only a moment to decide that there was no morn means of re cuing the unfortunate man none ono of thetha wats could lc be lowered because none done could I 1 live iva in in huoh a title tide as 08 was waa full fully olt dimun mull trad tr td in the lite late case tilof the Il ermul neither could tho steamer her elf tender render an any at alance ala because being so near tile jap labda lols it was wai not safefor her ter to slow her engines or to execute any lateral attral movement the poor ww win bid to 10 be left to hishia fateand he went down in eight of all tho pas enters ile raso to the sUr faile a second lilac al only to remain a moment then sank to a appear car no more so the diaodian was waa a cabin pas pi criger of very gentlemanly appe arAlle and 11 supposed to hail from djin ies bioc lie waswaa tall of dark complexion anti and well debood the ably arsiclo blOD giOe to hill was over by orderof kuy halley to the water police and on being opened was is found to colnai a half a dozen bi iraj loiue socks lie aud at othni her deflects but nothing atlon whatever leading boadine to his hia it cj by sonic some that ihil lie was intoxicated lit but the more general lehel is ia that tic he was 14 laboring boring undermental aberration 1 EXI two perlen cae of a 0 ill file powell epe A correspondent of the new york times with tile fai ell loring civo lapo gives a history of hisbis experience in southern utah ile he sals- as to in juab valleys valley sRa ranch och we delayed a day to ascend mount nebo itieilia hosheit mountain of eithercither uta utah or nevada it is one of the blange and feet high startingstarling fro about four in the afternoon alter noon we drove to the base of the mounta mountain ins about five miles then with our blankets and rations upon our backs back we climbedtill ill dark we ive camped by a little spring lighted li a fire and after I 1 burber of colace aej breadand thicken chicken ro roa ted in tile the coals we ire retired to our blankets I 1 hohe night was cold and we littleliitle barly in theibe morning orning in wo we renewed the ashcut and at 1220 we atoo I 1 upon the peak part of the iraq difficult arid and not without danger perhaps for furoli afien cn we bad to go CO aheren mib tcp might lit be instant death we lve were repaid furfor our toil by a clorious vl glorious orious mountain views from got I 1 bocky mountain summits fum mit i in ID coford balondo Ca londo lo to the mountains of nevada and from salt ulc on thenorth almost to the grand canyon on the wo iva descended with touchmuch greater case and rapidity tig the base odthe ofthe moun taw before darl darkand preceded pre cdcil fiso file miles on our way to fillmore stopping topping li for the night flight at Will willow ovir creek or mona mom this is i a rough country As furfor ilia dwellings very rarely canmore than dun one bed bo 10 world found in 10 a house audi and for that matter oftener than otherwise there is no room for more if aman has boore wives wires thin one he managua to a room count and bed for each the coldrup young youn audand old aid sloop out or of doors in bui bummer umer vhal lahty do in winter ai more than I 1 oan dan imagine the dah ll 11 lira in zion ion 11 do a not to haic hac ayco hnis knack for tucking luc liioi away a round dozen of dirty bab babich iett is a littlebed in the yard near the dour or on oa tho the front porch if there chappin to be one sometimessoiniliboa it is aoan affair of li dog 0 architecture placed near tho the woodpile wood pile nc or in in boune bouie corner into arid and out ol 01 1 1 which I licit a big boy or a halthall grown girl fl may crawl sleeping i like a spaniel wo vu hase our most luxurious coin lies cs under a haba fil but buch bubli roodfortunelot tuna loss baa not fallen to us often we we go 0 to load boil early licca soundly gel up with thothe sun eun ani and havu BO 00 trout lad bad 1 it 11 iodell IO where star onit Ri elsess come fron fro in the mother lodes ofthetha american continents laic bale rev rem if any counterparts adiong anion ilio ilia ortho old world ant ml ilI entirely alone in thetha matter or of and extent at alio lie of ortho the di discovery dio coveryvory of americathe amount ol 01 known to exit cx in europe wan was about in in IGO ll it had quadrupled anil and to jay day it il is estimated thit th it over of council I 1 bullion is if allott in theiho markets or tile more thonthan orle balf of lin lies ins been mined fromtho the great mother veins of america vilich have at far SA been found only tlona the western share of I 1 he continent in ahe great range of if extending frotafrom to 11 conia ile great ruai of weal pro I 1 bcd ly by thrpo veins directly has botn balver though indirectly nearly as ai touch buur li kull gold originated in them as wi I 1 be seen icen in in what hat billows lol bol lowa lows the teti ladre of mci tail irai if I 1 1 first opened jurin during the sixteenth Con centurytury nal and alter yielding many toil mil or of atias abandoned in I 1 ja aul it IL wm was leic spelled antianil in an wily loly of at oro ore WOT struck at a depth 1 I feet irons from lich nearlydearly 01 annually annu illy wis was taken akan up to 1 1 ft A shota 1 2010 feet act deep ws WAS then llian sunk which tilethe fact that at a 8 11 of 1200 feet act tho the richsurface was ores in quality ty adi were viere disseminated more evenly th through rough th the 0 body or of the vuin vein in chii sense same year fiody the a mine luino was abandoned and allowallowed ed to fill with water 1 fifteen years liter later it ana aras again ro spencil by the anglo amer ican team company but tho the expense of drainage forbade any profit antiand it was once more closed at present it is being worked by tile united blexmexican ican company who by saving low grade ores arearc raising I 1 lu 4 annual product to something born ot ling like the figures odthe past pail up upon to tile vela a a is tile ec celebratedlebrat valenciana mine with willi a history IL aa 1 romantic a as cin ln well bo be imagined according to hum- boldt a spaniard aliard by the name of otter gon sole selected ce I 1 the to IO ellion CAtiOn upon a portion of tho lodslode buforo then uri unprotected prospected alterafter working aur a long ions time with no return an immense body of ore was baruckfromfroin winchwhich aiom january 1787 to juno 1791 nearly was IS taken maltingmaking its in owner one of tho the richest men in thothe world at that time the whole vein since EI nee its thi discovery covery has ial beld ed in thothe neighborhood of 00 the vote grandogrande of if from 1543 to 1832 rood in places it iol 11 ober fifty feet widowide upon the surface narrowing wow below to a comparatively ively small willa though of crest ercal extent cite nt I 1 iti it Is i ores ore dian alo become poor at depth but bat prestly in quantity so thit that the general characterof the i cin 10 cannot be said to have deteriorated its production has now bow agal agabo reached a high figures figure on account ot at the availability I 1 0 low low grades or of ore the rho biscanin Bi another another great mother lodo lode of 0 mexico ins been the theater ol of huge operations and disastrous urca in I 1 i 41 1 Basta a spaniard corncom in encee a tunnelfor or the lodo to effect its drainage draino iiO lie died during the pro tion ion ofthe work and was succeeded by ilia da terrero Terr cro roq i 16 tho ito after running aj 9 WO 0 feet cut ilia vein CUO fet fett below thelow the surfaceaurli and it great body of ore from vo which in ewe a 3 cars lieile fx a net profit of ilia 1111 successor continued thothe working orling or of be bilic but in attempting to odite below the level of the a adit lit wil finally ally powered at a depth of fo foci et bythe wa ten andthe mine was achand ined in 1 isa 1823 13 tile inglish real heal del codoy rc reopened opened it and bytha by thoaid tild of powerful baatu it to a depth feel akly the tunnel when the waters again overpowered thew them ind ilia ho baill cloird and sold for a lacre nothing nol liing the great minesminea odthe of the potosi in bo- livia which are rather tile 8 gation or of a large iorge number of minor in 1 lodes 0 into one Iel principal pal ore thannel love have produced a total of and aro areannu- ally yielding now iromfrom eight to twelve million though nl ml worked yet ked ich etith any thing iliin gUo likethe be energy and science that has ceen been concen I 1 rated upon the mineral depdeposits obits ofthe iho united states to the great mother lodes of the litter wowe now turp turn and find four to choin that aisig nation can bo be applied viz iz till the com- stockand its ll aimond blood aej and llyily or of nevada eli tho xoi mod lodolode of arizona izoria and the goll gold mother blather lode of california the comstock needs but littlede crip SOW well leonn since cry in nearly ISO his hasbeen workedwith more energy titanthan any othor other vein upon tho the contin continent crit A dept or of 1800 feet and ocer hn has been reached upon the vein aad as yet no deterioration found in tho the quantity or ol of the ore the limit ot 01 advantageous mi miningding from tile burfict Bur fice lai hai however been nearly roie hed and were it not fortho the provision ion of tho the sul su ro tunnel which will cut anddrain the ludo lode at a depth of two 0 thousand feet the ilia would moon boon have to be abandoned ai unprofitable thu rho raymond and ely mine liline is of very recent localion but is producing at present a larger artio amount of whom bullion than any ono silver mine under one management onto in tile world ur was as leaded in 1672 and an idea caucan bo had of itsils value from thefact that the loial local tax on itit* bullion produce fur the HM first of 1873 was IS 11 the he mo ladu ol of anzona has as yet received no developments lad and only i a ahoo among the list of mother lodes on amountaccount of its ita great ion length I 1 eli it is ell bearings bearing and may probably become ona ono of thothe great veini 0 of thefuture when the apache in no more and the southern pacific railroad 13 is an accomplished fact list and greatest or if all la in extent production andhile is ij the great california gold veins or the guoth mother louo of tho nevadas nevada thia thi fissure hij been distinctly traced with occa occasional sidDal interruptions for nearly eighty wilas A line drawn on the map from to amador would not at depart from the course of the lode more than two or three miles sit at try any place at the ilia crocross- ing ss of the midian ei re eri rs it is ii dinst bettt almost alt aldays ays but again found und in eli alia bluffs beyond in places crop croppingpiot out like a will wall of quart lor miles having been in ill A ajl probability he source til 01 ciany of the rich placers audand bar ban 1 that have yielded thair millions of it cold avid the ilia the lodolode isscolded in a gnat number of locations with mith isaccou 1110 metal lariat i 4 found in fine particles parti irli clos quiteevenly dil tri tributes buted in tile chin chimneys ineys and po and cutting in 1 smaller in in ill overy every pirt part of the ve vein I 1 0 the prominent mari mines now nosy worline working upon it iro are the Kry lonc lorini mcalpine Mo Alpine anil and ftp jeur rat nIo of aul fAm of mines NOTY NOTE this is crer holhboth the crown tand and in the lode ji hiitt forthe pail year and lire are now producing much moro more lit illion llian hail the kly ely I 1 ki 1 I BY TELEGRAPH a MIDNIGHT dispatches TUB NEW ENGLAND A AND DOMINION fisheries riSI IRl lka AGAIN CASES roii ARM rom COM MISSION 1 THE me HEALTH or OF VICE 1111 asi DENT WILSON REMOVAL OF A LAUGH OF 01 CUSTOM oi biars OPOF THE SALMON FISHING SEASON ON THE COLUMBIA re rt A tlc alc a WA matui I 1 I 1 of naw hing tooton provi provided dod that ft a joint should lo be appointed by great boil theunited hilks to the relative bahlo or of the iho now mow england anti tile dominion bib irid and tile terms of that treaty that rion on must now taunts OOK too to appointed it was waa provided that one bo be up ftp pointed by tile to volien saus onoone by great Iiri Isril aill ai su attil 1 tho the third ly two wo other potra the authoritiesof great linto lri hero her maintain that thothe right to free fi thing in the waturs wt ra 14 a grant of much onoto moro valad to the Anit rican tho the grant of free fial lia liing log to the dominion tact nun in american water wit era 11 of I 1 abi tho consideration of alic of thomai thomacine ine 1 I 1 liolie ofthe crown livo have Wal that the treaty she torm ion no lea agno tomas three miles eta laurei le from to ills nor irom tho merit valuable byh andinlets car audandcaleb cunking hart ban insulza that tile on 10 luckl point of a league mut IQ in lilt all in hUncK bethe lore aloro line ondand that tile territory the ibo latr corn coin dod within thothe limit which waswaa bound pd 1 etya by live three wiles from an haralm with lit I 1 abo to 0 shorn this his baa brought lit alio llio two dailia to war var milocent abito frumfrom the donalu tors indicate that the baua dmd do not dow place lets upon their our considers that live odthe of abo qu pelion of aquarino at league tho alit ofthuthe brou frou bentro entro of canadian fitt luidor lor men into the united bratko lot of ikla a more valuable than the of freefish io in Cui Cus adian dian natan BUT mi tho he resumption of united stain goll gold coin at tileinholt lima baa shown mat the loan leas by abramis Is in very great hyby a law of cou coll gross greed this leefalls open ilia inot bol bellr lr the love reunite from itis of thoilia i coin or itt in ilia of ty llie cep lainta have been ito a gamt etc at that dr lonloll derdall der mall tho thedirectordire of the taint mint will wd 1 it jd 11 i id recommend to tiletho next thothe government friall bear lua lessthare oia lio be from tho he honettof of coin arid flat tb ill to ro in noa adelco ofa of fraudfrat iol mirll to bo maticek by thothe government lit the idea esuo dr a agent of tile onico department vibo bo yen wad on do boardthe waua Waula tl at 1 tiletho time ofthe abu great dislo tor lins haai it iii id slid raid od a andor oath in boluch liehu that mahln fichs thoiliafire was findt tiletho waa a chobar alio br room arid and thad lifted ift iliabia to tail run itself at thu lordt aarm lio madu au to reach the rol giroo but ita driven back by ilia moko and dauns dr find out only a fo fon me ino mcain previously arato to lo about laj its abo abdoo Lutio fronifrom baij bij 0 it post milieu ilia lattur ro eliod that his engine iH iio was of ft a lind that would in run it hoat if if uiotile baj bad been ordered la is mihlo load it i in now DOW that certain offic tra ot ia thuthe aviu ill his bo boffa to bavo love AW it now non york I 1 it I 1 of tile 47 sais for fo to thomixed Cowhill oo aich 0 lot iri now sitting eitt lugat at no lh 0 1 ay dr ovan mill un lin unsettled and to iho 6 0 10 0 hope to tourist within alio llio he stipulated unitlino I 1 iho he pirt LT cf ilia work and aad ix lit in tho the printing ibo th a tot teat nt fit which I 1 work in by abu unita tata led jav jv troilaut thosharo acin beling quark ily anti returned tim linit tham claim is a to bo be taxed fire li ro por cant nt volan ft in all 11 tile cw cast aroare the rom sum is ij to bu MM will ilabo vasta in tile duplicate and accounts acco will bo do hyou erod to tile tile gore rum on tj ibo two tiro prin ollices in rf tiletho ono 0 in Jl the unoone in now vw york kid and the antl 0 lil devote all to thim work rl 1 hohe bulk ofththe I 1 wint philio I 1 6 being it dunodone lu in thuthe lt beahl clil ci ft and a divided betbettison the american stilland eng Eolis li la in one cawi case not ILE lt flou thal six nix thon estirl printed have botn ibo havebavo boyt buon itla lulointo type LT 1 bu 11 fi of 0 alio 1 10 or to fall abo 0 laboie 1 10 of the ro finish A dispatch did patch kiy save tiso iho secretary ofthothe Truo tury we llo lut laid toy a call to Colie cor arthur ofthis thin purl pert in orilia lurfor the immediate titof IW custom odicon some lomo ofthem io pori tible a charge of fraud and an corruption i anti unit iliaibo du animalof another irrupt lot of ln allieen la 1 0 expected act 1 in a 1 ur lz rai alho olho ti days daya it firm 0 bow 0 0 ott autt i ltd ti ia pur 0 il is 0 aho aroare tile crati oll of ku Ciri dinlinal a 1 aio tl bo dimp tealio alio eat a gojio 1 col will i ll 11 abio fu dc a at tile approaching Coin astory that it in IB not hisbia ut tutka to arc ato say oy additional at present thore to bano ban tacit tilt that archbishop should latie iren a and iu in arthar tuto klep tiletho pope dispa nied a favor or of the lies money lu hall in the diocese for thothe use UM of his If baal of 25 la was sent him kt at tho the close cloo ol at lut last mouth tile friends of the archbishop will tool fool boora than ordinarydisappointment ut at tile de cimon if 1 liso it at nt I 1 boston ll II il ax 11 wilmond Wila Wil ond soud ini i lit proved spi aranco a atlady pru grues sonata fard hu 1 ail awn brought bron lit about toy by hisbiafrom all solve ii tivo 1 I 1 CA 11 I 1 IA san a ara cel 11 1 I 1 tho young girl li cortin co bici saoi on dutiful andconduct led lea to the abo tragic deabi ol at william john johnsoa souon biond sy aalt lad consigned jar father to the ft looB all has haj hein ant tuto the magdalini Moyd liu axium too luini enla Twi cultural society avo levied MI an of 3 3 per rr share duliodulia ruyal sib them have bao salm of IGO 10 of ui GiuGai dight liht stock at aad 22 shoran harm of of bering I 1 ailey IN tyr stock at IbOK it io acon Cond i am i co 0 of ono 0 0 oa i or cr all bearo a 1 liaa cn ity i 0 ou tho 0 0 of un Alan dila nig Colo ap lumber tills A i from cilita A urn to in today ina day a alth ft a very didi boilo louisa fifa tiletho lady who ID lit fth from he out ou Lillo of tha in fow ingot since diedfrumfront thothe kmetsof lar bir ma morning morti ioe A this svening from cortland oregon ays baill blics ato dulog up i rapidly i in the bo barot district iho 1110 idoll aln joet AJ hu hm blell been tho most dirt onuon evou til ill tile of 0 columbia oita hundred mid atia airty ro arty i housand cov bave ban is ia ul 11 valued ut lit tl per HT cut ondand arnu ur of 21 iu adkins wire put pill up oregon loss hu kii ali atia ld or of binmabi real perin it to id ri anrita to aberl a stob I 1 of aidy ju ill atud ad lvcy gitil th ill a 3 ald a ld its mill el 16 all th ibn only star liar sit ID that 1 i the tonnage nill ill I 1 bi tut to carry ahob 0 purl ind to bj warl tt A from says that theiho acri ahry ul 1 thothe Tre tury to dv dav cordei sal this collector of customs at bu 0 ao rori of 1 wp ul to send pond the nto estur mould lincoln to chuia iso fur ur a about rutn dumn Char charlotteslottes bound to lu inquire furfor any mr goodgo wright signs of vir arc ck haling lin taic 11 a ilia thought motile aiji allay ni ay iy lo be in that lao aty I 1 liu ion whip which was va sunk in the conwy ban lia altu is the noting share tor lur ilia it cak giixh 1 lu bot to quitu quit tame wilm ul iu in the ht baulk ikid to tho lonal fiDi JIt lost iu in cju luu titan tr LT the provi ru us amk 4 brunk Xe Coppin baj delino de lino ih tho DLO crapio for coil it in abi 0 that tart lr dr furfor tio jonir antianil jolinjohn ila 1111 furfra ito ill MOO doacino lc clineino to 0 ron run 1 1 lo 10 an decor ator 1 ilk 2 lay day iu in thothe illch in cilda 1 10 in lh probable fistal dal injury 7 or di 1 I 1 hom II 11 1 ha 1 6 wm an finco 1011 10 lo beof putting in when burily of if loof 4 tori a foll fell upon him striking lut him la in the aul wul ot thothe buk andod minine a oftile vp tine inso from which abich lys 0 of if 10 body from the hit bin down godown a the file atol ill ingaro lu bull ln been hud biah i by tilethe IL consolidated company compan slidand kill ill brits by bv them mrs clr Gor gollotto Gork lotto tto cli cliar arged Rr with assault to mor Iw ari hold iu in SIAM 1000 had at tail to ii the tion baa decidedly ont loved its ik interest kaj Ls wn airily i rily toy more that its id deficit Itt iciL there hu has bucas bad the A austrian A from uiethe terl start the elements havo conspired against tho how bud tile ilio houa keepers have ably uy net tl lu at bulb loft to do WM wait tf i tc by tho ar a co haf of uiotho cloo lers and though th uio let at 1 ical CIL the ho city to amio br 0 the visitors ri Bitor to ilia it 1 now 11 only 11 1 1 ins to transform thutho bag alsed of km 1 1 1 ya ir iron on into thecontrol iti sture of a to garden A rd like i il i or IQ in lon dou oil a fadd nag to 0 i 0 fa fallan 1 1 ar 0 teat abo most recin or of I 1 hw hor the violona ell biu ban da bachy oa chy hsong furfor I 1 oar 79 in rion 3 allou blafer Irl lio ho I 1 kro 0 noir 0 pu ill as chug their I 1 I 1 bruci for I 1 th li abw beof and 01 ol 11 li lo 10 he bo li ocl iho i 1 nial it tho uin onse that A la tho folika gg 7 will dot bo thrown ciry way 1 i- a alica I 1 A the arent III hl neur ronn roeln garden anal moral illena trally 4 pleasing casing Il anil andcomfortable intelligence cotros to US ill from kentucky the schoolboy will no longer inscribe inscribe doubtfully upon lia his copy the virtue ii iu its own toward furfor we cn can gwirc him that philip arnoll arnold whose name hail frequently olt bently to be aled by i to re in connection with the pre areat at dimona dimo chani ond nl swindle if ii i I doing remarkably well at Elizabeth elizabethtown town ky the newsnewa of that aay rhilip arnold is ia beautifying and ot otherwise a arranging his hii place near town thatthai will nuke it when completed one ofalie part ofthe country lieile is creating a link with a capacity of pall luns anil and a windmill pump for 1 iho ho purpose ol or filling it this done pipes I 1 will ill lie he placed in the residence by hydrants hyu Arants rants wade ond water attachments i generally added A fountain fou will bo be made in front or ofthe ho building hu iliJin andami ilia yard laid out in in plats with winding walks the place is onoone of tile the we ever saw aw i all that art or can lend to nature is leing being done and the beauty ot of the place increases in in prop proportion orlon with thothe appliances of utility AM among tile lie passengers who were on to llie I 1 stage which was robbed on oa lul lait sun- day night wit one lady she had passed about twenty two summers and was a resident of gilroy for some little time she had been corresponding with a resident of gels CA 4 valleys valley a miner and most molt exec excellent client wan man the result was wai am aa on- ga engagement ga gement of marriage though the par lies I 1 told hid never yet met after the robbery and on of the arrival of the stage stai 0 at gra urao grai i valleys valley the prospective bride and groom met and the wadding took place hoth were happy and nd so continued until the next morning when the bridobride claimed chimed thatthe she was vaa crazy nd that the he knew nothing vilia whatever teler of the a marriage that all was waa oblivion to heralterafter I 1 alic a to robbery cry except ce pt that hat she he had dreamed IQ in elia the that bhe was wag carried off lif by the robbers her manner mander WM as excited ono one minute she was in tean and another in suai smiles leg preacher and Deigh neighbors bors acro billed in and oil all tL ought that tho she WUA must bo be crazy but in her nore more lucid moments the she toti intimated mated that the miner was not go BO well fixed filed as jhc he expected to fiodfind him all greed agreed that under the it would to lowall atell if the marriage could be annulled but how to dodd this was nai the question uc stion pending tile diw di the lady picked packed up her sar bartog tog and left ura artt 3 valley for homebouic ahe qia a tin im por taint question is ii yet unsolved leviola tra transcript august 21 NEW EW TO TODAY to 0 DAY iv DR A 11 1 AMI 1 I ce aarl iriel I 1 dburl or cr vil en con up I 1 for theibe present at tile the will WH TB ITE side swran ceon uiethe anti loor 1 yn gr I particular atte voLlon paid to lo I 1 as to curitti judge barren mrk litra gal oell 01 it it Al my yot 1 connolly I 1 rot lisam lis honing HOIs am TO RENT A very desirable large room nn 1 jil emiil street alt to lott Is lotobito A eink bank noute bourbo nou Bout tb bo willett can bi it divided into nice rooms booms TO st MIT IT till TAR jetam jr admirably adapted irria mia aurty aary in 14 1 buglo kiil wol a 1 unon tile ali FIRST NATIONAL BANK COX 03 aa I 1 aa A 1 I- A 11 if 1 I IT 1 ad eisent of itte I 1 cited point ry nables nh lT li ago arual authora authored I 1 oil capital La pital paid up cl earnings wo DIVIDEND IN 1871 50 PE PER CENT DIV DIVIDEND IN 10722872 SO 50 PER CENT oldest banking institution in etab generalbanking Butt iness transacted Transact attil td Agent lw leal in colobro co lorRo annd Ionti in All allenden ended to interest allowed on billiat I 1 lift ral NOTICE 1 10 it II it pop is a 1 I 1 aoa rod illary cleory luy asch of of youyon are rc I 1 that dinttheto 1 10 lue glue to lo nio me two and at tty olgat dollars front you a fur 0 bortt 0 0 i 0 oo 00 tito eig fu i tu 0 nn the 0 1 alil ee tr li ali lorr 4 lir lr tanyon roll nett utah territory tory an anu thir atio amnott IH to me inc within dinely file days train thin no file ihrl at ury dry utah territory tt your I 1 rol eresto will 1 bobom aid ix lordi nit to in law tsukio aug 1 ich auel 1 A sa merchandise 9 ETC TO cairn ims 9 JOBBERS AND FAMILIES NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE BARGAINS GRAND CLOSING OUT SAT SALE or GENERAL merchandise ANDI SE lilt bill 14 OF 01 A change in business KIMBALL LAWRENCE LAWREN will offer after august TH ME ENTIRE STOCK OF 01 ASSORTED AT PRIME COST FOR CASKCASH air IR stock mock its I 1 collond ll 11 in ita braticbes of pry dry good ready heady madeblade clothing boots and shoes crockery and Glass glassware Gla wire wre staple and aid fancy groceries cordage grocers drus drugs patent medicine brushesbambes ot at all kind tobacco tobaccos cos stationery will paper farming fanning imp implements cements Bail builders ders hardware hardware blacksmiths Blacksmith os tooletoola iron and steel lining tool woodenware table and pocket cutlery salt lako lake city utah july 29 jyO alt THE I aitor ST ANI AND OLIF WHITE LEAD AND OIL 31 TUI TUB mississippi 1 Corrod tre and Kr loir or STRICTLY PURE WHITE LEAD COLLIER WHITE LEAD AND uil OIL nn lit kt appin mp hp LINSEED OIL AND CASTOR OIL I 1 i tug WEITE LEAP AID OIL 0 0 lielicar i britne A i of 16 tr i ti puro ur 0 ansi tod white te alfil la 0 perfectly i ly arce arom 0 im tilt and aj will stay luy aril and ilia tbcoal COA of analysis Ann lyl for ilia 11 II the Adul ration chats A I 1 lilal 1101 UN SALE BY A it 0 1 1 kimii ill Is A i 4 10 aw jell tf it a FI mm it A to FOR SALE RENTI RENT ETC I 1 FOR SALE OR LEASE I 1 ephe sarsa knoon inn a ilia lift tat 1 1 ter I 1 borr 11 I 1 it ht ogan ten utah ol 01 will frill 0 1 1471 aar 1 bl 07 for a lt lima jose ou rt normn 1 alie I lit prop pi 0 A to 0 0 her acra or of or laoj artur rood 1 on lit- in inal bato onee hicie lit 4 JM a an and toil ca abbul ogle outfit fourth ft to allo of tin the 1 it IL 14 depot adjutor tile tre is on 2 the wt 9 hf fl lt AD or jol at IH mart tho 0 we its cunnif 9 any further hirl lir information by interview or anna bo be I 1 by tb iba unlit un 1 chinks at aln 41 am a WILLIAM illoah SUBURBAN LOTS illi or air ii nrc are A at a 0 em ta pr pran tholand tbt land 0 ho 1 0 pr tn 0 la ke it in two ant allf ali north rth or if arth temple biru dubaj bu been 1 t- 0 cAre arc rallY 11 an ad bout julla ivr bao bemb a ig are ladnor 1 A or PAY barb in i ROU 0 i 0 1 1 0 dl i 6 A sued 0 ap ofoft bart water has bu awn rate con conveyer I 1 in IH alwo dion coq ta thal vgo where a a liro het critor 11 will bobe erdea for iho benent or tileiho far i abo utah tha chasers haic sers rB the ibo front and it it la intended to 0 billj a 8 door nod and thus have a station at platform this thin ihn lla street way will too tio door laid TO lie city I 1 LY blabs flent obi sit ODO due 1119 distant from thin properly ll 11 lies lie along if fare lending out popular a froug hi lt gamt of ortho olty and com commanday mAndat iliaiho II of any habitable front in the horican wrote the health and fr kIlim of coultry lirelife with the or of the city tor lor further in formal ion on inquiry inquire of the fut elver fit at the iho if issod omec 0 rA eLbet tod sad third 1 I 1 alt corner corn to I 1 11 lake 0 ally PATENT I 1 WIRE FOR ORE LONCOR SHORT DU DISTANCES IN brood tt fra ninny yet intent cal cal annl a cases real hy I 1 tolledattalea isn im artl I 1 41 As lr ire rolle nise or oily any 11 furnished fur nihed pron 1113 im a large tock I 1 ia I 1 kept I 1 gore or HENDRIE BROTHERS to lc for it inh ilia are lore pared to contract for or rope or order 33 lin anat horizontal konni I 1 na late tilt ly ejlif lio llor our one joll lolar lr lorly boor 11 1 tho alpen af a a nod a 1 VI 0 1 1 I 1 te ruy ready pf lor 0 ta ENTIRELY NEW and 0 of theibe celebrated utica steam co Cumin yB range 1111 rv BE NOLD OLI mir ir 70 on lI mill Il ll nil all rent rily for ller ll lr UL ida ea cai tr ir toll salt lake fily 0 ily BRICK HOUSE FORSALE ne ilse toni 01 not a dixi 3 1 lot I in ward save oven no rail A half blocks from iliaiho ele pliant corner A rare chance ch once erty A aridly on oa elio lh or to thiho 0 tr 1 boots tj cylc lm blank DEEDS stationery etc at jya ji 2 tf north of bros brol allik leon iron late ci a 1 I 1 A alaci malls I 1 IL a brorn 0 1 Is cleli coi to utto to 1 I all and roal coal wood 0 0 a aad huu bull of it tonn nil tho dump I 1 RON minli I 1 ut 0 ipox esi mi tr I 1 I 1 Iwo foo fool ln atom 61 in 14 lou ac in tn to tile hie ton slid fro arom is 1 65 to be per at I 1 lind on no arsenic or ants ol 01 ony la in tile ore come a KO too to theiho indo brain everyday every day in the iho your irice I rice quo hal hair caits hailbull 1 lu six apley Api lylo to tol tnt etim Fro ollis 1 0 a I 1 to kollme NE itsjo in artl I 1 magon obion aas 0 ah quod As aji new nes I 1 1 0 11 1 CA ii I 1 at A ong 2 luction auction 1 GREAT I 1 inducements ND UC so ill inn 10 itam I 1 ails 1101 AM alois ita aa kalli ill nil it or A rooer vie for arra arr ing on ilse alln ali that nl at ar ent lore lire in monthly ca jelv ii of fotioo ni all ln coner concerning nIng the iho carneu uini ill bo be tornio ly ona eici ed nt lit the iho owes odice of inton at 1 dar blocks knithalt luko lake city the aloof alili wah ill lake place a AM rilday I 1 jilb fand elvce lyon highest wild the bonit contor or real vai tinor no ta whatever hAt ever RED ancl auca li PARTNER VAN rED WITH A CASH CAPITAL OF COO toil roa A ri to ilk III irl leht toil I 1 aoh fool it 1 with bed lr ill list lilt aued abul ua FOR RENT ac I 1 ml ri 1104 I 1 aikoik a moo 1 do fail leet five doors north or of ny aw TO LET 1 I ILI II I 1 sro aro 4 to lo lr let stout four to sit tint Is fi house hougo ayal a 5 THEELIGIBLY LOCATEDROON KOOM acy por to lo I 1 now ak tog lo 10 room inquire fit this ahl co I 1 tc air ill tj 1 hiis ti ay I 1 low I Lod ilu pre luls emil licus lima of m- ei line ims ION of power dingy eltiy head 21 or duj threatened im jolmer pow nevan and 0 im ila 0 fitl 1001 3 1 I 0 our cure 0 la in IPA I 1 eil alf no I aou or the most valuable mild id paten omi cothey tacy strike at once at al the root 1 tile the muttermattertona up the tb vel allow tiD firrest the 4 ac ab mj and ofellow of so alnor go sod energy a vitality to the couro lits arezone rezone ajac chory havohave cur cured ed thousands of lissaos cm aos price I 1 per ver or of live boxi boxes and a koszo 42 vial is 1 dwa which li agh ista 1 very iery import loi idl sion lu oh iu or oroff a CA oral cpr vangle 19 box boltl 0 1 1 by all and sent OD by mallmail ooon ir 1 1 let ol 01 arico ad roote 21 1 1 iru co new a yorla ork I 1 I 1 illy 1 ty 66 ALONE IN THEWORLD on per rm aia lian ier KNOW oi iii allpurt AAVA 0 ure will al ab jmj OD lie 10 above 0 subject cot I 1 lo 10 2 I 1 0 liall halt ouon on day eve DIAK A deuil 1111 corn em bisol elto at 4 a clo A all won 60 couta couls bughao Bug laO JOSEPH GORLINSKI 0 LI fa 6 ENGINEER lostal 0 mineral rod for 1111 office first firl south doubli street nearly a its st HI church urs 0 WINES ll 11 LIQUORS oua alp i I 1 1 1 i if n- oi 0 I 1 I 1 to A ap I 1 till MG 4 ill A if I 1 I 1 I 1 5 I 1 to IV is solesola agents for jata ui tt 0 ithe roii 1 rii lilt I 1 01 cerebrated celebrated rA ILLERS or to I 1 OP AND 0 JF cutters Ex 1 extra extol tou old 11 0 wholesale dealers in ilk aai 10 00 bore rore eo wines ito brandies Il A A alchi let to PA cigala cia ill orect ct to is SECOND STR lt tinto doors aall lorwan of 4 lindly lInh 19 lake it ly aai ft pr 0 orders train from tile the entin try arr rf 01 ayr ani ls I 1 TO LIO towi its ip so 1 Is tahi I 1 alf it 11 I 1 1 1 mol hot of I 1 aalf known to 10 the asio 1 aft al in utahafter buyer it is in tile ali bu bulliv it liiv a I 1 tm I 1 larni larnid mcd bit and IN or art mant I 1 ull to tt Is bloome the chest nd I 1 ill OW I 1 set get my wines arid BI it grodem row fruitful arid to so tailor who liui bulo fro from I 1 bijj ihma 1 kor four to pay lla 0 as into ond it trun rom ore theth tint beat dineya roudoof chogro 0 atkas are and rara wall fiu grafto Krap ln bean KM i ill i yet armand anil are ro now raly low sj ahti and I 1 will sol to rl to 0 TOI 1 10 10 I 1 get in my ahli I 1 ir it ft oreg I 1 arlex it ck ablo no louta do fell there I 1 only adde a 9 I 1 DEFT ally DOUSE BOUSE IN by zilla Is II 11 11 to howll oil beller or isbills amr 0 and liquors is 21 10 lo kell all othear liri irr or jul ai too prout 31 tw TO plea hn 1 I 1 cl ile moreore 0 av I 1 Kuar anice 21 all liquore to 14 1 ve I 1 i of inar tl I 1 imn am in company with nee al I 1 am a cholo team fam in I 1 have lehto no profits to divide no de ads to duade into i I 1 have no do oilier at her bual nessi but fin lk liquor trade and to allut I 1 welton lillon to in ever bills la in sir inui hall MII 4 0 11 I 1 I 1 cuncon abc it birko rate alio llio a or cr may IM be buwie 1 sia I 1 I ki amount of 0 or the do aba oita go cut lr tile I 1 rade will do vt bas 1 I fir ir my lorius annl nil cimasi with the they aroare how paylon whenever enever you cents to PAIL ft alakl tat TO call tt IM my stock hock evers liquor dealer will ilo do copin i kiy sending rocme ill addre alar Allr A 11 sing nil ika to 1 11 or I 1 111 1 7 ai A waldir BROTHERS I 1 a SALT LAKE CITY in ARE a sale to As AGENTS roa ali you oa am OUR CELEBRATE DU SUIT co as barn i it old kentucky skia 10 rl alir 11 I 1 fr sr good clodi conoe been is a public for many a ny yra aaa in 11 bom national rot in tion for ait 41 endand alaor ai Is at convenience of our utah ca AR general trade of tuo the territory pi our gonikgooik will bobe shipped la in EIRK new drou gpo I 1 our nt halt precisely our IF iw ubi freight only being added 0 so JORDAN 1 to fon 0 ST 22 bb allt 1 off referring to the above card can canar it mr rr in fully iniim lie ito tile hie of CK to the offered otT cred we ak I 1 III I 1 I 1 lit a all I 1 it time mck be amri I 1 a rullfull line alno of tile hie abe A ya 3 ar tu brands of IV 4 lit TI tily ItI pull 4 A atil Ina iiii lipply ail ilse 1 lie ird nl 1 fm piano 1 JA 1 tile calif freight 14 price li ilku ats tn on 12 csiss ja tf it 11 i 11 I 1 I 1 irit lit ithon A A I 1 SALE A cje lu ox macau fol first class toil dins 31 51 tin MILL HI tl 11 I 1 taw est 41 binh also CAll clil low ish A apply aply to lo 64 ao imn mr lr jor STOVE DEALERS a i I 1 7 I 1 11 XI 0 1 11 0 garti I 1 I 1 IQ 14 I 1 azz 7 40 A kl 7 4 4 7 1 1 1 1 1 I ta I 1 1 I 7 1 1 ul A CHEAPEST TO BEST TO USE EASIEST TO 0 9 it it ahl I 1 lt LU rarer rail to ci its 4 SATIS FACIK 1 4 I 11 tj fa an ind aal an all 0 SO a 1 SULP SOLD IN rast aliar illa 4 4 lt limit ago rn 1 11 ji TE OAK 00 li lit Is nao inori 11 on jr lull lir go 11 1 effort doing it 11 1 tie fl jostles is 1 than anyoy it byu bulj 1 I 1 ill IUD la curin it ae ji rh SA i 0 wholesale deairl ill kit doto 4 I 1 JE a 69 cotoc atoch AND BY AID LIVE STOVE I 1 DEAL EALO 1 I 1 UZI LIKI ALLE A CO I 1 tin TAYLOR A I 1 ZIONS ZION bl I 1 11 2 kal isi it 9 HARRISON HAEHl I 1 lg I 1 salt lalia lake city CAY VW nonis daw.

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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.