The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

DAILY GLOBE-----310NT)AL FEBRUARY 23, IS91, THE BOSTON ounz LETTEIL BUSINES3 CHANCEE BOSTON THEATRE. SITUATIONS WANTED. 1APA 0 74 DS 1 at. Stuttf tI5 1 I i MI 110 DILE- 40 ED woinan wortH like a pa- al '423 ti 1'1 1 V.i.vAl 4 tAk' QI) II It tta ton as ria in so, or general bottasat.rk la a '1 truall law nt Call or 17 Verto.n li, a hurt tat.M Wazted to learn the wholmale 4 PER IN of age woall ilke to care IL for an lativ; tin her sntie work awl sew; forms eft or take charge so; Sit worgaig boaltegest, et tor an isnot; moat-rats, I I Cali or obits NI T.Pf E. J.

litk't ES, b2 Ctiattatert 0 0 LIS $ti, h4 II Loll PA tett 1 I-sten-91M- t'21 6. AtI1-1' A wanted by a yotIng man age A of tiiiAtassa anti of soiiltrod properly 1 a tkitsaiwal 411 tr, At; A boy, from 18 to 18 years of ago, atiiras to, rids 1) delirea to work for advancement, can apply to ME. WILLIAMS in the Wholevae Department of yno zig lady Ilke a I ttota oat ita as awl book- Itipittr tt 184o 4tIoas Mtee. aSttatt' 3.1eWst JORDAN.

MARSH CO. SuM 1 Lij kl-21 El rropnegor and Manager Mr. JOHN TIMES TO DAY. MATINEE AT 2. EVEN1NC AT 7.45.

LvaiA THOPAPSON A.lin IFR owmr com ir or tom lb Ns IV 1.4 -ra err 11, "01 4.11 INth bit I et sob. THE DAllLER aall I ran at now an4 sl non Melleva Da ncin g. c. A lay ata-t tiib uondiy. Match 23.

A IVAI it It IL L. TREMONT THEATnE8 SCLIOL rr an4 suatmts TODAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MATIYEE at 3 1 Evzsma at 7.45. Prsnrs oven at 1 so and 7.15. IE PIXLEY -IN THENaomi's fla HOW. Tuesday.

Feb. 1. And Ternjund, c. Pr-et limes ot Anal. Pieey's New Dramas ar-s emmom gmonsgs A Itomanee of the War.

Superb New Selery And MILtekre fens, LAST MATINEE muuttAy. Sonvenus to all rresent. EcNny. Fb1INNI PALMER March 2, A MILE A maul-E. on wile.

7 (p i 1 i I 1 'i I I 1 1 I 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 I 4 1 i 1 i i', I L5 LI Performance AT AY. HOLUM' MATINEE TOMORROW. DONNELLY MTLLFR TarrkiLl tho 117D 106-711 211 GAO VW WM NIG C.mts1-11117 Crolr1P4. BOSTON'S ONLY OPERATIC PERFORMANCE. GO PrOPII.E.

az QUI( COMEDY- 21t1 1 raordTH a 1 111 rem ,0, i ,4 tt sty A 1 ff p9 3 ..1 1, .14 1, 9 1 4 1,, 1-, 74 1 19 fe 17 1 1 1 1 i', .1 191 p. 1 0 A I 1 1 1 (I, 41 1 1 .4 1., 7 1, 1'1 1 i I 't 14 4,, I '4 1 I 4. 0, 1, I 14 fo 1-, 41 4 I I I I 0 00 I i i I' '0 It T. 171 1 irt i ri I I I l' 'I It'', I le, '411 I t0 "4 I 1 1 0 p. I I 1 I I l'- I i 1 1 f' 1 1, I '0 I' I I 1.

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r. liTAT E. 1o .4 5 111 I 4 a 'at kit ti. it "il 111. 41 111 Is NiI'.

'I, I' I' I I Pi 0. o' a. i a. i t.a.. I a I li a 1 I A a.

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I 44 I 10, tto, i '1, I $. I tc I. Li, I I i A 4 0 0.1 4, i 'I '1 I. in ry, A I 15 'S I 5, X. I t5 11.

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1,1 I of 1, 1. 1. le, 111' 'a 1 It'' A I It It II 's i 2 121 I I W. f11 41 )4 1, i tv 1 111 11 it JUh rilv tU I to IU .11,4 I- a .14 1 11 4., 1 al I 11-t it, 1 .1, 1a, rd I. IUUUhI I ItAt ALI) It VW 4 4, :1,, I 4 yJ ttt a.

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1., lc, It, 1111 1. 1, 115 1, 1.11,0o,1, 11 11 1.41111. 1,4 1c. I 1,4, 1 A It11 1, 11 te, ,111, 1,11, 4 It Ii II I 410, rI I A I I Ti)) muttlitiit 1:1 iv I IUII, it 1,,, 1.1t it tttt tieto ttr ti IUIUU IPY 1.111, 11 oII, law III it1.40s, KhtI I ill-a, 11,411. V1111.411., 1,1111,1 1,4 1,1011 .1 c1.1.1 no 11.3 1.1i11 of It, At-urn oat.

411'41111, 11 11, I V1111, P. lo141, 1' 11 116 1.1 Va. 1.4,ai NVI, 11I11 11..11, 111 h.t I ht. 1,41,1 In r' Ili, Iot a 1.0,1, 1 II )41 tor4Iy Illitr I I 10., id. 5I I( I a1.11, ittody I.

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1. F. 10 It I 1 it. ,1 I 'ID 01! 41 A I. 1,, to.

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1 2 1111))14) 144 1,0 vata, 11.11 IS A it 44A)))))4)1) 014 Ili So. 4 ititihritve, I 1... I oroo. 1144 it IttI cola ..1 I UtOk, at, 4., trout 11.40, I), 1,4110 I ))), tti Mil 81111, W111 III) 1)4)441, II, 4 :11111.4)0)4,r nlk SUM 11.11 74)44) it) 444 4411,1 ittintqa I 11 4 1 II II I I ))))II)4,) 011) it III 4,, 1, it, III I. 4-r illit.

N'S 'II 0, 4 IIIS A 4 Jo ttik Pt 4 1.11, ity I .1.: 2 1 II, A 11 1 II 1 II. ,1111.0 1 ICI II t. I AI I. tit rlt I oil. 41, tit ,,111,1,1110, 1,101,1, 4.11 ,41 14,1.111111, A II, P4A I 4 41111, '21 .1 SIIN1 Po 1'19 41 11', 10,41164041 1 laii, I.UII ii ic I 't 4 11,10 4010 1.11 P1.1 le II III lilluui II, It 1)11) It tti i000KI g4 '01' 44A 1i 4 111'1I)It 1.14 4,11 e'4 4 0 -1 ji I 'II 4,4.1.

I'. I 13 V. Pt tOit I I It' 1)))1g ill.itt I 14 01 .11 ,1 1,44 1 at the 4, II; i II)) 1t(0i It '44)) I '1)0.) o) 1,4 prt 14)). 1,1 'Ill INV 11,01.1, 01 III, tin I til 11A A CUSINL 35 CHANCES. ttf ti ,00 A 1 It t0.410 r.

41,44 pi fg 411.4. )4, 4,, I. 400M Ile IA 10A144 4111. 'AI Nill 3. 0..10 i '4 lit it i I', 4 41, 1 i I I )1 h.

fk s4t 1.1P,Itht 1, to, lilt tititt I itg I NN tAlt Rt. 4L014 ti IP? 11 4 If i I tt tk -141110 Iti 4, tot, 1 4 ILI :,2 i. 1 1101.11.1.-t:4.011 it .1 .40 40 tr 11440 1114I the 1 444.444 1.04 ft 1" I li I 4(4), i I 1.1 14 St. Nit NV itiolit ted 'It it 1 Jed; A I ttld, lw 11:1 .1. SIIM I lk do.

ti to Alf A10 114111MV, A4k I A 1,4,1 jV A 4 1.1t1- I 0446 tt LLL! VI ILI 4 St I vo, I ilDz kji E. I 1 ul iri' 1. .4.14 1 I I I.e. slu*t' II I i 1 lo i tt LI Lit 4.14.'4 pi 1 iiii Hi no, 'L it 14 1,4 1,4 tt tot I toW LL IL 'n t.11,"! I I 1.. I t' 04 Mut 1 14 Oil MA 4, I k.

In Ott 1 l. rt. o- II tir It ilk A ill IL 4. 111 CA is tit 1 '0 LI II 11 kw, ikrt, ,00 i it; to I I to 0. I I I 4, Iv .1 IL'llte t' Aor I I I A hOl 1 A .1.

1:4, iv I 1'440ft qt lk I 1 I ",1 1 I I A I I' AI I I' I "'It'II AUCTION SALES. II-ENVOY S. II-ILIERIS flit CO. horeP ea-chime. A ne ttoo sake over, WOCIT)P44ay anti s'atityday at 10 nt.

tar boroms. 1L to IO7 a3 to :04 Travara St near Fitchburg. 1.4TM to.r,11 and dcpots. illtranca rroospr 014 tAtbd.t Our mut le fall' deaduig, boaPal rooreoPutatton. pumice to tho oOttog otad Botth amnion to this Special announcement.

owing to the ertenslee and unexpected consignments of seven tglieettS, 144-.) head of horses. to arrive Monday and Toes-day. and not having icable roortt to consignments expecteat later ill the week unless MIL those on hand. vre therein he obliged to biild a speeial sale on 'foetidly, and will therefore sell at suction ou Feb.24. and Wt.DNE.S0A17, Feb.

25. at and shall offer 7 ear-loail of Kansas kind LOA by Messrs. Ccgtily l'telcan COlormia. 1 Ames and Mr. Preston Of Knoxville.

Ineft; the Kansas horses arte eonsigned by wed-known stuppeis as A. S. McLeod Of r.titeci6 and Mr. flakes, avid Mr. J.

S. Weleb. who formerly shipped cm tills market; these horses xt ill vary in weight from 10400 itiod 1b. eAcii, of those adapted to all kinds of farm. express.

heavy drav, lumber. livery, horse railroad. faintly and all general lquuness use s. wht re is first-class young. ttulet horse idireet front tlie.

fgrms where ile WAS miseti) Call 11t; these horses. as in all onr sales, Will be truthfully riew-ribed amt honestly rePtetlelited at sale arid isgittively $old to the ingla-st regardless of cost tir value. and fully warranted as or InetieT rf.f1.111,ted. :11111 tried given until 1llurs.17,3, bight. Feb- 2tl --lhivate sales and exchan veil every day.

bud3tf By LEWIS J. 1111tD az Anct'ors, 32 lirornileld st. Assinee's sale of the StOek of fanes goods anti small wsres of J. A. U.

agonn tormerly at 29 Kingston et at the warerooms of P. Liner's' on 120 Kingston on Illl'ES11 Y. Feb. 24. at.

comprising pearl, Metal and rubber dress and cloak Viittoi.s; Vetting, ribbons, hooks and eyes, buckles, fancy hair pins, ritehing. mending yarn, needles. ladies' collars and cults. stays. pins, bustles.

eonilis, hose supporters. dress extender. albums. perfinnery, sale positive and gtvoilit to be ireinoved at once; take elevator. 11.

L31ERSON, Assignee. clistott On TtirnsnAy. Ft.b. 26. at 10.36, at privnte residence.

No. 105 31agno1itt off Dudley elegant ebaniber. parlor anti dintitg-roorn furniture, italr mattresses and tied, ling, tine noiartmen t. of mahogany antique furniture anti tinieliteees. hi cal paintings and engravings, Freneh clocks.

laces anti lambrequin, tuantel anti pier mirrors. carpets and rugs; elegant music hex. 6 play 4,4 tunes; itrass-mourited telescope of great newer, itarometer, 2 stiy glasses; books. balm-ling 2ct vols. London Art Journal; 1 Wedgewooti anti 1 French china dinner anti tea $et, 206 pieces each; ent glaSS plated Wft FP, 2 large refrigerators, rantres, kitchen furniture and tat-tants, tte.

Sale positive. 'fake Mount Pleasant ear nr N. V. tt N. E.

I. R. to Bird st. station. SuNiVIT1h f22 fly EDGAR SNOW Jz Sueeemors to Charles H.

Fc Snow, AT MASSA8HUSETTS SALE STABLE, 33 Endicott Boston. irlie Only Strictly Commisaion $ale Stable in lrioston. where horses are consitzned on sale wiltnett and sold to the laighest bidder without regard to cost or Value. REGULAR AUCTION SALEMENIESDAY Feb. 25.

At 10.311 o'cloek, SO horses, 4 carloads. consignt'd to us on sale from buyers located in the Western States of Ohio. Illinois and Iowa; he horses will arrive on Sunday. Monday arid Tnesday mornings. will weigh from 1000 Ins.

to 1050 lbs. them will be found the extra team draucht horses. the express horse, the farmer's tense, the family horse and the gentleman's driving horse; we shall Sell (hem with our warrant guaranteeina each a)I1 every horse to be as represented. with trial until Thursday nicht following day ef sale; if not as represented return yonr horse aril receive baelt your ntoney; we are its anxtuns to have von have what you buy not yoti are to reeeive It; for this reason we give you the above trial. F.

BRUCEkuctioneer. Stititt ftIti Hy CANANAUGat ILROAL. New England Sales Stables, '2A and 22 Portland bear Hanover Boston, Naas. Regular auction sale on WEDNESDAY. Feb.

25, at 1.0W a. of 3 carloads. or tiO bead, of horses; one of these loads Is shipped front Monticello. by M. T.

Cavanaugh; among Mr. Cavanaugh's horses are some extra good exPress and business chunks, varying in weight from 1100 to 1450 one load from Wellman, by Thomas Crocker; among Mr. (rocker's horses are some very nice driving family. street car and heavy draught horses. varying in weight from to 1.600 one limit from Traer, by J.

C. antonit Mr. Aver-ill's hOrses are some very tine, latize drmght horses, varying in weight from 1350 to 1650 one pair of grays, weighing 2700 5 years old, and very chunky built; one pair of grays. weighing 2ii50 5 years old; one pair of bays, weighing 2600 5 find 6 years old; one pair of browns. weighing 3600 5 years oil; and one pair of bays.

weighing Z150 6 years old; the rest of this load are single drivers; Mr. Averill writes us and says that we cannot describe his horses any too well. as this is as fine a lot of horses as he ever consigned to this market; each, and every horse will be sold to the highest bidder, without reserve or limit; warranted as represented. or money refunded; trial given until Thursday at 4 p. M.

Sn.14t. f22 J. C. 11.CITARDSON'S Old Stand Combination Anction and Commission Stables. 243 and 245 Friend st.

and 154 and 156 Canal near Lowell, Eastern and Fitchburg depots, lioston. lieadquariers for sale horses in New England. Auction sales every Wednesday and Saturday at 10 a. ni. J.

Frank Pickett, Proprietor. Regular auction sale WEDNESDAY, Feb. 25. at 10 a. 4 carloads or 80 head of yonng sound Western horses consigned to be sold on corn IffiSSiOn to the highest bidder by Messrs.

C. H. Blair and J. C. Berry of Ohio, Geo.

Sayt ler and Thomas Mad-dick of Iowa; the lot heavy draught. express, farm, family and general business horses, in matched pairs and 1IIgi vorkers and drivers. in weights from 1000 to 1500 lbs. eaeh; tins is a very attractive and desirable lot and will please the most exacting purchaser; dealers' attention is called to this S3.10 as it includes horses that will meet with a ready sale at all times, being of the pattern and quality most desired; each and every horse is pledged to absolute sale, faithfully described anti fully warranted as represented or no sale; trial allowed until Thursday night, Feb. 26.

.1. FRANK PICKETT, Auctioneer- Stid4t t22 fly GIDEON ItEC1L Az SON. Auctioneers and Appraisers, 41 and 43 Eliot between Washington and Tremont sta. On TUESDAY, Feb. 24, at 10.30 a.

at private residence, No. MI Allston Allston the furniture and carpets of house consisting or elegant plush parlor set, Morris chair. couches, cabinet. onyx table, draperies and curtains. oak and walnut chamber set, hair mattress, beds and bediling, dining-room furniture.

oak extension table and iqutirs. moquette and tapestry carpets, rugs, criickery Hull giass ware. Assignee's sale on WEDNESDAY, Feb. 25, at 10 O'clock a. in rear salesroom 41-13 El Mt by order of assignee, stock of dealer in small wares.

fancy goods and toys, consisting in part of prints, laces. ribbons, knit gods, vt4llngs, COMM cloth, calicos, thread, silk. twist, braid, tape, Jewelry, buttons, wrappers, dresses, goods on view Tuesday morning. Sod -it f22 By SAMUEL nivren Oz CO, A uct're. Office, No.

0 Congress Boston. Three-story and brick dvrelling-honse. No. 13 Ashland West Ind. On WEDNESDAY.

Feb. 25, 1)491, at 12 o'clock, noon, on the premises, will be sold this brick dwelling-house of 13 roolliS The It is about 20 feet front on Ashland about feet in depth to a passageway. containing in all about 1600 square feet of land. A very desirable location and oners an opportunity fitr a good InVestment. 500 to be paid at time of sale.

tiSunt 120 Brick dwelling-house. No. 231 Harrison on WEDNESDAY. Feb. 25.

at 12.30 o'clack on the premises; this brick dwelling-house, with brick it has 14 rooms Riad bath, set tubs and the usual conveniences; the lot contains about 1 100 feet of land. With a right of way to Fine 3tift, to be paid at sale; the house can be examined and further particulars on application at the thee of the auctioneers. dSn5t f21 ITALE BROM. WALLACE. Great Western horse Mart and Commission Stables.

40 to 42 Traverse 106 to 108 Canal near Fitchburg, Eastern, Lowell and Mame depots, centrally hsca ted in the borse market tin Traverse near Filend; accommodations for 160, head of horses; auction sales every Wednesday and Saturday. Our regular auction sale WEDNESDAY. Feb. 25, at 10.30 a. 2 car load or 40 head of Indiana and Iowa horses, weighing trom 900 to 1400 lbw.

of ail grades of good horses in their class; some extra road and fancy broke carriage and coaeh horses in pairs as wed as single drivers; each and every horse witl be faithfully described and warranted as described or money refunded; trial given until Thurivlay Feb. 26. J. IL ituciioneer- Sdt14t 122 fly MOSES COLMAN AL SON, Horse n4 t'arri9e0 Mart. Portland and Friend sis.

Established Regular sales of horses, carriages. harnesses. NVednesdsys and Saturdays throughout the year, commencing at 10.30 tn- On WEDNESDAY, Feb. 25, a large number of faintly, business, saddle and trottiag horses, all thoroughly acclimated al.d ready for inimedute serve; also a carload or French-Caniollau borscs, weighing from 1000 to 1200 this is an extra good lot, and should be examined by intetunrig purchasers before day of sale, with the usual nntiloer of second-class horses of all Si as and a full hue of new and second-hand carriages of every description; also harnesses, saddlery. rubes, blankets, etc ef.c Su.S1 By WELCII Az Blue Front Sales Stable, 155 and 157 Portland near Lowell and Eastern depots: auction every Wednesday and Saturday; general assortment constantly on hand at private Regular auction sale WEDNESDAY.

Feb. 25. At 10 a. Of 3 carloads. or tit) Leadt of younz, soutol horses direA lrom the farms of lose-a, 1111.1101s aml Indiana, consigned by 31es4i-s.

Applegate Pendleton and ALgus Lannon of general assortment of heavy raft. eXpress. szreet farm. family driving and general business horse, varying in weight from 1000 to 1C00 pounds. and as In our previous sales teen and everY horse will he strictly sold to the highest bidder without reserve or Inuit.

faithfully described and honestly repre- sented, or money rel untied; tnal allowed mull Thin-slay night, Feb. g6, at 4 p. m. LYMAN T. 3ItYNiRD.Aucttor.

3 123 FURNITURE. carpPla. etc at anctionll'EnDAY, en- 24. at Di at residence, 6045 E. Tib st, Plo- Bostori titgant parlor 'butt in coat vaIuiu and ti charntwr seta, Brassals and earraqa.

ssisboant, halt stand, pa-an-ca. hair muttressts saay hams, contre tableas ts.aa curtatnaL range and van-tv aJf odd pieces. Everyttang to ts rtzno, on clAy of sale. c1n4L 12.1 SCHOOLS, COLLECES, ETC. A cfritA TE shorthand or W.

It KASS' private xd and agency. lAkib Tremont 1.011-e chance for p.trtially taught to thoroughly train for actual work; books typewriter ilieuturm; chart tree- cisu.3t 121 HOUTIT AND. trpeyrrttinz. book.optnIg. at orrunennal CLtge.

Wazoll ken et. et-, cur- Loy lawn day add tvtuLai. BOARD AND ROOMS. Is pi woo )1 wt- ofti kt tr. A i ti 4144 tt il9 11 "0 A IT It uhnov.4 ef a I2Av an mile me of form most tot A rifiroxs 0 1 1 1-1 III I I.I II li tou, tor tto4 roAsonahlo.

9 il i 4 boll Idt K.i,oN. 12 2 Yrt IV A Li. Da 10 Marshall 1 10,1 tin4 I rooms. 40 .1.44 it.vru if ED rowmta to hq. Dom IF I t.

k4. nPw I 117 i iLftli IT, 11,, 111 r.441-no, 14,1 1 fi 00Yitkiql0eit. I 14.1.0- NIPSP t''n st. I21 NE 1,6 111-3 1,04,1 ovular, ,1141 MO 24 NI. (AO '411 .011 or ill li.41,telyi 1, Aiwn IL; 1:, ririb rnrns.

J.01:04 pi C. fist13! 121 pm' tb tp'xr SLate I 1 kr A 1: 1.tov' 1,1 '1 fti per Awir-ms A ID Glob. 123 As dr- rrs rr a-r HORSES, CARRIACES, ETC. 1 6) TIOn ount death Ilan ell 471 I At tclii low price, mot hied eat gels a It 1..11 not ell to or U. go tra.k haino Ma tat' two 9, weight 10.41 by Vila.

Sion 4art gi-at wre or troller, tiam Lady llorold, by II, roirl, oi hat. Nil inane and tad, r.t rnt etairage a nd oral rattler, 12 ntih per bola: trotted 3 heal at ii Ititio nvor a year ago, IR 2.291 i '2 t11.02, at whi-h it'll bbo a largonun; be'ter mato tochly and taster; kind, sonnit. rat, taintranat or 1.oly to to r.o..., art 1 hold Ilvr full porli vow. IT) Wfl'Illg. (Mil l', Won PAter 4,1, P.

S. 1 (intro a wriiing from of Malloy that they will not Joekey or put her on tne track. Stot4to 122 4 --0411So FT volt ono of the twat ,1 la, 1.1,t1 1 lik.o roa.n.s to the Stato; sired by Itt'd AA' he by,rg Wilkes, dam t1raal, by Bioi. Bull. 2.1 dam by It.

It. Patetten's: 1 Moo Intl', 2,1 dam me line. by IL 1. latefien's; pereliased Hos mat. last fail at Kelloglis combination sain lit frotiers, N.

paid for her; I ha, dav, 18 in foal: I object to drivilor animal in her eoeditian; will sell to an immediate ITlh aria guarani-. her and rellahlei not al raid of anylling; lady cotild drive and trot a mde In l2.31.. klid I win purchaaer fis vs In fIrif and try her. N. B.

his is a bargain WOrlily of note. Further infinite ot tay ovehlinin at private stable on tear of Shawinut Couto egifilonal church, tor. of West lirookime and Tremont sta. 123 ENT LE NI A N. A VI N.E4 MEP wttl, a sad misfortune, iil sell his very rokd ant faintly Mare, 7 years old.

tAntlit hIgh, weltdo, too Ihc, price 0125; I have several times been tour times that amount for her: iI a proni pt. natural of 10 miles an floor; I will guarantee her absolutely tiound and gentle, and to rit oi or no sale; ilia. is safe tor Welter. Ye or WO' Illitee ill the city. Hti she ig not at aid of locomotives or elecirtes; all excellent saddi.

mare, bred heniutkv, sired by dam Lady Almont; "ill give 10 days' trial; lit, in ifrfl seen Li be appreciated, as she is in every way as represented. last, sato Round and reliable; satisfactory reason given for wiling so cheap. Apply ti44 Iuvnou 'havnitt Hotel. 1 go A ti N'T IAEA, A N. having mold out Ids store, 4.

Will Sisil business hors. tor the small sum et n. ost I year ago: 7 years oh and a fine looker; Ni vighm Hifi wolild make a fine family honie; he is kind for a lady to (inv and afraid of whiling; I will ills() allow a trial; he wonlit make a gorql horse for tarittlirg purposes; this is a bargain Nekton) offered. Call at meat market, 1277 'Washington at. It 11: A RC A DE frrAn ElE1217Wasbington is now open for the accommodation of boardthiAestabliment possesses the distinct hygienic advantage of drainage with splendid ventilation, that be appreciated by thoughttul Owners.

.1 A S. U. RAY 0., proprietors. WI'Ll 116 Well-known laundry company will sell all their property; 6 horses, $40 to $100; 6 MS of harness, 2 concord wagons cheap; this property must be sold before Saturday. Call at stable, Out at store, 218 Shawmat near Dover at.

SuM f22 TO 8125, 8 horses and SOO to moo IP) 1200 5 to 10 years old; will suit farmer, grocer, or any business; week's trial given; also a phaeton, O. G. 120 ChartIlItO WI) St. SUM bred Canada horse. color bay, age ICI op 7, weight 1000 Its; solind and gentle.

very tilea and faithful to work; also ladies' phaeton and harness. call or address Mrs. IL, 2 Kingsley off North Harvard Allston. Stabil, 122 EA311 and express harness; good line, first quality, heavy work; single and double at a bargain; examine these goods; also light and heavy driving harness. E.

F. WY ER :31 Franklin between Washington and Hawley. Smite Jail WitiwaNTITytriGgo.odnhnolsrtseLoor hatiolT1 somid; wonld take a good if at a bargain; state particulars. and lowest cash price for horse alone, to 221, Globe Mee. dSutf 14 QICIC 1110.1tgES are like siek watchesthey 1,17 must have the doctor; we employ 12 skilled watchmakers and do the largest repairing business in Boston.

IVILSON 15 Tremont row. budtt ja4 S0 5 Se go TrFo'no ttl.rbah,oersbeesena and used at anivelinj Hail Market; express business. At 37 Medford near Northern depots. it It t4 acclimated horses and mares, Sloo to lois) extra drivers and workers; prices e45 to $225. EMERSON Stable.

21 Lancaster near Lowell depot. id3t 122 FOR SA LELarge 7-yettr old chestnut, coupe, roach or general-purpose horse; uice actor; tight every Express Canal st.SuM 8 -11 5 0 ood borse, grocer's wagon, liar- tutss. Apply at furniture store, 89 Pleasant st. ILILT A STE 11)A good second-band two-horse gr. Address A.

L.Roxbury station. dziti3t t21 FINANCIAL. 31CINT 1 WO LOAN ON FLTIZNI- 1., 17.4 TURE. wattle merchandise, he Boston Loan 275 Washington op p. Water it organoted Jan.

1. 1873. incorporated Jan.10, 1878; U. W. Gage.

president; W. T. him treasurer; this institution is the only incorporated company in the Untied States that makes a specialty of loaning money on pli11109, furniture. machinery. horses.

carriages, farming stock and stocks of staple merehan(Use leaving the mania in the possession of the owner, thereby avoiding a published mortgage; It aid loans money on diamonds. watches, stocks, bonds, endowment insurance politqett 1)011 savings bank books; lutates paid off and more waIney advanced; loans may be paid off by buttaintents if so tit-tonal. eatth payttesnt redwing' interest; having a Ito ge ea offal at us immediate command. we are alv.ays prepared to make liberal advances on merhandise tri transit. or on warehouse receipts; our rates of interest are reasonable; if not convenient to call mail Its your address and we Will send our appraiser to see rm.

THE BOSTON LOAN CIE. or lb W. OAGE, 275 Vashington at. It "It FliteHAN'TX Co- 0 ATIvE I II ill otter ,000 to borrowers Al arch 9, at 7.30 p. III.

in Weslevan lJtII. 36 Bromfield this at Just the place for parttes with small capital Wit.) want to build a home to borrow money; partial payments tnie to build as the house progrektws; do not always pay rent; begin now to for your own house instead of your landlord's; easy monthly paynienta. Call or send for circulars to A. E. 1171, Fl Secretary, 19 Milk at.

123 2,8 nthd ETLEM AN, financially responsible and with the best of references. about to start for ilestrets to represent there one or two first-class manntiseturerst will also accept consignments, but only from responstble houses who otter reasonable induroments; ties is an opportunity for wide-awake people. Address IUo Janerio, t'). box 457, N. y.

eny. dSu4t 120 I A seeking to obinin the address of some honest, worthy yersons who temporarily need to borrow money in stuns less than e100 on personal property, formture, pianos, jewelry. stocks. etc or on real VVi4ite; the lady who loans the money desires there no all favors strictly contidontittl. 108, Globe taco.

dSti7t. 117 QVITAN Awwoon, loan money at short no-CI two, on watches, diamonds, furniture. pianos, at low riits; all business honorably conducted and confidential. :47 School room 43. Suil7t 1'22 I I I It a or others wishing to senor borrow R1000 or more on legacies or undivided part ot any rvid estate tn Boston, apply, In person only, to B.

IL ALLEN, 23 Court sh, room 212. ilmi24t f5 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. amsortmont of Steinway, second-hand grand. lk, square and upright pianos. some nearly new, all Italy warranted, also for aale cheap the largest stoett of seeomi-Itand ptanosot other makers.

Ineluding every prominent name in America or Europe; beware of bogus instruments reprt sented genuine Steinway piduoti. 31. Si El ERF it SON Stelnert Boston. dSittl Id 171111.10,11'l full of 1111,7 tnve and god condition, stool and scarf; other pittlIt1t1 tor sale cheap for cash. or on easy terms; pianos to rent, e4, 145 IThr 111011th, :11111 tat toward ptirhitse iu reasonable time.

It. S. Vashington st. dSull A KT Na ENT of second-hand pianos of 'toed ot the principal makers, taken in exchange tor Chick-tiring $ons' pinno. ill be SOW lit very low prices: pianos to rent.

C. C. HARVEY it butidutg, 152 Tremont at tiSatt ja7 f.440. 1150, it75, sltat to also slightly used uprights in elegant rostiwissi, mahogany alai walnut eases for S75, IS175. S200.

efliCo: easy terms. 'S piano vi art-rooms, Witshltatton et the Continental. Sut4t -JEAN' New 11 England piano wail compare in tone It tiny I 11.1it1 and it as It ought, be a strong conit.entor for litthhe ttt wort Mrs. James B(elsett, Brooklyn. N.

Large assortment in all styles of wood for sue On easy patients, and to rent at laoston wareritonts, 11,7 'tat-mind st, IL 1 )0 from niterest, oLl ii.E.EN 164 A Tretnont Al NV laf L.1 A- St NC' tit 1 I right 1 76.t.iobe tiSuTt N11)31C. 4 11-7111' SI-CeESSF1r I. vocal teseher of It the kmoritsh atAl 14tht rnerMxt A ould like a few more prtim.s; class or private Pssons: day or erect-mg; terms ressomilde. al, office.

Sadtt -4 11-s14'--Pia by a good teacher, gent lerfc4m a lesson. Addresa B. 101 CI.Anes Booton; room 9. SaM BICYCLES, TRICYCLES, ETC 'QT. st.Skanqy a.eorni hand alkeds; exannne orn tq'ore, Lew Inotintz rthrtna 6Air1.y; tall ensliton um.

100. dSLf t23 '71 'r 114 have our la vveies. Ow. exeinnw oor tf75 and .44, in.hinf-A, bails I TT! I. yon nave se-n Olir eke mne i oor ti75 balls A- Oliround; st cushion tlre, "WO: 31w)dly ttli axe; send tor yele 11 Wat-IVII AV.

suAl i PHOTOCRAPHS, CRAYONS. ETC. AA BIN DLY tkin AND S2.50 per kJ not club pictured, bus ail photos, lotrrnsused tidal in nutsb and artistic lichtins Loamf7 victims. A. 26t.

pildsotatsphet. la Trsnont TOW remember the place, over Maossehttsits loot anst shoe Core; we have no other studio awl no sltoeveor 6thitt my 114) a a.03 c.0," El 1. iT 1 171 IN, Di I Eeti Etimp tor Eye Test Ool.d FE. Sh IINP FP f14 ro ilTriTo I Ouii ila di I 4444 ,,,,.0 NT, I 1:41 .4 009 SY01111: OUTFITTEIS. )4 tr' i 1, 4 si LC I-00.

1,,, 1, 4, I-I 11,1 A 6 I 6, Ira. 111011., 14 .1) ''''Ir(' I 1' 4 4t 4., 4 I II' tb Ig- 11.4-1114,11 't PI 11 1103 I A ,,,1 IA tr.a., 10-' It It0, 111 a P0 4 (nil i I I '0, 3 'oat 44141, 1 Na.i.,,. 15 1 a. 7 4 i r. IC, .1,..,4.

t.v. Ns.Alit.t 13 l''''" artt IA a It a itituo ve it for 4. 119 NNt it N. 't 1,1, i 1,, .1 1.44- ,...1 in I. i 1 el.

fted i. I II. WAvirtto '''t "''''1' l'uur, to, 1 J. 1 a a i rt. ts 1 I 1 1 1...

II 11! I 1 'lea I 0 I WO ,,,4 1 1 ott, Hts 4 V. I A I 0., 1 1 iq.a.1a, ak'Wo "a (I'm 9.,, iti, )1 rwr, block, it It, OA' N. HOUSES, STORES, OFFICES, ETC. tv, oi? orP3 on r. IRV, V44-Pt.

4" to rho twart, flottrothipg A I for 'stoma, whow. I 4,1001 ot( ulnt" ,1 nottr4 II t.toottr, til ton to toot tom I II tr I olov oot4-L, TV W. oort 23 A to kt Nt 1i' It wit, tire, I boot tot stotti 1,1,4 ttr -r t000tt,,ttl WI? tu a.14 1MM. wIll hA op to toot littotoloto 4 4ti or Mr, DI Ft. LE.

pv, switt 10.11 II I II, I NA 11 tISItif 1 I 4,01.44 i 4.14y. 43, ttioe. Wliti 11012 I I 1 Y5 i Vi 116 Anwit town to 41 N. if 111 1: to kt. s000ll or Ii 4314444 ttotetroanits, it 1,144, At n-rt.

pay" 11.w IIII.1024 iitt in 104 tlitHhed tool totot-tIlatt A prtootttes, ti24 anti 4 4.4 r. FY. 1LFY. i() io l.i on toislest, pat Court St. ritilt 1,1 lot 1.110 eloriti; 2 pinle glmts Avinilows.

AceJs 1M, 11. QT() to let, '209 Catithiblye salirable for kilo! of iiiiskiess. Siiti3t. 122 ET 8-room house with ever', it itoproveinent. 8 redar Sonieridile; 2 hootoes r.t,i borse ears, r.t,,ctrie 41114 At Fiteliho rg railway; 75 per month vorli elwar.

A tiply at 17 Ceder IL, or bt A. MS, 23 'Washington st.i, Postoit, tiSu7t 119 I 1411 1.1ETFor business purroses at 19 Harrison I tlesit able rooms 1i-ir ofilees, light mannstoi age, tit work towns', extra 'Lid. open oh 1 centrnilv rent Apply to 2. J. IA-ADE, 10 Treinont or to jailitOr At 10 11'ntei WS9t t9 11.111'...t oil Winn brick bonne, ft Nouns, i lit thoroinili rlpplr, Modern improvements; son.

stole for 1 or 2 fondles, or a small ksiON. 777 Washington Bt. it. 1140 I Arver at. eiteellent condition.

PA 113 Devonshire to. tiSii3t 121 A Tv to A Ithl. Itr wt. dry room Whieb can be I toted tor the WM.14,44.44 MItttob; h. loehtlon MihSt be wii hi ii a of Boylston AIM Tremont sits.

Address P. O. box 3213, Boston. risoitt fit APARTMENTS AND TENEMENTS. DIri po 1f3t1( I L.

dtnat 1.19 PA liolton 1110)1100a, ehotoe 111 eorner anal nnenni. owslite. bunny, bpaelons all cow, ianeneeti. elnnide lortitaml various ot oar neeotintiodati0ne, and at reastataide A pply at Ina lame Feat cm'. High- la ad l'a ti Void on 11 liddandm.

to 11.1-.A .1 A' I IP- Ilnedands. 0P to 711S V. I NI, 17 N1111, room 5, tiSutt toy5 Lcir. near Tremont, a fine lenement. 7 rooms.

in good repair. fi14; nothing It lit inadon. Apply 11A hi anvil Ottillo, NO, NN'eston tit. tnidl1t," 1.11:1 Ige tstm'e, AVItehington 1 Year; lett. $5(41.

rtt. I I M.ttilhott 01" II. II IL, hi Allett office, IL, 2 stiL.P. LET, littgdzLes in very desirable lodd Is, 4 large rooms, In perfect red. Iodide heifer in Boston; rent lit I 1 and 112; also it rooms, riA pill( to Airs.

NI 13, 1 LI ot T. IL. It LI, 3 edition '2 to 6. HOTEL PA UT II IA. Silawmilt ay.A 4 Ilk anat ddi dd eltazdtnt I tadidon bath; very art nLLI 14t-Ciat4B i 11 every TO-I; Apply to Nits.

Adt.1S, No. II nem st 11'. I I. i ALL, branch 3 Weston lit '14 (io Sudlato t22, NV, 111 I I I. III I II III.

III. By 'lliolosa II. nail. office cor. sion s.s..

roonot and vcry otol bath, 4.rooni tco 'I 4 Ltrg t. roomy ota 3 rooms tor 1,18: ftw PI $7 to p4 lc); also 5 lscga All oU repadr tk 1 4. A pply sital.too 11.11;1'-- lirlek block. Ilarrison tit 'very .4 Vow 3 ronninn tenement in tenior, eIt; nisi) 3 eri; title tor tespeeb.1.103 tvotaing tpntv Eh, 1042. or II.

II 3 tVeal.411 2 to nit3t 122 AkPt rooms and bath. Set hit), ranee, LU Unit tgflittaide near home ate' ell-eine entft; rent to St Is. 4.1.N N. 49 Hammond or '1. U.

121, '2 to 5. S41.13ts 122 mt, IC 114 tt'itenntinFtnnnn At. and West Viirn Inut It. nutitnis 4 and roontn and imth, nil electric belts and back stairs; rents I I no Afiliiy iin premises Nionday P. SnNi II4 EP tarty New Modern flaqi, co'.

Brooks sind Slain sta. clNuat 21 .11, Fart, lattell Flat 't Vattle01 at. tine I tii I lid, tin, heat. Siittnble tiir tinehelor'S re-111 1.411.041(.1'HW. Jr.

rt .1 2. 40. lobe ottice. 4isid I jai) 4.11 1'1'11 of desirable rooms tettli 'It moo' room: steam beat and all moitcrn con, tine iOnitttion itiity rent. Apply to Jantior.

Hotel hensinaton, 33 Wellin2ton stiNt L4 Fr F. of 4 rooms, modern conveniences. janitor vir lee. mit 5 n1.1otna la 3. 2.1 itr I riiin 210'; Vela t'llester or at 33 lapiitaida Monona.

Nt I 1 IrS 11, EN'I'm of 2 or 3 rooms. 11101-11 or Jetta nt very low Oil Leinti near ter. of Columbus av lioston Highlands. pplv to Sir. litiasell.

on pteitiNeat, Iterim st. n23 It 1r Niolt to let of 2, .3 or more rooms for I at low relit, Apply on thP, tt tn24 awl ti2 1i Sitawinta to Mr. 11 YIL'I tiSull 143 flit 1.104 IM to let Al Smith nilit West Ends 11 of 3. 4 mot 5 rooms. to colored tenants; low 10 777 NVa3Iingtua nt.

It 1' 114) wate, Itobton 1142blands. Is 11. 4-14s-ntity deign able all conveniences toorleritCri rent; it rure orportuntly. I t'S 14, NI, 17 al. room 5.

itstitt $25 icw mote nice tenet livertio, i nice tiintitilitent location. and Itigiiner; rcl*t low. A 41.ty 10 Jun h. 23 t'onti 44., room 2147. IS117t 119 FIMinn In it ItieW bootie.

5 rooms and bath. all 444..0 floor; 'mot and horse cars. 39 4 Nprioit it. U. tsomervtile.

ILE'S' 3 tin orntshod rooms at 5 1 1 it Itetrre Pt. BOARD AND ROOMS. prrIt plti AP PLET4ON OCr. NV-el Mb: nil SU. lb) () I 1.

I 11; tie A A I rt)t rqt19 rit; 411.1 rvolits; 1 () it) A 1111.1EEolkNi ,,1111, Sts ,,1,111: nil t'' 1.402e. SIIN 6)9 I It LI' '1111 11 A sqwtrt. 411,1 It tf do- TN, 18 1... I I 11 III tA ot-IlantiSoisiic tkir- p' A 11P sktd i.t,te r.rtd.t Stt)41A lt. 1: TV 14 tkA -r fttr.k.hed (6 te -I at trtuotkohlo nate; bkrnowe ht-At, board.

tUl re frT tve th Ic ot ita0mo et lay' e. tot nt a children under 10 ears ego; gaol reeokl ok 111 ore l'oes anti 411,414, Atm S. E. b. Itux 11,0, I 1 1 1 I I 1 I ErG ENE TOM rEEcS Proprlotor sad Manager IN 116NOR OP C) Monday.

Feb. es. at oclock. and TONIGHT, AT 7.45, BICH HARRIS' Howard Athena um Specialty Cot; The Finest and Best Consolidation of Ce lebrttes Known to the Amusem*nt 'World. ludIng 0 "a 2 1, y- I.

-s. Teof! A 31 .44.,. g-. 1,2 ty -m '1 I 21. 44ALIJ.

6, CP rl 414 Li CINQUEVALLI s-not tgliETf4---5. Urn? her HRATZ. CUNNINOINAM, Brothers rout-SKI. nt-ren DALY. KATE DAVIM, FIPX MARION HAYMAN.

rurz eir.7 The mAtirierp ai Entertainments. litAora-NEEs 'WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. NEXT WEEK-THE HUSTLER. Doors open at 1.311 and 7.15- Begins at 2 and 7.45 An Immense Sensation! 113110 Stone's Tremont rquszurl "av now. a ettuare.

Thousands Blushing to glee the c9 2 BEAUTIFUL LADY ROWERS so isrs so I I I I In their great rowing contest for the Championship of America. This is the last week 41f the most intensely ezettlug and beautiful existbit tots ever gives in any stansessin in the vvorldi In or t'llriOSitV IIiJl 1113V also be eee tor the last time Mrs. Ann Thompson. Want without trims, slid who writ knits. and with her feet.

the world-tamous Isnleaule. who supporta half a Ion of granite on Ins breast it be it Is struck with a 40-poun4 sled.tehanimer, Barnum's great Frank Cotton. and Its wonderful p.rtormIng duldieyst Leopold, th0 Man with the Iron jaw; Trilsle, the best formed irI lietng. arid her den of ferocious snakes; the great 'tomtit* and 100 other marvels. la our Theatre the WONDERFUL DOLL DANCE, the reigning London sensation, will be perform, ed for the first time.

aud hourly stage shows' 'also given by the celebrated MINER'S STAR NOVELTY the greatest combination of tun makers erer seen in any theatre in liosiom Open from 10 a. till 10.30 p. ni Admission to all oniv 10 1rinrniancel and levtittPS bonny. STONE Sit A W. Proprietors and 3tanagrs.

tit RAYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS. ALL TRAVELLING EXPENSES INCLUDED. A party will leavob no.gton. April 20. for a tour of $2 days through COLCRADO, NEW MEXICO, 7-1 CALL The Pacific northwest aril Alaska, And homeward overNorthern Pacific Railroad, with a week in the liCellossatone National Park.

On the same date a party will IPAVA lloston for of Hays through COLORADO, CALIFORNIA AND THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, Returning ria the YELLOWNTONE NATIONAL PA It K. where a we-k will be passed. Also on the 153131e ILIA' a party will leave Hostels fora 'Tour of 62 'lays through COLORADO and CALIFORNIA, Returnice ria Salt Enke City and ths Picturesque Denver Az Rio Grande Itotite. All these partes will travel In Special Trains of Ildaignificent Yeatilso led Palace Cars, 'wllfi Pullman Palace Dissing-Cars Itshstied. lime IA afforded lot ineldental Trips to the seritile alley and Ong Tree Groves.

LV-- Send for a tk.wr,p!tve ICAY3IONI, a WIIITCOM 296 Washington Street (omiosite School Street, Boston, Mass. tiSn3t 121 The first dav of the Itreytt 'tdoog female attAtetle tOT l414 3 10ney Wal he started trt ea the tact tro-s, jfl mit the natevorturn the Mo 11114 IL-N11 IC A corner Witshut.zt,,,n and ra 4 kno le)ver ets. I. I. Le.

yhr.p. Propurtor mold of ladieti in tftttal te4t. A awl ritaeeta teAtures. show ohm on ALI Ili tone; Vittlety -y he Fyn lett tit14 NICE week te 'Thy, Ticket of 1.4-mm 311,4 h. Lot Stork AIDS 111t 18 troll of bee nttlut 'he '11.

AM- tor Match. bee the iv bukzneee, NICE MAIDS Washington's 'BirthL'ayl Music Hall Morning, 10 to 1. FE B. 23. Afternooz, 2 to MO.

Earnard Memorud, Warren St. Cbanel, CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL. NATIONAL DANCES. Eig GPrman, 1art. Scotch lr1h.

Fronch, I Spa np-rwan and I ,7.1,11 dancing' fre to all On: sr-n. I wn voivonir tag or Ulnae the 'rand band. Cidrij, 24); :21 POLO, MONI)11- FEB. 23, WINSLOW'S RINK, Two great games with the champions. BOSTON vs.

BRIDGEPORT. Afternoon at 4 Evening at 845. Skating previous to c'h t17tiult P21 WANTED. pTcH tra'7 't 35 Whlngtk4 dtr 11'4 tf 1 lull 31 any can be eloatned (1.11170' lj WANTEDA few persclut 171 to 40 1 I wring bin. 100 bort It-1th parttrulaill tO IL WoolBURY.

L. New York fluor 344t INSTRUCTION. bati4t f22 ti 4i of Ivo- '6 4-1. I. A ''''Yt' 4: i' '-) -VI.

'Zl. i.t.:t:,t'f':- 5T, ...,4 it? I AZ 1Z Al )i i i -4 (l 4.1 -A, -J: 't 7 1 I 1.11,,... -----2 ff, MALE HELP WANTED. 1 pist ill. I HES LOANED wIlle we a now main, 1....

ring or on our American watch for F.I. 4N TOW, Largest deparitnent in Boston. Upon evcior.48,, tiSatt tin 11 AT 3 se! ,11.1 rs.1"r eti. ,41 Va.shingeon st. Stunt 115 Nrir 7fit 6c1-lieTiec'arl intlitinelriatnn ng penell: the greatest selling novelty ever produced; errevai irk thoronghly In '2 seconds: no almsmin of pave' 200 to riis) per cent.

prollt; one agent's sales amounted to hi 6 days; another in 1,1 hotirs; we -want 1 etergetie, general intent for eaeli State and Territory; by mail- 85e. For terms and 1,111 partiett1trs address the Monroe Eraser Mtg. La NV Is. f0 me(z)Tfort blatik, which will not erock nor turn green, and la not expensive, or the method of coloring: state terms and enst per pound for coloring. Fitman Manufacturing Company, II.

dSu7t 117 -VVANTEISA centleman to take sole charge-of I correspondence and negetintion In reference to the sale of a valuable and recently patented machine: only those of echteation experience anti hichest ability, with references. need apply. Address 1 114. othee. SuAl ANTEDFor the Vnited States army.

able- bodied, unmarried men. between the ages of 21 and 35 yearszgood pay. rations, clothing and medical attendaace: alfplicants must be ured to fitenisit actory evidence as te0 age. clwracter and habits. Apply for mounted service, 75 Beaelt F4t; tor infantry, 30 Portland st n19 start men and women doing light work at home.

day or evening: 25c. por hour okrned easier than $10 per week at other work; send for 2 samples and 4 sneennens to begin On. Star Supply House, Rochester, N. Y. dSntig.

121 WAN upholsterer who understands stufling cushions and mattresses; also an experienced workman in furniture upholstering. Inquire at D. E. PIERCE, 9 Liberty Newtmryport, Mass. Sud4t 122 'WANTED-2 Experienced turnitnre movers; must be strictly temperate.

t. KENERSON. 4 thambers Bt. '2 Po WANTEDForeman and brictzburner; a first-Mass American will find steady work: apply at oncP. in person or by mail.

611.0. W. BALL'S SONS, II. dSul't 117 ANTE DOn men's work, Bussell trimmers, 2 edge setters. one on Union, the other on Dodge machine; 2 on beating-ont machines.

Apply at C. A. COFFIN Beterboro. N. 1 t21 t21 NITAKTE1110An honorable man of good charaeT ter; must furnish references and have mat appearance; a Catholic preferred; $15 per week.

P. 364 Washhington room 4. it WANTEDA young man quick at plain corm position and capable of setting plain ads; small salary. with advance as deserved and permanent Bittiation to the right one. Address 6uhnrban Echoes Pub.

Brighton. its take A i-rc jot complete printer. them who an et, o. sition for right man; open Boston Printing 21ti Purchase Boston. it good salesmen at once; salary, VI $12 per week.

Apply, with reterenees, to P. CLARKIN, 576 Washington room 12, after fl a. m. 3t f23 ETANTElls, smart American boys to learn the crockery business. Apply to Mr.

at Abram French 91 Franklin Tuesday morning. lir ANTEDEvery gentleman who has his hair know that ALLAND 10 Tremont row, opn. Bratrle are the originatora and introducers of the above style in this country. AVANTEDA good grinder and finisher on shoe dies: good pay and steady job. A.

C. HA WM 01C, 76 Railroad Brockton, Maas. Suchits 122 Vil A N'ICE ni) A blacksmith helper; one that can 1, irtve on shoes: single man. Apply to H. WRIGHT, West' Medford, NI ass.

Sud3t r22 ANTED Even' drummer to call at H. H. TILTON 136 Drat for a side line that will pay him $10 a day extra. SuMs littr A.NTEDA reliable parry with satisfactory I reference who can devote his time to business: Crill make quick mouey: no capital required. Call at 12G State room from 10 to 2.

Sudif ja25 WANTEDA young man who has had some experience In restaurant kitchen. Apply 14 Oak st. it. "WANTEDA first-cless order cook for night I work at TEMPLE'S, 1145 Wnshington St. WANTEDA good order cook and man to do general work.

61 Pleasant at. cook, Immediately. 22 Bowdoin St. 1.0 who wish to learn to cut gentle-I men's garmonts will receive a thorough practical course ot instruction at the Boston School of Cutting, the oldest cutting establishment in New England, cor. Cambridge and howdoin sts.

SUMS FEMALE HELP WANTED. That make the print appear blnrred will ruin your sight; save your eyes; eyes tested free; oculists' pre.icrioilons a specialty; no fancy prices; sand stamp for eye sight, by mail. WILSON 15 Tremont row. Open evenings. tiSintf f21 YOUNG LADY Wanted to assist in thee.

he tall, prepossessing in appearance anti reside with her parents. Steady work and first-class pay. 193. Globe Stid4t f22 wton st. dSulf fin GOOD apprentices, Improvers.

oper1-1. mors, ladies and girls to learn dressmaking and cutting. Call or write (room 20), 120 Boylston St. 1-313kasniEws wanted on ladies' 1,..) cloaks. DAY, CALLAGHAN Kingston itt.

dStitt 117 T-1 Wanted, an apprentice, 11 also a good sewer. 70 East Chester Or. It GI" wanted. g4.Protestant. nnly no wash- ing.

Mrs. CAMPBELL, 247 WPshington st. 2t. 123 LS wanted to work in shop. Apply to IL A.

DERRY 2 Purk 2d floor, (harlestown, Mass. lr A 11) ES, a parlor ('lock, 8-day, strikes hour anti halt-hour, for tz3.50; a written guarantee for years. at WILSON 15 Tremont row, where they have the largest assortment in Boston. ii8utf d31 ADIES to learn first-class millinery; thor- uglily taught by an artist; our pupils always command good wages after learning. Millinery L'r1or, Temple pl.

ilSmit 1'20 11, JE 111 1( Watt ted, experienced trimmers -1-112- and sidesladleat good pay and permanent situations. Apply to Mrs. M. J. alcFADDEN, 514 Washington Boston.

81111, VES wanted to bring their husbands' watches to SA, ILSON 15 Tremont row; American watches cleaned or a new mainspring inserted, it watches loaned; satisfaction guaranteed. diiutf d31 1000 ladies to call at No. 7 Temple cor. Tremont. and have your hair curled bangs cat and curled, singeing, shampooing.

latest improved hair dryer. First flight, take elevator; Miss M. T. INN. f17 'WANTEDGerman woman, housework, care boy.

3 years, family 1 housokeetier go New Hampshire; 1 young girl go country, 62; 4 housework girls; nude help call. MIS. White, forewonuin ISAACS, 673 Washington st -NkluAN-rrio In private family in city 25 miles I from Boston, a strong. capable girl for general honsework; also a nurse for 3 children. A tidi vas 199.

Globe othee. tiSul't 119 art, Igooeod Emtrourt done at home; self-supporters please do Riot call. it is not suitable for you; others call 23 Temple Etruscan Art Co. 11 IV-ANT-EnExperienced ladies hair tiresstrig. IV cutting, curling and abampoingi girl ninat come from a regular hair store- Apply European Hair store, 52 Winter at.

Sia NVAINTEDTliree first-class hotel waitreases for hotel out of town; 5 housework girls; Protestant bousekeper. Call bliAW'S Private Office, 21 West Dedham at. IVANTEDIntellicent, capable ladies, $10 to e15 per week according to ability. Apply to Mr. LIIOWN, rooru 62.

No. 1 Beacon Rolston. 15 ileick'8rnrr Se). St.e kr LTA ambridgeport. tiu3t 121 or Ite.Boston.

tiStt3t. 11 xxyANTEDExperienek.1 knittors on the Lamb V. mat-lane; eonatant work and good WA Ni Co-, 10t) Kingston st. 3t AVANTE 110.Sewina maohlne.operstors. on 1 bearer Chelmsford, Mass.

suM IL AT WOM L4 for general 11 City. Address i9, Globe ortie. SuM AVANTED-20 or 30 girls. also a few young 1Y Writ- Coratie 311 Caroden Boston- d4u3t t21 "tvr.x.NTE1)Table, chamber, laundry and ki eh. en girls tar and inantinamis.

TUCKER'S. office. 27 lt WitONIN.1:1117. PPInytisnofiutteersi A na4tit. to 07- 11.t4 Litut.

at. tt f.23 WeAtA7.neliru- 1411InztAfmriti7ece3id rowlyirs, a. on 41Su 7 12,3 GIRLS, 2140 ho 121.Ti-SLA I A and i aim -hoitst-s cooks. ta'oie kl'Aditen. bureau.

Cambrb.1.;e L. ttz 121 WAITITESSES, chamber. pantry at kiMneu Amis. hou2e2imi Bowl Reg- itry ver. ver.

MEETINGS. 11C-OTICEThe owners of teams to be emplored .01 in d1ffT Of the vry of boa-ton req.ustrpti to meet at 3 pL. Yen at 1tQrir uAt, e7) ertoliltir Bloy 4 WE I. i) t-C ..1, TED Min 41' 4 Ili t-S or ottloc 4,1 relcienceo. It-43, 4 'lobe r4ziNi A 1-1-uAlr1d)11 nv yonng roan to 4to 4 I 1..1114 orK.

4 or writc to IV. 11. ti, A 10 I- 11., 4 I 44rriso a itoston, soM To 1-Nt; 1.:4: ID wouIrt 1140. rosilloo S8 I .1 It 1 Al tliAt. i I ie.

i A It than of buSines1 vilty, jt wanls SitlintiOn: long li4 ItlineetAbie. Address. lo ftxt 111 l2 2 OA IT Pr tc moult maker peeks ellaon in white brick ymrd Or Address K. 184, tilobe office. Sudiitt22 ENCTID fierinati couple.

ace 53. de1 sire to take charge of a vegetable and poultry tni in. Cr 165. (Abbe oince. Sinitilt VTR IT engineer wants situation: 5 experience; becAt of rPferene-s.

Somerville Somerville, Tn I. sc-ant a aittlation to do goneral housework kik' in small AMPrleall flritlr; is a good plain cook and can I nrnish the hest of ref ereuce4 ddref.3 MisS 8CA SIC' ELL 53 Wall Pus to f'22 IDDLE-AGED wikw. a tor widower, uity or coontry. A.1.1reas Mrs. R.

A. IL. Wayland, 7thiss. dSti7ta. liS wanted as engineer: an do steam Utting abd burnish tools.

Address P. 0. box liosLon, 31ass. Sud7t I 30SITION as janitor wanted; 19 years expert- enee. AddreS4 WAI.

H. SAVAOE Harvard, Atass-; refereneP. Prof. Selah 212 Ashiond Rosdindale, 31u As. dSu15O.

119 13ft t'fl CA ItFTER anti tailor wants sitnajont fiPet iota to go ont of town. Address 19, Clotto thee. 2 f23 rr FA TPON wanted 105 bouseiceener in widowi71 er's family, American widow, 1 child 9 years: a home of more consideration than large pay; references furnished. M. 88 West Springfield BCW011.

QUTIVATION wantmcl, by a tontmatrons. In a family, or with firesarnaker. Address 31. 706 So. Boston.

SOP' UTILTATION wanted by a voting lady ns 0.71 casnier; can give reference. Address ()Mee. Sud3t 1 22 QtrflUATION wanted, to do general housewurk. WU Chestnut Jamaica ti4u3t f21 L4ITUATIONSRellab1e man and wile; also kJ Nova Scotia young lanuer, good milker. S23 Washington.

151, f23 QITITATFONS-2 neat Maine girls; cook, eco7 nomical; other plain housework; i-42 expected. 823 Washington. 150' 123 ALES 11, NOVExperience mostly in drapery 1,71 tiepartmeut; reference, present employer. Address M. E.

Globe thee. 122 an east; of references; willing' to locate anywhere in Massachusetts. Address M. STEARNS, talubridge, Mass. tiStitt au27 -17-e1tnNifil RE and wordien manager, age :30, unmarried, over 13 years' experience anti 6 years sole manager of very large works.

open to engagement. References and lull particulars from STRATTON, LITTLE Ai 103 State Boston. tiSt1140' f20 ACENTS, PARTNERS, ETC. 5R et 141-s 1 ,,::,4 carat, cot itSutt 119 A NEW VIISTORY of Freemasonry, written I by 20 of the most noted Masons in the world. assisted by the grand secretary of eticli Jurisdiction hi masonry, is Just issued; 10W orders placed in Boston since Jan.

7, 'VI; we want solicitors of experienee who -mean business. 'file Fraternity Publishing Boston Mlles, 36 Bromfield, rooins 25-28. 119 TSWe want responsible lady or gent to ituroduce our odorless broiler. toaster and frying pan In every town; small model for lady agents. Morgan Mfg.

Everett, Mass. dSlitd t21 A CENTS, to sell E100 instalment bonds; a sale I. investment; good terms to live men or women. Investment JAMES A. FRASER, See'y, 13 Boylston room 14.

tiSu8i f21 GENTS wanted; we wish some good agents A. for our specialties and patented goods; quick to sell and large profits; you can niake good wages; nice articles for ladies; circulars. New England Novelty ling. 24 Portland st. diiIu3t 121 A GENTS wanted to sell clocks And wringers on instalments.

ILSLEY 7 Lowell stdSu2Ot f12 10 commissions paid to energetic men to seU a perfect cash register at a low figure. Cell or address Miles Cash Register Sudbury st-Boston. 20 El AG ENTS to sell instalment bonds of JLA $100, payable in 1 year, bearing 6 per cent. in- terest; also 25 bonds; large profits to investors and liberal commission to agents. E.

N. HILL, general manager, 120 Tremont room 3. Sud7ts f22 LlvE AGENT'S wanted who have made a specialty of instalments to Investigate one ot the best selling books before the public; liberal commis-Mons. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 22 Hawley Boston.

dStitt f13 CMG OinCIA.NIZ ER :4 wanted for a new one-year order, just organized. Address F. J. ItLEF, Supreme Sccretary, 77 Main Nashua, N.H. Sud30i f22 -1-ntov tolEN'r AID socirmv or Portland.

wants general and special agents; best boturanee known; reserve only 114 assessments total since send for circulars; correspondence SM W12tfi ja31 NI A AStirEll SIBig steady mit; call at. once. Commonwealth Supply Co. 3 Watmington oL, opp: Essex. ThS3IWtt ja23 .111 IMICY is now being aigned on Gen.

Benj. F. Butler's memoirs, entU led Butler's hook. A. M.

'MAYER cit 6 Mt. Vernon opp. State House. SuM cities. Apply to P.

O. box 1549. Salem, Lynn, Attleboro. New BedfordKII Plymouth, Fitchburg, Taunton, Amloyer, Beverly. Blackstone, Chicopee, Clinton, Dedham, Yramingliam, filotteester, Palmer, ea body, Smith-bridge.

Spencer, Ware, Webster. Westboro, Westfield, Weymouth, Whichester, Woburn. Sud3t 122 liAr ANTEDFirst-class agents to see the re- V1 views, lists of subscribers arid records of our agents on "Abraham this monumental work is Indorsed both by the critics and the public as indispensable in every library, large or small; good territory tor the right kind of agents. BALCH 131t0TitE1tS, 3 6 Bromfield Boston. Sraitt f22 WANTEDThere is no book that requires less effort to soli than Rev.

T. DeWitt Tahnage's great work, Front Manger to Throne;" agents report great success. BA LCIL 36 Bromfield at. Swift t121 WANTEDContracts on a liberal basis made with capable persons as agents for our standard works; special guarantee when an engagement 14 made. BALCH 36 Bromfield st.

Sada 11 MALE HELP WANTED. A I'll YSI OfNOM ICA 11.. haircutting, cutting your hair and heard to Utt features of your face made a specialty for the last 8 years at A LIA NI) 19 Tremont row. opp. Wattle ortginators and introducers of the pompadour" style, mat haircutting specialties.

A It I E11Wanted today, a good barber. Ad- dress box 1360, Fitchburg, Mum, dt4tt4t. 120 1.) wanted. not over 14. Apply between 10 LI and 12, at 57 Pinckney st.

XIPE11 ENCIED married and single men to care for gents' places; also good farm hands and experienced. practical farm managers; competent gardeners for private and sales places; teamsters, grooms. etc. If of good habits and charaider apply to or address Agricultural Bureau of Registry and Information, JOS. DERCK SONS, 5 1 to 53 North Market st.

WITMtf ja28 XPEIC salesman wanted in granite biliffilet; liberal inducements offered. Apply at office of MA BNAT1 Liberty South quincy, Mass. 2t 121 ri iFiti ENCEIS window dresser wanted; IJA one who can slso print show cards preferred. EDWARD A. FILEN 10 Winter st.

Smin 122 NIB IL F. PIN111 at WILSON 15 Trell'41 moot rOW lowest prices in Boston. tisutf d31 ENTEEmEN who appreciate stylish hair101 cutting. beard trimming and the "pompadour" Erie in particular, can have it done satistactorily at ALLA ND Tremont row, pp. Brattle TIO.RSES110EIR wanted; good driver young wan.

C. lg. t.i01.7LD, :18 Orange Worcester. Sud4t 121 Ton COMPOSITOR; young man steady ing 1S7 Hanover tit. it.

Hanover Print- sallAtion. Appty immediately. A 1 ES waute4 wishing to learn steam engineering Il and be helped to positions in a short time at a atilAil cosi; send stamp. Address li 112, (lobe thee. Su2.1 f22 'AI EN.

are von going to make a wedding present? It so. a elovk is a Met, thing: we have the largest assort nit ttt in Boston; parlor clocks, tislay. hour and hilt hour; 3 anti upwards; warranted 5 years; satistaetion guitrauteett. 15 Tremont row. jiL3 11 ENTry and remember wben yon want to buy .01 a gold ring tor yonr friend that 1ZS Tremont row.

have as large assortment as any tint first class in Boston. eititf11. EN; of experience elm earn eAleto Si; per day; It Ito capital. no dencen and with but Lztle exertion. Apbly Mr.

'BROWN, room 62. No. 1 Bed, con hon. iSutf Al ENDo not lose halt a day because you do AL ger up in tune; alarm clocks, tkl: 'warranted I year. 15 Tremont row.

tiSutt Ja3 A It ttIEllk MEN that have homes ought tO VIAIL our clock department. NV bleb la the, largest LU boston 13 Tremont row. d-Sutt d31 TYMESSMEN wanted at )nee mtM fiat IL ti- L. GLAZIER, merchant tailor, Nash 13, N. H.

ba.N-P and helper wanted: tirst-elass: otta-r rdtppv. Apply at 410 Treintalt az- P. IL Qtc.011..LAND bag the thistle' Em314 h'sg WilN BRoS. liave ie wtil thl.sC; etTg1441 LI soi4 elsewhere eye4 tviited tree ut If, Treatont tiStitt d31 AIEUP first-class sharpen- et tor also A tirst-elas altstoenet and jobber alas to eat atone- -Apply at Fitzwilhatri. GEO.

WOOLSORT-En wanted; good ettnation and 1 steady wort; mrtzt be a non of good babtte; one won famtly to work in the mai Ixelerrwl. 1- drest 11.10;3, tiwbe odiee 1 1 1 A Eai tba ttallOt Tr, )4HLLL HOLUSTIINint. ISAAC B. RICH and Third awl Lass vs'epk Mit One of MEL AND31 US. IrENDAL And thelr Own onmanv.

nmier tbe turreton of JartI Fro Ie la) Erening. ALL FOR Tursday aro and Init. A fel IC A OF PA LL It. 1 beraday tu.z. Etsta Leetang and sitneder tit I I feft' 14 VI-TILE nista MI LE' 4 IL.L.

Sat taw, ten-Ina. I I Pl Lvenings I TAS. Matrteee anti Nat unto, at 2. March 2 Fourth and Lwit 1fl4 Ttvft. It VOA.

Mat. IRON' TER. Wed. Ly R. t.t1-1- EN'S sil 1LLI(.

lh.ui. Etg-4. 1,211. Fr WAS A ORE A and THE Nrostiv SPINNER. Rat.

Mat. SHILLING. Sit Evg. IRON As I FR- Al. of seats now progrent( ter the P'InAtaln at 7.44.

Mauneta Wed. and Rd- I It OPERA HO PROCTOR It MAN ELI Props- and I auAgets TIMICE TODAY JUST FOR FUN, THIS AFTERNOON AT 29 TE1S AT 7.45. CEO. WILSON STR FE LS A Great Consolidation of airily the Greatest Celebrities. 45-MERRY MINSTRELS-45 EVPiea.

7.45. Thew. at 2. I'd NEVI YORK. BOSTON MUSEUM.

Mr. R. M. rILILD. TWO PERFORMANCES 1011ATal 2 am Last Week azd 72 Performances Of Two Nikmat Laugha My The Solititoll Betty's Finish Cormtanylig with the lauorEvenings (extort katurday).

at 7.45. Wedneaday and Natturday Ita.qzief,a at 2. rpturdAir rypntnabenefit of 34inas ANNTE CLARKEAS ()PSI GATE and LEAP' YEARSive Clarke In both piny. Mondair Next. March 2The Sew rAy---41 HINE AND PIDADONV.

PTAtt rz2 HOWARD ATEENEUIA WM. MA itkiS rt. mad lTh foruntncirtz Tk Monday Afternoon, Wastingten's L'ay, Feb. 23. Grand Seemile forndnetion of lb.

Pow. ertal Meindraina. a r- Master anu "brat VS qt. a. Wear FizUs' p.

evil T. ree a i WEDNESDAY EVENING. Ern. 25o Crand Concert by FISK JUBILEE SIAGERS -0 tr- ashi Me, Tenn. RESEUVED PIEAT.

50 and 75 Cni. 3t CYCLORAMA. BRIJ SALMI, Tremont (former GettyUnng.) The Tito sse or Chmat Isyril waoctsts. Mr- C. Iticz 34 satires of ttl4 BOW MarAtil Lbelot3 eveE Z.

1,11111 Irav kv-tAine p.a., Toys: of raw tn. 0-TO of the el-loa Inevel 111V1 tt, tete wow rosAhr "k.111 sg. 7 i S. sa 7 .4,7, i LAI-VA I S. tra.

W. kS. kr, Seel. 2 I 6) 13041 i.STON tAble board, 63, 11, 60-15. t22 1' It IV it F.

aIld Ride I I. A litettc11 tuniliy: relit i t. A I i I "I 1. VI -41 is 14,1. 1 11 It a IP rtout room.

4, AA I. V. I AI VI I A I I I lit i 1 kit It ill i tinpre.vqllelit-v..... 41 122 I It 11 I 1 1 I 4 104)11 ER Arr. s'Alus-- I '1 i It V1 II IIA 11.0 I- 'A I ''t al, I I A A s.s, I .4., I i ts.Z It'll, it it I.

I no I 4 4 hi at. 1 It 11 I 1 1 th lib Flit 110144 wr. And Sid; 2 ot sail; trio. re.te;11AVr a 1 1 1 LI I I I III 1044111N OAT. -sty turrasntA rooms, "Ix.

A 11 14Ott lot 1 i 1, L. 1 0' 11 A a I 1.1 0 I-1, in. qr lit IL FitrtiiNlied 140114.. h44 I 4 lir A 1I AI IA 4 a 1.4 CI ...1,1 turr slid gAK. Alit 1 4 I.

4 44 it' '4 1444 14 In it i'rernh private it 14 4 1-t It 4,1,,, tit i 1 6 room to Art; gentlemen i As it 44,..,, ,,4 1,14, 1 4,4, re 1.9 a a .1 '1 a 1 u. 1., IA it It EN -A- 10'. emit- A. 0.101i i bvi .1,4 And 1.1, 44.1..t 1,11, 1' 1, A 4,1 It I r-V i I 1. At II 1 A AA 0.

I I A 1 it I I 1 I ik ki. ,,...,,,,1.. 1.,, 1 I 1, r- .4,1 I i i I At I IS ILI b. i 4. 1 tA.

k. t. I I i 1 1' '1 t.1 1 Ill 4, 'r .1 a 41 1 b' It 43tA 2 1, '1 All I 4,1 I. I I elette st I I .1 et A 1,1: .1.4 1r- 'd tt A. it.u.4.00,1 Lb it 0.ff,,- I ill) It Ot I.S.' -Ito 174 1 kcce ot 0, vie, stk.

to. thakkon Uko ours 1,,,) kto sokkoe. I 1 0 0 7 V. 0 i.

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Author information

Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.