The Hiccup Cup Group Project - Chapter 46 - PKMN37 (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 46: The Moth and Molly Mcgee by PKMN37

It was a beautiful summer day in Brighton and the family known as the Mcgees had just pulled into their driveway. Molly Mcgee, a young Irish-Thai girl, practically jumped out of the car and ran for the front door.

“Aren’t you gonna help us with the groceries?” asked her mother, Sharon Mcgee.

“Oooh! Okay, but we gotta hurry!” Molly grabbed a bag, her dad’s house keys and ran back to the door. “The Cup and Friends stream is gonna start soon and I don’t wanna miss it!” The door flung open and she raced inside, placing the bag on the kitchen counter and racing back outside to grab another.

Darryl, her younger brother, grabbed a bag. “You know you could always watch the stream after it’s over, right? They’re on his Hictube channel.”

“It’s not the same!” The hyperactive teen protested, grabbing her brother’s bag and running to the house and back. “At that point, it’s just another 3-hour video!” She grabbed another bag from the car before her watch beeped. “And it’s starting now!” She dropped the bag and ran inside.

“And that one had the eggs in it,” sighed her father, Pete.

She stopped by the kitchen and filled a big cup with dish soap and water. She gulped it down fast and hiccuped some bubbles, “ Hup! Hiccup! Hup!

Scratch, the house’s ghost, floated back and forth, waiting for his best friend to arrive. “My god, Molly, move your ass!”

“I’m HUP! coming! HICCUP! ” she called up to the bedroom attic. Her bubbles floated through the trapdoor opening before her head popped up. “Why hup! did I hic! leave hup! my pho- hone! here?”

“‘Cause we were supposed to watch this together?” reminded the big-nosed apparition. “Hurry up!”

“I hic! know! Huc! I know! Hickok! Hold on!” Molly booted her smartphone up and pulled up the Hictube app. “ HILK! Hurry, HIC! hurry, HICCUP! hurry!”

Singulto sat in the throne room of his massive space station, Spasmtron. A big camera faced him with a large monitor to the right and left of it. All three were connected to a large console controlled by Hictank.

“Begin the stream!”

“Aye, sir!” Confirmed the Scottish mech, pushing a few buttons.

The camera activated and the monitors came to life. The left one showed several of his subscribers in live text Chat, ready and waiting. The right one displayed the words “Cup and Friends” above a live video of himself in his comfy chair.

“Hello, my fellow hiccup lovers! It's been quite a while, hasn't it? As you can tell, I've upgraded my camera and equipment. The signal for this stream will reach farther Worlds than it could before. Welcome, newcomers.” He paused and read one of the Chat posts on the monitor. “Redheadmermaid1989 writes ‘Life under the sea has been so dull, lately. Glad I was able to catch you live this time.’ Well, glad to have you here, Red. Maybe I'll visit your World later. You and I can have some fun. Let's see…NotWordgirl writes ‘I miss you, Master. When will you be back?’ I miss you, too, little lady. You know what? I’ll connect you right now. Might wanna change your username, by the way.”

With a flick of his antenna, a live video feed appeared next to his feed on the right monitor. There sat Becky Botsford on her couch. “Hi- EE! , Ma- huck! -ster!” the little girl greeted.

“Hey, Becky. How’re things in Fair City?”

“O- hoh! , you hic! know. Heekup! Su- hoo! -pervillains hiccup! are-”

“Ahh! Ooo! Aaaa!” screeched Bob, next to her.

“I hic! mean, hiccup! schoo- hic! school’s bee- heeen! prett- HEE! good. HIC! Yeah, hicEEK! school.” She rubbed the back of her head sheepishly, as she saw Bob roll his eyes.

The metal moth grinned. “Yes, of course. How's Violet doing?”

“Fine. Sh- eee! -s sti- huk! still hic! in hukee! Twi- hik! -light Tow- HYCCUP! Town.”

“That's a nice peaceful World. The clean alleyways, the quaint shops. I've been to the giant clock tower multiple times, eating sea salt ice cream with some of my slaves. Wonderful view.”

Becky looked a bit jealous. “ Hiccup! Yo- ulp! take hic! me th- hair! , right?”

“Of course. You're one of my slaves, too.”

Molly sighed as she stared at the screen. “I HUP! wish HULP! I wa- HUZ! one of HUP! his HUP! slaves. HICCUP!

“Well, you could always pray to him,” suggested Scratch, “He is a god.”

“Nah, HUP! he'd HUK! be too- HOO! busy HICCUP! to hear HUPUP! me.”

Molly didn't notice as the moth’s antenna perked up. “My fellow hiccup lovers, we have a new friend who’d like to say hello. Let's help her out.” With a flick of his antenna, Molly's image appeared beside his on the stream.

“Sweet HUP! bab- HEE! corn! HUPIP! ” In her surprise, Molly accidently swallowed her phone. “ Gulp. Hiccup! ” A soft splash was heard inside.

Scratch raised an eyebrow. “Again, Mol?”

Singulto’s voice was slightly muffled as the girl and ghost listened to her tummy. “Welcome, Ghostgirl96. Eat your phone?”

Molly blushed. “HUP! Not o-hun! pur-hic!-pose…hup!” She could feel it slosh around with each hiccup. “Hiccup! Hiccup! How hic! did hiccup! you kn-ho! that hiccup! I…”

Singulto chucked, “I heard the prayer in your heart, dear.”

Scratch elbowed her. “Told ya.”

“I see you drank some soapy water. Sooner or later, one of the bubbles should carry your phone out. In fact, it’s being enveloped right now.”

HICCUP! ” A stream of bubbles left Molly’s mouth with her smartphone in one of the larger ones. She popped the bubble and caught it.

The moth chuckled, “Phone retrieved. Now, would you like to tell me your name?”

Molly blushed. “You hic! kn- ho! my HUP! name.”

“I do but how about you tell our viewers?”

“Moll- hee! Mc- hiccup! -gee.”

“Welcome to the stream, Molly. The one behind you must be Scratch.”

“At your service, sir,” the ghost greeted.

“Oh, hic! Mas- HER! , tell HILK! us abou- hoot! your huk! trip tuu! the hicka! Orre hilk! Region!” begged Becky.

“Very well. I visited the Pokémon Universe and found myself in the green mountainous area called Agate Village. It’s a beautiful and peaceful place with a waterfall beside it. Some of the simple houses and stores are built under large tree roots and the river snakes around the village.”

Another face appeared beside him on the stream’s feed. It was Misty. “C- hum! on, M- hulk! Mast- hiccap! -er! Tell hic! us a- boot! Rui!”

XJ9, aka Jenny, appeared above Misty. “Plea- HEE! -se, hic! Ma- hyuk! -ster!”

“I'm getting there. Most of the people there are old ace trainers but younger trainers do visit. One of them was a cute redhead named Rui.” His antenna whipped around as a purple energy began to emit.

Scratch noticed Molly's eyes starting to glaze over. “Mol? Mol? Oh, right. I forguhh…” His eyes glazed as well.

Molly and Scratch found their environment transforming into the mountainous Agate Village. They stood at the base entrance below the rustic Pokémart.

Scratch looked around. “Huh? Wow. He wasn't kidding. Gorgeous place.”

Molly pointed upward. “L- hook! There hee! is! Sing- GUH! -lto! Hiccup! Dow- hoo! here!”

“Molly, this is a memory. He can't hear you.”

“Oh, huk! right. Hichup!

The two went up the hill and ran to a small wooden bridge, phasing through nearby residents.

The metallic moth fluttered down onto a branch of the giant tree that sat atop the town. He observed the people below and shook his head.

“Back here again. Hmmm…not a lot of young people but that won't be a problem. Ah, the Pokémon Center.” He dove down and flew in before the automatic door shut.

Molly rushed across the bridge and ran smack into the door before it opened. “ Huk! Ow!”

Scratch floated above her. “The environment is solid, Mol.”

Molly rubbed her face. “Sorr- huc! Got hiccup! excited.”

They entered and saw multiple hiccuping girls inside. One of ‘em hiccuped so hard that her skirt went up, giving Molly and Scratch a nice view. The moth rested on top of a Storage PC, taking aim at the Center's nurse. After she tended to the last hiccuping trainer's pokémon, he shot her with his Hiccup Curse Beam.

The slim, blue-haired beauty grinned and began hiccuping bubbles. “ Hooky! Hiccy! Hykyup!

“Welcome to my hiccuping harem, miss. Do you know a good place for some fun?”

She hiccuped a few bubbles in his direction. “ Hooky! Please, hok! ca- hul! me Ko- hook! Ko- hok! Kori. Hookie! W- ee! have hok! hic! the hok! Rel- hic! Fo- or! -est hook! below hooky! us.”

“Relic Forest, huh? Alright. Meet me there. I'm gonna bring a few more girls there.”

Kori bowed. “Ye- huuk! , Ma- hok! -ster.” She left the counter and headed for the door, bumping into Molly. “Oh, hok! ex- hic! -cuse holly! me.”

“No hic! pro- hup! ” Said Molly. After a second, her eyes widened. “Wait. HUP! Did sh- hup! just…?”

“That's never happened before,” commented Scratch, “Let's test something.”

The duo went outside and ran straight toward an old man, phasing through.

“Nothing's changed. Maybe we imagined it.”

“I hup! won- duh! -er…”

Back at the Mcgee's residence, Sharon was putting the remaining groceries away when a couple of Molly’s stray bubbles floated past her face.

“Oh, right. She's watching her Hictube stream right now. I should tell her to stop drinking so much soap. Stuff’s not as cheap as it used to be.” While Sharon wasn’t big on cooking, she didn’t mind putting a simple sandwich together for her daughter. “Let’s see…a little mayo, some lettuce, Munster cheese and a burger patty.” With that, she headed upstairs to the attic.

When she opened the door, she heard Singulto telling his tale. “So, after recruiting the lovely nurse Kori, I went to summon Sakura Haruno, a pretty, young, pink-haired ninja girl…”

“Hey, Molly, got you a burger in case you were hungry. Molly?” She took note of her zoned-out hiccuping daughter. “Okay. I’ll just place it here.” She put the food on Molly’s bed. “Guess I’ll see you in a couple hours.”

“You don’t have to leave, Mrs. Mcgee.”

The Thai milf turned around and looked at the phone. “How do you know my name?”

“That’s not important. I think your daughter would love to have you along.”

“What do you mean by…” The next thing she knew, she was in Agate Village. She watched as a few young trainers phased through her, hiccuping as they left the village. “Okaaay…” A smack on her butt got her attention. She turned around, blushing. “What the hell?”

“Hi, huck! huckup! I- heeem! Sakura,” greeted the little ninja. “ Hiccup!

“Oh. Sharon. Hi. I’m looking for my daughter.”

“Ho- hoo! abo -huck! you pl- uck! play hucee! with huk! me a hilk! while? HIC-CUP! ” The little pink ninja kissed her.

Hippy! ” Squeaked the milf, blushing. “ Hippy! ” She couldn’t remember the last time she got hiccups but these felt really good. “N- how! I hip! know hippy! why M- holly! likes hic! -cups hyp! so hippy! much. HIPPUP!

“Le- huh! Let’s g- ee! go!” Sakura took Sharon’s hand and the two headed to Relic Forest.

“Shouldn't we go to Relic Forest and wait?” Asked Scratch, as he floated behind Molly.

Molly didn't answer as she watched the metallic moth flutter up to the house built under the giant dead tree. A cute, hiccuping redhead with short, spiky pigtails ran in with Singulto right behind her. “ Hop! Hoppy! Hoppup! Hip!

“Tha- ut! must hic! be Rui HUUUP! ” The Thai girl ran up and entered.

Inside, Rui stood before her grandpa, Eagun, who sat on a comfy purple couch. Singulto rested on her head.

The old man grinned. “It's good to see you again, Singulto.”

“You hop! know hop! him, hoppy! Gran- hic! -pa?” Asked Rui.

The old ace trainer got up to make some tea and beef ramen. “Hoho! I met him ages ago when my journey began. We teamed up and gave several girls hiccups. In fact, that's how I met your grandmother.” He began mixing in large chunks of steak as the noodles softened and added garlic powder, broccoli, peppers and onions.

Eagun continued, “It was fifty years ago. The moth and I were making our way to The Under for a tournament.” He walked back over and placed the huge bowl of food on the table, taking a sip of his tea.

“So hop! what hopup! kind hov! hic- HIC! -cups did hop! she ha- hoh! -ve, Gran- hip! -pa?” Asked Rui. “ HOPPUP! HICCUP! HILKUH!

“Oh, they were the cutest squeak you've ever heard.”

Molly’s mouth watered and her tummy growled loudly. “ HUK! Ooohh… GUK! That sm- hel! goo- huuh!

Scratch nodded. “So good. Don't you think it's weird that he just placed it right-”

Molly lunged for the ramen and began devouring it. “ MUNCH! HUP! SLURP! HICCUH! SLUR-HULP!-UURP! HIGGULP!

Scratch rubbed his chin. “Something’s different about this.”

“...and then she swallowed her Pichu, causing her to emit electricity with each spasm. She had the hiccups for three weeks,” Eagun sighed, “Ah, those were good times. Where do the years go?”

“I know, right?” Laughed the moth. “Even gods like me lose track of time. Speaking of which, I have a date to keep.”

Molly lay on the floor with her watermelon tummy full and round, sticking out from under her shirt and bouncing with hiccups. “ HEEIP! HUKEEP! HUGGEEP! HICBURP! ” Rui turned around and stepped on her soft belly, her foot sinking in a little. “Ooof! HOO-URP! HUP!

“Oh, hup! excu- hup! excu- hic! excuse HOP! me! HOPPUP! HILP! ” Apologized Rui, before leaving.

Molly blushed. “No- uh! problem. HOK! That fe- HULT! good.”

Scratch helped his bloated friend up. “Hurry or we’ll lose track of him.”

Molly’s fattened tummy made it difficult for her to run as her hard hiccups made it bounce.

Scratch moved underneath her belly and held it up. “You shouldn't have eaten so much.”

“Sa- hezz! the fl- hoat! -ing garbage BELCH! disposal? Hulp! ” The little asian girl shot back.

Scratch shrugged. “Touché.”

Her ghostly buddy carried her spasming tummy as they followed the redhead down the sloping pathways. They passed by the Pokémon Center, down a path that led to a cave below. It was a tunnel with a couple of the giant tree’s roots passing through. The river passed through there with the water glowing a bluish-green with a small bridge ahead.

Molly’s hiccups echoed throughout the passageway, “ HUKEEP! (HUKEEP!) HUP! (HUP!) HIK! (HIK!) BURK! (BURK!) HIPEEP! (HIPEEP!) HICURP! (HICURP!) HICCUP! (HICCUP!)

Scratch grinned as her soft belly jumped violently in his hands. As they crossed the little bridge, they began to hear female hiccups in the distance. “ Hic!...hup!...hilk!...hiccy!...hiccup!...hic-cup!

“We're almost there, Mol!”

They made it through the exit to see Singulto, Kori, Sakura, Wendy Corduroy, and…

“M- HUULK! -om?” Exclaimed Molly.

Sharon was on the ground having sex with the pink-haired ninja. She turned her head to her daughter. “ Hip! Hi, hippy! Hon- HILK!

Singulto was busy watching Charlie69 and Mommy Long Legs make a giant web. They wrapped and weaved as the threads combined like ropes. “Remember, it has to be strong enough to support the extra weight.”

“An- hee! -thing ULK! for heeULK! you heek! , Mas- URKEE! ” The crazy, pink spiderlady said. She looked up in Molly's direction. “Sh- hee! here! Ulk!

The moth turned around. “Scratch, Molly, welcome.”

“So what is this?” Asked the ghost. “I thought we were in a memory.”

“You are, but I decided to do something different this time. Welcome to my first Interactive Memory. You and my other viewers are each having their own special experience.”

Molly sat down with her belly smacking the stone floor. “S- oh! what w- ee! -re seeing hulk! here…”

“ different from what billions of other viewers are experiencing? Yes. We are here while someone else may be in the Pokémon Center or skinny dipping in the river. Maybe they're being inflated or eating to their heart’s content. There will be side effects in the real world.”

Molly smacked her fat belly and grinned. “Goo- hood! HULP!

Scratch watched as the camerabot and spider lady finished their creation. “So is everybody here linked like us?”

“Some are, yes. Others are interactive figments designed for this experience.”

“S- ho! who’s hulk! real?” asked Molly. “ HULKEEP!

The moth grinned. “It wouldn’t be any fun if I told you, would it? Now strip down. It’s time for some excitement.” He switched over to his cat imp form.

“Be- HORE! we HILK! start, ca- UK! can yo- HULK! you cur- HICCUP! me?”

“Of course.” The cat pointed his tail at her and zapped her with the magic energy beam.

Molly grinned as the curse took hold. “Tha- hyulk! you, guk! Ma- huk! -ster.”

“Anytime.” He turned to Mommy Long Legs. “Mommy, if you please.”

The giant, pink toy stretched her arms out and began lifting up the girls one by one, sticking them to the reinforced spiderweb. Since Sharon and Sakura were already naked, they went first. Charlie69 climbed over to Wendy and stuck her with his mouth needle.

The lumberjack girl began to sweat and her face got red. She could feel a fire in her belly and before long, she began hiccuping bursts of flame. “ Hiccup! Hiccup! Hiccup! Hiccup! Hiccup! Hiccup!

“That’s a spicy meat-a-ball,” commented Charlie with an Italian accent, “Now to try out one of my new upgrades.” A hatch below him opened up to reveal a metal dick. He shoved it into Wendy's mouth.

Wendy kept her lips wrapped around it, her mouth glowing as the hiccup flames heated Charlie and wisps escaped through her nose. “ HYMP! HEEUM! HIM! HIMPK! HIMK! HYYMK!

Molly watched her mom hiccup helplessly, her excitement growing. Sharon noticed this and asked Styx, “Ma- hip! -ster, cou- ood! you HIC! place hippup! her hip! here? HIPUP! HUP! ” She used her chin to point at herself.

“No problem.” He looked up to Mommy, who nodded and placed her on top of the milf.

Molly’s soft tummy pressed against her mother, making both of them blush. The two looked at each other for a while, hiccuping in each other’s faces and rocking each other with their spasms. “ HUK! HEELP! HIP! HICKLE! HICCUP! BUHIC! HIPPUP! HUC!

Was Sharon really there? Molly hoped so. She decided she’d ask after she had fun. She leaned forward and began making out with her mom. As they hiccuped into each other, Scratch came in from behind and shoved his ghost dick into Molly.

“Don’t mind me, ladies. Just getting comfortable.” The phantom chuckled.

Sharon reached underneath Molly's fat belly and began fingering her daughter, with Molly doing the same to her. They both blushed as they worked their magic.

“I hulkup! lo-uck! you,” she hiccup-whispered in Sharon’s ear. “HICCUP! HUCK! HICCUP!

Sakura put her mouth over Kori’s, swallowing the bubbles the nurse produced by using her own hiccups. “ HUGULP! HIGULP! GUHILP! HIGUILP! ” Her own belly began to inflate as the bubbles quickly built up inside. “ HUGGUH! HIGGUH! HEEGUH! ” Soon, her belly was like a giant beach ball and her legs weren’t on the web, but dangling in the air as the pink-haired ninja held on and kept her lips locked with hers. “ HEEG! HEEGUH! HIIELGUH! ” By the time her lips departed, her body was completely spherical and she floated gently to the ground, hiccuping bubbles. “ HIELKUP! HIGGUP!

“Hmmmm…” Styx looked between Mommy, who was giving Kori a blow j*b, and Molly, who was still making out with her mom. “Maybe…” He snapped his fingers.

A shy girl in a green sweater, Libby Stein-Torres, appeared by the cat and was making out with the air. “Oh, hop! yes! Hoppuh! Ye…” She stopped when she noticed no one was there. “Vel- gop! -ma…?” She looked around and spotted her friend on the web. “Mol- lop! -y?”

Her friend's voice took her out of the moment and she looked behind her. “Li- hih! -by?”

“A lot of people from your hometown watch my streams. Anyway, I have an idea.” With a wave of his hand, a purple gumball appeared. “As my new slave, I give you your first assignment. Test my new Hiccup Stretchy Gum.”

Libby nodded. “Ye- gop! Yes, HOPPA! Ma- uop! -ster!” She took the gum and began chewing. In moments, the gum dissolved in her mouth and her whole body turned pink. She enjoyed the weird feeling the transformation gave her as she watched the green cat take her arm and stretch it.

“You are now living bubble gum. As long as the gum’s magic lasts, you can be chewed, stretched, swallowed and blown. Allow me to demonstrate.” He grabbed Libby and tossed her into his mouth.

The green cat imp chewed, feeling her hiccups in his mouth before blowing her out. Her face appeared and got big and spherical. She grinned and giggled as her hiccups gently shook her bubble form. “Ha hop ha! Hop haha hoppa!

HICPOP! She popped and got on Styx’s face. With ease, he peeled her off and stretched her between his fingers. He balled her up and tossed her into Sharon’s mouth.

The milf swallowed her and began hiccuping bubble gum bubbles, “ HIP! HIPPUP! HIPPIE! HIPUH! HIPOP!

The Libby bubbles hiccup-giggled as they floated around, “HA HOP HA! HOP! HEE HOP HEE OP HEE!”

“Me HIC! too!” shouted Molly, eating some of the bubbles her mother hiccuped. Instead of a bunch of bubbles, her hiccups produced one big bubble that stuck to her lips and inflated with each hiccup. “ HUCKUP! HUCKUP! HYICKUP! HYICKUP! HICCUP! HUCOOP! GUKUP! GUKUP! ” After a few more hiccups, the bubble popped, encasing the two and pushing Scratch into Molly’s body.

“Okay, Libby, now to bring yourself back, you need to focus. Think of…what’s a good comparison? Cake mix. The eggs, flour and milk come together as one.”

“O- HOP! O- HOPPA! ” Libby formed a thumbs-up before beginning to concentrate. Her gum form began to peel away from Molly and Sharon and the floating Libby bubbles began to fly into her and merge. Within moments she was back to her human shape.

Styx grinned. “Good. Now how about you wrap your arms around Molly and Sharon? They could use a good hug.”

Libby nodded and stretched out her arms, wrapping them around the two naked girls.

“Now eat ‘em.”

Libby's mouth stretched wide, creating cavernous hiccup sounds, “ HUco*ck! HOGUCK! HUCKUCK! HOKUH! ” She yanked the Thai girls off the web and into her mouth, swallowing them whole.

Her gum belly was big and round, bouncing with her and her friends hiccups, “ HUCK! HOP! HIP! HOO! GUK! HOPPA! GIP! GUH!

“Beautiful.” He turned to check how Mommy Long Legs and Kori were doing, only to see that Kori was missing.

Mommy's abdomen was bigger and she was hiccuping bubbles, “ Hiccup! Hooky! Hiccup!

Next to her, Charlie and Wendy were finishing as the camerabot’s whole body was glowing hot and steaming from Wendy's flames until he came in her mouth. He lay next to her, watching, recording and cooling down.

With her fire out, Wendy hiccuped big puffs of smoke, “ HICPOOF! HUCPOOF! HEEKPOOF! HEKPOOF! UCKPOOF! HICCUPOOF!

Styx took a whiff. “Mmmm…Nothing like the smell of hickory smoke.”

A surprised “Woah! HOPPA! ” got the cat's attention and he looked back in Libby's direction. Her tummy was bouncing around and hiccup-moans were heard inside. The two girls were having sex.

“Ah, it's been a while since I've seen this.” The cat leapt onto Libby's jumping tummy.

Everytime Molly and Sharon hiccuped, Libby hiccuped after. “HYMP!” “HOPUH!” “HUMMY!” “HUPPA!” “HIPPI!” “HUPPY!” “HULK!” “HUPOPY!”

“Oh, that’s nice. One moment.” The green cat hopped off Libby’s large tummy and helped her stand up. He then pulled down the little girl’s gum pants and proceeded to f*ck her from behind.

Molly’s hiccups had gotten so fast she couldn’t speak normally. She had to use Hiccup Talk, “ HUM, HIE HAVE HUH HESUN.

“A question? Fire away.”


Styx continued plowing Libby, who was now laying on her fat stomach. “Where is Rui? Why?” He thought for a moment then smacked the side on his head. “Of course! I was so wrapped up in the revelry, I completely forgot about her. Let’s see…what was she doing? She was…that’s right! I remember! She was f*cking Misty and Ruby Gloom!”

The three hiccuping redheads appeared on the ground, naked. Misty lay below Rui, who proceeded to rub her puss* against hers. Ruby stood behind Rui and hugged her tight from behind, hiccuping into her ear.

“Oooh! That's hot!” shouted Scratch from inside Molly. “I’ll be back, Mol!” The ghost left the Thai-Irish girl’s body and stuck his ghost dick into Ruby’s butt. “Hello, ladies.”

HID HAT HEELY HAPHEN? ” Molly asked.

“Did that happen? Honestly, I don't know. I’m fueling so many Interactive Memories right now, it’s hard to keep track. Does it matter?”

Molly shrugged. “ HO.

The cat grinned. “Good. Now hold still. You're gonna feel something in there.”

HIPE! ” yelped Molly. Styx's dick found its way from Libby's butt to Molly's puss*. She grinned as it moved in and out. “ HO HES. HICCUP!

“Ma- HOP! -ster, HIGUCK! I OP! ha- OP! a quest- HOP! ” Said Rui.


“Wi- HIL! you HOP! take HIPUH! over HUP! Hictube? HEECUP!

Styx grinned. “Of course. I've had my eye on them for a while. It won't take long. Once I enslave the head of the company, the rest will be easy.”

“Ca- URP! Can HUK! I HEEL! help?” Asked Molly.

“I- HIP! game! HIPPY! ” Agreed Sharon.

Libby saluted. “Co- HOONT! me GUP! in!”

“A- HUND! us!” The other girls said.

“Excellent. The more cute girls I have, the better. We'll make plans after the stream.”

“S- HOPE! who's th- HICCUP! head?” Asked Ruby.

“The Weight Gain Goddess, Bouncie. She doesn't like the fact that I've been playing in her turf but tolerates me because I bring in the highest numbers for the site.” He could feel his dick ready to burst. “Woah! Get ready, girls! Here it comes!”

Within moments, Molly could feel the god's cum flow into her and she screamed in excitement, “AAA HUC AAA HIC AAA HEEK AAA!!!” She fell limp on her mother, who came at the same time.

Libby sighed and fell limp, coming as well.

“Congrats, Molly, soon you will be the mother of another one of my children.”

“Tha- HUNK! -s, Mast- HEELK! ” The teen sighed, as she fell asleep.

“Alright, girls, this stream is coming to an end. Time to say goodbye.” With a snap of his fingers, the environment began to fade away.

Molly awoke with a fat tummy and laying next to her mother. She grinned as she felt something forming inside her belly. She could hear Singulto’s words from her phone.

“Okay, time to wrap things up. Let's see…Bluehairedscientist writes, ‘That was amazing! I can't wait for the next one! Maybe I could bring my Saiyan prince?’ I don't usually bring dudes along but sure. Why not? Mushroomprincess85 writes, ‘You can kidnap me anytime. Wink emoji.’ Sure. I’ve got a new dragon form I’ve been itching to try. Still don't have a name for it yet. Have GirlToad04 with ya when I come over. MaiValentine writes, ‘Leaving so soon?’ Yes, I'm afraid so. By the way, honey, don't use your real name as your username. That never ends well.” The moth watched as Mai’s username changed to Harpylover96. “That’s better. Anyway, links for my new hiccup videos are in the Chat. See you all again soon.” With that, the stream ended.

At Hictube Headquarters, a potbelly princess with long, braided blond hair was running through the office, passing other chubby girls. Her bare feet slapped the ground as she made her way to her boss’ office.

The doors swung open with her panting and hiccuping, “ Pant! Hyic! Pant! Hyuc! Pant! HYICKUP! Master! Hyic! It's him! HYIC! He's-”

“I know, Rapunzel. I know.” The Weight Gain goddess turned her chair around to face her subordinate.

She had teal skin, blue eyes, big red lips and a pair of large breasts held by a tank top with a big tummy underneath. Her hair was blonde and flowing. She wore jean shorts that could barely hold her rear.

“Mmmm…you got the hiccups again.” The goddess looked the princess over with a lustful gaze, but tried to keep her thoughts clear. “How close is he?”

“Ver- heeyik! close HUK!, Mast- hyulk!

“I thought so. It was only a matter of time. Ready the defenses. He must not get through.”

Rapunzel bowed, “Of hyic! course, HYILK! Mas- UUK! -ster.” The princess shut the doors, smiling.

The Hiccup Cup Group Project - Chapter 46 - PKMN37 (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.