Hidden Stars - Chapter 3 - MommaBirb, stickistuffin - Welcome Home (2024)

Chapter Text

Even after such a happy event life goes on, but now they are a couple. It wasn'ttoo different from being friends. They always snuggled and sat next to each other. Wally supposed the only difference was the looks they gave each other. Sure there was still the little sarcastic code they built over the years, but just underneath it there was something softer. Theiralmosttelepathy being used to convey little compliments and stupid flirty looks.

Barnaby and Wally hadn't really found the time to go on areal date yet, but Wally didn't think it would hurt to pretend the crafting session at Eddie's house was a double date. Arts and Crafts was a great date in Wally's opinion, even if it wasn't really a date and just for the craft segment of the show.

Wally led Barnaby by the hand to the doorstep of Eddie's house. Wally shook his head, an amused smile on his face. "Itwould be funny to watch you try to use small scissors." Eddie's definitelywouldn't be big enough.

"Buddy, Itried once, my fingers got stuck! I looked more like a weird crab than a dog!" He shook his head with a chuckle, giving Wally's hand a squeeze. "Could you imagine trying to hold hands if I couldn't get em off? Good thing I bring my own now." He had a special pair meant for bigger paws just for this reason.

He felt like a pup with his first crush… already planning to sneak little touches under the table and kisses when no one was looking. Maybe slip Wally little paper hearts?

The sassy eye roll Wally gave him had his tail wagging. "I'd just hold the hand thatdidn't have scissors stuck to it." It took a great amount of effort for Barn to let go of his boyfriend's hand, using that hand to knock the standard two-bits-and-a-haircut, but not without giving Wally's hand an affectionate squeeze. Wally crossed his arms once his hands were free. He missed it already, but he wasn't ready to have everyone know yet. The corner of his mouth quirked upwards. "That is unless you're dumb enough to get them both stuck." He looked off to the side at Eddie's bushes with a chuckle.

Barnaby gave Wally a playful side glare, not having the time to give a rebuttal before Eddie opened the door. He'd get him back for it later.

Didn't take long to hear rustling somewhere in the place, muffled voices of Frank and Eddie followed by heavy footsteps coming closer. The door swung inward, and there stood Eddie Dear in all his southern glowing splendor.

Casual T-shirt with the words "Pecan Pie" scrawled across it and just a cozy pair of slacks followed by some fuzzy bunny slippers. Clothes he could get dirty in.

"Well hey there, fellas! Was wonderin' when ya boys would get here! Come on in, got everythin' set up and ready to go...Just wipe ya feet if ya don't mind and get some slippers on, Frank just cleaned the place. Ya know how they get." Eddie spoke with fondness, stepping to the side to let the two into the abode.

Wally's attention was directed up front again when Eddie opened the door. He raised his hand in greeting with a smile. Wally did what he was told, wiping his feet and changing his shoes for slippers. He took note of the color before putting them on.

Frank could hear the others voices from the kitchen as they put the sugar cookies in the middle of the table where all the crafting supplies lay. They called out as they stepped back. Something was off... "Welcome!" They hummed and then shifted the table cloth down a smidgen on one side. "Hope you're both... doing well." Frank was a bit to busy in their head.

Barnaby stepped in with the pair of slippers for him and walked on over to the table full of crafts. Paper, glitter, glue, pipe cleaners and all kinds of things were organized on the table.

Eddie walked around the table to wrap an arm loosely around Frank, giving them a small kiss to the temple while nabbing a cookie. He wasn't shy to show affection, especially while in the company of his friends.

Frank blushed from the kiss and shook their head.

"Heh doing alright, how you doin' today, Frank? Those cookies smell mighty tasty." Barnaby eyed the plate, tail wagging at the thought of having some. But he'd be a good pooch, not let his stomach get the better of him, instead he reached for a chair and pulled it out, gesturing for Wally to hop up if he'd like.

"Fine as I can be, I suppose.” Frank shrugged.

Wally followed behind. The table was about chin height for him. He just glanced at the cookies. He was never crazy about food. What his eyesdid gravitate to was the paper.

There was definitely a selection, but nothing... that gave him that funny feeling. That was a good thing, less chances to embarrass himself, but at the same time a little disappointing.

Wally had noticed Barnaby's gesture abit late. His eyes widenedjust a smidgen and then he mumbled a "thank you." Wally did his best to ignore the awkwardness of hoisting himself on a chair. He always had to do it, but that didn't make it any less... embarrassing. He huffed and then smiled once he was on the chair. "Thank you for having us."

Frank watched the little interaction between their guests before talking again. They waved their hands to the cookies. "Have a few. I didn't stand in a Walmart check out for 30 minutes for them to end up as a centerpiece." By the time they got home they werethis close to leaving them in the plastic container.

Barnaby couldn't help but think it was cute to see him clamber into the chair, he wouldn't say it though, instead he pushed the chair in and happily reached over and grabbed a few cookies as he sat himself in the chair beside Wally.

"Definitely, gets crazy...dunno why everyone feels like they justgotta get to the place at the same time! But while Frank was dealin' with that, bless their heart, I was at this little local craft store and boy howdy! They had some good stock. So we definitely in for a treat...and I got more if we need! Just say the word!"

Eddie pulled a chair out for Frank. "Take a seat if ya wanna join us? We can get started! We're supposed to be making our own safari of animals. But like make believe animals! So we really got room to do whatever. Still should plan it out. Just try and take notes of what you're using and how you'd describe it in instruction form. But 'course want you guys to have fun with it too!”

Frank sat down, their naturally frowning lips curling up at the corners. "Thank you dear."

Wally glanced at Barnaby briefly before grabbing a sickly teal peice of paper. He hummed as he ran his fingers over the surface. Eh... it wasn't what he really liked in paper anyway. A bit thin and a tacky color. He started folding it anyway. Wally preferred something with the thickness of card stock. A deep rich color complimented most anything he thought. He didn't have any inspiration so he just folded aimlessly.

Eddie bent down and nuzzled the top of their head, gathering little note pads and pens for everyone to keep notes on what they're doing for review later on the show. After he sat himself down beside Frank and grabbed a few pompoms and empty toilet paper tubes. Of course he scooched his chair closer to Frank's, always the dopey love sick puppy type, just so he could bump his knee against theirs or "accidentally" rub elbows together, perhaps even reach for the same glue stick? He couldn't help it! Eddie just adored Frank and sometimes he forgot about personal bubbles when it came to the gray puppet. His fingers would get antsy with the feelings and that is usually when he'd do his best crafts.

Frank started working on their paper animal. Well, they were going to create an insect, but they were sure it wouldn'treally matter. They chuckled softly at Eddie's shows of affections and gave him a peck on the cheek.

Barnaby on the other hands was not the crafty type, whether it be because his big hands or lack of inspiration when it came to this stuff. He was a comedian, dangit!! The only real reason he was part of these segments was to be a comedic relief with his pile of sad papers and glue, and just showing the kids that crafts didn't have to be "perfect" to be fun! Usually he just snipped papers or made a mess with macaroni and glitter glue.

What Barnaby did know was making snowflakes (sort of) so he could at least do that, a random pile of papers off to the side was tugged over to him and he pulled out his special scissors. While picking up a rather flimsy Grey piece of paper (not an outside beauty but personality was their specialty) to idly start cutting he leaned close to Wally, his ear flopping on top of Wally's head. "Whatcha gonna make, bud?”

Wally glared at Barnaby playfully as he lifted Barnaby's ear off his head. "Not sure yet." He looked back at the paper in his hands. He traced at the random angles with a small frown. How disappointing. He let go of the paper and rested his chin in his palm. "You got any ideas?”

Barnaby snipped to make a snowflake, sliding it towards Wally to show off his creation. "Ya know me, just gonna do what I do best...nothing on task." He would have made an absolute pile of mess but last time he did that, Eddie damn near took his head off! Frank too! One cuz he was wasting good crafts and the other due to the mess!

He sighed and looked over when he felt Eddie's eyes on him, scanning his snowflake with scrutiny but quickly it turned friendly when it was dubbed a good way to use the material.

Barnaby really didn't wanna get that southern man mad. He was no glass of sweet tea, that was for sure. The though made the pooch shiver as he pulled another piece of paper from the pile.

This piece was cardstock. Perfectly plucked from the package to the point there was nary a nick, wrinkle or tear in it. It had a light sheen over the smooth surface, the light catching it in just a right way that gave it the appearance of a cat's eye effect. A rich, royal blue pigment colored it; certainly from a very pristine pack of papers now in the hands of Barnaby. A dog who couldn't appreciate the way the pads of his fingers gilded so smoothly along the surface, like ballerina feet during the performance of Swan Lake. No he could not understand the lavish nature this paper held, all he cared for was taking his scissors in preparation to cut it into another sacrificial snowflake.

Fair enough. Wally didn't reallyexpect Barnaby to be creating anything jaw drop, he was going to say as much until the gloss of the paper cut his thought off. His eyes were glued to the paper as Barnaby took it out of the package. He instantly loved everything about it! Who didn't love royal blue?!Oh he wanted to touch it so bad. When he realized that Barnaby was going to cut it up Wally couldn't help the little surge of panic that caused him to elbow Barnaby in the side before he could think about it. He hissed quietly, but enough that Barnaby would hear. "Give it to me." And put his hand out.

Barnaby let out a surprisedyip at the elbow, nearly dropping his scissors in the process. He turned his head to look at Wally with a bewildered and slightly betrayed look! Even if it didn't hurt, helped he was all plush.

His betrayed look turned perplexed at the demand and for a second he stared at Wally's waiting hand. He didn't think Wally wanted his scissors...and he already gave him the snowflake...so Barnaby looked at the paper and back at the yellow hand and just placed the parchment on Wally's palm wordlessly.

Wally turned back toward the table. His features softened as he looked at it. It was even prettier up close. He ran his figures over the surface as the corners of his lips curled upwards. Suddenly he was flooded with so many ideas of what he could make. So, many it was a bit overwhelming. Though, he knew he didn't want to waste such a pretty piece of paper making a stupid make believe animal! He resisted the urge to press a kiss to it, instead carefully pocketing it. There would be more time to get to know each other. He had to be patient.

Barnaby squinted at Wally, rubbing the spot that got assaulted by that nefarious little elbow.

Off to the side, Eddie's attention was caught by the yip, and just assumed it was just a bit of a scuffle over the materials. He understood, there were so many to use! Kind of hard to choose..."now now, plenty 'round to use, let's not get to much of a tizzy goin'." He smiled and slid a different piece of paper to Barnaby; a yellow piece of construction paper.

Barnaby took it, not even bothering making the obvious joke about yellow snow as he snipped another flake (Wally didn't seem to mind THIS piece of paper being cut up) pausing here and there to glance at Wally at the corner of his eye. Little dude didn't even use it! Why even bother taking it...it was just a piece of paper...peculiar little lover he had. He huffed through his nose, feeling a bit ruffled. He didn't even have feathers! But he didn't want to make a fuss...not before knowing the reasons.

His mood had soured a bit like this lemon colored paper. Just a touch…

Wally straightened when Eddie spoke. "Okay." The word clipped. Whatever, he wasn't going to let himself get caught up in his...embarrassing actions. He needed to make this dumb animal. He dragged a hand down his face and sighed.

What would his character make?

Something silly... Something cute... he squinted at the crafting supplies. Don't go crazy with it. Something simple. He grabbed a green pompom and stared for a second before gluing a pair of googly eyes to it. "Hmmmm." It needed something else. He snipped off a ribbon and tied it into a bow. Then, glued it a bit under its eyes. "Done. What should I name it?" He showed off his little creature.

Eddie looked over the creation. It was simple...but Wally's character seemed to work with that and it was charming! Something the kids could do easily if they wanted to follow along...Eddie himself was making more of a creature with a capybara-esque base made from paper tube but with snipped pipe cleaner fuzz glued to it in various colors and puffy stickers...mmm maybe he should simplify it...

Barnaby glanced at it and and rose his ears in disbelief. There wasno paper used for that! Not a scrap! He drooped his ears back down and made a suggestion with a bit of childish pettiness (but playing it off as a regular joke) before Eddie could suggest anything Barnaby chimed in "how about we call them a pompous...seems like a snooty little dude to me. Right, Walls?”

Wally shook his head. "Not REALLY." He didn't pick up on the petty remark, more in his work mindset. "It's too... little for that." Wally poked the little thing.

Frank rolled their eyes. "Pompous isn't a name." They waved their hand to the little thing. "I think it's a Jeremy." They hummed. "Not particularly sure why…”

Eddie smiled at the name Jeremy. "I like that! Gives off the air of a real stand up guy! Got his ducks in a row and ready for business." Eddie nodded in agreement.

Barnaby clicked his tongue. Shoulda seen that coming. Both his plight and jab went under the radar. So he sat down his scissors and picked up pipe cleaners to braid together. No use getting grumpy, for all he knew he was reading too much into it...plus the simple pompom pet was kinda cute…

"Aright, Jeremy it is then." He quickly wrote down the items he used to make Jeremy. Now that he was done his thoughts shifted to the paper in his pocket again. He slipped his hand into his pocket to pass his fingers over it. A small smile played at his lips again.

Barnaby set aside his scissors, he was done with making the paper blizzard. Honestly snowflakes could only provide so much entertainment (he liked thereal stuff, even if it left him soggy once it melted into his felt and fur).

Barnaby, with nothing to keep his attention, glanced over at Jeremy then to Wally and noticed the smile on his face (Eddie was too preoccupied with watching Frank, resting his cheek on their shoulder, to pay much attention to Barns or Walls).

The pooch gandered for a moment longer and raised a brow before looking at the paper he was supposed to use for the task. He didn't really want to make anything else...and the other two were busy so why not pester the small puppet beside him? Looks like he was done anyways. So he wrote down a little note to pass to Wally with a grape scented gel pen: 'Penny for your thoughts? What's got you smiling?' He even drew a crude little penny, slipping it discreetly over to Wally.

Wally looked at Barnaby before reading the note. Was he smiling? sh*t. It dropped instantly. He was half way into writing ‘nothing’ when he crossed if and started again. ‘Just’ he crossed it off again. He dropped the pen on the table and looked away instead. Wally didn't think he could explain his feelings at the moment,especially not with Eddie and Frank around. He felt bad about being too uncomfortable to say anything.

Barnaby scrunched his brows in thought a bit, there was just an underlying feeling of negativity but mainly he understood, obviously it was something he didn't want to touch on right now.

So instead he reached over to reach a corner of the paper to messily draw a small (very messy) rendition of a duck doing ballet.

His fingers were a bit awkward to see around at this angle so the line work came out squiggly, more so than usual. He set the pen down between them on the table and looked away to focus on sticking feathers in a foam ball (he liked the way the stem of the feathers crunched through the foam).

Wally peaked at the drawing then over at Barnaby. His heart felt like it was being squeezedjust a bit. He really didn't understand how Barnaby could put up with him. So patient... probablytoo patient. He sighed and then wrote a little note on the paper that said ‘I love you.’ He decorated it with a little heart before looking back down at Jeremy. He rolled the little thing in his palm.

Barnaby couldn't help but feel his tail wagging, slightly thumping against the chair. Happy to see the words and the hearts. Did he still want to know what was happening? Of course. But there wasn't much point getting huffy about it.

Instead, he excused himself after making a feather sphere (he didn't name it. It wasn't supposed tobe anything) to go out the back to puff on his pipe. Not very polite to do that in someone's house after all. On his way past, Barns gave Wally a gentle brush of a finger across his back out of affection then mosied his way out so he could grab his pipe from his pocket.

Wally's eyes followed Barnaby's form as he walked out. Would it be too suspicious to follow him? Wally looked back over to the little note they were writing before folding it up and putting it in his pocket. Hewas going to come up with an excuse but he decided he'd just get up and walk out. He was a free puppet that could do whatever he wanted... and totally wasn't trying to avoid having to interact with his own friends. That'd be crazy.

Wally had to focus on making each step even. No rushing, that'd be odd. He peaked out the back door before walking out, smiling once he saw Barnaby. "Long time not see." He closed the door behind him and then leaned the side of his head into Barnaby.

Frank hummed as they watched the two leave. "Well I guess it's just the two of us again." They pressed a kiss to Eddie's cheek before going back to working on their creature.

Eddie had watched Wally walk after Barnaby, taking no offense to it, instead he chuckled lightly, feeling all fluttery from the kiss. "Those two more connected at the hip than us at times."

Meanwhile Barnaby took out his pipe, lighting it and taking a small drag before blowing out a bubblegum scented smoke ring. He reached a hand around to rest on Wally's shoulder, running his thumb over the side of his neck.

"Heh...been so long nearly forgot who ya were," Barns joked, looking at a passing puff cloud. "Dont got a penny this time, but got any thoughts to share with this little dog?" A gentle nudge, let him talk if he wanted but he wouldn't force anything out of him. Maybe later but not now.

Wally laughed softly at his joke. At the mention of his thoughts he sighed. He didn't say anything for a couple of moments. First, an apology. He nuzzled Barnaby's side. "I'm sorry for elbowing you. That... wasn't necessary I just..." He trailed off.

"Didn't hurt me or anything," He assured softly, giving Wally's earlobe a little massage between the pads of a finger and thumb. "Take your time, alright. You know I won't think any less of ya? Spooked me a bit, got mighty confused! I woulda shared if ya asked, ya know? Or if I did something to upset you somehow...?”

"You didn't upset me..." He waved his hand. "Well at least notreally upset me." He fiddled with the fuzz at the tips of his fingers, eyes focused on them. "I... didn'twant to share." He shaked his hands out and rubbed his arms instead. Pulling at the tips of his fingers was a bad habit he really needed to stop. Just another check on the list of everything wrong with him. He shrugged one shoulder. "I don't think you'd... appreciate it the way I do." Why couldn't he just be normal? There were so many things he hated about himself. No matter what he did nothing changed. He always made situations worse. Felt stupid things... feelings that didn't make any sense, but he couldn't get rid of.

Barnaby tilted his head towards Wally, but kept his gaze forward to not make the little guy feel picked at.

Another ring was blown into existence followed by a smaller one and an even smaller one. Making a bullseye that eventually dissipated. He thought over Wallys words, let them roll around and click together but they didn't really click.

One last deep inhale and a cloud of smoke bellowed out as he got down on the ground with a huff and puff; he crossed his legs and reached a hand to take hold of one of Wally's, giving a gentle tug.

"C'mere? Get comfy with me, let's get this figured out cuz I'm not sure i understand. No rush, I think Ed and Frank will be preoccupied for a while in there anyhow. Can have a puff if ya want, soothes the seams." He wiggled the pipe in Wally's direction as an offer.

Wally nodded shyly and sat himself in Barnaby's lap. He stared at the pipe before leaning forward to take a puff. Nothing fancy. Leaned back into Barnaby’s chest, breathing out the smoke. "Um... what do you not understand?" He spoke softly. He was stalling now. It was getting harder to pretend this conversation wasn't making him uncomfortable. Should he even say anything?

The cherry was knocked out, the backside of the pipe used to snuff it in the grass. It was tucked away and with both hands free, both hands held Wally, pressed flat against his back with enough pressure to reassure he was there for him but give him the give to leave if he wanted.

"Alright...I'll bite.." He mused, curling over to nose the top of Wally's head. "Start easy,what did ya not wanna share? Again, take ya time bud. Iwantto understand, for you. I won't hold anythin against ya but, just remember that sometimes talkin about the heavy stuff makes us feel a helluva lot lighter.”

"That..." He took a deep breath. Barnaby said he wouldn't hold it against him. He wouldn't judge. When has he ever? Just tell him! He pulled out the pretty peice of paper from his pocket, the very tips of the corners bent. He literally flinched at the sight. He worried over the new creases for a brief moment. He clamped his mouth shut as he did. Even now just looking at the glossy surface made his heart flutter. Mixed with the anxiety balling up in his throat it made for a veryconflicted mind. His voice wavered at the beginning before he corrected himself. "That I... really like this piece of paper." Maker! He sounded like an idiot!

Barnaby couldn't feel the flinch, honestly for a second he thought Wally got a paper cut when he pulled out the paper butsomething was giving the impression that that wasn't the case. The fretting struck Barns a bit curious.

That was the paper Wally had told him to give him earlier. Looked like any ol piece to the dog, he was just gonna cut it up a handful of minutes ago.

"Okay didn't wanna share the paper, and...you thought I couldn't appreciate it?" He tried to gently keep him going, rubbing at Wally's back when he felt how stiff the guy had gotten. Maybe should have kept the pipe lit .

He was trying to wrap his head around how this piece of paper was the central point of this. "Is there a reason why?" A gentle kiss punctuated the question to the top of Wally's head.

"Why I like it?" He shrugged even though he didn't feel like any of this was shrug worthy. "Because it's pretty... i-i don't know..." He passed his thumb over the surface. "I've always..." He put the paper in his lap to rub at his face. It was so hard to think once his head started buzzing like this. "Liked... paper... and stuff... just the way it is." He wasn't say it right, he was sure. He was making it sound like he just like stationaries in the hobby kind of way, but that wasn't true! That would be a flat out lie. It was so much more than that. But then again maybe he was acting toocrazy over it. He probably seemed like a weirdo.

Barnaby looked at the piece of paper in Wally's lap and back at the little guy. He didn't know what was going on in that head of his, but it was obviously working him up.

Barnaby felt for him, he did. He felt bad he couldn't figure it out and understand right away so Wally could relax a bit...but it was hard for him to fathom. What he could focus on though was touching Wally's hands, holding them. "Alright...take a break...you're doin great," he murmured, giving his hands a squeeze. He rested his forehead atop Wally's head, mushing down his pomp but he'd help him fix it up if he had to. "Hey, I love ya. That doesn't change.”

Wally squeezed Barnaby's hand back. "O-okay." He closed his eyes tight and focused on the feeling of Barnaby around him. His fur. The weight of his head. His paw pads. "I love you too." He did. Heknew he did. Then why was it so hard to tell Barnaby? He trusted Barnaby more than anyone but still…

Barnaby gently rocked side to side while holding Wally, keeping him nice and wrapped up in his arms.

"Ya know when I was a pup, I had this special toy. I was a little sh*t and usually tore up anything I got. Definitely caused momma to lose some feathers, but I hadone I actually took care of. Not sure why, but it was this squeaky tennis ball. It was like any other one I had but for some reason this one was real special. Couldn't tell youwhy but I was real gentle like with that one and I wouldn't let any other kid try to play with it. Anything else sure, but not that one. So I can...sort of get, maybe. Maybe not. I wanna think I do." He didn't want Wally to feel like an odd duck out, trying to find some way to relate to this special little puppet he cared for. Even if he truly couldn't.

"It's kind of like that." He was surprised that Barnaby could relate. It probably wasn'texactly how Wally felt for special pieces of paper, but…

Wally tilted his head back to press a kiss to the bottom of Barnaby's chin. Then he looked down at Barnaby's arms and put his hand over Barnaby's hand. "I'm sorry.”

He wouldn't know the full extent there was to Wally's reasons and emotions, but the pooch was happy to be able to understand just the barest of ways.

There went his tail again, wagging at the kiss. Simple as it was, it got Barnaby going lax, just untangled his cotton and made his seams feel a little loose. He was a sap, he couldn't help it. The butterflies in his tummy flapped and fluttered at a fast pace; he's known Wally for years, the little guy always knew how to get a reaction outta him.

The sorry was a bit of a surprise, it wasn't a common occurrence, but he didn't joke on it; it was a moment to be treasured and taken to heart after all. Instead he turned his hand to be palm up so he could hold Wally's hand, dipping down to lightly nose against his cheek and then planting a small kiss to his temple. "I forgive ya, no hard feelings. Besides, you'd probably do something better to the paper than I would. Same color as your hair, kinda fits that you have it. Pretty as can be." A gentle chomp to the soft roundness of his partner's cheek.

Wally squeezed Barnaby's hand, a smile tugging on his lips. His eyes drifted down to the paper. His heart felt just a bit lighter. "You know..." It didn't take as much effort to continue. "I have a bit of collection. And..." He wiggled his toes in his shoes. There wasn't any reason to worry. He could do this. "When we're done here I'd like to... show you. If you want to see anyway." He felt his cheeks heating up.

Barnaby could feel the warmth from Wally's face just at the edges of his mouth, subconsciously he brushed the seam back and further against the felt while he mulled it over.

He didn't think Wally of much of the collector type...but who was he to judge a book? He just figured maybe he was a little embarrassed. "Heh sure, I'd love to come see. Whenever you want, you made your guy for the show and I'm just gonna wing it for the sh*ts and giggles, like usual anyways...so probably skeedaddle whenever your little heart desires, Frank and Eddie probably wouldn't mind. They can do some Kanoodling when we leave.”

Wally pocketed the paper again and guided Barnaby's hands off of him so he could stand up. He turned to face him held the sides of his face. "Let's go home." After a few beats of silence he leaned in to press a kiss to Barnaby's mouth. Then he hugged around Barnaby's neck, a little happy noise stuck in his throat.

Barnaby gave Wally a kiss in return, all but melting into the little guy's hold. Big guy like him was putty in Wally's hands. "Home it is!"

Barns scooped him up, getting up with a grunt, and marched on it to bid Frank and Eddie a good bye with a tip of his hat ("Sorry for the craft-n-dash! Left the faucet running!" He had said after pocketing some more cookies, promising to make it up to the couple for leaving a mess.)

The two did indeed skeedaddled their way out of the home and Barnaby got them back, he even carried Wally back into his place, nuzzling the top of his head all the while. 'Course he set him down soon as they got there. Couldn't hog Wally all day long.

Wally pulled out his keys to unlock his front door once he was set down. "You hungry?" He held the door open for Barnaby and closed it behind them. "There's some leftover from this Italian place I went to the other day." Wally walked up the stairs, expecting to be followed. Wally found it funny to watch Barnaby squeeze through the narrow hallway to his bedroom. To Wally close walls were comforting. When he had his house built he never thought about how cramped it would be for Barnaby. Well... if this new relationship they had kept going well maybe he could move into Barnaby’s place? It was a bit big for him but the place needed a renovation in his eyes anyway so what's the addition of little aclove for him feel cozy in? Once they made it to his bedroom Wally started searching his dresser for his scrapbook. "You know I took down those paintings in the hallway because you keep knocking them everytime you come up here." He chuckled softly, he found it endearing.

"Naw im good, filled up on those cookies on the way here. May take up the offer later, though. I do love Italian food!"

Barnaby had to cross his arms in front of him to make sure his shoulders and arms didn't get him lodged in the hallway when he followed after Wally. It had taken some time to get used to ducking the doorframes (the amount of bumps to his noggin was impressive!) And whenever he turned about he'd knock into things, like the paintings Wally mentioned.

"Hey, I can't help it that I'm thicc, that's what the kids say yeah?" He said it with an exaggerated noise as if he were clearing his throat on the 'cc' part.

Barns went to sit on Wally's bed while he dug around, making the bed creak and dip underneath him. He wasn't the heaviest puppet out there, but he still had some weight to him.

Wally shook his head as he shut his dresser, book in hand. "Please never say that again." He heard enough of that kind of talk during meet and greets, those kids said the craziest things. You'd think they didn'thave parents. At least they behaved for him.

Wally sat on the edge of his bed to take off his shoes and then criss crossed his legs. "So I collect paper I find pretty and then..." He flipped to the third to last page, the start of his complete projects. "When I get inspired I make something with them."

Maybe it was the earlier conversation or seeing his most treasured pieces of paper again but he was... almost calm about this.His worries were only a drone in the background.

He handed the book to Barnaby and folded his hands in his lap. Every paper was decorated differently. Some were colored in with paints or marker, always abstract shapes with color choices Wally felt enhanced the paper's color. Some had poems on them, written in loopy calligraphy. Some were a bit messier, when he was learning how to express himself in the way he wanted.

One particular paper stood out among the rest. A restaurant menu from when their whole friend group vacationed in France. Stark white and black, with gold filigree at the very edges. Ink scralled down the margins and around the matching black text, anywhere it could fit. Only small pricks of white stood in the hollow parts of the letters. There wasn't even a clear beginning to what Wally had written.

At the time he didn'twant to be clear. Wanted to hide. Hide away in his hotel room forever. No, someone would eventually come check on him. He needed to disappear. Wally was already packing his bag when by chance the menu fell out of his pocket when he was looking for his key card. It was already folded up into quarters, those gold corners creased by his pocket. Something about it pulled him from his intense panic for long enough to pick it up.

Slowly, with tremors in his hands he unfolded the menu. Wally taught the kids, through one of the show's scripts, that writing was a good way to vent your feelings.

He grabbed a pen instead of his bag.

In the dim light of a small desk built into an alcove in the wall he wrote with a crappy ball point pen. Anything and everything that came to find. How much he hated himself. The world. People. Puppets. Eyes. His friends. Existing.

Eventually when the torrent of hate subsidied he went back on it all. He didn'treally hate anyone, he just... hated these feelings. It made him feel insane. He wrote as much.

Soon tears stained the menu. Another beautiful thing he's ruined. He ruins everything, doesn't he? He couldn't even enjoy a dinner with friends without flipping out. The end of his sentence stopped abruptly as he wiped his tears.

He just stared at the paper and the jagged words he carved into it. "I'm sorry." He had said aloud, his fingers swiping over the surface to try to soothe it. He wasn't sure why he felt like he should.

It was just an object... an object that stood through his uncontrollable rage, and the shameful sadness that racked his body after.

Nothing deserved him.

So, he wrote it down. "I'm sorry." Bigger than the rest in the space remaining. He fidgeted at the end of the paper where the golden parts were flicking off. Even though it wasn't an instantaneous process when he noticed the fondness pooling in his heart it startled him.

But it didn't go away. In fact it swirled in its confinement the more he thought of his situation. This paper listened to him... and didn't leave or get mad or offended. His frantic pen marks scratched out the gold in some places, carved hateful things into its skin, but stayed there loving him anyway–

Where did he getthat from?

An object couldn't love him, and even if it did, it wouldn't. Even though he knew this, a part of him liked the idea of thisdumb piece of paper... loving him.

As the seconds passed by he found himself wanting it,needing it to be true. So why couldn't he pretend for a little while? A smile sneaked its way onto his face as grabbed the pen again. There wasn't much room left on the menu, but he'dmake room.

Squished between "I'm sorry." And another part of his vent he wrote "I love you too." As neat as he could. Then a heart and another and another. He scribbled in hearts of different sizes anywhere he could fit them. When he was done he sat back to look at his work, face flushed and energy zipping through him. In that moment, covered completely in all his unfiltered emotions it was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

Barnaby was holding the scrapbook handed to him, his focus drawn to Wally's words and the pieces of paper that was obviously placed in the book with care. He crossed one leg to balance the scrapbook so he flip through with one hand, the other rested on the middle of Wally's back (though his hand took up the majority of it no matterwhere he intended to put it)

He flipped through each page carefully, getting a feeling that these were important to Wally. He looked to each piece, ran his fingers over the rise of layers of paints, through the plastic covering pages, and the dips where a pen pressed ink into the papers' surface. He took in the written words, the overlay of markers and such. Each stroke purposeful but also with feeling

Barnaby couldn'tfully grasp these feelings but just the glimmering after image left behind on these papers. When he got to the menu, he took note of trails of pen gouged out lines in the paper that soon turned soft. A small moment of time captured some sort of emotional journey Barnaby couldn't fully fathom.

The small glimpse of the paper drove up some memories, the flakes of gold poking through the ink and maybe he could make out the original text below the myriad of writing.

His finger traced over one of the hearts. At the same time one of his fingers on Wally's back traced the shape in tandem in a moment of absent-minded mimicry.

Barnaby silently flipped through the book again, re-taking it all in but stopping at the menu again. It seemed to be the core of it. He wasn't sure how he figured this, but it was a gut feeling (and he had plenty of gut to feel).

The words, the questions and everything in between were stuck in the voice box in his throat; he could feel the swell of them there, but couldn't figure out how to push them out as they seemed to clog his pipes further.

He wanted to ask why, why these papers seemed to be different from any normal scrapbook material. There wasn't pictures of friends or anything but still the sentiment was palpable...it reminded him of how he kept one of his mama's feathers tucked away in her favorite silk neck wrap that she gifted to him. But...different.

Important but different.

Instead of asking thewhy (he wasn't sure he could understand even if he did get that question out, and maybe he would in time) instead he glanced at Wally and then back at the book.

"So...the paper from Eddie's and Frank's will go in here too? You'll gussy it up like this?" He mulled this over, this seemed important to Wally from the looks of it...Wally even mentioned the worry of Barnaby not appreciating it like he thought the paper deserved. But Wally felt thathe could, so this was obviously important...

Barnaby idly scratched at Wally's back as he thought for a moment. There was emotion in each page...

"Do...do you think I could be around when you do it? Decorate that paper I mean." Barnaby wanted to understand.

Wally leaned into Barnaby’s side as he looked over the scrap book. Wally never thought he'd show any of it, it brought an unexpected feeling... relief? He clamped his hands together in his lap and pushed his face into Barnaby’s face, his lips wobbling at the edges.

More than relief. Excitement? That wasn't it either. When Barnaby asked his second question Wally hummed muffled by Barnaby’s fur. Then he turned his face just a smidgen so he could be heard better but his eyes were hidden. "... maybe... it's....... intimate for me I..." He passed his thumbs over each other. "... it's a little weird." It would be too embarrassing! If Barnaby saw... would he really see how much these pieces of paper meant to him? That scared him. But... It felt good to show Barnaby his papers. Maybe he could do it.

Barnaby turned to gently nuzzle his muzzle against Wally's forehead, not minding the way his hair tickled his snoot.

"Buddy, nothin' ya do will be "weird" to me, not really. And if it makes ya feel happy in some way it can't be anything bad..." Barnaby glanced down at the paper, tried to imagine how Wally must have been in that moment and all other moments that followed before or after. Carefully he shut the scrapbook and handed Wally his little treasure trove, sitting it right on his lap. "I won't force ya, though, i can tell it's something special to you. Could be a lot to ask of ya, but im always open to it if you let me." A gentle lick to his forehead, hand placed on Wally's knee and his pinky extended just enough to brush the spine of the book. "I loveyou after all, that meansall of ya."

Wally reached up to hold the sides of Barnaby's face, searching his eyes for any ounce of dishonesty. He gulped. "I love you too." He looked back down, cheeks dusting orange. His hands slid to Barnaby's shoulders. "You're..." I love you wasn't enough, but he didn't know what else to say. He kissed Barnaby instead, hoping his love, his adoration, his gratitude, his excitement could be conveyed through the action.

Wally was able to get Barnaby's tail wagging more than any tasty snack or new chew toy, if he could muster the amount of feeling that buzzed through the small nub he'd bet a dollar that it would shake the whole house. But it just gave gentle little whump's against the mattress.

Barns turned himself to wrap Wally up in a gentle hold; a hand resting on his neck with fingers just barely grazing the soft edge of his chin and the other caressing his side. It wasn't tight, he'd hug Wally tighter than a boa if he could, but he wanted to give Wally the comfort of an out, didn't want him feeling trapped by his love. Never wanted the little guy to feel caged or suffocated by his affections, only comfort (though he would admit he was a bit enamored with Wally's wild side, as seen by their little rendezvous that had started the turn in their relationship).

He'd have kissed him til the cows came home, if he was given the chance.

Wally pulled back just enough to look Barnaby in the eyes, hesaw love swirling in them. It made him dizzy. He swiped his thumb by the side of Barnaby's left eye. The more he stared the more... arousedhe felt. Maybe it was an odd moment to get horny, but the love in Barnaby's eyes made him feel so good. He wanted be closer. To feel more of his partner's love. After a few more moments Wally pushed the scrapbook out of his lap and climbed into Barnaby’s. He smiled mischievously and loosely wrapped his arms around Barnaby's neck. "We can get back to that..." He tilted his head to the side, still having to look up at Barnaby. "I've got a better idea." He cooed and lazily traced circles into the fur on Barnaby's neck.

Well colored this blue pooch pink because he was definitely feeling some bubbly feelings of love filling up his insides and spilling right on out.

Big hands instantly went to Wally's waist when the small puppet crawled into his lap and surprise melted into that familiar tingle. Sexual attraction was there, hell he felt it with Wally for a hot minute and definitely had it when they had that romp back at the studio, but this was more than instinctual desire behind it.

The touch at the back of his neck had him melting already, a shaky breath escaping his mouth as he pressed his forehead to Wally's, fingers working circles into Wally's sides. "Yeah...? And what idea is cookin in that pretty head of yours?" His voice was a low murmur, a small smile playing on his features.

He twitched when Barnaby grabbed his waist. The sheer size difference between them was more noticeable when they were close like this. At least Wally thought so. Something about Barnaby's paws completely engulfing his waist was so very tantalizing. "I'm thinkiiiiiiiing..." He matched Barnaby's murmur, putting on his best sultry voice. "We make love." Wally was surprised he was able to be so direct. Supposed it's easier when he was already sitting in his boyfriend's lap.

Even if he was the bigger puppet, Walls had this pooch wrapped around his finger. An excited tremor shot up and down his spine and ended with him having a goofy, lovestruck look. "I think that's the best idea I've ever heard..~"

A kiss to the bridge between Wally's eyes, mouth trailing downwards until he could press another kiss. Soft and sweet, just like a candied heart on Valentines.

Maybe he used his height and strength to his advantage to tug Wally closer, letting one hand go to caress Wally's cheek and the other remained gripped on his waist so he could tug him flush against his larger frame, barely enough space for a slip of paper to nestle into.

Wally kissed back. Slow, but with a passion bubbling beneath the surface. One hand grasped the back of Barnaby's head, petting his fur. Part of him wanted to go at it like they had only a few days ago, but another part wanted something more romantic. Was it to much to want to be touched like he was a beautiful work of art? Maybe it was cheesy. He pulled away just enough to rest his forehead on Barnaby's. "I love you." It definitely was cheesy, but maybe he wanted cheesy.

Barnaby smiled and gave a quick peck to his mouth one more time in response. "I love ya too..."

He trailed and looked at Wally,looked at him and felt warmth in his eyes like he wanted to cry but in a good way. Just a lot of emotion even for his big body to hold. The pad of his thumb stroked his face, tracing the round features. "I love how ya smile." A kiss there.

"Love ya hands..." the hand to Wallys face dropped to pick up a hand to press a kiss to the palm of it. "Love when I get a glimpse of what's goin on in that head of yours." He nuzzled his nose against Wally's hand, closing his eyes and sighing softly.

"Love how ya feel...how you makeme feel. hehe even when you're actin like a lil sh*t. Its cute seein' you get a bit steamed." He gently kissed up Wally's arm, stopping to nuzzle and plant small, opened mouthed kisses to the side of his neck.

"I just love you, Walls...even the parts I haven't seen yet. Ya got my heart on a leash.”

Wally's smile grew wobbly with every confession. He was in shock for a moment when went Barnaby kissed his palm. The other puppet's eyes peeking at him through his fingers made his heart burst. The sudden feeling had him slapping his other hand over his blushing face. A big shiver wracked his body when his snout touched his neck. All that flustered energy had him feeling extra jumpy. His eyes were open wide as he watched Barnaby from over his hand, looking almost panicked.

Barnaby could feel the jittery little bundle Wally was starting to become, he pulled his face away from his neck and bumped his nose against his wrist. "Too much?"

It could have been, he just couldn't help it; being around Walls had Barnaby overwhelmed with emotion. His aloof nature only went so far, but Wally had him feel almost hyper. Like he was a puppy again, sure he loved to be around their friends butmaker he'd drop everything in a heartbeat to spend a few extra moments with Wally, it was a bit intense...he knew it could spook the other if he wasn't careful but it felt prickly inside if he didn't get it out in some way or another.

"N-no, I like it!" Wally dropped the hand from his face to fidget with the hem of his shirt, his eyes following it. "Tell me... what else you love about me." Softy, shy. Maybe itwas too much for his heart, but he wanted it badly. No one has ever made him feel like this... completely wanted.

The reassurance and the asking for more had the canine wiggle a bit in place. That was a pleasant surprise. He nodded and with a quiet, slower voice he continued:

"I love ya voice...especially when its saying my name..." he crooned, his hands starting to work over Wally's sides just as he shifted to press a kiss just in the middle of his throat.

A hand pressed to the front of Wally's chest, fingers splayed to easily cover the expanse of it, rubbing in long drags upwards and downwards. "Love how ya feel...I can't get enough of ya, y'know? I see ya and I just get itching to get my fingers on ya.." a gentle love bite to Wally's neck, the motion of his hand dragging the fabric of Wally's top upwards and leaving it slightly disheveled.

"Heh I love how ya can keep folks on their toes, never know what you're gonna do...I like it,love it, full of surprises. You're just a present I wanna unwrap~”

Wally's hips twitched forward. The fabric of his clothes rubbed against his side seams as Barnaby's knead them. He let out a little noise when Barnaby put his hand on his chest. He licked his lips. "We should get you some attachments..." Wally pressed his thighs together at the thought. "How big would a dick proportionate to you be?" His fingers strayed just above the seam between his legs. His hand hand moved to squeeze his own thigh as Barnaby kept talking. It didn't take as much effort to look Barnaby in the eyes this time. "Then unwrap me." His hand snaked down to tease at the very beginning of Barnaby seam, keeping eye contact the entire time.

Barnaby sucked in a breath at the question; get this dog a bun because he was steaming. His mind was reeling, images of sizes and shapes running through his head rapidly. "Hoo...f*ck I-Im not sure..." Maker one for his size? With Wally's size?

He traced a line from the lower portion of Wally's sternum down. "This much...maybe more" Damn this fella was making ithard to keep it together, Barnaby's fingers were shaking, a low whine in the back of his throat when those damned fingers played at the beginning of his seams (the (dis)advantages of not wearing pants).

"So full of surprises..." He groaned, meeting Wally's gaze and wondering what it would look like if hedid get an attachment and stuffed Wally full. The thought alone had his fingers racing to undo buttons and clasps, determined to get his lover bare and ready.

Only had to break contact for a second to get the shirt off, kept contact when he lifted his hips to get the vile pants and undergarments off. A paw to his thigh, squeezing and rubbing the inside and letting his thumb brush over Wally's seam.

"So damn perfect...do ya think you could handle me if I got one? Worried I'd bust more than a few stitches on you.." Barnaby said this, never wanted to harm wally but damn the thought of stuffing him had his own hips rolling with the fantasy.

"sh*t..." Wally watched as Barnaby traced down his estimate on just how big Barnaby would be. "You'd impale me." The idea of it marinated in Wally's head as he was stripped. He could image it would thick too. He could almost hear his stitches popping already and his made his cheeks darken. He looked down at his crotch and gulped. "Honestly I don't know... b-but f*ck I'd love to try.”

"WALLS," Barnaby's voice was strained, a shaky chuckle left him. Wally really could just say the darndest things to rile him up like it was nothing.

He unfurled his legs to tug Wally closer, pressing him down so their seams could brush together. "We could...try different sizes...they make kits for that. Anything ya want, I'd love to see that face of yours when I got your stuffing all churned up." Barnaby licked his chops and leaned to gently bite at one of Wally's shoulders. "Can't give ya pups but damn i would try.”

Wally rolled his hips shallowly into Barnaby. He pressed his face into the front of Barnaby’s throat, top of his head against his jaw. Wally hummed into his fur. One hand caressed Barnaby’s chest. "I didn't know you have a breeding kink~" The left corner of his mouth quirked upwards.

Barnaby huffed and shuddered at the feeling against his throat. "Mmm guess you ain't the only one full of surprises, yeah?" He hugged around Wally and changed their positions, scooching and sliding to get on the bed fully so he could lay on his back with Wally on top. Sure he was sorta spilling over the edges a bit but this gave him a nice vantage point to press his hips up and into Walls.

Barnaby felt a little warm tingle any place Wally kissed, making him wiggle and whine. A hand on Wally's waist kept him down so he could grind up into Wally's seam, the threads catching together. His other hand touched anywhere it could reach, tracing the seams of his sides, the soft give of his stomach.

Barnaby's head was getting that fuzzy feeling, fogging up all nice like. He huffed and let out soft barks when Wally's fingers pressed anywhere that had his back arching. It had his fur standing on end so wonderfully.

Every time their seams caught it sent a twinge of pleasure through Wally's body. "Barn you f-feel so good." He brought a shaky hand to grab one of Barnaby's paws and interlocked their fingers. He turned his head to kiss the back of his lover's paw. His heart was swelling. This was exactly what he wanted. He smiled wide when he heard Barnaby's barks, barking back at him.

"L-love you too...o-oof..." it was hard for him to get words out, his hold on Wallys hand grounding him enough. A gentle squeeze, marveling at how such small hands had him feeling so amazing, so warm and just so LOVED.

He huffed, wiggling more and getting a happy twinge in his body when Wally returned the bark. It had him growling softly in happiness. His hips rolled slowly and deliberate, just wanting to properly feel Wally. He didn't wanna rush this. He grabbed Wally's backside, rubbing soft circles with his fingers. "Love you..mmm ARF...love ya so much Walls a-ahh..”

He let out a happy whine and buried his face in Barnaby's chest. "L-love love!" He rubbed his face in Barnaby's fur more, he was so happy it hurt. He made more whiny sounds pressing more into Barnaby.

Barnaby huffed, trying to hold himself back from going too fast, he just...he just felt too good! Wally felt good and those whines made his stitching feel on fire! He didn't want to smother him by rolling over but he did roll them on their sides, so he could hug Wally closely, hands holding and caressing anywhere while curling around the other to nuzzle the top of his forehead. Did his back protest? Maybe. But it was worth it when he was able to wrap a leg around Wally and use it to help rut against him, mumbling frenzied "I love yous!” the entire time. Panting and woofing between the words. Barnaby was close, just full of sparks at this point feeling pleasure both from the physical connection as well as the sheer adoration he had for Wally. HIS love.

Wally tried his best to give back that same energy. Barking and weakly grinding against Barnaby. It was getting hard to keep a rhythm. Being completely engulfed by his lover was so arousing, and mixed with the bubbly feelings of love in his heart it made him light headed. "Please I'm..... almost there... oh Barn!" He wanted to finish with his mouth to Barnaby's. He reached up and pulled at Barnaby's face, cranning is neck upwards. "K-kisssss." He whined.

He was too cute...it struck Barnaby's heart enough that he didn't care to curl more, basically enveloping Wally like some sort of boa in order to press a kiss. Mustering up as much feeling as he could, mouth slightly open and panting into the kiss, he took one of the hands from his face to hold it, interlocking them like how Wally did before. "M-mm I g-gotcha...Walls, h-aah..~" He rocked his hips up one more time, grinding himself against Wally while kissing the other puppet a howl fighting back as his hips rolled and bucked against Wally when he felt the pleasure snap, leaving him whimpering and clutching onto Wally, still working his heated seam against Wally's.

Wally nipped at Barnaby's lips, pleasure filled noise escaping into Barnaby’s mouth as Wally got closer and closer. He climaxed after Barnaby, gasping. He panted against Barnaby. Shallow rocks of his hips made his seam sting, just slightly, from over stimulation. After a few deep breaths he kissed Barnaby again. His other hand wandered his lover's body. It really was like a romance movie. He pulled back to look at Barnaby. He was about to say something but only a little whimper came out and suddenly he was crying. He buried his face into Barnaby’s neck. He didn't know why he was, but he couldn't stop.

Barnaby's breathing evened out, feeling that pleasant wash of satisfaction roll over him

He was petting down Wally's back when he began to cry, the whimper and the glimpse he was able to get before Walls hid his face tug at his heart . He wasn't sure what was happening, maybe just feeling overwhelmed? Either way Barnaby hugged around Wally, kissing the top of his head. "It's okay...I got ya, I got ya..." he tried to soothe, murmuring against Wally's hair.

Wally sniffled and whimpered. He squeezed Barnaby's shoulders. What was wrong with him! His heart just felt so full. He gulped down the thickness in his throat before speaking again. "I-i love you Barn... and I guess... it's a weird feeling..." He wiped his eyes with his palm. "I guess I'm n-not used to it.”

Barnaby rubbed the back of Wally’s head and then down to give gentle, soothing touches to the back of his neck. "It's a lot...probably got too full, just had to come out." He smiled and shimmied Wally in a way Barnaby could see his face, he leaned to kiss just below his eyes to catch any moisture. "I just gotta keep lovin' ya until ya ARE used to it...and I can definitely do that, cuz I love ya too, Walls.”

Their eyes met for only a second before Wally looked away. His lips trembled like he was going to cry again. Those words made a deep orange blush spread across his face. "O...kay." He nuzzled into Barnaby, the hiccups dying down. After a while he just felt... awkward. He spoke softly. "Ummm... what do we do now?”

Barnaby nuzzled Wally, happy to hug and give him little assurances the whole time at the end he hummed when asked the question

"Hmm anything sounds good if I'm with ya," He gave a playful wink and a chuckle at his own response before thinking for real. "Let's see...could stay in if ya want...talk, movie, nap that whole shebang or could go out. Get something to eat, a little date.." Barns nuzzled his face against Wally's. "Could lay here all day, you're pretty cozy to hold onto…”

Wally shrugged, eyes going out of focus. "I don't feel fit to go outside right now." He just stared at the blue blur that was Barnaby's fur before his eyes blinked back to focus again. He snuggled in more with a yawn. "Can you just talk? It doesn't matter what. I just want to hear you." It was so warm and nice here.

"Hehe okay, I can do that." Barnaby rubbed the back of Wally's head with a smile, trying to think of something to say and when he did his voice was soft.

"Y'know the other day I was talkin' with Poppy, took her to this flower shop she likes, and saw this flower that kinda reminded me of you a... blue daisy I think? maybe that's a bit on the nose cuz of the color...Poppy tells me they can mean love and loyalty and iunno that kinda makes me think of you too. Did ya know flowers had meanings? Silly what folks do. Everything has a meanin' it seems...but it was a pretty lil thing.”

The corners of Wally's mouth quirked upwards. "Yeah, I've never looked into it though." He chuckled to himself. Love and loyalty? For once he didn't find it in him to bash himself, instead just accepting the compliment. "Names have meaning too. I looked mine up a while ago..." He clicked his tongue, trying to shake the fuzz from his brain. "All the sites had different... meanings? Uh I think one of them was warrior or something? Have you looked up that kind of thing before?”

"Warriorhuh...I can see that, you certainly got the gumption and look ready to take anyone on. Especially the hair and make up crew" Barnaby snickered, curling a few strands of Wally's hair.

"Mmm naw I havent...I wonder what my name would mean. Somethin dashing? Regal? Match this fine pedigree of pooch you have before you." He gave a charming and exaggerated look; an eyebrow raised, lidded gaze and posh smile.

Wally smirked and reached up to cup Barnaby's face. "Hmmmm..." He leaned in a bit closer, scanning Barnaby's face. "Nah-" he playfully rolled his eyes and pushed his face away. "It probably means dummy.”

Barnaby gasped, eyes wide and mouth open in feigned disbelief. "The betrayal! I have you know we dogs are intelligent creatures and definitelynot dummies!" Barnaby squinted his eyes and poked right in the middle of Wally's face.

"I bet your name actually means goofball! Or meanie-butt!”

Wally snorted out a little laugh before shaking his head. "I never said dogs as a whole are dumb, just you." Wally tilted his head up to bite the tip of Barnaby's finger. "Definitelynot goofball, but I can see meanie-butt." He hummed. "There's only one way to find out..." He wiggled out of Barnaby's hold to find his pants, where his phone was. His bare ass waved in Barnaby's face as he grabbed it.

Barnaby made it a point to reach around and give Wally's backside a little pinch when he crawled back into his hold. If he was gonna show off the bountiful booty, Barnaby was gonna pirate a feel for sure.

Wally squeaked when he was pinched, crawling into his arms still. "Perv!" He smacked Barnaby's chest, but he couldn't stop the corners of his mouth from curling upward. Wally opened his phone so he could type the question into Google. "Son of... consolation? What does that even mean?" He squinted at his phone looking at some other sites.

"Let this dummy have a think...not sure i got the mind power in me..." Barns scrunched up his face, humming and huh'ing for longer than really needed. "I know consolation is somethin to make someone feel better...like helping someone feel better when they are sad or giving a prize to a guy who didn't win big...to be the son of one? That's a bit of...hehe guess I'm a prize after all.”

Wally shook his head with a sigh. "Yeah... that tracks." He pressed a kiss to Barnaby's cheek. "I guess you aren'tthatstupid.”

"Hehe! You got yourself a catch and ya know it!" Barnaby wrapped around Wally again, closing his eyes and nuzzling against Wally's face. His tail was wagging rapidly and he just couldn't help but wanna encase Wally in his affections and hold! "You're still a meanie-butt...but those sweet cheeks balance it out." He grinned, giving Wally's face a looooong lick while copping a small feel to his backside again. "Could just eat 'em up like some cinnamon buns! Nomnom!”

Wally playfully tried to push him away, giggling all the while. "Unhand me you dirty dog!" He let go of his phone to half heartedly wrestle out of Barnaby's grasp.

"Dirty! Another wound! Come on pal, buddy, love of my life and keeper of my heart, spare a crumb!" Barnaby held steady (though his grip wasn't that tight anyways) and he whined playfully. "I'm STARVING! a pooch can't survive on cookies...I need buns, rolls, CAKE even. Gonna let me starve? Spare a nibble? A crumb? You got enough to spare!”

Wally pursed his lips. "Now you're just poking fun. My ass is more like aslightly thicker pancake." He crossed his arms and looked away with faux pout.

"I'd still butter it up, syrup? Yes please. Ya know i love some flapjacks, give me the word and I'm flipping ya!" He chuckled and gave a few kisses to Wally's cheek. "Don't worry, I can share. I got a whole bakery back there!" He wiggled his hips as best he could while laying on his side, showing off his bodacious basket of breads. A cornucopia if you will.

Wally laughed and reached down to grab Barnaby's ass with his little hand. "You do have a lot of ass. You could kill somebody with that." Itwould be a good way to go.

The yip Barnaby let out when the hand took a good hold of his ass had him pinching Wally's cheek. The hypocrisy! But he was soon giving him a smug smirk soon after. "Could give it a whirl, I bet you'd make a reeeeal cozy pillow~" He lightly teased, but he did remember something and gently nudged Wally with his nose. "Speaking of stuff that could demolish ya, wanna look up some of those attachments? You got your phone and all.”

Wally didn't remove his hand, rubbing and caressing Barnaby's ass instead. "Yeaaaaah I'll have to decline. Besides do youreally want to be the one responsible for taking away a prominent figure in a whole generation of children?" He hummed, a prideful air to it. At the mention of attachments Wally clicked his tongue. "Are you just trying to get me riled up again?" He glared at him teasingly. "Well it'd take more than that.

Barnaby found he didn't mind the hold to his backside, rather enjoying it when he thought about it. "But you would go down in history if ya got taken out by this PROMINENT rear end...but I'd rather have ya around anyways." Barnaby mused.

"Me? Rile you up? Nooooa no clue what you're talking about!" He smiled so "innocently" while tapping his fingers along one of Wally's sides. "Just figured while we got the time to peruse we could see what options tickle your fancy before they tickle that stuffing of yours, y'know?

Wally hummed in thought for a moment. "I guess we could." He rolled over to grab his phone again. He typed in his password and then paused in the search bar. "Umm..." He blushed. "I don'texactly know what's good and--" He sputtered for a second. "Of course I've looked up attachments and stuff before but like I've never actually used any before so I wouldn't really know and... stuff..." He started talking faster before trailing off at the end. It's not like he's had that many partners either. He kept his eyes on the screen.

Barnaby changed their position so he could sit up on the bed again, placing Wally in his lap (sometimes he just sorta moved Wally around without thinking) so he could wrap his arms around him and rest his chin on top of Wallys head to gaze down at the phone.

"Well pal, I haven't much of a clue on it either! Haven't tried it...Jules mentioned some stuff before but never thought to get anything for myself. We don't gotta do anything or even look right now if ya don't wanna." He kissed the top of Wally's head, massaging a hand over his stomach. "Always want you to be comfortable, but we're in the same boat, knowledge wise on this, I think.”

Wally turned his phone off and put it back down on the bed. "Okay, we can just chill then?" She leaned back into Barnaby’s chest and tilted his head back to look up at him. He placed his left hand over Barnaby’s.

"'Course we can bud! Anything you want." He leaned down to kiss Wally's forehead, smiling softly against the felt after. He did glance back over that scrapbook.

"Would you wanna fill the time with showing me more of those? Papers? Maybe tell me the stories if you want?”

Wally fidgeted with his fingers as he looked at the book. "Well... if you want to hear about it..." He grabbed the book and flipped it open. "Umm, are there any of them you want to hear in particular?

Barnaby thought about it, reaching in front of them to flip through the pages of the papers. They all looked interesting to him...each one seemed to be important in their own way. "How about...Did a fan give ya one maybe? They like to give us drawings and cards a lot. "He wasn't sure to pick one based on look or feeling so he went with something easy, fans could mean a lot after all when they were meaning, like the kiddos.

"Actually... yeah." He flipped over one page. He ran his hands over the sheet protector before taking a pink and blue Hello Kitty Valentines day card out of it. He brushed his thumb against the edge, the little boxy edges where the card was most likely broken from other duplicate cards.

Barnaby looked at the Valentine, it looked like the ones you could buy at any grocery store or even just drug store during the holidays. What kids would give each other in school.

He reached out and gave the little cartoon cat a gentle boop on the nose. "What made ya like this one?”

Wally shrugged. "It's... got a lot of different textures. The top is smooth--" He flipped it over to show the plain cardboard on the back. "The back iiiiis a bit... rougher? And--" held up the edge so Barnaby could see the boxy tabs. "The edge is... is... uh frilly? I don't think that's the right word." He looked back at the card and pressed the smooth side to his cheek. "It's nice." He spoke softly.

"Got some tooth to it." Barnaby offered about the sides where the perforation used to be where similar cards were stuck together.

"Do ya remember who gave it to ya? Looks like it was Valentines day sometime. Must'a been a sweet kiddo, im guessing?”

Wally kept rubbing the card against his face with a sigh. "It was from a kid ummm..." He turned it around to look at the name. "Kenzie? I don't really remember them... there's a LOT of them. But..." He carefully put the card back in the protector “but the card is still nice either way.”

"So it wasn't really the kid that left a lasting impression...but just the card itself?" Barnaby rubbed a thumb over the spot Wally had just rubbed the card over, humming softly.

"So ya just...get a feeling that ya like a piece? Kind of out of the blue when you see the right one?”

"Yeah..." He turned enough so he could snuggle into Barnaby’s chest. "They're just pretty." He was a bit nervous to be talking about this, but nowhere near as much as before. "I know this kind of thing isn't... NORMAL but um... it's not like... TV makes it seem...." He kept his mouth clamped shut for a few moments before speaking again. "At least... not completely.”

Barnaby let a palm rest against the back of Wally's neck, the other resting against his back while he listened to Wally speak. "Heh yeah...TV definitely makes it more...drama filled. Boosts the ratings… but what bits do they get right? Ya know I won't judge ya." He reassured gently. "And ya don't gotta talk about it if ya don't want, I know it can be a lot.”

Wally could feel blush heating his cheeks as he looked away. “I'm… it's– like– f*ck…” He pressed his face into Barnaby’s chest to muffle an involuntary groan. After a few seconds he tilted his head JUST enough to free his mouth. “I'm sorry… I know……….. I'm not sure I can do this right now. It's like…….. embarrassing to admiteverything that… comes with… feeling………. Like I do.”

Barn rubbed up and down Wally's back. “It's okay. You don't have to tell me anything.” His other hand came up to cup the back of Wally's head. The little peek of his lover's eyes just… filled his heart with warmth. “But if you EVER want to, I'm here. Always.”

A little squeak came from Wally. “...Okay…”

Hidden Stars - Chapter 3 - MommaBirb, stickistuffin - Welcome Home (2024)


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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Author information

Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.