And it keeps dragging us back - Chapter 1 - Patatarav - QSMP (2024)

Chapter Text


-So… we’re the last ones here it seems, doesn’t it? – Bad admitted with a sigh, as he looked around while they walked, did they have somewhere to go?, not really, there was for once since they arrived, nothing to do.

Bad really didn’t want to think about that, the silence he had since grown so much not used to wasn’t nice, and it gave him a very bad feeling of déjà vu, so it was better to talk, even Foolish was better than nothing.

-Yeah, yeah… I kinda realized the last time you mentioned it. – Foolish answered back, he didn’t like to think about it too much either, and that was the only reason why he was still with Bad, because at least his annoying presence made him distracted from thinking about his now missing kid and always missing… partner.

- Did I mention it before?

-Yeah, when we were running around your old house.

-Oh… right, why were we doing that again?

-You tell me, all you said was “Follow me!” and started parkouring all the way around until you stopped at an old wood sign.

-Oh, that’s right…

Foolish directed a slightly concerned look his way, and honestly, he didn’t want to meddle too much on Bad’s business, he never did because last time he tried ended in him hating to wear suits, but for once, he thought he’d be nice, if not it was probably going to blow in his face later considering there wasn’t anyone else to deal with Bad now. – You know, at least this time you’re doing something besides crying.

-When- When would i ever-?

-You know, after the nuke.

-The… the nuke? What do you even- Bad was honestly confused for a few moments, and so was Foolish until he remembered, right, Bad’s mental state affected his memory too sometimes, so, he gave the demon time to try and recall on his own, it hadn’t even been that long ago. – Oh. Oh you mean… oh…

He saw the glow flicker in Bad’s eyes, having known him for so long he knew what that meant, a wave of sorrow was falling into him. – Yeah, you know, that was annoying as hell.

At least the cursing seemed to call Bad’s attention back. – Hey, no, no- language and I wasn’t crying!

-Oh, shut up, you were!

-No, I wasn’t!

-You were, either you cried yourself to sleep or hallucinated dead people! – He spitted back, bitterly remembering that time in their lives, they were alone in a land that barely had the remains of builds that proved there ever were more people with them, and while they are immortal and don’t really need much to stay alive, it doesn’t mean that it was fun to starve and navigate a wasteland while dealing with the fact that the only other person with you is pretty much gone insane.

Bad just stared back at him, almost as if doing that will sent an answer, almost as if he was trying to explain how bad it was for him too, but he didn’t say anything about that.

-It wasn’t dead people… - Bad whispered, holding himself, well, he knew that now, they hadn’t died, not exactly at least. Foolish just decided to drop the topic at that point, he did hate Bad, of course he did, but too much was too much. – Whatever, we got out of that one so that doesn’t matter anymore, I guess.

The demon nodded silently, almost as if he wanted to shovel down the memories from those moments, he really didn’t want to remember, it wasn’t fun, but at least this time was better than that, he wanted to think that. – Yeah, we got out of it… we… oh my god, Foolish we got out of it!

-Yeah, we did? Uh… you oka-

- We got out of a time loop of death! – Bad purred gladly, throwing his hands up excitedly at the same time Foolish stopped to stare at him in confusion while the demon started to search through his backpack mumbling something incoherent. - If the loop broke, and we didn’t even go to the limbo when the egg hatched, but I saw heaven the other day… then the statue form might’ve…

Did he go insane again? f*ck that was gonna be one to fix, last time he had to find a blue guy to not deal with it, and he wasn’t sure it was an option now, well, he was probably alive outside this place but finding him was the hell, because he knew Bad had already tried and if that guy couldn’t get his stupid box head husband on his own, it was definitely going to be horrible to do so. He, regrettably, decided to check. – Hey, Bad?


-Uh… what you doing now?

-Oh, I’m searching for the- Oh here it is! – The demon smiled while getting a machine out of his backpack, at first glance Foolish could tell he had made it himself, and well, Bad could certainly made complex machinery but it didn’t mean it wasn’t obvious when he built from scratch because it had many parts attached that didn’t really seem to do anything for what the device was meant to do. – And that is…?

- Oh, have I never showed you this? It’s a little thing I built to call Skeppy!

Foolish stared at him for a second, before, rightfully, screaming at him in disbelief. – You made a device to contact someone outside the island… and didn’t tell anyone?!

-I did tell someone! I did, I told… i… I told…? – Bad went from excitement to bewilderment, clearly trying to recall memories that were blurry on his mind. – I… I’m sure someone else knew! When I called him someone was with me, yeah, there was… who..?

Foolish gave up on him, and he’d let it slide just this once because Bad had lost his memory of pretty much the last year but if he got it back he was so going to kill him, it was nearly impossible to do that, but he’ll search for a way. – Of course, you’d forget to tell anyone else when you had that guy in mind.

-That guy? Oh, you mean Skeppy!

-Yeah, him, you tend to forget everything else when- He was just mid complaining when he noticed Bad’s eyes smile had widened and his eyes glowed even brighter, a giggle confirmed his suspicions. Okay that one was on him. – And there you go…

Between giggles, he heard Bad mumbling. – Skeppy! Skeppy,..! I must collect the Skeppys, you can never have too many Skeppys… ouh but I don’t have any Skeppys right now… I miss Skeppy… Foolish, have you seen my Skeppy?

Foolish swallowed the urge to vomit at the sight, again, he had got this one on his own. – Uhg, no, not as of late, dude.

Bad sighed in disappointment, but apparently that was enough to make him remember he was doing something before this, quickly opening his wings with excitement. -I Should call him! Come on Foolish, let’s go call Skeppy!

Honestly, the god didn’t care that much anymore about whatever this idiot was trying, so he just followed along, at least it was something to do.

And he was starting to regret it when they arrived at the top of a very, very high mountain, then climbed a mushroom, and then Bad started building a tower on the top of it, that was when he decided that asking might be a good idea again. – So… what’s this for?

-Oh, the signal can get really bad sometimes, so we need to be really high too. – He explained, carefully putting down the device, Foolish didn’t really understand what the was doing and saved a good joke for himself, because if it worked he didn’t care. – I wonder if I can make the image better this time, I would really like to see him…

As Foolish kept a sassy remark on their relationship to himself, because just for right now he didn’t really want to distract the idiot, Bad finally turned the machine on, not before placing it on top of two diamond blocks and alongside one of the little statues that for some reason he kept carrying around. The sudden sound of static made both of them jump in their place, but quickly enough Bad started to press buttons and write numbers in a little keyboard, maybe it was like searching for a radio station?

-Uh… what you searching for?

Bad didn’t drive his eyes off the machine as he answered. – I’m searching for Skeppy’s unique emission… it’s a pretty specific one, you know? Also, it’s a very pretty number, like, all the numbers in this number are really pretty.

Foolish didn’t want to ask, but he had to, or else he was sure Bad will distract himself into giggles, he knew, he saw the smile forming in his face, he had to stop that, so he sighed in resignation. – How… how a number is pretty?

-Oh, just, you know! By uh… being pretty, like, the sound, you get me? Like, the combination is just pretty, and Skeppy’s numbers are really pretty, like his hair! He has really nice hair, have you noticed?

-Not really, haven’t seen him in a while. - Foolish admitted, hoping the mention of seeing the guy will focus the demon. – Oh, you’ll see him soon enough if I get this right! Actually, can you pass me my glasses, I kinda need to see…

-Here. – The god didn’t need to look around too much to check where Bad left them, because those had to be the shiniest glasses ever. – Thank you.

They were in silence after that, at least for a little bit, until Bad’s tail started to tap in a little rhythm, so Foolish started the count down. – 3…

-2… - Bad’s smile took over most of his face, his eyes started to glow. – and…

-1. - The demon jumped on his feet, his tail happily wiggling from left to right, and he started to hum a little melody while he nervously stared at the device. – It should start soon!

-If you say so, dude.

Foolish, though, decided to sit down, crossing both his legs and arms, vaguely diverting his eyes from the machine to the world surrounding them, there wasn’t much, as the clouds reached them it looked like everything was covered in fog, except for the top of some threes that was barely visible, the world was boring honestly, and silent, horrifyingly silent save for the static and occasional beeps that came out of the machine, one that he settled into staring at.

-So… that thing about seeing heaven the other day…? – Finally broke the silence Foolish, with a question he’d had in mind since a while ago, but Bad didn’t even glance away from the device. – Shhh! Shush, Foolish, I need to hear if the emission did pick up…

The god sighed, sticking his tongue out after Bad shushed him again for that.

And a few more moments of silence passed by, and just as Bad’s eyes started to waver in disappointment, probably sadness too, a ruffled voice started to come out of the speaker glued to the machine. – Can… y… e…? he… e?

-Skeppy, Skeppy!, is that you? – Bad asked immediately, running towards the little keyboard again, typing something, probably to make the emission better. – B… ou…?

Foolish got on his feet to try and hear better, just as he realized that the diamond blocks placed under the device started to serve as a screen, huh, who could’ve guessed that? – Hey, is thing supposed to have this much static?

-What do you- Oh!- Oh, that’s what’s messing with the sound! Gimme a sec! – Bad exclaimed as he quickly turned around to fix the “screen”, this time, pushing some buttons that folded over from some part within the machine, yeah, no, he wasn’t going to try to understand it this time, but whatever the demon was doing seemed to work because now a semi-clear image was starting to be seen, as much as a sound started to be heard, it was a familiar, annoying and loud voice, still fighting through the static, but now they could get what he was trying to say. – Bad!, Badboyhalo, can you hear me?

-Yes, I hear you! I hear you, Skeppy! – The demon exclaimed, and Foolish could swear there were tears in his eyes, whatever, not his problem, as long as they didn’t get started on their who-knows-what-banter/flirting. – Oh my god, it’s really you… it really is! And you’re alive!

-Yeah, yeah… i… I am, sorry for worrying you…

Foolish decided to intervene before it was too late. – Dude, you can eye f*ck when we get outta here, or whatever you two do.

Both startled. – Hey-! No, language! We don’t- no, just-

-Heeeeey, uh… hi Foolish. – Skeppy said awkwardly, with a half-baked smile directed at him, he got it, he also wanted his time alone with Vegetta from time to time, but this was not necessary now. -Sorry ‘bout interrupting you guys uh… time, but I kinda want to get out of this hellhole.

Bad frowned at him for the word, but apparently was still too flustered to actually convey his words into something now. – Oh, yeah, yeah… and how do we do that?

-No idea, thought you’d knew something.

The diamond hybrid scratched his head thoughtfully. – Uh… well, I might have an idea but dunno if it’ll work, because, you know, the place where you guys are is kinda really weird…

-Got nothin’ to lose, so tell. – Foolish shrugged, because a) he’s very much immortal, b) whatever but being trapped with bad and c) he didn’t have anyone to worry about now, at least not anymore it seemed. – Okay, well… while I can probably summon you guys with a circle, the last time whatever is keeping you there took Bad back forcefully and I couldn’t re-do it, which means we’ll need something stronger this time, or…

-Or…? – Bad finally spoke again, tilting his head curious, and preventing his friend from asking what Skeppy meant by “last time”. – For you guys to step away enough of the thing that’s blocking the contact.

- Yeah, right, like we’ve not been trying to do that. - Foolish pointed sarcastically. – There’s just no way to go that far away, its not like we can go to some sort of whole other realm, the nether is been blocked and there doesn’t seem to be a single end portal anywhere near, dude.

- Well, sorry, that’s my only idea. – Skeppy shrugged, but still looked pretty sorry. – There’s just not more dimensions to go off to, you know? And its not like we know an entity that can travel across… across them…

-Foolish? – Bad called him up this time, but before he could try again, the go already had an idea, so he took a deep breath and shouted as loud as his lungs allowed him to, it was all he could do since he gave his daughter the crown. – MR. MUSTAAAAAAAARD!

Even Skeppy covered his ears behind the screen, but soon enough, someone appeared in front of them. It was his old friend the capybara. – Hey, dude, how you doing?
Mr. Mustard shrugged with a little smile. – Nice to know, pal, now, could you do your old king here a favor and take us to the capybara kingdom?

Mr. Mustard tilted his head slightly, then gave a small, approving nod. He waved his little paw and, almost instantly, the world shifted around them, and so did the signal from the machine, emitting even more static than before until they were finally set in place.

-Same as ever, huh? Good work keeping it, guys. – Foolish cheered upon seeing other of the capybaras approaching them, they gave him a slight smile.

Bad looked around, eyes wide with amazement. -It's nice…

Yeah, of course it is. - Foolish interjected, -But we gotta get to business. Skeppy, any ideas on how to proceed from here?

Skeppy's voice came through the device again, clearer now somehow, but that must prove that whatever the fed’s had looming over them was weaker here. -Alright, from what I can gather this place it's neither fully here nor there, which might just be what we need.

-Meaning? - Bad prompted, while he turned around to face the screen again, giving Skeppy a smile, that he returned, and Foolish almost puked over, why right in front of his people? Gross.

-Meaning. - Skeppy continued, smile widening. - We can use the unique properties of this place to disrupt whatever is blocking you. Mr. Mustard, do you have any objects of significant magical or historical importance here? they could help out.

Mr. Mustard nodded slowly and gestured for them to follow. They walked through the kingdom until they reached a grand hall. At the center, laid the old crown that Foolish had before given to his daughter, and he felt like he had just gotten punch in the gut, a glimpse of guilt passed by Bad and Mr. Mustard’s eyes. “Sorry, she came to leave it here before” was written in a sign, and Foolish didn’t want to think about it anymore.

-Perfect. -Skeppy said through the device, clearly focused, unfaced upon something he had no knowing of, and neither Bad nor Foolish were to tell him right now. - We can use the energy from the crown to amplify the summoning circle's power. Foolish, can you and Bad draw a summoning circle around the pedestal? Uh… better if you write one inside the other, that assures they’ll activate together.

Foolish nodded, pulling out some chalk from his inventory and swallowing down his feelings about this, because it wasn’t the best moment. He and Bad worked quickly, but in silence, drawing intricate symbols and connecting them in a precise pattern around the pedestal, as they knew their own circles by memory.

-Alright, it's ready, -Foolish said, stepping back to admire their work for a little bit, trying his hardest to advert his eyes from the crown.

- Ready from this side too. – Skeppy confirmed, he didn’t even notice the absence in the screen. – Please step into them, we need this to work the best possible.

Bad carefully set the device with them, he didn’t want to leave it behind just in case.

-Okay, here goes nothing. - Skeppy muttered, taking a deep breath and starting to read an old call, said in a long-forgotten language that he was sure he learned just because Bad sometimes talks in it, mostly because you can just say the spell in normal English.

The light from the symbols they’d drawn before grew blindingly bright, and the device emitted a loud, resonant hum, probably due to the magi starting to mess with it. The crown started to resonate with the same frequency, amplifying the energy within the circle and soon enough a beam of light shot up from the center of the circle, piercing through the ceiling of the grand hall and into the sky above. The ground shook slightly, and for a moment, everything was still, until it wasn’t, and the ground shacked like an earthquake for a moment.

Then, with a final, intense burst of light, the summoning circle activated fully. The energy enveloped Bad and Foolish, lifting them slightly off the ground. In a blinding flash, they disappeared, just as if they were never there to begin with, and hopefully, to not return soon.

They reappeared on the other side, landing softly on the grass of a familiar place. The static cleared from the device, but now the voice didn’t come out of it, it was much clearer, and louder. -Bad! Foolish! You made it, you made it!

Bad stumbled forward, being summoned always left you like that, but even in that state, he couldn’t stop himself from running to… uh whatever they were, practically throwing himself at the diamond guy as soon as he was in sight. Again, gross. -Skeppy! We did it! We're out, and you’re here!

Foolish, brushing himself off, looked around to confirm. They were back, and the air let him know it, it was so different from the island already, and the oppressive silence of the wasteland was gone, replaced by the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves, not that they weren’t there before, but somehow, they sounded more refreshing somehow.

-Yeah, yeah… we did it. - Foolish said, a rare, genuine smile spreading across his face, hiding a bittersweet tone in his voice. -Now, let's make sure we never get trapped in this sh*t again.

Skeppy laughed, hugging Bad to distract him enough so he let past the swearing. – We should get home now, when we get there actually I want to tell you guys something.

That caught Foolish off guard, surely, they wanted to catch up, what did he have to do with this. – Me too?

Skeppy nodded, while they started to walk as he practically carried Bad over his shoulder, the demon wasn’t sleep and definitely the dizziness was gone by now, but they were just like that, whatever. – Yeah, you see, just before I got the call Techno sent me a message asking how to calm a crying child, because this time he couldn’t just throw them out of a cliff, and then he said the kids knew Bad and you, so…

-Wait, what? – Foolish looked at him in confusion, first of all, he hadn’t seen Techno in lives, and second, what child could he have encountered that knew both of them? – Yeah, I want to know too, dude, and honestly, Bad won’t tell me anything right now, so…

-Oh, finally, took you long enough. – A deep, familiar voice greeted them shortly, and soon enough, Foolish could make the silhouette of the man who once conquered earth. – Hey, Techno, it’s been a while.

His old friend had just lifted his arm as a hello when an unexpected little voice joined them, and a tiny figure ran towards them from behind Technoblade. The appearance made Bad’s eyes shook open as the froze at the sight of a little girl, with familiar black hair and a purple hat.

– Tío Bad, Tío Foolish! – Called little Lullah.

And it keeps dragging us back - Chapter 1 - Patatarav - QSMP (2024)


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.