23, 1954 THE RHINELANDER (WIS.) DAILY NEWS PAGE 5 Cub Scout Packs Hold Meetings Wednesday 'Three Cub Scout packs will have meetings Wednesday night and all three of them encourage parents to attend. Pack 35 will meet nt 7 p. m. In the Curran School. Cubs are asked to bring their parents to see the best pantomime and the best rope Lying.
and they are reminded to bring their own ropes. Pack 61 will have a blue and gold pot-luck dinner in the West School at 6:30 p. m. Ribbons will be awarded to the den having the best table decorations. Parents are urged to accompany the cubs.
Pack 196 will hold a blue and gold dinner at 6:30 in McCord Schnol. 'The boys' families are invited to attend and sce a Green Bay Packer film. The Congregational Men's Club will hold a regular monthly meeting Thursday night at 7:30 in the church parlors. All men are urged to be present as important business will beudiscussed. An excellent program of entertainment and a lunch will follow the meeting.
Calvary Baptist Missionary Society will hold meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. in TO TO TO the home of Mrs. Bert Johnston, 628 N. Brown St.
Mrs. William Joslin and Mrs. Johnston will be in charge of the program. Crescent Homemakers Club will meet with Mrs. Arthur Radike, Rte.
1, Wednesday afternoon at 1:30. A fabric project discussion will be held. St. Margaret's Gulld meets Thursday evening at 8 p. m.
in the Guild Hall of The Episcopal Church. Mrs. Virginia Karow will be hostess. A baby center will be held in the council rooms of the City Hall Friday from 9:30 to 11:30 a. m.
and from 1:30 to 3:30 p. m. The usual well baby examinaLions of infants and preschool children who are accompanied by their parents will be given by Dr. Frances A. Cline, district health officer.
Expectant mothers also arc invited to confer with the physician. If possible, mothers should call 308-W for an appointment. Senior Choir rehearsal will be held at the Congregational Church at 7:15 p. m. Thursday.
The Jaycettes will have a tea prospective members Wednesfor, evening in the Hotel Fencion at 8 p. m. The Mothers' Club and Men's Brotherhood of the Trinity Lutheran Church will meet Thursday at 8 p. m. in the church parlors.
Each mother is asked to bring a dish to be passed for the pot-luck lunch. Central PTA will have a pot-luck Thursday at 6:30 p. m. in supper the Central School auditorium. All candidates for the school board will take part in the program which will be followed by a general discussion.
There wiil also be a musical selection by Terry Trotier and Waltet Jahnke. Mrs. William Herrick is refreshment chairman. Modern Menus Louisiana Yam and Lobster Stew Massachusetts Style (Makes about 3 quarts) By GAYNOR MADDOX New England lobster stew with yams from Louisiana in it is cer- But tainly something unexpected. it's a wonderful dish.
The recipe comes from Mrs. Roy Papin of Marblehead, Mass. She says it's her Sunday night supper special. Three tablespoons bacon drippings, 1 medium-sized onion, chopped, 3 stalks celery, cut in 1-inch lengths, 1 quart boiling water, chopped green pepper, 6 medcup ium-sized Louisiana yams, peeled and cut into lengthwise halves, 2 chicken stock ol' bouillon, 2 cups teaspoons sult, teaspoon pepper, 2 cans lobster, 1 cup light cream. Heat bacon drippings; add onion and celery and saute over low heat until tender.
Add boiling water, green pepper, yams, chicken stock, salt and pepper; cover and cook over medium heat about 30 minutes, 01' until yams are tender. Meanwhile, remove cartilage and bony tissue from lobster. Break lobster into larger pieces. Add lobster and light cream to yam mixture. Heat to serving temperature.
Swiss Cheese Yam Chowder (Makes 4-6 servings) One-quarter cup butter or margarine, cup chopped onions, cup diced celery, 1 quart medium-sized chicken broth or bouillon, 4 Louisiana yams, pecled and coarsely diced, tablespoons allpurpose flour, 3 cups milk, 3 cups grated processed Swiss cheese (about pound cheese), 1 cup cooked peas. Melt butter or margarine; add onions and celery. Cook over low heat until onions are tender. Add bouillon or broth and yams; cover and cook over medium heat until yams are just tender. Remove yams.
Combine flour and milk and add to broth- continue cooking until slightly thickened. Add cheese and stir until cheese is melted. Add yams and peas. Heat to serving temperature. Tomorrow's Dinner: Louisiana yarn lobster stew, tousted French bread or split rolls, butter or margarine, mixed green salad, French dressing, apple pic, cheese, tea, coffee, milk.
Elizabeth Anne Johnson, Bernard L. Froehlich Are Wed MA MRS. BERNARD L. FROEHLICH The Rev. Arthur F.
Shank read the ceremony which united in marriage Elizabeth Anne Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Johnson, 813 Margaret and Bernard L. Froehlich, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard H. Frochlich, 332 Lincoln at 2 p. m. Saturday in St Mary's parsonage.
The bride's chapel length gown was fashioned of Chantilly lace and nylon over white slipper satin, the molded bodice of the gown having a scalloped Peter Pan collar and small lace covered buttons down the front to the fitted waistline. Long Jace sleeves tapered to points at the wristline and fastened with lace covered buttons. The bouffant skirt of nylon tulle sweeping down to the floor had a lace peplum extending into scalloped lace paniers at the sides. Her veil, finger tip length, imported French silk illusion, was fastened to a Chantilly lace cloche. 'The brim of the hat was edged with tulle.
applique and seed pearls. The al bouquet was composed of bountiful roses and hyacinth floretts. Miss JoAnn Johnson, Milwaukee, was her sister's maid of honor; Miss Darlene Vanney, 626 Lincoln was bridesmaid. Both wore identically styled dresses and hats -the maid of honor's in blush pink, the bridesmaid's aqua blue. They too, were made with bouffant skirts, double layers of net over taffeta, and strapless fitted bodices topped by brief cut away jackets with short sleeves and mandarin necklines.
The attendants wore veiled hats fashioned of triple bands of matching taffeta and car- Society Contributes To Missions, Uniforms Members of St. Anne's Altar Society and Christian Mothers' Confraternity, as part of their tribution toward home missions, are preparing boxes of clothing for the Indian Mission at St. Mission in St. Francis, S. parish of the Rev.
George Peiper. The organization also has accepted as partly its responsibility, the provision of uniforms for the St. Mary's School basketball team and a donation has been given to the Rev. James Gutzler toward this project. Couples Club Holds Quiz Program The Congregational Church Couples Club held a pot-luck per Sunday night in the church parlors.
Dr. W. H. Wiese, pastor of the First Methodist Church, was guest speaker for the evening. He talked on George Washington.
The program committee composed of Mrs. Jack McIsaac, Mrs. Lawrence Foster and Mrs. Carl Schultz put on a "Truth Quiz 'Em Program" with the club participating. ried bouquets of shaded pink carnations.
Their choker necklaces of baby pearls were gifts from the bride. Norman Braeger, best man, and Darell Terzynski uttended the groom. The bride's mother wore an ice blue moire faille suit with beige accessories; the groom's mother chose a navy blue dress with white accessories. Both had been presented with corsages of pink garnett roses. A reception was held at Powell's Recreation for 200 guests.
After a trip through Wisconsin the young couple will be at home at 663-A W. Davenport St. The bride, a graduate of the class of '51, Rhinelander High School. spent years at Milwaukee County School of Nursing and then accepted a position as dental assistant for Drs. J.
R. and R. P. Kirsch. The groom, who graduated from Rhinclander High School in 1950, is employed at the Rhinelander Paper Company.
Out-of-town guests at the wedding included Mrs. Allan Hirschteck and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Bastian, Chicago; Mrs. Eugene Growe, Des Plains, Mrs.
Norman Peterson, Minneapolis; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lick, Clintonville; Bob Rayford, Madison; Miss Rosanna Borak and Miss Peggy Riordon, Milwaukee; Mrs. Evelyn Kolerus, Mrs. Ed Frochlich, Mr.
and Mrs. George Maar, George Maar, and daughter, Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tibbets and Mr. and Mrs.
John Meyer and daughter, all of Antigo. 80 Women Enjoy Party At VFW Club Rooms At a short business meeting held in the club rooms last night the VFW Auxiliary voted the following donations Hodag fund, $10; Red Cross, Heart campaign, $5. The Auxiliary will assist the Veterans of Foreign Wars with the tag day which is to be held Friday. Following the business meeting the club received as guests for a social evening, members from three other patriotic organizations. About 80 women were present from the American Legion Auxiliary, World War I1 Mothers.
Gold Star Mothers and the VFW Auxiliary. After the presidents of the various organizations were introduced, there was a mixer in the form of a "get acquainted game" for which prizes were won by Mrs. Ken DeNoyer and Stella Sonsthagen. Games and cards occupied most of the evening. Hostesses at the buffet style lunch were Mrs, Joe Pelletier and Mrs.
Harvey, Ruggles. The table was decorated with flowers through the courtesy of Shepard Lake Greenhouse, Mrs. H. C. Lawrence was chairman of arrangements.
She was assisted by Mrs. Henry Berquist, Mrs. Chris Lundberg, Mrs. Earl Landberg, Mrs. Oscar Quandt, Mrs.
Pelletier and Mrs. Ruggles. SENSATIONALLY NEW! AMAZINGLY BLUE! Ponder MADE JUST FOR You! Its hom*oGENIZED! SAFETY fine fabrics SAFETY BLEACHERS IN NYLON ORION WOOL COLORS coffee, milk. IN NYLON ORION WOOL COLORS Job's Daughters Initiate Four Monday Night Four new members were intiated into the Rhinelander bethel of Job's Daughters at a ceremony conducted Monday evening in the Masonic Temple here. The new members are Janice Baer, Judith Taege, Shirley Vandervest and Gail Sorley.
Candlelighters who opened the ceremony were Judy Prahl, Carol Sutton, Linnea Holst and Janice Wadak. Serving as page for the evening was Carol Dorst. During the ceremony, Mary Gates and Karen Holderby sang "Come Holy Spirit," and soloist Kay Robertson sang "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth." Mrs. James Caldwell, past bethel guardian, was honored und presented with a gift. Others introduced were Miss Lois Junker, past honored queen of the bethel; Mrs.
E. A. Heurich, past guardian secretary; Mrs. Oscar Nelson, past guardian of music; Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Fisher, worthy matron and patron of Easter Star; and Marion Beltz, thrice illustrious master of the Rhinelander council of the Masonic order. Personals Miss Doris Heiden, Plymouth, spent the weekend visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nicholas, 541 S. Baird Ave.
Mrs. Otto Dietz, 716 Arbutus spent the weekend in Rockford, with her daughter, Miss Barbara Dietz, who is taking an X-ray technicians course at St. Anthony Hospital School of Nursing. Mrs. Mercie Resloo, 424 Douglas left Monday night 15r Detroit, to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Fawley and son, Terry, Rte. 3, flew to Florida yesterday for six weeks in Fort Myers. Martin Miller, 127 E.
Rives has just returned from a six vacation. He visited in Los Angeles and Bakersfield, Calif. Mrs. Leo Eckman of Milwaukee and Mr. and Mrs.
Harley McKeague, 1034 S. Oneida Ave. have returned from a photographic touy of the Superior North Shore Drive and Port Arthur, Ontario, Canada. Mrs. Eugene Grewe and daughtor Jo Mary are visiting at the home of Mrs.
Growe's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Al Taylor, 721 Margaret St. Mr.
Grewe will arrive this workend to drive them home. Meetings Tuesday, Feb. 23. Rhinelander Civic Band. 7:30 p.
Junior High band room. VFW will meet in the clubroom.s, 8 p. Stated convocation of Rhinelander Chapter 74 will be held at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple.
1 The De Monty degree will be conterred. Wednesday, Feb. 24. Past Noble Grands, 8 p. with Mrs.
Glen Lytle, 506 High St. A pub.ic card party will be sponsored by the VFw Auxiliary in the clubrooms at 8 p. m. Baptist Missionary Society will meet at 2:30 p. m.
in the home of Mrs. Walter Nylund, 445 Lennox St. The Methodist Study Class will mort in the horne of Mrs. Frank Cumpbell, 335 Dahl 2 p. m.
St. Mary's Home and School Association will have a meeting in St. Mary's School at 7:30 p. m. Cub Scout Pack 35, 7 p.
Curran School. Cub Pack 61 blue and gold potluck dinner, 6:30 p. West School. Cub Scout Pack 196 blue and gold dinner. 6:30 p.
McCord School. Crescent Homemakers, 1:30 p. with Mrs. Arthur Radtke, Rte. 1 Jaycette tea for prospective members, 8 Hotel Fenlon.
Thursday, Feb. 25. The Congregational Men's Club! regular monthly meeting, 7:30 p. church parlors. Calvary Baptist Church Missionary Society, 7:30 p.
home of Mrs. Bert Johnston, 628 N. Brown St. St. Margaret's Guild of the Episcopal Church, 8 p.
Guild Hall. Senior choir rehearsal, 7:15 p. Congregational Church. Mothers' Club and Men's erhood of Trinity Church, 8 p. in the church.
Friday, Feb. 26. A baby center, a. m. and p.
council room of the City Hall David Sands Takes Bride In Charleston MRS. DAVID RUPERT SANDS Fob. 19 Was the date for the wedding of Miss Eva Jane Selbe. daughter of Mrs. Ida Selbe, leston.
W. and David Rupert Sands, son of Mrs. Rupert C. Sands 612 Carr St. The Rev.
Albert Donaldson performed the ceremony at 8 p. m. in his home in Charleston. For her marriage the bride a light blue suit with navy accessories. She carried a white testament marked with a white orchid.
Miss Eleanor Ann Tolliver, only attendant of the bride, wore a grey suit with navy accessories and a corsage of red rosebuds. Garth E. Neville attended the groom. Mrs. Seibe, mother of the bride, wore a navy suit with navy accessories: Sands.
mother of the groom. nure, a dark green suit accented black accessories. Both women had red rosebud corsages. After the wedding trip through the southwest, Mr. and Mrs.
David Sands will reside in Orange. Tex. Mrs. Sands is a graduate of Charleston High School and the NeMullane Hospital School of Nursing. Mr.
Sands, 2 Rhinelander High School graduate received his degree at the University of consin, is affiliated with Phi Eta Sigma, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Tau Beta Pi and the American Chemi- Births, A son. borne Feb. 22, to Mr. Mrs. Fred Maas, 406 S.
Pelham St. A son, born Feb. 22. to Mr. and Mrs.
Richard H. Kessenich, 1027 Randall Ave. Tonsillectomy-Adenectomy. Donna Meyer, 060 Thayer St. Georgene Meyer, 660 Thayer St.
Admissions. Mrs. M. W. Stefonik.
304 N. Stevens St. Miss Evelyn Merkel. Eagle River. James Monahan, 603 Pelham St.
John Jacob Kramer, 657 Thayer St. Ray Blamberg, 221 Alban St. Harvey Ruggles, 644 Alban St. Mary Ellen Stanley, Laona. Floyd Frisque, Rte.
3. John Greene, Rte. 2. Mrs. Wesley Higgs, 727 Bruner St.
Harold Olson. Rte. 1, Gleason. Mrs. Arvid Erickson, 637 Moen St.
Mrs. Fred Maas, 406 5. Pelham St. Hooper-Thrumston Recital Tonight The second Rhinelander recital for organ and voice featuring Herbert Hooper and the Rov. R.
E. Thrumston will be given in St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, 39 S. Pelham St. at 7:30 this evening.
All music lovers are welcome. The program, published in full last Saturday, will include works Handel, Dvorak, Cesitr "Frank. Gounod, Britten and Vierne. St. Mary's Hospital Notes Dismissals.
Reida Terzynski, 616 Arbutus St. Ronald French, The Pincs. Diane Marvin, Rte. 3. Jo Ann Fish, Rtc.
3. Mrs. William Dumpprope, Box 741, City. Mrs. Lyman Hooker, 326 Oak St.
Melvin Oclrich, Star Rte. 2. Thomas Smith, Rte. 3. Miss Yvonne Hunter, Arbor Vitac.
cal Society. He is a navy veteran of World War II and is employed as a chemical engineer by E. I. du Pont de Nemours Company. News From Nash to Rock America! PRESENTING THE LOWEST-PRICED 6-CYLINDER FAMILY SEDAN! NOW delivered price at Kenosha, Wisconsin, State and local taxes, if any, transportation and optional equipment, extra.
The great new value leader in the lowest price field! America's Lowest Priced Hardtop, the smart now Here's wonderful news! The brilliant new 1954 Rambler Country Super brings all the beauty and Nash Rambler Club Sedan now carries the lowest Club comfort of popular hardtop styling at a price that scoops the industry -by fur! price tag of any family sedan now being built. Yes- -here's the car with new verve and dashgives up to 30 miles a gallon -with thrilling Rambler get-up-and-go. It can't be beat for quality nor for price! Like all Nash cars it offers Airliner Reclining $140 LESS the Nush Ambassador 4-Door for Super Seats, Weather Eye Conditioned Air System. Built Sedan, one of America's sruly fine curs, with superb of Unitized Airflyte Construction for "double life- styling, comfort and brilliant performance. The roomiest time" durability that makes Nash your safest in- seurs of any car today.
vestment today your soundest resale value SEE THEM ALLI tomorrow. Come in -and see car values without precedent AMBASSADOR Lowest-Priced Station Wagon on the marker, the new I STATESMAN Nush Rambler is a double duty beauty--a smart fumily, -at your Nash Dealer's now! RAMBLER sedan and a practical utility car for work or play. And the low price will amaze you! AT NEW LOW PRICES FOR 19541 SCOTT MOTORS 806 N. Stevens St. Phone 2190 WE'RE OUT TO WIN AMERICA WITH THE GREATEST VALUES EVER! Glorifying Yourself By ALICIA HART NEA Beauty Editor of Glamor is where you find it and one very well-groomed woman we know found part of hers at a toy counter.
This woman, like so many of us, finds that she frequently has to catch a wisp of hair here and there with a bobby pin. But bobby pins, everyone will agree, should not show for daytime wear. In some instances, barrettes might solve the problem, provided one likes barrettes. With the advent of dolls with curable hair, our friend realized her problem was solved. We think her solution should work for a lot of you who have hair that needs bobby ping to keep it in place: She uses dolls' bobby pins.
These little pins work as well as the regular size and they do their job behind the scenes, lcaving the line of your hairdo undisturbed. No one can notice that your hair is pinned in place. So, next time your little girl- does her shopping, you might inquire about the doll-size pins. You'll probably find that they are just the thing you've been looking for at cosmetic counters. Clarence Gilley PHONE-42-W "Are you concerned about the future? Check your insurance coverage!" Clarence Gilley Agency INSURANCE REAL ESTATE 30-A W.