The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)

1 16 WEDNESDAY MORNING. Zos Angeles Times SEPTEMBER 14, Presidential Possibilities RADIO OFFERS FEAST TODAY Roosevelt and Thomas Will 'Address Voters Paige and Corn Cob Pipe Club in Concerts "Flying Colors" Recital to Enthrall in Evening The Times Forum, KHJ, at 1:15 p.m. Edwin Schallert, drama editor of The Times: "Prospects for the Stage." Hogue, editorial staff writer of The Times: "Affairs of the World." World-wide News, 7:15 a.m., 12:30, 5:15 and 10 p.m. BY DOUG DOUGLAS Two candidates for the Presidency; a Raymond Paige Symphony; Big Show; three plays and Countess Olga Albani in song recital. That is the top layer of cabe.

radio cake today. Roosevelt and Norman Thomas speak over national networks today. The Democratic nominee will be found on Don Lee Station KHJ at 10:30 a.m., while KECA at 6:45 p.m. brings a message from Norman Thomas, candidate of the Socialist party. ABOUT SUPPER TIME In the realm of music around and about supper time two programs should catch the eye.

On KFI at 6 sharp the Corn Cob Pipe at the crossroads. Pat Binforces to be master of ceremonies and Buck Bannister passes through with his usual farmyard imitations. To top it off, one may hear the oldtime folk songs which have been sung throughout the rural communities of America for 100 years or more. The Hill Billies stroll by with that equine classic, "The Old Gray Mare," while the Old swing one, back with "Flop-Eared Mule" and "Seeing Nellie Home." They question in song "Who Broke the Lock on the Henhouse Door?" For symphonic treats, Raymond Paige steals the air tonight with another of his "Moods Moderne." KHJ is the station; 7:45 the time. Not a repertoire of heavy, forbidding classics but rather thirty minutes of the more popular, and modern melodies.

If it Paige presentation, it is a sterling mark in South- ern California radio music. WITH FLYING COLORS A group of songs from the new Arthur Schwartz Dietz revue titled "Flying Colors" is the song recital titbits of the evening. KFI at 9 p.m. turns to an N.B.C. song recital.

Countess Olga Albani, guest artist, presents "Chinese Lullaby," "Some Day I'll Find You," "Estrellita" and a group from "Flying Colors," including "Alone Together." For the balance of the evening's radio fare, the High Lights and the Dial offer much of promise. TUNING IN Countess Albani sings "Alone Together." Paradoxical, but that's a song writer for you. It "ain't the words." It's the feeling, they say. Gov. Roosevelt is speaking from Topeka, Kan.

Other Democratic notables on this program also. KHJ at 10:30 a.m. The sound-effect artists of N.B.C. may pull a surprise when the OldTimers sing "The Old la Gray Mare." Frank Jenks is to be the new skipper of the Ship of Good Cheer. KFWB at 8, casts on.

The Big Show. Charles Leland. Henry and His Ball and Chain. The Rhythmettes. Even the barnacles broadcast.

Here is a scoop. Unobtrusive publicity comes from KHJ. "Mona Content, piano recital. Guest artist, William Mentzer, baritone." And do you know who William Malony Mentzer is? The young man Mina married just a few weeks ago. So let's charivari them by ear tonight! With the bride at the piano he should be able to put a lot of heart in his singing.

Two daughters of the Sultan. The mountaineers in rebellion. "More moonshine or death," their cry. A drama. KPO at 9:30 p.m.

The strange intricacies of life in Honolulu. A daughter of "One Man's Family" discovers these. KGO at 8 p.m. Another play. Incidentally, William Mentzer will sing the popular love song, "The White Dove." Speaking of doves, a flock of them moved over to The Times tower when the Nadeau Hotel was torn down.

If there is anything romantic about them they are keeping it a secret. Automobile races, KFWB, 9. Baseball, KMPC, 8:15. National tennis summaries, KHJ, 12:45. If the cat wanders over the roof tonight after the Eno Crime Club Thriller, KHJ, 8:30, plenty covers will be pulled over plenty of heads.

If the cats do a dance on the roof call the radio police. They capture polecats in refrigerators; loose mules, absent-minded burglars, and attend wakes. Ask for Sergt. Malberg. There is one vote for Norman Thomas.

The telephone just rang. To ask that we state that Norman Thomas speaks tonight. Jeannie Dunn climbs a mast to sing "I'm in the Dumps of Love." KFWB at 8 tonight. A comedian has a zylophone. Wandering along Broadway, New York.

Then do it for thirty minutes with the Roamers' Male Quar-1 tet and Alice Mosher. KFI at 8:45 p.m. And then Tarzan picked a lion up in each hand and smacked their heads together. Even the giant WEATHER REPORT LOCAL OFFICE, U. S.

WEATHER BUREAU, Los Angeles, Sept. Reported by Ray Fisher, At 5 o'clock a.m. the barometer registered 29.94, at 5 p.m., 29.88. Thermometer for the corresponding hours showed 60 des. and 69 deg.

Relative humidity, 5 a.m.; 93 per cent: 5 p.m.. 69 per cent. Wind, 5 a.m.. south, velocity. 4 miles: 5 p.m..

southwest. velocity 7 miles. Temperatures. highest, 77 lowest. 59 deg.

Rainfall for seatrace: normal to date, .03 of an inch: last season to date, .05 of an inch. Barometer reduced to sea level. WEATHER -Sept. 13: An area of low pressure that covers the upper lakes this morning has given light to moderate showers and thunderstorms during the past 24 hours in the lake region and the middle and upper Mississippi Valley, Rain has also fallen on the east Gulf and South Atlantic Coasts. It was warm this morning in the lake region and Ohio Valley and cool in the Dakotas but temperatures.

were near normal in other portions of the country. In Southern California partly cloudy weather prevailed yesterday with moderate temperatures. It was cloudy or 10gBY this morning near the coast with temperatures a little below normal. Fair weather with moderate temperatures will continue in Los Angeles and vicinity Wednesday. Clouds or fog are probable in the morning near the coast.

Warm weather, low humidity and high fire hazard will continue in all sections of Southern California except near the coast. LOCAL TEMPERATURES. Sept. 13: Minimum and maximum temperatures from Southern California points. reported yesterday to the Los Angeles office of the U.

Weather Bureau, were as follows: Stations, Max. Min. Imperial 106 71 Los Angeles 67 59 Mt. Wilson 86 70 Pasadena 82 49 Pomona 83 51 Porterville 97 63 Redlands 88 53 Riverside 89 50 San Bernardino 92 Santa Ana 81. 52 Barbara 73 57 LOCAL FORECAST For Los Angeles and vicinity: Fair Wednesday and Thursday but cloudy or foggy along coast in the.

morning; no change in temperature: gentle changeable winds, STATE FORECAST SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. forecast: San Francisco Bay region: Fair and cool with fogs Wednesday; Thursday fair with rising temperature; moderate to fresh west winds. Sierra Nevada: Fair Wednesday and Thursday; little change in temperature: gentle variable winds. Northern California: Fair Wednesday and Thursday with fogs on the coast: somewhat cooler in the delta region; moderate north to west winds offshore. Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys: Fair Wednesday and Thursday: somewhat cooler in the delta region; gentle variable winds.

Santa Clara Valley: Fair and mild Wednesday and Thursday; overcast in the early morning: moderate northwest wind. Southern California: Fair Wednesday and Thursday, but overcast with fogs in the extreme west portion in the early morning: no change in temperature; gentle west winds offshore. ARIZONA FORECAST PHOENIX (Ariz.) Sept. for Arizona: Generally fair Wednesday and Thursday; little change in temperature. COLORADO RIVER YUMA (Ariz.) Sept.

Dispatch from the U. S. Reclamation Gauge height Colorado River. 18.65 feet; discharge, Tuesday, 8300 cubic feet per second. At Grand Canyon, gauge height.

5 feet: discharge, Tuesday, 7600 cubic feet per second. TEMPERATURES STATIONS night State and of velocity weather, of wind direction Aepo, last (miles per hour) Lowest Atlanta--Cloudy, 6......76 64 Bismarck- Clear, S.E., 6.... 76 36 Pt. N.W., 6.... 80 48 Boston- Clear, 70 60 Chicago- Clear, 6.

78 64 Denver- Clear, N.W.. 10.... 78 50 Edmonton- Pt. S.W., 12 78 36 El Paso- Clear, 8....... 94 68 Eureka- -Clear, 62 48 Flagstaff- Cloudy, N.E..

4.. 82 42 Fresno- N.W., 96 64 Havre- Cloudy, 18..... 82 46 Helena- -Pt. S.W., 16,. 76 52 Kamloops-Pt.

S.E.. 8. 74 44 Kansas City- Cloudy, N.W., 8 82 62 Lander 4....... 78 42 Los Angeles- -Clear, S.W.. 7.

77 59 Modena--Pt. 12... 86 42 Needles--Clear, calm 110 62 New Orleans-Partly. cloudy, 10 80 72 New York- Clear, 12.... 84 58 Northhead- Clear, 16....

58 48 Oklahoma- Clear, 4.... 92 68 Omaha- N.W.. 4... 76 58 Phoenix--Clear, N.W., 6....106 74 Portland, -Clear, N.W.. 14 80 56 Red Bluff- Clear.

calm 104 64 Reno- Clear. N.E.. 88 50 -Clear. 12.... 82 48 St.

Louis- 82 66 St. Paul and Minneapolis Clear, S.W.. 8....... 70 58 Sacramento- -Clear. 96 60 Salt Lake City--Clear, 8 78 54 Diego---Pt.

8.. 70 62 San Francisco- -Clear, S.W., 10 70 54 Santa Fe- Clear. S.E., 14.... 80 52 Seattle Clear. 8.

74 52 Spokane--Clear, 80 46 Tonopah-Clear, N.W., 82 60 Tuscon- Cloudy, 26.....102 68 Walla Walla- -Clear. S.W., 84 52 Washington- -Clear. 8... 84 62 -Clear. N.E..

6 84 44 Winnipeg--Pt. S.E., 4.. 70 34 Yuma- Clear. S.W., 4......108 74 VITAL RECORD INTENTION TO MARRY The following notices of intention to marry issued yesterday. Name and age given.

ALBERTI-WOHLLEBEN. Vincent Alberti, 29; Clara Wohlleben. 30. ALGER-NASH. Andrew L.

Alger, 37; Edith G. Nash, 23. BABco*ck-BANCROFT. Alph O. Babco*ck, 43; Florence O.

Bancroft, 39. BANACH-SCHOLZ. Henry M. Banach, 24; Ella V. Scholz, 24.

BERRY- -EGGINK. Robert R. Berry, 19; Cobie Eggink, 19. BRAKE ALLEN. Harold M.

Brake, 21; Dorothy N. Allen, 19. W. H. Broman, 63; Emma R.

Wright, 62. CAMPBELL-RICHARD. Leslie Campbell, 29; Ruby P. Richard, 22. COLE HIGGINS.

Arthur L. Cole, 21; Dorothy M. Higgins, 32. -ALVES. Joseph L.

Costa, 31; Mary Alves, 21. DILLEY- FORSHAW. Dean D. Dilley, 37; Edna F. Forshaw.

27. DURHAM-CRIST. Harold B. Durham, 35; Elaine L. Crist: 29.

EVANS SMITH. George F. Evans, 52; Lewella M. Smith, 46. FLINN BURNS.

William F. Flinn, 38; Joella Burns. 29. GOLDSTEIN- GELLER. Albert Goldstein, 25: Henrietta Geller, 19.

HARSCH-TROUILLET. George H. Harsch, 27; Trouillet. 25. HOWARD KLINE.

Douglas R. Howard, 33; Helen G. Kline, 30. HUITRADO VEGIL. Elias Huitrado, 26; Hilaria Vegil, 23.

JENSEN-ERICKSON. Norman C. Jensen, 24: Florence E. Erickson, 19. JOHNSON- BROWDER.

Homer R. Johnson, 32: Letitia J. Browder, 23. JOHNSON- JOHNSON. Harry H.

Johnson, 36: Patricia. R. Johnson. 26. JOHNSTON-McCOY.

James B. Johnston, 19; Eileen M. McCoy, 16. KAMINSKI- BARTHULA. Theodore Kaminski.

27; Josephine Barthula, 18. KEHRL- WRIGHTSMAN. Howard H. Kehrl, 31: Crystal Wrightsman. 21.

LEWIS -BROOKSTEIN. Charles Lewis, 31; Sara S. Brookstein, 28. LOPEZ VALENCIA. Alfonso Lopez, 21; Mary Valencia.

18. MADIGAN-NATUS. Donald M. Madigan, 23; Joe J. Natus.

MALMGREN RYAN. Russell 27: Mary E. Ryan. 24. McGINLEY- -HARTNETT.

James R. McGinley, 26; Dorothy E. Hartnett, 24. MEYER Albert F. Meyer, 27: Meta M.

Bischoff, 25. Edward G. Muehlhauser, 21: Myrtle R. Lind. 18.

-MEGIBBEN. Clarence W. Murray, 28: Winnifred A. Megibben, 31. NILSEN BATZEL.

Einar 8. Nilsen, 45; Amanda Batzel. 40. NUTTALL DE ARMOND. Warren L.

Nuttall. 22: Georgie M. De Armond, 22. PEREL KELLERMAN. Lewis Perel, 36; Georgia N.

Kellerman, 44. PETERSON MALSOR. Rasmus Peterson, 70: Huida Maisor, 58. PHELPS BURGESS. Harry C.

Phelps, 32: Ruth Burgess, 26. QUACKENBOSS PAINTER. William A. Quackenboss. 62: Myrtle H.

Painter, 51. RUNNINGS -MORRIS. Robert K. Runnings, 22: Mary H. Morris, 21.

SOMERS Kota P. FISHER. Shirley C. Somers, 25; Fisher, 19. STANTON- DURDIN.

Robert Stanton, 22: Eugenia Durdin, 18. STONE ELLISON. Idris W. Stone, 27: Verma E. Ellison.

19. STRAIT SIMPSON. Vernon A. Strait, 18; Verisne Simpson. 16.

TARSHIS GREENBERG. Herman, Rosalie Greenbers, INTENTION TO MARRY The following notices of intention to marry were issued yesterday. Name and age given. TAYLOR DUNN. Henry H.

Taylor, 3 30; Gertrude D. Dunn, 26. TEAGER-HODGEN. Donald L. Teager, 22; Helen L.

Hodgen, 18. WELVART- GALLAGHER. Lynn Welvart, 31; Bernice M. Gallagher, 34. WHITE DONLEY.

Kenneth White, 21; Irene Donley, 18. WHITE- KEARSLEY. John D. White, 22; Betty F. Kearsley, 19.

WHITTINGTON-RODLEY. Alton I. Whittington, 26; Agnes H. Rodley, 23. WILSON Lee, -LEE.

18, Jim P. Wilson, 26; Grace BIRTHS Names, sex, place and date of birth, BLACKWELL. Mr. and Mrs. Charles.

Boy. 2823 Brooklyn avenue. September 7. CAMPBELL. Mr.

and A Mrs. Francis. Daughter. 312 East Sixtieth street. September 11.

CARLSON. Mr. and Mrs. Axel. Daughter, 312 South Lincoln Park avenue, September 7.

DUGAS. Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Daughter.

232 West Eighty-fourth street. September 7. FOSTER. Mr. and Mrs.

Michael. Boy. 2754 South Orange Drive, September 5. FRIER. Mr.

and Mrs. John. Daughter, Private Home Hospital. September 4. GEISEL.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene. Daughter. White Memorial Hospital.

September 6. IXARART. Mr. and Mrs. Frank.

Boy. Methodist Hospital, September 6. JONES. Mr. and Mrs.

Harold. Daughter. California Hospital. September 3. JORDON.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel. Boy, 828 East Sixth street. September 8.

JOSEPH. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Daughter.

California Hospital. September 2. JUNGERS. Mr. and Mrs.

Ambrose. Boy. California Hospital. September 3. KAYE.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton. Boy. Wilshire Hospital.

September 3. KEARNEY. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund.

Daughter. Monte Sano Hospital. September 6. KEITH, Mr. and Mrs.

Ralph. Boy, McClintock avenue. August 30. KILBURN. Mr.

and Mrs. Jack. Daughter. California Hospital. August 30.

KING. Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Daughter.

Good Samaritan Hospital. September 7. KLAUSEN. Mr. and Mrs.

John. Daughter. California Hospital. August 28. KNAPP.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. 644 East Ninety-fifth street. September 9.

KRIEGER. Mr. and Mrs. William. Boy.

West Seventieth street. September 5. LAMAR. Mr. and Mrs.

John. Boy. Methodist Hospital. September 7. LAND.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell. Daughter. White Memorial Hospital.

September 4. LEECING. Mr. and Mrs. Horace.

Boy. Monte Sano Hospital. September 6. LONSDALE. Mr.

and Mrs. Lionel. Boy. Maternity Cottage. September 4.

LYON. Mr. and Mrs. Forest. Daughter.

7716 South Broadway. September 4. LYONS. Mr. and Mrs.

Bert. Boy. Rice's Maternity Hospital. September 4. MacLACHLAN.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond. Boy. Wilshire Hospital.

August 27. MATRANGA. Mr. and Mrs. Frank.

Boy. California Hospital. September 2. McCARGAR. Mr.

and Mrs. Hugh. Boy, Maternity Cottage. September 1. McKINLEY.

Mr. and Mrs. William. Boy. Monte Sano Hospital.

September 6. MURPHY. Mr. and Mrs. George, Daughter.

California Hospital. September 7. MYERS. Mr. and Mrs.

George. Boy. Callfornia Hospital. September 2. NELSON.

Mr. and Mrs. William. Boy. California Hospital.

September 6. NICHOLS. Mr. and Mrs. Morris.

Boy, California Hospital. September 2. NORVILLE: Mr. and Mrs. Hake.

Daughter. California Hospital. August 23. O'REILLY. Mr.

and Mrs. Harry, Boy, Methodist Hospital. September 5. OTTENFELD. Mr.

and Mrs. William. Daughter. Hollywood C. B.

M. Hospital. September 5. PARKER. Mr.

and Mrs. Theodore. Boy. White Memorial Hospital. September 4.

PETERS. Mr. and Mrs. George. Daughter, White Memorial Hospital.

September 4. PHILLIPS. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence.

Daughter. California Hospital. August 27. QUINN. Mr.

and Mrs. Winnie. Daughter. Maternity Cottage. September 5.

REARK. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. Daughter.

Benedict Hospital. September 6. RESECK. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank. Boy. Southwest General Hospital. September 8. RIDDLE.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel. Daughter. California Hospital.

August 27. ROACH. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan.

Daughter, St. Vincent's Hospital. September 8. SALAZAR. Mr.

and Mrs. Edward. Boy, Wilshire Hospital. September 1. SANDERS.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Daughter. Methodist Hospital.

September 6. SCHOLLHORN. Mr. and Mrs. Albert.

Daughter. Methodist Hospital. September 7. SMITH. Mr.

and Mrs. John. Daughter, Wilshire Hospital. August 27. STATHES.

Mr. and Mrs. William. Boy. Maternity Cottage.

September 5. SMOLLER. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan.

Boy. Methodist Hospital. September 7. STEVERS. Mr.

and Mrs. Joe G. Boy. Angelus Hospital. September 6.

STIMMEL. Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Boy.

California Hospital. August 26. WILLIS. Mr. Mrs.

Robert. Boy, St. Vincent's Hospital, September 6. DIVORCE SUITS FILED BARGINSKE. Max against Emily, BENDER.

Helen S. against Rujean, CRIPPEN. Elisabeth against Lee H. D'ANTIGNAC. Laura against Ollie.

DE BAR. Mary E. against Harold L. FORTIER. Gladys against George P.

FOSS. Lloyd J. against Mildred. HARTLEY. Margaret against Carl O.

HERMANN. Charles against Charlotte C. HOGAN. Mary against Moses. KENNEDY.

Regina against Thomas H. LOCASCIO. Mary against George. LOWDEN. Celine against Wiley M.

NIXON. Ellen against Aubra. PATTERSON. Myrtle M. against John H.

PIERCE. Maurietta B. against Milton E. ROE. Mary L.

against Rolla L. RYDER. Margaret C. against Gerald A. SNEYD.

Lillian M. against Alfred A. VERNER. Sarah against Samuel. VESQUE.

Margaret A. against Leon E. WELDY. Edith B. against Merrill H.


from Marcus C. BREWER. Marie M. from Frederick W. CASSERLY.

Thelma L. from Paul N. CHAUSEE. Ada T. from Leo N.

CLARK. Minerva G. from David E. COE. Gladys H.

from Ivan A. CRAIG. Ross E. from Thelma. DAVIS.

Thelma J. from Thomas A. DENENBERG. Betty from Barnet J. DOUGAARD.

Katri A. M. from John J. FERGUSON. James from Elizabeth.

FOSTER. Mary E. from Joseph A. GARARD. Olive M.

from Lee. GARMAN. Margaret I. from Robert O. GARRETT.

Sammie from Lois E. GIBSON. Dorcas N. from Vivian G. HARRIS.

James Z. from Dorothy E. HELVEY. Edna C. from Warren S.

HILL. Pauline from Arthur F. HOWARD. Alexander from Mahala. HUDSON.

Beatrice from Joseph. JOHNSON. Delins from Louise L. KLEIN. Ethel from Emanuel A.

LEARD. Pearl I. from Atmar R. LEENHOUTS. Catherine W.

from John W. MAXWELL. Ethel from Clarence N. NEWMANN. Jeanette from Arthur B.

PENNEY. Ethel from William M. REICHEN. Walter J. from Delphine H.

SATO. Eiko from Shinpei. SCOTT. Carrie from Arthur B. SIMPKIN.

Floriean from David. WALLS. Elizabeth from Asa G. ZSCHUNKE. Olivia from Melvin.

OFFICIAL DEATH LIST (Los Angeles) Name- Age. Date. BEMIS. Richard 43 Sept. 9 CARTER, Richard 66 Sept.

10 CHRISTIAN, Madison 31. Sept. 10 CODDEN, Celia 50 Sept. 11 DAVIS. Della 51 12 DODSON, William 28 Sept.

DOWNES, Fred 62 Sept. 10 HARRIS, Dennis 14 Sept. 7 HINCKLEY, Laura 43 Sept. 12 MARCHER. Jerome 67 Sept.

10 MARKOVITZ. Grace 28 Sept. 12 ROBINSON. Gertrude 51 Sept. 9 RUSSELL: Lill 63 Sept.

11 SETTERINGTON, Horatio 90 Sept. SULLIVAN, Adelaide 69 Sept. 11 SULLIVAN, Margaret 70 Sept. 9 THOMAS. Mary 76 Sept.

12 THORNGUIST. Emma 70 Sept. 12 TONSCHNER, Charles 56 Sept. 10 VACHON. Alphonse 80 Sept.

10 WALKER. Bess 43 Sept. 10 WHITE, Ella 73 Sept. 11 DEATHS With Funeral Announcements. Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.

-Mati. ci, 19. ALLEN. Accidentally, at Avalon, Dorsey O. Allen.

Remains at the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. Notice of funeral later. BELLAMY.

Mrs. Isabel M. Bellamy, beloved wife of William E. Bellamy of South Vermont avenue. Funeral services Thursday at 2 p.m.

from the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. BENZ. At 1011 South 'Bonnie Brae, September 12, Mrs.

Anna E. Benz, Funeral services at Bresee Brothers' chapel Thursday at 2 p.m. BONFIGLI. Kittie, loving wife of Emil Bonfell. Remains at the parlors of E.

C. Koop. Funeral today at 10 a.m. in Rosedale Cemetery chapel. BRUNGER.

Services for Anna Louise Brunger today at 3 p.m. from Pierce Brothers' chapel. BURGESON. Dr. Daniel Burgeson.

Services today, 2 p.m.. at the David Paulson Hall, corner State and Michigan. Francis V. Hall Son, directors. COOPER.

Mary Cooper, at Downey, September 12. Funeral Wednesday. 2 p.m.. at the Methodist Church. Downey.

Interment, Rose Hills Cemetery. Thomas L. director. DEATHS With Funeral Announcements. COX.

Late of 544 Doran street, September 12, Maggie V. Cox, mother of Arthur A. Cox of Hollywood and Minta Cox Edwards of Glendale; grandmother of Ross F. Edwards and Olive Alice Cox. Services Thursday, September 15, at 2 p.m., in Peace Chapel.

Kieter de Eyerick Mortuary, 314 East Harvard street. Glendale. Interment, Forest Lawn Cemetery. -CURRY. Services for James Grady Curry, Thursday, September 15, at 2 p.m., from Pierce Brothers' chapel.

DABNEY. September 11, Joseph B. Dabney, beloved husband of Louise E. Dabney. Services today at 2 p.m.

from the Wilshire Methodist Church, Plymouth and Wilshire Boulevard. Pierce Brothers, directors. DAVIS. September 12, at 1620 Crest Drive, Della C. Davis, beloved mother of Goldie Palmer.

Services will be held today at 11 a.m. from Edwards Brothers' Colonial Mortuars. DEEMS. held Friday Services at for 11 Ralph a.m. from Deems will Edwards be Brothers' Colonial Mortuary, DORSEY.

Of 435 East Seventieth street, Charles Dorsey, uncle of Mrs. Laura Arnold. Services at the D. C. Gulick Mortuary, Thursday at 3 p.m.

EBY. The funeral services of J. S. Eby will be held today at 3 p.m. from the chapel of W.

A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street. ENTRESS. John J. Entress, loving father of Marie A.

and John J. Entress, Bertha A. Laughlin, Stella M. King and Gertrude J. Modispacher.

Rosary tonight at 8 o'clock at Delmer A. Smith Mortuary, Requiem mass Thursday at 9 a.m. at the Church of Immaculate: Conception, Ninth and Green. (Pittsburgh papers please copy.) HARDY. September 10, Thurman James beloved son of Mr.

and Mrs. J. R. Hardy; brother of Mrs. H.

M. Hansen, Mrs. 0. B. McReynolds and Mrs.

H. G. Pierce. Services today at 10 a.m. from Pierce Brothers' chapel.

HOBBIE. At 770 Stanley avenue, Long Beach, George Coley Hobbie, loving husband of Flora E. Hobbie; father of Mrs. William Ramsaur, Mrs. Giles Hall and Raymond S.

Hobbie. Services today, 2 p.m., from the chapel of Graham Isbell. HOCKENSMITH. At. 3665.

Third avenue. Mrs. Margaret Elizabeth Hockensmith, widow of. the late Robert Hockensmith and sister of F. D.

Silvis of San Diego, A. E. and Miss Susan J. Silvis and Mrs. Ida M.

Campbell of Indiana. Pa. Funeral services Thursday at 3 p.m. from St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Third avenue and Jefferson street, Entombment, Forest Lawn Mausoleum.

W. A. Brown, funeral director. HOOPER. September 12, Fannie E.

Hooper. Services today, at 3 p.m. at Hollywood Cemetery chapel. Pierce Brothers, directors. JENNINGS.

Mrs. Caroline W. Jennings, late of 1646 North Hobart. Funeral services Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Los Angeles Crematory chapel.

Bramble Funeral Home in charge. JOHNSON. The funeral services of Miss Mary Elizabeth Johnson will be held today at 2 p.m. from the chapel of W. A.

Brown, 1815 South Flower street. LAUGHLIN. The funeral services of Miss Laura Bell Laughlin will 'be held today at 11 a.m. from the chapel of W. A.

Brown, 1815 South Flower street. LEONARD. At the family residence, 825 Milan avenue, South Pasadena, September 12, Mable Cremer, Leonard. beloved wife of Prof. Adam Leonard.

Funeral services will held at the chapel of Turner, Stevens Berry, 1000 Fremont avenue. South Pasadena, this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Interment; San Gabriel Cemetery. LORENTZ. September 13, Mrs.

Thresa Lorentz. Remains at Bresee Brothers. LUCAS. Remains of Sydney Albert Lucas were forwarded by Pierce Brothers Tuesday to Alexandria, for serv ices and interment. MARESH.

Suddenly, September 12. Anton Maresh of 1914 West Santa Barbara, beloved brother of Mrs. Mary Swaton and uncle of J. A. Swaton.

Services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. from Edwards Brothers' Colonial Mortuary. MATHEWS. Arthur Gilbert Mathews, beloved son of Mrs. Emily Mathews: brother of Edith Morrison, Ethel Jacobson, Kitty Koke, Gerald and Donald Mathews.

Services Thursday at 2:30 p.m. at the Wilshire Funeral Home. Santa Monica. MEAD. Prank beloved husband of Lillian Mead and brother of Mrs.

Cora Barrett, Mrs. Bessie Coudare, Mrs. Eva Urban. Albert and Robert Mead. Remains at the chapel of J.

D. FarisKenneth H. Gillette Co. Funeral notice later. (Fond du Lac, papers please copy.) MURDOCH.

Funeral services for William C. Murdoch, who passed away September 11, 1932, at his home, 1781 La Paz Road. Pasadena, will be held Thursday at 11 a.m, at the chapel of the First Baptist Church, Marengo at Holly, Pasadena. Turner Stevens directors. MURRAY.

September 13, Mary E. Murray. Remains at Cunningham O'Connor. Services for George William Otis today, at 4 p.m. from Pierce Brothers' chapel.

PHILLIPS. The funeral services of James L. Phillips will be held today at 3:30 p.m. from the chapel of W. A.

Brown, 1815 South Flower street. RATLIFF. September 12, at 2211 Clinton street. Harold T. Ratliff, beloved son of Mattie C.

Ratliff. He also leaves a brother, Cecil Ratliff. and three sisters, Tula, Ina and Sidney Ratliff. Funeral services from the Wee Kirk o' the Heather. "Cates, Lawn Cemetery.

today at 1 p.m. Crane Earl. directors. REAVIS. At 2389 Edgewater Terrace, Everett E.

Reavis, beloved father of William A. Reavis; son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Elmo Reavis, and brother of Harold M.

and Ruth E. Reavis, all of this city. Private funeral services today at 1:30 p.m. from the chapel of W. A.

Brown, 1815 South Flower street. ROACH. David L. Roach of 438 Custer avenue, this city, loving father of Mrs. Lena Breedlove, Irving D.

Roach, Mrs. Amy Hawley and Mrs. Anna Lacey. Services from Bethany Presbyterian Church, corner Griffith Park Boulevard and Lucile avenue, Los Angeles, Thursday at 2:30 p.m. D.

B. White, Azusa, director. SANDERS. Services for Elizabeth Margaret Sanders, Thursday, September 15, at 10 a.m.. from the Wee Kirk o' the Heather in Forest Lawn Cemetery.

Pierce Brothers, directors. SCOTT. September 11, at her home, 2509 Hill street, Walnut Park, Margaret Scott, beloved wife of James W. Scott; mother of Mrs. Jennie Krause.

Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock in the chapel of J. F. Marcoux, South Gate Mortuary. Entombment, Angeles Abbey Mausoleum. William B.

Stoll, husband of Pearl M. Stoll and father of Miriam and Ruth Stoll: son of Ida M. Stoll: brother of George S. and Edgar H. Stoll of Los Angeles.

Funeral services today at 4 p.m. from Le Roy Bagley Mortuary, 5440 Hollywood Boulevard. SULLIVAN. September 8. Margaret A.

Sullivan. Remains at Gunningham O'Connor. SWEET. Late of 1240 South Duncan avenue, Gertrude G. Sweet.

beloved wife of Orville M. M. Sweet and loving mother of Mrs. Laura Nelson. Thursday at 2 p.m.

from the chapel of E. Clair Overholtzer 1236 South Grand avenue. TASKER. September 13, Mary Tasker, beloved wife of Joseph Tasker: loving mother of Bud Tasker, Mrs. Ida Hansen.

Mrs. Blanche Nebbergall and Mrs. Helen Kelly, Services Thursday, September 15, at 3 p.m.. from Pierce Brothers' chapel. THOMAS.

At 1741 Westmoreland Boulevard. September 12, 1932. Mary widow of the late W. B. Thomas: mother of Will Thomas of Williams, and Mrs.

W. F. Gaynor of Los Angeles; sister of David and Gibson Permar, Mrs. Julia Depuy and Mrs. Charles Besselman: grandmother of William.

Mary and Irene Gaynor, and Billy, Nona Mary and John Thomas. Funeral 3 p.m. today from residence. Bresee Brothers, directors. (Honolulu papers please copy.) THORNQUEST.

The funeral services of Mrs. Emma Thornquest will be held today at 3 p.m. from the Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Forest Lawn Cemetery. W. A.

Brown. funeral director. WEATHERHEAD. September 11, Elizabeth A. Weatherhead.

Rosary will be recited this evening at 8 o'clock at the chapel of Cunningham O'Connor, 1031 South Grand avenue. Funeral Thursday, September 15, at 8:15 a.m., from the chapel of Cunningham O'Connor. Requiem mass at the Church of Precious Blood at 9 a.m. Interment, Calvary Cemetery. WODTKE.

The funeral services of Mrs. Marie Wodtke will be held today at 2:30 p.m. from the chapel of W. A. Brown, 1815 South Flower street.

FUNERAL NOTICE FUNERAL NOTICE West Gate Lodge, No. 335, F. A. M. will assemble at the Wee Kirk o' the Heather, Forest Lawn Cemetery, Glendale, Wednesdas, September 14.

at 4 p.m., to conduct the funeral of our late brother. Joseph McDonnell. JULIAN N. COLE, Master. FRED MASON, Secretarz.

FUNERAL DIRECTORS BRESEE BROTHERS 855 FIGUEROA, Michigan 3125. HIGHLIGHTS CONCERTS 6 p.m. KF1-Corn Cob Pipe Club of Virginia (N.B.C.) Another group of old folk songs. 6:15 p.m. KHJ Mona Content: Piano Recital.

William Mentzer, baritone, soloist. 7:45 p.m. KHJ-Raymond Paige Presents: "Moods Moderne." A symphony of popular and mod. ernistic style. 8 p.m.

KNX-Sol Hoopi's Hawai. lans. 9:15 p.m. Special (N.B.C.) Song recital: Countess Olga Albani, guest artist. The Revelers Quartet.

9:30 p.m. "Isle of Golden Dreams" (KOIN, Portland.) South Sea melodies. VARIETIES 9:55 a.m. KFAC Dr. Bruce Baxter of U.S.C.

Inspirational talk. 10:30 a.m. KHJ-Gov. Roosevelt 6:30 p.m. Thomas, Socialist candidate for the dency (N.B.C.) p.m.

KHJ-Edwin C. HIlI (C.B. Literary Digest Prohibition Poll and World News. 7:45 p.m. 8 p.m.

KFWB The Big Show. Ports of Chance." Variety program. PLAYS 8 p.m. Francisco (790k. 8:30 p.m.

KHJ-Eno Crime Club 379m.) "One Man's Family." (C.B.S.) Pearl of doul" (N.B.C.) N.B.C. Drama Hour. pterodactyls did high jumps to avoid him. The children's eyes should sparkle at those adventures. Watch their expressions.

KNX at 7:45 p.m. Remember Eddie Albright traced a patch on an actor's pants in music and story? Stuart Buchanan is on the trail of those very same trousers. KNX at 9:30 p.m. Noticias POPE en Por el Prof Guerrero, Encargado de la de este Diario. NOTAS TELEGRAFICAS Van a Barrer los Establos de Augias en el TOKIO, 13 de que en una secreta del Club de Oficiales del se ha decidido llevar a cabo una limpia completa a fondo del corrompido campo de la por medio de un movimiento concertado que abarque toda la En el citado club se cuenta con un poderoso de 4,000,000 de socios, iniciadores de tal movimiento.

Concurrieron a la el general Sadao Araki, ministro de la Guerra otros jefes del 117 significados comerciantes financieros. de relieve tal en un articulo publicado exclusivamente por el Shimbun, intimamente ligado con el ministerio de la Guerra. El movimiento en que encabeza el general Araki, tiende a movilizar la ilustrada para la tarea de purgar la Dieta, haciendo uso, con tal fin, de los soldados como Ellos se de hacer conocer a los legisladores "la voluntad del pueblo" por medio de representaciones directas. El proyecto comprende una activa las elecciones, la salida de los profesionales el decidido apoyo a los candidatos asimismo que todas las peticiones que se dirijan a la Dieta han de ser aprobadas primero por los ex-soldados, quienes, en caso de duda, la con las sociedades de Jo que tal sistema parece haber sido inspirado por el fascismo, ya que va a ser una constituida por si misma la se encargue de representar la japonesa. El ministerio de la Guerra la dijo que el objeto del mitin sido encontrar trabajo para los oficiales retirados promover la amistad entre los militares los hombres de negocios.

El "Literary Digest" Inicia una Presidencial NUEVA YORK, 13 de Septiembre. La revista "Literary Digest" llevando ahora a cabo la mayor presidencial que se hay hecho nunca, pues va a constar de 20,000,000 de balotas individuales que enviadas por de todas partes de los Estados Unidos. El primer cupo de balotas de Los Angeles en este preelectoral ha sido ya mandado por correo desde el cuartel general se' a hacerse un lado, toral de Nueva York distribuido dentro de unos por la local de correos. Las balotas papeletas siendo despachadas por correo de todos los Estados Unidos a de de 1,500,000 cada laborable, que para antes de que fine el mes actual se las primeras listas resultantes. NOTAS LOCALES Se Justifica la Confianza en las "Patas de Conejo" George M.

Read carga siempre una pata de conejo, al delegado federal Head, ante quien ayer acusado por el agente Ashe del Servicio Secreto Federal de encontrado un billete de banco falsificado, en el que se cambiado $1 en $10. Read habia comprado un de psuedo-whisky para pasar un de fiesta. Se a dormir la mona debajo de un auto apartado cerca del Edificio Federal, fue despertado por un policia, del coche. En los bolsillos, que le fueron registrados, se le el billete en Read que se lo habia dado un al darle la vuelta de un billete de $20. El delegado, en la duda, en libertad.

"He otra prueba de que siempre me saca de apuros mi vieja pata de Read jubi1oso al 'salir a toda prisa del juzgado. ThE DIAL ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED From Programs Submitted by Stations chain broadcast. 10)-Denotes to 8 a.m. KFAC--Studio program, KFI--N. Y.

stocks. 6:30: exercises, U. S. Army Band (C,) Van Don (C,) 7:45. KFWB- 7:45.

KHJ-News. record. KMPC -Exercises, 6:30. KMTR- The Covered Wagon. 7.

KNX- Breakfast Club, 6:45. KRKD- Early Bird. 6:30. KTM-Spanish concert, 6. A to 10 a.m.

KFAC-N. Y. stocks, Penthouse Serenaders, 8:30: Economics, University of Southern California, 9:55. KECA-Exercises, 9. KFI-Pianist, 8: Little Orphan Annie Wings of Song (C.) nomics, 8:45: Stokes's Orch.

(C,) Happy Jack (C.) Fashions. 9:30. KFWB- A. Breakfast Club, news, 9:50. Happy Time (C,) Columbia Revue (C.) 8:45: George Hall's Orch.

(C.) 9: Betty Crocker, Madison String Ensemble, 9:45. KMPC- Sue and Jack, news, John Brown. 9:15. KMTR- Time, news, U.C.L/A. gram.

9:45. KNX-Inspirational talk, 8:45: time nais and Air Clinic, news, Maxine's Shopping Service, 9:45. KRKD Records. KTM-Spanish concert, 8: Dr. Frank Coy, Beautiful Thouhts, 9:30.

10 a.m. to Noon KFAC Bible Institute, movie news, 11:45. KECA- News, 10; German, 11. KFI-Pianist, 10; English, Magazine of the Air (C,) 10:30: Randy drews, songs, market reports. 11:45.

KFWB- -Prudence Penny, 10: Charley Hamp, songs, organ, news. 11:50. KHJ-Milady's Magazine, 10; Governor Roosevelt (C,) Belle Forbes Cutter and orchestra (C.) Four Eton Boys (C.) 11:45. KMPC-Dream Man, Air Ambassador, 11; Eugene Biscailuz, 11:45. KMTR-Records; Sing Song Girl.

11:30. KRKD-Piano. 10:30: news, 10:45. KNX- Eddie Albright's 10 o'clock Family, 10; Economics, 10:30. 19 Noon to 2 p.m.

KFAC News, 12: organ, KECA-Records; Bunny's Family, 1:45. KFI--U. S. Dept. of Agriculture (C,) 12; Western Farm Hour (C.) news.

Ann Warner, G.E. Circle (C,) 1:45. KFWB- talk, 12; golf talks, organ and soloist. 1:30. KHJ-Captivators (C.) 12: The Times' world-wide news, National Tennis summary (C.) 19:45: "Going to Press" (C.) The Times' Forum, 1:15: Edwin Schallert.

Times' Drama Editor: Fred Hogue on "World Affairs;" Blue Ridge Colonel. 1:45. KMPC- Happy Chappies, 12; Two Professors. news, 1:30. KMTR-Records.

KNX- 12; Paris Inn and Singing Waiters. 1. KRKD-City Hall Broadcast. Italian Village, 12:30: Jaffy's 1. KTM-Poetry, Christian Couriers, Danceathon, 1:45.

2 to 4 p.m. KECA-Records, Donald Novis. songs, (C,) Italian language, Bill Hayman, songs, 3:45. KFAC -Concert 2: dance orch. news, dance 3:45.

Hollywood Hill Billies. 2: Cheiro, Royal Vagabonds (C.) The Stebbins Boys (C,) news, 3:45. KFWB-Records. Hour (C,) Feminine Fancies (C.) 8. KMPC -Italian Village Old Observer, 3.

KMTR- Jack Graham, Ken and Tony, records. KNX- The Bookworm, Mirthmakers. Frank Russell on "Australia." 3:30. KRKD -Lou Parker, contralto, records. KTM-Spanish concert, 2.

to 6 p.m. -News. 4: Jimmy Base, songs. Announcements. 4:45: Big Brothers, 5: Singing Lady (C,) Al, Mack and Tommy.

5:45. KFAC-Book Man, 5: Whoa! Bill. 5:30. KFI-Question Box, 4: pianist. Winnie Fields Moore.

Nomad Novelist. 4:30: Bill Cady's Group. Novelties (C,) Mobiloil concert (C.) 5:30. KFWB- Organ, dance band and Jean Dunne, 5:15. KHJ- -Jack and Grace.

Hutton's Ensemble, Chats on Words. 4:45: Elvia and Nell. Times' world-wide news. "Skippy," Ben Pollock's Orch. (C.) 5:45.

KMPC-News, 4:30: Paradise Avocado Isle, Man, 5:30. The Dreamer, KMTR- The In-Laws, Colorful Consolations. Lucky Stars, 5. KNX- Travelogue, Frank and Maxine's Pam, Shopping Service, Chandu, 5:45. KRKD- -Gus Mack, Chester and Junior, 5:30.

KTM-Records. 6 to 7 p.m. String Trio. Robert Hurd, 6:05: Norman Thomas (C.) Maury Leaf and string trio, 6:45. KFC 6: string dinner-dance, 6:30.

KFI-Corn Cob Pipe Club (C.) 6: Raine Bennett 6:45. KFWB-News, organ, Growin' Up, 6:45. The Street Singer (C.) 6: Mona Content, pianist, 6:15: Hal Stern's Orch. (C.) Myrt Marge (C,) 6:45. KMTR- -The Dreamer, George Parker, 6:30.

KNX-News, 6: dinner concert. "O-0-h, Elmer," Serenaders, 6:45. Jaffy's Salon Group, 6:30. 7 to 8 p.m. KECA -Hollywood Hill Billies.

String Trio, 7:30: Fred Forest, Stove Poker Philosopher, 7:45. KFAC Wandering Padre, organ, Varsity Trio, 7:30. KFI-Amos 'n' Andy (C,) 7: Maxwell Tune Blenders (C,) Team Mates (C.) KFWB- -Melodies, 7:15: Anson Weeks's Records, 7:45. KHJ -Literary Digest Poll (C.) 7: Raymond Angelo Patri (C,) Chandu, Paige Symphony 7:45. KMPC -Cracker Barrel Congress, 7.

KMTR Year Club, University of California special, 7:30. KNX-Frank Watanabe and Hon. Archie, political talk. 7:15: The Mirth Quakers. Tarzan, 7:45.

dance music, 7:15. 8 to 9 p.m. KECA-Little Joe Warner, 8: A Few Years Back Concert, Whidden's Miramar 8:30. KFAC- Concert ensemble, 8. KFI-Organ and ensemble, 8: Helene Handin, Truthful Trooper, 8:15: Billy Jones and Ernie Hare (C.) "Thirty Minutes from Broadway" concert.

8:45. Big Show" special, 8. KHJ-Duchin's Orch. (C.) Eno Crime Club (C.) 8:30. Baseball.

Wrigley Field. 8:15. Minutes from Broad: way," Serenaders, 8:45. Hawaiians, 8: Rosicrucian's concert. 8:30: Singing Violins, 8:45.

KTM-Miniature Symphony, Miniature Symphony, 8:30. 9 to 10 p.m. KECA-Hemlock Corners. organ, Close Partners (C.) 9:45. debate, 9.

KFI- Goodyear Special 9:15: Songs Without Words 9:45. KFWB- Ascot Auto Races, 9. -Hotel Grand 9: Eb and Zeb (C.) Isle of Golden Dreams (C.) 9:30. KMPC KMTR- Concert. 9: mystery drama, 9:30.

KNX-News, 9: Hatch's Dance Band, "Patches." 9:30. KTM-Memorable Memories, 9. 10 p.m. to Midnight KECA-Records. tion Jubilee, 10:05.

NEW TRIAL GRANTED KFAC 11:45. Organ, 10; dance 11; records, KPI- 10; Phil Harris's Hotel Ambassador 10:15: organ concert (C,) 11; Jay Whidden's Miramar 11:30. KFWB- News, Jimmy Grier's Biltmore 10:20. KHJ- The Times' world-wide news. 10; Ted Fiorito's Orch.

(C.) 10:15: Bisquik Eand, Hotel Roosevelt 11: KNX- Midnight -Arizona Moods, Wranglers, 10; Paris 12. Inn Singing Waiters. 11. KMPC- Hill Billies. 10; Club Airport dens.

11. Dunn's Orchestra, 10:30. Hoot Owl Reporter, 10; Planta- Ernest Osterhelt, who was convicted in Superior Court of taking merchandise from the J. J. Sugarman store at 901 South Broadway, February 10, last, was granted a new trial yesterday by the District Court of Appeal because the trial.

judge ordered the testimony of 8 character witness stricken from the record, In every funeral service we include the free use of our Beautiful Chapel. securing the minister, music, careful arrangement of dowers. acknowledgement cards, free parking in our large private garage, limousine service, scientifc embalming. lady sistant and all things to make perfect service. A.

large selection of the finest caskets and our large and modern establishment and complete facilities make it possible for us to offer the most convenient terms and lowest prices in the city. Radio KTM, 9:30 to 10 a.m. Daily, EDWARDS BROTHERS COLONIAL MORTUARY An Institution of Quality and Personal Service Wesley Tourtellotte, resident organist 1000 VENICE BOULEVARD. PR. 8281.






2011. BRAMBLE FUNERAL HOME Reverent Christian service. Moderate prices. PAUL D. ROBINSON 1001 WEST WASHINGTON.

PR. 1001. CEMETERIES FOREST LAWN MEMORIAL PARK AMONG THE HILLS Cemetery Crematory Glendale Avenue and San Fernando Road. TELEPHONE Albany 1121. INGLEWOOD PARK CEMETERY Largest in California Mausoleum- Columbarium Telephone PLeasant 3144.

ROSEDALE CEMETERY -ConvenientCemetery, Crematory; Columbarium, Vault 1831 WEST WASHINGTON. REpublic 8507. MAUSOLEUMS ANY REASONABLE OFFER TAKES MY crypts. Big sacrifice. CEntury 26477.


Crypts $90 and up MEMORIAL SALES PRospect 8750. ONE TO 12 INGLEWOOD GRAVES. ONEHALF CEMETERY PRICE. PRospect 3773. ANGELES Abbey Mausoleum crypts, $160.

Phone TU. 9532, or evenings. TH. 8373. GRAVES.

Roosevelt Park, $22.50. Perpetual care. Improved. ANgelus 0636. CASH for cemetery lots.

Write descrip. tion and price. Box 415, Inglewood. CRYPT. Forest Lawn.

Sacrifice. Also dan. 392 East California, Pasadena, that's TODAY doing Los Angeles Times Free Cooking School, promptly at 2 p.m. in the Southwest Buildins. 130 South Broadway, Marian Manners invited everyone to attend her program of "Prize Recipes." Hollenbeck Ebell Club sewing meeting, 523 East Avenue Thirty -nine, afternoon.

Round Table International luncheon, Biltmore, noon. Wednesday Morning Club luncheon. clubrooms. afternoon. National Council of Jewish Women.

Los Angeles section luncheon rally, clubrooms, afternoon. Cosmopolitan Club supper, Biltmore, evening. Phi Delta Theta Alumni Club meeting. University Club. noon.

Sciots' Luncheon Club meeting, 618 South Olive street, noon. Public lecture, Chouinard School of Art, 741 South Grandview avenue. 8:30 p.m. W. L.

Pollard will speak on "The History and Theory of City Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, membership. construction. industries and agriculture committee meetings, committee rooms, Chamber of Commerce Building. 12:15 p.m. Wilshire Book Club: meeting.

Wilshire Branch Library, 2:30 p.m. Althea Warren will speak on "Twentieth Century Women in Literature." Beta Theta Pi Alumni Association meeting. University Club. B.P.O. Elks No.

99 meeting. Elks' Temple. 7:30 p.m. Kiwanis Club luncheon. Biltmore, noon.

Huntington Library and Art Gallery are closed during the month of September. Requests for admission cards for use after October 1 can be secured by sending a self- addressed and stamped envelope to the library at San Marino. Los Angeles Museum exhibit, Exposition Park. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Chamber of Commerce exhibit and free motion pictures, Chamber of Commerce Building, all day. Southwest Museum exhibit, Highland Park. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Free permanent California exhibit.

State Exposition Building. Exposition Park, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Columbia Circle No. 24.

Ladies of the G.A.R. luncheon. Patriotic Hall, 1816 South Figueroa street, noon. "TIMES" THEATER GUIDE MOTION PICTURES Chinese, Hollywood near Orange "Rain." Joan Crawford. Walter Huston and others give a faithful portrait of this famous play of the tropics.

Downtown, Hill against the World With Constance Bennett. Filmarte, Vine near Santa Well directed and acted film. in. the German. With Anna Sten.

Hollywood, Hollywood at Event." A lively picture, revealing the adventures of a newspaper columnist. With Lee Tracy. Loew's State. Broadway Buster Keaton 85 college professor who finances road troupe of ham actors and puts the show over with a bang. Orpheum.

Broadway at of The familiar love story of -the South Seas by Richard Walton Tully in talking picture form. With Dolores Del Rio. Pantages, Hollywood near Vine- With the Four Marx Brothers. Paramount. Hill at Sixth "Love Me Tonight." Delightful entertainment.

A song romance. or some will call it stylized fairy tale. With Maurice Chevalier. Western, Wilshire at Western- The Man Called Back." Regeneration of 8 doctor in the tropics. With Conrad Nagel.

STAGE El Capitan, Hollywood Boulevard near Highland- Husbands Go." Pauline Frederick and her efficient supporting cast make this Rachel Crothers comedy interesting entertainment. Leo Carrillo, Olvera street- "A Night in Colorful musical revue, presented by a talented group of Latins. Follies, Main street Popular burlesque. Advertising Begins New Year Embarking on a new nine-month season, with a new crew in charge, the Advertising Club met at' the Biltmore yesterday for an entertainment program. Several hundred members were on hand to welcome their new president, Charles Frederick Maguire, newspaper advertising man, and other officers chosen at the end of the last season, RED CROSS TO OUTLINE ROLL CALL Jobless Relief, Flour and Cotton Distribution to Be Discussed 'Today Problems of unemployment relief, flour and cotton distribution and plans for the annual Roll Call of the American Red Cross will be discussed at a meeting of the scheduled today at the Elks Temple, 607 South Park View.

The morning session will begin at 10 o'clock with Douglas Moore, director of Roll Call for the Pacific Branch, scheduled to' speak on "Increasing Membership." James J. McClintock, vice-chairman in charge of finance for national Red Cross, will be the luncheon speaker. A. L. Schafer, manager of the Pacific Branch, will speak on "The Red Cross Chapter in the Present Emergency" at the afternoon session.

D. C. McWat-. ters, chairman of the Los Angeles chapter, will preside at all sessions. One Less Worry IN TIMES of bereavement, many families of adequate means find it difficult to pay at once for funeral services.

To remove this financial burden, Pierce Brothers provide for convenient term payments through the After-Service Budget. Patrons are given this courtesy without any involved credit procedure. Tounderstand the countless ways in which Pierce Brothers give comfort in time of need, visit the Advisory Department or write for a copy of "Before Sorrow Comes." PIERCE BROTHERS FUNERAL ADVISORS A DIRECTORS 720. W. WASHINGTON ST.

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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.