The Columbus Telegram from Columbus, Nebraska (2024)

SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1932 THE COLUMBUS DAILY TELEGRAM. COLUMBUa NEBRASKA. PAGE THRU taining to various places of histor Agriculture Hyde agreed, when asked, that it would be good lor HEW SHOW ADDS TO ical significance within the state. During the business session, plans the crons. "But." t.e were made for the annual Wash SOCIETY "crops remind me- of the colored able to be present and who will be installed at the regular meeting in February are Mrs.

S. G. Green, vice-president; Mrs. August Wagner, historian; Miss Agnes Haney, musician, and Mrs. Fred Lecron, secretary.

A social meeting' with the comrades was held after the installation ceremonies NEBRASKA DRIFTS boy on a war transport no leaned over the rail all day long, looking down at the water. Someone asked him why. and he an ington birthday party. The club voted to contribute the sunlpf $5 to the drouth relief sufferers and made arrangements to attend the George Washington picture, which will be shown for the public on Gives Up Elevator Job For Title swered: 'I seen a lot of things in DIAL 5232 and a lunch -was served. Mrs.

my life, but that's the only thing James Haney was Chairman of the ever seen there was enougn Sleet on Wings of Plane Forces Airmail Pilot Down Near Sidney Febr. 26. Mrs. R. R.

McGee, vice-regent, presided at the business refreshment committee. of." Latest picture of Hoover ft session in the absence of the regent. The United Spanish War Veter and his cabinet shows the president. Vice President Curtis. Sre- ans, who had scneduied installation for the same evening, postpon Koop-Kuenzli Wedding A very pretty wedding took place at Evangelical Protestant church at 4 o'clock this afternoon, when Miss Linnea Kuenzli, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Kuenzli, who re ed the ceremony because of the ROADS GLAZED WITH ICE vice-president. Twenty-two members were present. Mrs. Walter Loseke and Mr3.

Walter H. Luers served the lunch. Those who were taken in as new members are Mrs. Paul Mueller, Mrs. Ernst Hellbusch, Mrs.

Carl Mrs. O. G. Clark. Mrs.

Howard Clarke, Mrs. Lawrence Herrod and Mrs. B. Jones were elected delegates to the state council to be held in North Platte on March 22nd. 23rd and 24th Alternates chosen include Mesdames R.

M. fact that many of the officers who tarlrs Stimson and Melion ail wearing high shoes. Private advices are. that they do that to kep their ankles warm Hoowr wears ixe 7-B. black, with pointed to, mail to order.

ive out of town were unable to side southwest of Columbus, be be present on account of the incle came the bride of Marion Thomas ment weather. F. Henguth and Mrs. Henry Hinck, Lincoln. Jan.

16 (IPV-Snow and sleet hit parts or Nebraska today, making snowdrifts higher and glazing highways. A sleet that stuck to propellor Campbell, A. A- Bald, L. A. Raney Majority Leader Henry T.

and E. W. North. and I Club Alpha Kensington- in the House used to be champion A kensington afforded the mem Members of the Alpha kensing- blades and wings of airmail planes The W. C.

T. li was held Thurs boxer at Amhrrnt. and Minority bers of the and I club a merry ton were afforded a delightful af forced a pilot flying the Cheyenne Leader Bert Sncll learnod how ternoon Wednesday, when Mrs. A. time Wednesday afternoon, when they met at the home of Mrs.

to North Platte lap to land east of day afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Gibbon. The "Victory Day" program was presented with "Law Thomas entertained. The in Sidney this morning. Boeing air his fists many years ago In a lumber carrp.

when he had keep order. Both are in pood George Prasse. Mrs. Guy Spencer and Mrs. Jennie Pratt were spe Koop, son of Mrs.

Ida Koop, of Louisville, Neb. The vows were plighted before an embankment of palms and baskets of snapdragons, while the glow of tall cathedral tapers added further dignity to the scene. Rev. J. H.

Steger, the pastor, officiated. The day was of two-fold significance to the bride for it was the 26th wedding anniversary of her parents. Preceding the ceremony, Mrs. Cy lines reported. East-west planes formal social hours were concluded with the serving of a delicious were delayed also.

slcal trim Nothing entertaining cial guests. Franklin, in the south Platte may come of this fact, but remem lunch. Catholic Women's Club country, reported a steady snow Observance" as the theme, airs. a. F.

Foote, the president, presided. Mrs. B. J. Preston led the white ribbon recruits.

Refreshments were served by the hostess. Swiss Maenerchor Society Kensington- that started falling early this morn Mrs. Emil Lueke entertained the The semi-monthly party of the ing. Broken Bow and Corns tocK, other members of her kensington Custer county, were receiving snow. Catholic Women's club was held Wednesday afternoon at the club at her home Thursday after The Swiss Maennerchor society ril Hirsch sang, "I Love You Tru Northeast Nebraska was hit by snow storm and sleet.

Burwell Knights of Columbus hall with noon. Alter tne sewing was iaia aside, a delicious lunch was served held the annual masquerade dance Mesdames Barney Efting, Max reported an Inch of new snow, and at the Eagles hall wednesaay ly," and Mrs. Harold Koop sang "At Dawning." The bridal party entered the church to the strains at small tables. Elias, J. H.

Herrod and Miss Alice Belden. Cedar county, in me exire- night with over 500 people in at Quinn as members of the enter Sir Reginald Wolseley and Lady Wolseley are shown here as they de- 1 me northeast corner of the state Jolly So tendance. Music was xurnisnea Dy the Silver Moon orchestra, i Prizes cided to forsake life in Waterloo, where Sir Reggie was an eleva taining committee. Nine tables was setting a new storm. of -the "Bridal March" from Wagner's Lohengrin, played by Mrs.

The Jolly So club members of players took part in the series Falls City and Tec*mscn, in tne tor operator, and return to the ancestral mansion in Devonshire, England, where Sir Reccie Is a baronet The tile was Inherited by Sir Hirsch. were pleasantly entertained Thurs of auction bridge games, Mrs. W. southeast, reported sleet were accorded to the following, who were adjudged the winners in their respective classifications. Miss day night at the home of Mr.

and Miller winning the prize. Mrs. A southeast wind prevailed over Reginald in May, 1930, and he ful filled his mother's dying wish by marrvinsr her nurse, when the nurse came to America. However, he Miss Edna Koop, sister of the groom, served as bridesmaid, and John Koop, the groom's brother. Mrs.

Henry Hinkelman. The hours Harry Thompson, of Ottawa, most of the state, weather observ Evelyn Rudat, the best character. were spent in playing five hundred. ber also that big. husky Leader Joe BoWmob In the Senate has been known to swing a power-, ful fist and that Majority Leader Jim Watson, was not as bo fy as ha once was.

can always call on the new Republican oenalor from New Jersey. Warren W. Harbour, who was one the amateur heavy- weight champion of the wot Id The Senate's been Irvine to find out what became of billions of dollars la foreipn bonds ped- died In this covntry by the bif. New York banking houses. No more vivid testimony has been heard about that than comes to your correspondent from a dear Chicago widow lady, who you know I had quite a lot of foreign bonds, including South -American, that have gone into de- fault I thought he was Irav- ing me rnouch to live on and then one of the big banks here handed us over the counter those foreign bonds.

I said to the vice president Ontario, Miss Sade Harris. ing points reported. who wore a nurses uniform; Miss would not return to England, and his wife left him. Now alt is forgiven and they are on their way to Devonshire. was the best man.

Mrs. Carl Froemel and Joseph of Central City, Mrs. Julius Hembd Sleet and snow alternated in Zwiener winning the honors. Delia Wozny, the most beautiful, attired as a fairy; and to Leon Gro- and Mrs. Maude Haney were guests.

Lincoln during the morning. tiful vases of red roses adorned the Valentine reported a low temper The bride was lovely in a majola burgandy velvet gown of floor length, fashioned with a square cut neck line, Empress Eugenie sleeves en in honor of Miss Helen Gloria small tables during the lunch hour. dowski, comic dviision, who mas queraded as an elderly woman. nformal Bridge- ature of 8 above zero this morning. T7iioa finttll-dflv Misses Velma and Doris Cham Walter Gabriel has returned to mere was no with crushed cuffs which formed a Surprised on Birthday bers entertained eight guests at an Plattsmouth following a holidav I rwoDrara.

point almost covering the hand and In compliment to Mrs. D. C. informal bridge party Thursday evening. Miss Esther Briggs won Kavanaugh, who observed her visit with his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Joe Gabriel. a tightly fitted bodice fastened in front with a rhinestone buckle. Her GUARD ARRESTED birthday anniversary Friday, eight the honors at the close of the game Mr. and Mrs.

J. D. Vaughn, of turban was of the some material. ladies met at her home last even and Miss Frances Bakey was pre Was Mngtoit Black slippers and lace hose com ing for a surprise game of bridge Bovina. spent the week end at the J.

P. Gabriel home. sented the consolation token. Cov pleted ner costume. Her only a- Mrs.

Elizabeth Roberts won the AT LEAVENWORTH ers for the late lunch were grouped SBw'-i OKAY (Thursday, Jan. 14) Sunday visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor and family, at the Carl Nansel home; Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Smith and son, at the Mike Nansel home; Willis Sten-zel, with Russell and Edward Brun-ken; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nansel and sons. Rev. and Mrs.

Read and Miss Hazel Read, at the William Engberg home; Misses Lillian Back-man and Christina Anderson and Edgar R. Anderson, at the Jake Mohr home; Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Seefeldt. at the Carl Seefeldt home in Monroe; Mr.

and Mrs. Carl Nansel and Elaine, at the Harold Smith The semester examinations were dornment was a triple strand of honors and Miss Sade Harris, of in foursomes at the two tables, each given Thursday and Friday at the pearls, a gift of the groom. She Central City, was granted the con adorned with a vase of sweetpeas. in his big private office that --if he hadn't offered those bonds high school. Those who took them carried a Mexican lace handker from this district were: Genevieve chief and a seed pearl bag.

Her solation award. A lunch, which had been previously prepared by the group, was served after the to innocent investors thry wouldn't Sans Souci Agnew, Dorothy Agnew, Theodore corsage was of white angelus roses. Leavenworth, Jan. 16 (LP) Department of justice operatives The Sans Souci club enjoyed the and Helbert Robak, Marie Fleece, have bought them. He said 'No.

I -Uh I could get into some busi- ness." card game. Miss Koop's gown of bronze crepe was designed on slender lines, the usual Kensington diversion Wed today announced the arrest of a Katherine and Kenneth Kremer, nesday afternoon at the home of guard. C. E. Carlson, at the federal Richard Gabriel, Verna and Ed flowing sleeves of raine green be Mrs.

Rieder Entertained Mrs. Henry J. Houser. Mrs. P.

F. prison as a result of their investi ward Ksiazek, Raymond Euse and ing trimmed in gold beaded bands The birthday anniversary of Mrs. Luchsinger was a special guest. At gation of conditions at the insti PERSEVERANCE WINS Lawrence Prososki. Her chapeau, slippers and hose were tution following the convict out 5 clock, the guests found their places at a prettily appointed sup also of the bronze hue.

Rust colored roses composed her corsage. JAIL SENTENCE Buffalo, N. Y. (IP) rersevcranca PLANT BLOOMS WHEN By RODNEY DUTCH EK Henry Rieder was the incentive for a pleasant surprise party last evening, which had been arranged by her granddaughter. Miss Mary Alice Ross.

The younger members home; and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Anderson and Ernest, at the Jake Mohr home. Mr. and Mrs.

William Engberg and sons, Arno and Melvin, Mr. WRONG SPRAY IS USED NEA Service Writer The groom's gift to the best man per table, where valentine motifs prevailed. A bowl of white freesia the main requisite for getting San Francisco, (IP When what! Washington. Notes from our into jail. In the opinion of Jo was a white gold belt buckle engraved with his initials.

The bride and tall red tapers were in har seph W. Osborne, 56. of the group attended the basket William Harrison believed was a I nation's capital One regrets Dotted rose bush failed to blossom to have to inform Mr. J. J.

Stubbs presented Miss Koop with a crys Osborne applied at the police ball game at Kramer high school break of Dec. 11. Carlson was held in the Leaven-worthh county jail in default of bail. He was specifically charg ed with carrying contraband into the prison. Carlson, pleaded not guilty when he was arraigned before a United States commissioner.

He was held for preliminary hearing. mony with the general scheme. Swiss Ladies Society tal and white gold necklace. later returning to join the other station and asked to be locked up. and Mrs.

Joe Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nansel and daughter, Elaine, Mrs. Mike Nanfcl and son, Floyd, and Mrs. Ora Nansel visited in turned sickly and appeared to be or Robstown.

Texas, tnat nis prize-dying, a friend told him to spray winning slogan for the Democrats At 5 o'clock a wedding dinner He was uchered to a door. Mesdames M. L. Daniel, Hans will be served at Hotel Evans for guests at the Rieder home. A delicious lunch was served by Miss Ross, covers being laid for eight.

The performance was repeated it with nicotine solution. I will not De usea as tne oiucioj Egger, Susan Ingold and Matthew Columbus, Monday. 20 guests. A color scheme of sil twice. Then Osborne had an Idea.

He did morning, noon and party war cry this year. A maga- ver and white, to be carried out in He walked to the front of th night and the plant "perked" nc offered a 5100 prize and sen- Lovely gifts were presented the Mr. and Mrs. Martin Anderson and family were Genoa visitors Schmid entertained at the monthly meeting of the Swiss Ladies society held Thursday afternoon at Her- ud. But the other mornlmr.

while ators Copeland of New York, Dill station and picked up a brick. He the appointments, will find expression in a crystal bowl of white rose ST. EDWARD Monday. it still was dark. Harrison snrnveri I of Washington and Sheppard Of honoree.

Junior Guild- chenhan hall. Musical number: waited until he was sure the desk lieutenant was watching. then Ferd Seefeldt and Henry Brunk- again. I lexas, an ueniocrais, aciea buds, silver candles in crystal holders and nut baskets, which will fol were enjoyed by the group. Dur en were Monroe visitors Friday.

(Thursday, Jan. 14) Mrs. Rella Kennedy and Mrs. F. Mrs.

C. Randall Bear and Mrs. wound up as though to throw it That night the family gathered judges. They picked the fetubbs en- ing the business session, the organ Mr. and Mrs.

William Nansel and around the plant It was blooming, try. which was, "Hec haw! re Philip R. Hockenberger entertain through the large plate glass win A. Baldwin were hostess Tuesday low the nuptial theme. The place cards of dainty motif were designed ization voted to hold the annual "With what did vou sprav the comins DacK.

Apparently iota afternoon to the ladies of Beaver Mrs. Claude Raymer and son. of Atkinson, called at the Jack Davis dow In the front of the station house. public masquerade dance at Eagles rose bush this morning?" asked of people thought the Democrats chapter of the D. A.

R. at the home by the bride. The bride, a popular young lady hall on Friday, Jan. 29. home in Genoa Friday.

Mrs. Harrison. "Look at it." had decided to go into the cam of Mrs. Kennedy. Mrs.

Elmer Ken Russell, Edward and Herman was graduated from Columbus high Harrison looked and then went PIrt with that one, but the Incl- Bachelor Girls- A flying tackle by Patrolman Thomas Caulficld saved the win- dow. and Osborne, now all smiles, was led to a cozy cell. Brunken, William Nansel and Ger school in the class of 1924, later en for the bottle of spray. In the dent has given those of the party darkness he had picked us the! high command an acute pain in Miss Mary Walter was hostess to ald Bair attended a Pig club meet tering the Bishop Clarkson School ed the Junior guild or Orace church at the Dr. C.

D. Evans home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Homer Martyn was elected president during the business session; Mrs. Charles Brinn was made vice-president; Mrs.

H. H. Hunt-singer, secretary, and Mrs. O. L.

Kenf ield, Mrs. E. E. Koebbe scored high the ensuing series of bridge games. A 5 o'clock tea was served.

nedy, active assistant for Mrs. Baldwin. The Albion membership was not represented, a phone call from them in the morning announced, that they were snowbound. The high wind of -Monday night -drift of Nursing in Omaha, where she wrong bottle. He sprayed his plant! the neck.

Undeserved bushels of with dandruff cure, which is 87 editorial raspberries have been the Bachelor Girls at a bridge party Monday night. To her surprise, the guests, arrived in rustic and ing at the home of one of the members east of Monroe Saturday afternoon. completed her course and received her degree as a registered nurse in per cent alcohol. I hurled at the party, thanks to tattered garments, turning the Carl Nansel was a Genoa caller in, The rose bush put forth a bloom Copeland. Dill and Sheppard 1928.

Since then, she has been actively engaged in her profession in event into a jovial, hard-times af ed the highway full again. A most delicious luncheon was served at Saturday. but it was a geranium. I captain Adoipnus Andrews, fair. After the merriment was suf Jim Gillian and son, Walter, and chief of starr of the Navy war 1:30 and the meeting held after Omaha.

She returned here last week in anticipation of the wed Jake Mohr were in Genoa Friday. ficiently abated, the card game was begun, Mrs. Clarence Umland and LIFE IS COMPOSED College at Newport and former ward. Mrs. O.

H. Flory Was the ding. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Mohr were in OF SERIES OF ELEVENS I Coolldge aide, tells one on Theo- Miss Ernestine Rohde finishing The was graduated from Genoa on business Saturday.

Riivrtnn rr Tn dore Roosevelt anent a New Year with first and second high honors Sixth Birthday Anniversary Honoring her daughter, Barbara Jean Hockenberger, on her sixth birthday anniversary, Mrs. Phil R. Louisville high school in 1923 and Glen Sheridan and Edgar An leader, the topic being "Lafayette, the Friend of Washington." Mrs. Flory made the lesson very interesting in her own charming manner and added a bit of unusual in lice Arthur Dahl never has luck "uu reception many respectively. A buffet lunch was derson were confined to their attended the Chicago School of years ago.

Roosevelt had turned served. homes with illness last week. Hockenberger entertained the chil Technology in Chicago, 111. He has been associated with the Lyman to wave to the last of the visiting delegations and a frayed old gent Mr. and Mrs.

John Lammers were terest in that some of her own an Modern Priscillas Kichey Sand company at Louis in Columbus on business Monday. who had waited for hours headed cestors were close associates of the A A 1 o'clock luncheon, with lovely dren of the Lincoln school kindergarten and a few other tots during the Friday morning session. An hour of games and other merri ville during the past seven years noted Lafayette. There 'were nine in throwing 11 when he needs it, but his life has run to that number. He sailed from Hoboken at 11 o'clock, Dec.

11. 1917. At Halifax a convoy of ,11 ships was formed and they were 11 days crossing to Liverpool. He arrived at Tours, France, 11 days later. Eleven the line of citizens.

"Mr. President," an aide announced. "Gen appointments, was tendered the He is affiliated with the Elks and regular members of the chapter Modern Priscillas Thursday after Odd Fellows lodges. eral Public!" Roosevelt wheeled present. ment under the direction of the instructor.

Miss Nona Clifford, was Immediately after the dinner, Mr. noon, when Mrs. W. E. Schroen was hostess at the Evans hotel.

The William McHenry of near Boone LOUP VALLEY, (Thursday, Jan. 14) and Mrs. Koop left on the Port and barked: "Mighty glad to see you. General!" Ar.d the leader of the little plain-folks army concluded with the serving of re suffered a badly factured wrist land Rose for a two weeks' eastern table was lighted by the soft glow of pink tapers, while the center freshments. The youngsters march while cranking a tractor Saturday.

Sunday visitors were: Mr. and months after leaving America at honeymoon. As a going away cos passed on, staring back in amaze ed to their places at the table to The basket ball boys are contin Mrs. John Shotkoski and son. Clif piece was composed of pink roses tume, the bride chose a black adrain ment.

music furnished by the kindergar ford, at the John Krzycki home; and narcissi. Following the lunch uing to pile up victories winning their fourth game of the season. dress with gold nailhead trimming, ten orchestra. Two pink and white black silque straw turban with an Mr. and Mrs.

W. G. Prososki and Lawrence Prososki, at the John 11 a. Nov. 11, 1918.

the Armistice was signed. At that time he was in the 11th company, I. T. 11th military district (French) and there were 11 men in his squadron. It was raining and Secretary of when they playeov the Genoa high eon, the club participated in a ken-sington at the home of Mrs.

Harold Kramer. birthday cakes, each lighted by its quota of miniature candles, graced ivory buckle and a dark green bag school on the St. Edward floor Tuesday night. The score was 24 with a hand carved Chinese orna Prososki home; George Fleece, Mrs. Frank Ksiazek and daughter, Ver the lone table.

Special guests in to 7. eluded Kathryn Kramer, Jean Dres- ment. An Alaskan seal coat trimmed with Russian fitch completed Mrs. Alma Kennedy has been ill sel. Jackie Cain, Mark Boettcher, Girl Reserves-Miss Josephine Snyder was elect her outfit.

with an attack of flu this week. Natalie Schroen and Charlotte Out-of-town guests were. Mr. and Tomorrow Monday Dr. P.

M. Simms left Tuesday morning for Hastings to attend the Mrs. Harold Koop, Mr. and Mrs. na.

and son. Edward. Charles H. Bingell. of Grand Island, at the home of Frank Euse and family; Mr.

and Mrs. J. D. Vaughn and children, of Bovina, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Gabriel; and Miss Marie Fleece, with Miss Katherine Kremer. Harvey Koop, Mrs. Cyril Hirsch, If Man Could See His Soul Would Be A Horrible Beaiit FREDRIC MARCH is ibe tpectaru'ar title role of Koixrt Louis strange, fateful drams Dr.JEKYLL Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher Honored DETROIT BOOK BAN PUTS LOAD ON WINDOW LIBRARY Windsor.

Ont. (LP) Demand for books from the Windsor library has been increased so greatly, since the government ban on Canadians bringing books back from Detroit libraries, that local librarians fear the volumes here will be worn out. second annual Nebraska Ministers' convocation. Miss Mari Etta Koop, John and Al As a surprise farewell to Mr. and lan Koop, all of Louisville; Mr.

and ed president of the Girl Reserves at the regular meeting held in the art room of Kramer high school Wednesday. Miss Margaret Er-win was chosen vice-president; Miss Edna Jaeggi, secretary, and Miss Dorothy Lage, treasurer. Superintendent R. R. McGee gave a splendid talk to the girls, incident The Rebekah installing team of five, under the direction of Mrs.

Mrs. A. R. Thatcher, who will leave within a few weeks to make their Mrs. R.

K. Bergman, of Manley, Misses Charlotte and Edna Koop home in Omaha, 11 couples assem and Miss Lucille Berigan, of Om They have no reserve funds to re aha. Rella Kennedy, county installing officer, went to Albion last week and installed the officers for Pearl Rebekah lodge of that place. They bled at their home last evening for an informal bridge party. The day was also the wedding anniversary place them.

In the last period the circulation 7 ally relating the story of the great artist who had traveled around the were accompanied by quite a num of the surprised hosts, who were showed an Increase of 50.000 volumes running to 460,991 for the Miss Rose Koziol returned to her home in Genoa Sunday following a two weeks visit with 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ksiazek. Mrs. Joe Jarvis, Misses Frances, Edna, and Helen Euse.

Emily Jane Agnew and Leo Euse visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gabriel Tuesday. Miss Emily Jane Agnew, Miss Helen Johnson and Kenneth Johnson attended a birthday party giv- ber of members. They will install tendered many lovely gifts.

Mrs. world searching for a beautiful portrait to paint, which he found only after his return from his travels E. E. Koebbe and John Cain won at Newman Grove next Tuesday year to late December. night.

prizes at the close of the Jindge The customs ruled that commuters bringing American library and Mrs. George Bell, who was ill last week suffered a relapse and has play. Mr. and Mrs. E.

W. Dempe-wolf and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dres- his mother in the garden among the flowers. The theme of the meeting was "Bouquets," and included Shower for Bride-Complimentary to Mrs.

B. F. Gardner, whose marriage was recently announced, Mrs. Max Gott-berg, entertained the other members of the Ettre Care club at a lovely social time Thursday evening. The nuptial theme which predominated in the appointments, found expression in the motifs of the place cards, nutbaskets and tally cards.

A low bowl of pastel books into Canada must pay full been quite sick again this week. sel, who planned the event, served duty for each book. the following numbers: Prelude, but is improving again at this a delicious lunch late in the even time. Her many friends hope to ing. Lorene Armstrong; "The Glory of the Garden," a responsive reading in unison with Miss Ann Partsch see her up and around again soon.

Her daughter, Mrs. Pearl Stilling, Entertains Club- as leader; "Break Down is at the Bell home during her Mr. and Mrs. V. J.

Potter were a song; prayer poem. Miss Margot tti i hosts to the other members of their illness. Little Darlene Smith, 3-year-old 4 vjaucy. xne gins wno served on tinted sweetpeas and tall pink tapers tied with bows of pink tulle lent charm to the supper table. A club at their home Friday evening the nominating committee were Today Misses Dorothy Riley, Frances Tur Bridge was the diversion of the hours, Mrs.

L. R. Brininger and Dr. F. H.

Morrow receiving the honors. CLEARANCE SALE HURRY! Last chance to buy such bargains 'in entertainment! Sale ends today! Sale Price portray tke man, Umr sad Scad, who rer into secrets tmJdca to Bias I A tuptruslmrmt myUttjt Am iSraar law ltryt A rrifjimt tkrilltrt Paramount MIRIAM HOPKINS ROSE H0BART ALSO: Paramount Talkarton Paramount News ner, fc.dna Jaeggi, Evelyn Urban gift presented by the club and other presents were bestowed upon the honoree after the supper. Prizes b. and Maxine Sayers. A lovely supper was served after the bridge game.

Bargain! Connenials at bridge were awarded to Mis3 Mary Widhalm and Miss Marie Mueller, who made high scores, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, is very sick at the Sullivan hospital, where she underwent an emergency operation for ruptured appendix Sunday morning. Charlotte Dorr Taylor is caring for her. Mrs.

Lester France, has been conducting classes at the high school for Mr. France this week, while he is taking an enforced vacation because of the flu. One need not possess the soul of JM.I-. ana airs, ieo Moersen ex Union Pacific Auxiliary, Thirty-three members of the Un tended their hospitality to the oth er members of the Congenial club and to Mrs. A.

E. Gutzmer, a special guest. Other guests were Mrs. A. E.

Schilling, Mrs. W. C. Pozehl ion Pacific Ladies auxiliary met at 35c at their home Thursday evening. Memorial hall Friday afternoon for ai me close or tne bridge game.

vt ssl a the regular monthly business and Bargain Balcony, 25c prize was accorded to Mr. an Mrs and Mrs. Herman H. Karlin. Five HunUrca Cfub to.

1 J. E. Windmiller, who held the highest score among the couples. A lovely lunch was served late in the The Five Hundred club members a x- Sunday Monday social time. Mrs.

C. L. Dickey, chairman, was assisted by Mesdames S. P. Cassell, L.

C. Williamson, Joseph Cochran, J. H. Donnelly, Thomas Wade and Earl T. Wade.

Mrs. Melvin Van Alstine won honors in the bridge event and an artist to enjoy the beauty of the winter scene this week. A drive through the streets or such country roads as were being traveled, revealed fantastic architecture, every were guests of Mrs. Ed Webb Wednesday afternoon. Mrs.

Morris evening. K. K. Club- Partsch scored for the honors and That stage riot of daffy doings, crazy cracks, gals and music is on the talking screen at last! And wait till you see daffy Bert Lahr! GEORGE WHITE'S "FLYING HIGH" with Charlotte GREENWOOD The longest laugh in pictures BERT LAHR PAT O'BRIEN A Mrs. Jack Stuefer, a new member.

i where. Icicles measured many feet Mrs. Louis W. Rodehorst enter J1 i i Ha li received the second high avard. Mrs.

George Sibrel played with in length and in some cases reached nearly to the ground, giving the tained the K. K. club at her home the members. A delicious two- impression of frozen waterfalls. Mrs.

Dave McNair received the bunco prize. Refreshments were served. The auxiliary voted to hold a public benefit card party on Wednesday, Febr. 3. The most ordinary of winding ednesday afternoon.

The kensington hours were concluded with the serving of a delicious 5 o'clock supper. A bowl of red roses graced course lunch was served. Birthday Club- the table. Mrs. Joseph Friedli.

of mm In keeping with the precedent of LEW CODY Wallace Ford FredKohleri Sutton, was an out-of-town guest. the club. Miss Katherine Speicher, streams were changed to masterpieces of beauty. Authorities state there is more snow on the ground now than at any time in the past 12 years. Mrs.

Harvey Flamme, returned Tuseday evening to her home at who observed her birthday anni. versary Thursday, entertained the D. A. R. A lovely luncheon was tendered Platte chapter.

Daughters of the American Revolution at the home of Mrs. R. M. Campbell Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock with Mrs. L.

A. Raney, Mrs. Gus G. Becher and Mrs. Gus Bergman as assisting nary Nolan 0 Primrose, having recently undergone a serious operation at the 1 i'ciA Also: ft TN A Sullivan hospital.

Third Chapter "BUFFALO BILL" Spanish War Veterans' Auxiliary Mrs. Mark Burke presided as installing officer at the meeting of the Spanish War Veterans auxiliary held Wednesday evening at Memorial halL Officers who were installed for the ensuing year include Mrs. John Brock, president; Miss Mollic Skorupa. senior vice-president; Mrs. Fred Ernst, chaplain; Mrs.

James Haney, guard; other -members of her Birthday club that afternoon. After an informal time, a 5 o'clock lunch was served. The club presented Miss Speicher with a lovely gift in remembrance of the day. Lutheran Sewing Circle The Lutheran Sewing circle as I Andrew Pearson, father of Albin Pearson, is quite ill at his home. Also Comedy "Oh, Marry Me" SlJ Shadow Detective "BURGLAR TO THE RESCUE" hostesses.

Covers were arranged for 23, red carnations and narcissi comprising the appointments. Mrs. Melvin Brugger. a member of the chapter at Oklahoma City. Okla Mrs.

L. H. Reif. of the Lincoln chapter, and Mrs. F.

A. LeMar were among the guests. Mrs. A. A.

sembled Thursday afternoon in I- NOVELTY NEWS v. SI Mrs. John Kropatsch, conductor: east or town. Lena Scholl had the misfortune to slip on some ice Saturday morning and fell breaking a small bone in her ankle. Frances Rockey is ill at her home with an attack pf intestinal flu.

She was absent from school all last week. manuel Lutheran church basem*nt, where the monthly routine business Mrs. John Zipper, assistant con- Tcnite BOB STEELE in "The Nevada Buckaroo" Bald. of Platte Center, state chair man of historical spots in Nebras was conducted. Mrs.

A. H. Guettlerj ductor; Mrs. Fred Lanz, patriotic was elected president of the society i instructor and Mrs. Emma Jens, and Mrs.

Harry Lohr was made treasurer. Officers who were un- ka, gave an interesting talk per-.

The Columbus Telegram from Columbus, Nebraska (2024)


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

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Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.