Chapter 1

Chapter Text


Hi all!!

I was. falsely reported at 60k on the highest book. AGAIN.
Thank the proshippers for that one! Whose book, is still up!


- Rarepairs
-Slight k1nk stuff??
-Regular popular ships
-Anything normal


-Most straight ships, I am gay and i dont like writing non MLM stuff lol
-Hardcore k1nks
-ANYTHING with m1nors
-Anything gross really


Wattpad has been a great outlet but I suffer with diagnosed hypersexuality, and with wattpad taking down my books, its grown to be extremely emotionally downputting.
If this book ever goes down, or this account, I will permanently be on AO3. (hey look Ao3 reupload)

Chapter 2: Butterflies


MiniToon shows up to Kreek's birthday bash and finds himself with a 'growing' problem. Little did he know, it'd be quickly solved by a bug boy named Devoun.


Chapter Text

>[ A/N: Ho boy, a new ship for you all-]
[Sorry for the sudden comeback! I wasn't expecting Wattpad to take me down like that.]
[SHIP : Devoun x MiniToon]
It was the night of Kreek's Birthday Party somewhere in Robloxia- Like, a huge one. It was being hosted in the RB Battles Headquarters, which was the equivalent to a mall almost. Everyone was invited- Including JP, who just watched from the vents. There wasn't enough of a ratio between chairs to people- so a lot of people sat on the floor.
DJ ended up falling asleep on Russo who was calmly sitting in one of the chairs, hugging the smaller. That was the most wholesome thing you were gonna see at this party, especially with how many drinks were being passed along.
Kreek himself was deadassed drunk, and was dancing his night away with a drunken TanqR. Others looked ahead with a grin, others danced with or to the side of the swoony mob.. They probably should have put a limit on the whole drink part.
Timmeh was running around with a frying pan, chasing JParty for whatever reason- all of this chaos was what Devoun walked into.
Devoun is a mostly collected and wholesome butterfly-hybrid. He was semi thick monarch wings that drape to his feet, light yellow skin that compliments his soil-brown hair, and a nag for being funny. His outfit, was simple: Green jeans, a black shirt of his merch, an orange jacket over said merch and some converses'.
He had butterfly-horns that were small and golden, that twirled around themselves creating a beautiful design. Even though Devoun knew most of the people at this grand house party, he couldn't help but feel a little.. overwhelmed? To say the least.
The simple loudness of the party already started to make Devoun a bit uncomfortable. This situation is a lot to take in.. Not to say that he couldn't. He's been in loud places before, but.. all of this--?

Devoun traveled around and greeted some people, but was surprised to see Sabrina.
Sabrina had recently cut "her" hair short- They had styled it nicely and now wore a nonbinary pin. They greeted Devoun with a smile, Their voice was now a bit deeper. "Hey Devoun!" Sabrina grinned. Devoun stared wide-eyed at Sabrina. "You look so cool!!"
"Awh, Thank you Devoun." Sabrina flustered themselves; "I recently came out as Non-Binary, what other way can I celebrate besides here??"
To the statement, Devoun smiled. Good for her! Devoun doubted coming out was anywhere close to easy- Especially since he himself, is in the closet still- It wasn't too obvious, but Devoun himself never had a directly romantic relationship with a woman for various reasons. He never felt attracted to them. He didn't even have a label. Gay? Bisexual? You name it,, he doesn't know.

This so called 'party' went on for a few hours before it died down anyway. Devoun, the entire time, had been enhancing his social butterfly and really putting himself out there. From dancing and talking to his hearts desire- You could only do that for so long. His social meter declined fast, and the loud sounds of chatter and speaker-played songs soon, in a way, overwhelmed him.
"I need somewhere quiet.." Devoun shuddered. The only reasonable place would be a bathroom in which he quickly jolted himself up the stairs, trying not to hit anyone on his way up just to avoid a conversation. His moody swung fast, from a happy socialite to an introverted mess.

He reached said bathroom, and silently went in there and shut the door. The crowd suddenly seemed muffled and out of reach.
The lights were pitch black therefore he couldn't see ahead of him. He bumped into a taller guy, with what looked like to be purple suspenders and a radiating pink sword.
"Oh! Ahoy there Devoun, you- kind of scared the crap out of me--" MiniToon lightly dimmed the lights up, just so Devoun could see him, and he could see Devoun.
Embarrassed, Devoun over-apologized to MiniToon, as if he was about to worship the ground he stepped on. "IM SO SO SORRY--"
Then, he looked down with his eyes, they trailed over MiniToons crotch that was obviously sticking out.. Who knew what the hell a guy like him would get hard at, especially at some wannabe retirement party.

"..You now know why I'm in here-" MiniToon covered his face. "It won't go down.."
Devoun looked puzzled. "Aren't you ace?" Then, with a pause; "Wait, I didn't mean it like tha--"
MiniToon cut Devoun off. "Semi? I don't know.. I thought I was demi, I don't know if I'm asexual. I just, have no clue--"
"And that's valid! I'm uh, hiding in here because- The crowd.." Devoun spat out.
"You were dancing a minute ago though? Are you okay?"
Devoun avoided the question. He backed up and looked away in an embarrassed manner.
MiniToon walked over and placed one of his arms against the wall, just merely over Devouns shoulder. He leaned over gently, showing some what of an interest in the smaller despite his state; "Devoun, You can tell me, and I can help figure out a way to get you to a more quiet place."
Devoun looked up with a panicked look which soon settled. He sighed; "I may be flaring up a bit.. I have two reactions to loud music, and this happens to be the negative one."
"..Is there anything I can do to help?" MiniToons' tone lightened. He felt this way one too many times, and was a bit disturbed his butterfly friend was too.

..That's when his random romantic drive came in. Not sure if it was something he drank, or just pure in-the-moment bliss; Devoun pulled at MiniToons shirt collar and kissed him, just once, before realizing how random that was. MiniToon turned a bright tone of a red hue, and Devoun almost passed out. "OH. I DON'T KNOW WHY- OR HOW- OR WHY I DID THAT!" Devoun squeaked, similar in volume to a bat. It was silenced by the taller kissing him again, then again, and a few other times for good measure.
MiniToon then trailed his hand down- waiting in certain areas incase Devoun wanted him to stop. Devoun somewhat bucked his crotch into Mini's, which really gave him a perspective to how big his sudden boner was.
It felt like Mini's lips that were slammed on Devoun's were just in pure bliss, like he was melting on the inside.

There was a break for air, as Mini only slid a sly smile and unzippered his pants just for the member to fall out. It wasn't too large that'd it'd kill Devoun, but sh*t, it would stretch him out good. MiniToon noticed the bug-boy's wide eyes and just giggled.
Devoun blushed redder and his breathing softened. After getting a nod of approval, MiniToon snaked down Devoun's pants and boxers in one go. He held up Devoun's orange jacket long enough to get ready to slam himself in.
"Are you sure- You're okay with this? Everything kind of just escalated--"
"I won't tell anyone about this, if you don't." Deovun huffed. MiniToon slammed himself inside of Devoun afterwards, a signal that he agreed to this agreement. Devoun's beautiful monarch wings fluttered lovingly at the sound of his vocal cords, suddenly twisting out a slightly painful moan.
MiniToon grunted and thrusted his hips into Devouns gloried hole as he slightly switched their postitions-- He flipped Devoun around, and sat him on the sink, and went right to it.
There was an increase of sound quickly-- The music was still louder than them luckily.
Devouns long nails pierced at Mini's suspenders, whilst his brown hair became messy and unorganized, right in sync with his moans.
"GHh--" Devoun's wings fluttered in bliss, while MiniToon bit his lip and sped up. Occasionally, he'd slu*t-shame the hybrid which only turned them both even more on.
"H--HaaHn!~" Devoun clawed a bit more. MiniToon lightly hushed him as they finally finished after that quick yet concentrated round.
MiniToon bucked his hips and gave a hiss, as Devoun was lost for words on how much pleasure he was experiencing. MiniToon was like a drug-- one he couldn't get enough of. His co*ck, his scent, his touch, everything suddenly got Devoun all excited again.

Then Devoun snapped to his senses. He stared wide-eyed at the pool of cum that rested on his merch-shirt, and the large yet surely hole that had yet to close inside of him.
Devoun shuddered as MiniToon quickly began to clean, but not before the boy whined. Mini looked over, confused, and also back to his regular self.
He blushed, again- quite wildly.
"Just one more round?" Devoun whined. He was doing this cute face, one that usually worked on everyone. MiniToon couldn't help himself- hell, he already stretched Devoun, might as well take advantage of that-- and, have a story to tell in the end too!


DJ woke up with a yawn as Russo pat his back. "Morning sleepyhead." The blue judge smiled warmly. DJ lightly disconnected his headphones to hear the taller better, he smiled back and looked around. "Hey wait, where's Devoun? I saved him a chair next to us-"
Russo shrugged. "He said he had to use the bathroom."
"But MiniToon said he had to use the bathroom too???--" DJ looked puzzled.
Russo stroked the smallers hair and just dismissed it. "Relax, it's not like either of them have a problem with each other. What's the worst thing that could've happened, they f*ck or something?"
"Well thats ironic." DJ folded his arms.

Chapter 3: Winner (Bloxys)



[Looks like we're back in business!]

[Request by Sxiqq o/ twitter]

[Same w/ the art ^^ that most likely wont show up here--]



Chapter Text

It was a few hours into the awards ceremony.

I was pretty satisfied with the winners! Seeing RB Battles win- {And Russo & DJ's little dance-gesture} Was quite adorable. Other winners respectably celebrated their win.

Mid-ceremony I did have to leave however. There was a issue with my outfit, which required me to go all the way over to the hotel I booked, and change into a fresh one.

Deciding plaid wasn't going to cut it, I changed into a rather nice-looking suit with matching black dress pants. It looked a little similar to TanqR's, but still had its shine.


I tossed the suit and put on a plain shirt with a red, simple jacket. Indecisively, I kept the nice black pants. It wasn't over the top, but actually quite comfortable. Of course, I completely lost track of time. You see- I had placed a bet on who would win the whole creator montage of the ceremony.

I voted IBella- and TanqR, was not too happy about it.

As I raced back out with a few minutes to spare, I remembered the memory quite fondly;




"Why'd you vote her?" TanqR huffed, visibly bothered and quite jealous of my decision. He flicked his spiked demon tail in sync with said huff.

"Well, I doubt you'll win this too. Besides, you won RBB, chill out!" I grinned. "How about this--"

TanqR turned and his gaze, I could tell- even from under his mask, he looked me in the eyes. "What?"

"If you win, I'll take you back to my hotel and we'll--" I paused, a blush spreading across my face. TanqR's tail flicked happily at this suggestion, immediately understanding the position I put myself in. "Well then, better start thinking if you want me to wear a condom or not." TanqR boldly said, his voice was confident to another level.

Blushing, I nudged him with my elbow. "Ahem, we're in public.." I facepalmed. TanqR shrugged, and said; "Later we won't be!"

"You freakin pervert--" I elbowed him again, this time, he giggled and just walked off to his group of friends. I had Kayla, IBella and a few of my own friends gesture for me to come over and begin watching the ceremony with them.




Racing back inside, I snagged my seat as IBella grinned. "You almost missed it Kreek, nice outfit swap though!"

"Thanks. I almost wore a suit, but that's too out of my nature. What'd I miss?" I peered up at the screen, whereas Builderman was holding a golden trophy and a small paper. He walked up to the microphone with a inviting smile, and after what felt like forever, he finally cleared his throat and made the announcement.

"And for the last category, with a surprising win, Star Creator TanqR takes it once more!" Builderman smiled as the crowd broke into applaud. I applauded too, a bit dumbfounded that he won.

After the ceremony, there was a lot of pictures being taken of the winners and some last-minute selfies here and there. A majority of the crowd were flocking to nearby food places and bars, but everyone else just went home considering how late it had gotten. IBella had ran ahead to Kayla and a few other people that I had came with, but I was held back by an arm.

"Hey." TanqR had his mask off, I saw his slim smile. I completely had forgotten about our "deal". "Hey TanqR, congrats on the win!" I grinned in response. He folded his arms however, huffing; "You forgot your end of the deal?"

"Deal?" I blushed just as it hit me what we had agreed on. He warmly placed a hand on my back, and bent down a smidge. "You promised me, if I won then we could,,"

"FINEfine!" I blurted out, embarrassed. Kayla looked back at me and I scrambled out of his grip. "Is everything okay with you two?" She asked calmly.

"Yeah.. I'm uh, gonna head back to the hotel. I'm not feeling well, and TanqR offered to drive me back,," I excused myself. Kayla just shrugged it off and TanqR softly guided me away from the crowds.

We didn't have to take a car considering the walk wasn't that far and TanqR was quickly growing impatient. Hell, even in the elevator, he was tugging lightly at my waistband with a whine. "You're quite the horny f*ckhead today, huh?" I joked. He rolled his eyes, "Shut up."

"Am I really on your mind that much?" TanqR grunted to my question, his thin tail wrapping around my leg needingly. Our hands interlocked just out of normality which made the taller even more impatient.

The walk to my hotel room was short, and the spare bed I wasn't using quickly got occupied by TanqR throwing me onto it. He didn't even bother locking the door, TanqR was just very set on prying his clothes off as fast as possible.

I did him a favor and lazily stripped myself, leaving only the large shirt on which could be adjusted {or replaced, in this matter.} if needbe.

"Huh. I guess we're on the same page, hm?~" TanqR cooed, as he lightly got onto the bed and pressed his body against mine in a sexual manner. I could feel his erect member poking my stomach whilst he went for a quick kiss.

To be completely honest, this felt like a overly-lusty quickie. TanqR knew he had to finish his business before IBella or Kayla noticed I were gone for longer than usual. Besides, who even believes the whole 'Feeling sick' crap? So much for quick kiss- I wrapped my arms steadily around TanqR's neck, as his tongue slipped its way into my mouth and explored viciously, leaving every corner marked by his own saliva. I shuddered from the slow pace, and his hands braced my sides with gentle rubbing that eventually lead to him flipping me over. He was beginning to grow impatient with the slow, loving pace, and instead grew more of a boner somehow. I was a blushing idiot the entire time-- TanqR had thrown my clothes somewhere, and had placed my glasses on the nightstand. After the heated kiss, he stripped me of my beanie, ruffling through my oddly matted hair. "You're so f*cking pretty.." Speechless, I let the lustful act continue. He was beginning to slowly make his way up, but not before long, I felt warmth from his hands slowly move their way down from my hip, and his needy eyes fixated onto my thighs. TanqR slowly began thrusting inwards and outwards from them, turning this ordeal from a quickie to a nice, calming thighf*ck. "Ngh--" He grunted. I arched my back slightly to give him leverage, which he just made his way up rather slyly before pushing himself into me. He earned a soft moan from my lips; "Ah~ Y-ou sly f*ck.." He grinned and began slowly thrusting in and out of me, pinning my hips onto the mattress as if I were trying to go somewhere. This carried on for a few lovingly long minutes. TanqR whispered praises and moans in my ear whilst I lost it, moaning like a girl once he got into his normally quick and hard pace. "You moan like a slu*t." TanqR grunted, his pace becoming sloppy and slower. There were lewd noises practically echoing the room, and I couldn't help but feel bad for those who were renting the room out for the night below us. "Sh-- Shuth uhp~" I moaned, lifting my leg hesitantly for TanqR to get a good place to stop. It didn't take him long, he hugged said leg and filled me up as best as he could. The warm sensation was quite nice considering how cold it was outside, and this was quite literally the icing on the cake. [Sex joke not on purpose, Whoops!] ,,,,, "Oh." IBella blushed, her ear up to the door. "What's going on in there? Is Kreek okay?" Kayla rushed over. IBella held her back, and with a nervous tone; "HE'S GOOD-" She stammered; "He's- throwing up! Yeah.. Let's just go get icecream.." "Oh? Sure, let me text EHoopie and Bandites, maybe they're up for it!" Kayla smiled. "Yeah--" IBella sighed in relief. Under her breath, however; "Seriously? Right after Innovation Awards?"

Chapter 4: Bite the Bullet


Requested o/ wattpad
Bandites x KreekCraft {both Male}

Chapter Text

[ Hihi people!! }
{I'm very excited to be writing again!! it took me a while to get over this stubborn cold but I am back and writing for all of my stars! <3}

[This chapter was requested by @Iv0ryC1d3r_ ^^]

[Tweaked the request slightly since I didn't like how I wrote it, hope you don't mind.]



I settled down my jacket and stretched as I heard TanqR cheering in victory for his win in Season 3. Good for him,, but I was understandably upset that I lost. AGAIN. To this guy.
Of course, no harsh feelings. Buut, I definitely needed a moment.

I excused myself from the celebration and decided to take a few laps around the building. Then, realizing that I felt just as sh*tty, I decided to just use the bathroom.
I heard someone else talking to themselves and just tried to ignore it.
Then I had a tug on my sleeve. I looked over, seeing Bandites in the room. He had his mask down and his hat was tipped. He was in one of those 'I need to rant' stages I bet.

..And for that I was right! Bandites literally began ranting in the bathroom. Never thought I'd say that, but I knew the dude had anger issues. Better to get them out here, I suppose?

"HOW THE HELL DID I LOSE TO A 6'4 LONG HAIRED OCTOPUS OF A MAN?!" He stomped. I lowly giggled at the outburst as he began ranting about how unfair the aresnal match was to begin with. Then, he eased, saying maybe it was fair.
"Oh come on, didn't you have fun?" I asked, washing my hands. Bandites paused.. Then smiled. "Actually, you're right." He paused again. "Sorry for stopping you. You looked just as.. Stressed? As I was"
I looked at him, puzzled. "Do I seem stressed? I don't think I'm stressed, why would I be--"
Bandites held my shoulders and looked me in his eyes. "Kreek I literally just traumadumped on you, and you think I can't tell when someone is about to explode with their emotions? Cmon man, what's wrong?"
"Well one, this whole experience is sorta weird, we're trauma-sharing in a bathroom-"
"Fair enough.." Bandites shrugged.
"Two, it's just- Hard? I guess? I'm just as upset as you about TanqR winning. I feel like that's the second time I let my fans down, and I'll probably get backlash for it."
Bandites looked at me for a moment, before slicking his hands down to my waist and hugging me.

Wide-eyed, I stood there for a second hugging him back. It felt good, talking about my problems to someone who, in a way, was just as mad as me.
We both loosely let go of eachother before I faintly looked up in his eyes. I kid you not, I started blushing right then and there once I saw a shy smile on Bandites's face.
My head screamed at me, that sh*t is embarrassing. Your friend is hugging you and your heart just went autopilot making you blush.
I didn't think-- No, Bandites surely has a partner. Why would I want a romantic relationship with him?
"Kreek? You okay?" The taller looked puzzled.
He totally didn't just give me a hug that made me fall in love with him. That's cliché. We're both guys.
"Kreek??" Bandites got more worried.
I'd lose these feelings soon enough, I bet. I'm just having one of those existential crisis moments!

"Kreek!" Bandites shook me out of my overthinking-ly weird situation I just had in my head. He looked at me worringly, not letting go of my body still.
"Are you okay?? You just- zoned out." I only blushed harder. His face was a dark hue of red too, probably from embarrassment..
"Yeah. Sorry, just had a really weird thought process. You can let me go now, if you want--" SERIOUSLY? DID I JUST SAY IF YOU WANT??
"I don't want to." He whispered.. In more of a lovingly-open tone. "Don't quote me on this, but I have a confession to make."
"I'm not a nun but go ahead." I joked.
Bandites rolled his eyes, and lightly walked us over & against one of the sinks in the bathroom. He whispered in my ear, something sweet like an "I love you."
My mind had a double take before he let go of me, and was.. a bit distraught, realizing what he had just done to me.

I grabbed Bandites's hand and pulled him back ontop of me. His face flushed more than mine and I couldn't help but blurt something, really stupid; "Kiss me then."
"W-- What??" Bandites loosely stuttered. I meant it.
"Kiss me if you mean it." I demanded. I don't know what I was expecting, but when he all-of-the-sudden kissed me, things didn't seem so awkward anymore.
My hand brushed his hair as he went for a more passionate approach to this kiss, but I really (and apparently) said 'f*ck it' and escalated the whole thing.
Bandites put me in my place quickly, winning dominance and exploring my mouth freely.

As we wrestled on our lips, I couldn't help but feel a painful erection growing softly in my jeans. Bandites tackled it hand-on (quite literally and began rubbing the middle of my crotch.
As a string of saliva still connected our lips, I moaned and grinded painfully against Bandites's hand to get more friction. He grinned, his entire attitude changing into more of a sexually-active one.
"You're- okay with doing this, right?" Bandites looked at my already teared up face. I lowly nodded; "Do what you want.. I don't want this feeling to go away." I quickly began feeling the butterflies in my stomach, realizing this was real.
He unzippered his pants & slid down a black pair of boxers before letting his length rest on my crotch. Clearly, he saw the embarrassment on my face as a 'go-ahead' to strip me of my undergarments.
Bandites gently flipped me over so we were both facing the mirror. In a slu*ttish way, damn, that was hot.
"Do you want me to go easy on ya?" Bandites asked, staring at me in the mirror. I could easily see that he was lined up with me. To my own dismay, I guess my brain thought for me with a sudden "No." escaping my lips.

I felt him slowly slip himself inside of me, leaving such a good feeling on my behalf. I moaned out shakily, as Bandites took his free hand that wasn't holding my waist, to hold my head up.
"I'm gonna make you watch yourself get railed, pretty boy." He announced, beginning his thrusts like they were nothing.
My head began to grow slowly cloudy as he shifted a few times, I could tell from the mirror.
The thrusts were long and sloppy, he only got the memo after realizing going faster meant more pleasure.
He increased the pace, and I couldn't think straight. I just stared at his beautiful face- He was also semi-losing his mind, just wanting to keep the pleasure there for both of us. I already was a wreck as my glasses got pretty much f*cked off of my face, and my vision was already blurry with the tears swelled in my eyes.

There was a peak moment of just- straight up pleasure, before I caught myself moaning out and releasing all underneath the sink.
Bandites struggled and did a half-assed job pulling out, but I didn't really care.

..I only cared when Ominous walked in and his face turned white out of pure horror. "YOUGUYSCOULDNTGETAROOM?!!" He exclaimed. To his dismay, Bandites just shrugged, picked me up and said "We'll continue this elsewhere then."

"Wai-- Wait, continu-" I blushed, getting cut off by the door shutting behind us.

Chapter 5: Infected


( !! CHAPTER BASED OFF OF - "This Youtuber was BRAINWASHED.. And I HAD TO CURE HIM" by Hyper.

Dylan - Male, he/him

Poke- Male, he/they

Chapter Text


[lmfaooo i cant take the thumbnail seriously]

[SHIP: Pokper]
[Pokediger1 x Dylan_Hyper]


Dylan was safely navigating through the Chemical-U lab to try and find this.. So called U-Crystal, the only thing that could save his friend. There were spills of the toxic chemical everywhere- making it hard to see as well with the fumes. Dylan eventually found an extremely flooded room with the substance everywhere.
However, there was a looser part in the floor that eventually collapsed to be a secret, but now infested lab. Gut feeling told Dylan that the missing component of the cure was going to be down there for sure.

Dylan took a leap down and landed on his knees- slightly scraping them but it was nothing serious. He was a bit shocked to find a board.. It had 'subject numbers' with the heading 'OPERATION: MIND CONTROL'. With a bunch of letters scratched on the board.
He quickly turned to see the infamous OldWanderer, who was more than gone and infected. Not too far away from him however, was a glowing, radiating green crystal.
"That has to be it." Dylan hyped (pun not intended stfu) himself up, and eventually snuck around both the puddles and the attention of this once-human being. It was easy, until he took the crystal and was noticed.

The figure lunged and ran towards him, prompting Dylan to run into the narrow hallway with exit signs hanging from the ceiling. He climbed as fast as he could and threw the hatch open to be greeted by fans and the fresh world. However, he heard stomping and running behind him, Dylan dashed the hell out of there and bolted to his car. Not wanting to deal with another infected today.
It chased after him in his car until he passed over the bridge to get to Sandras house. Sandra Mclooney, had a LOT of explaining to do.

He hurried out of his vehicle and took the crystal that was burning in his pocket (via temperature) and practically kicked the door down. Sandra looked up from the table of 'failed cures' and smiled to see Dylan return in a somewhat good condition with the item she needed.
"This is it." Sandra smirked. She took the valuable from Dylans tired hands and plopped it into the cure-making machine, which made some pretty concerning noises amongst with the breaking of the crystal and almost a blending-type noise to go with it.
The cure popped out in a tube-vial that glowed green as well. Sandra handed it to Dylan who was still catching his breath.
"Can I use this thing on Poke?" Dylan asked, he scanned the vial curiously.
Sandra raised an eyebrow; "Why the hell do you think I made it? Go, before he causes something destructive!"
"DESTRUCTIVE?? YOU DIDNT SAY THAT BEFORE!" Dylan pocketed the vial (asking for an accident smh) and ran out of the lab. Sandra creepily smiled as he did so, and left the door open as Dylan pulled out of her laboratory.


It took Dylan about 30 minutes to reach Poke's destructed house, whereas his friends MikeyDood and Ant were waiting outside for Dylan to arrive back. "Jeez man, what happened to your knees & sh*t?" Ant looked at Dylan with wide eyes, noticing all of the scrapes.
"I fell in the lab thingy, there was a trick trapdoor that led to where I needed to find the ingredient for Poke's cure."
"You have it?" Mikey smiled at the news. Dylan nodded, and set up his radio. "I may have to fight him on this, so if I come on the radio can you guys just like- help me out?"
Ant shrugged at the shorter. "Sure Dylan, doesn't seem like a hard plan. I'll probably just get food with Mikey real quick."
Dylan nodded and shakily took a breath before approaching the entrance to Poke's house. It was quiet. Too quiet..

He lightly went inside and closed the door to the wrecked mansion behind him- The vial growing green in his pantleg-pocket. He heard light babbling, and quickly saw Poke in his kitchen. He was fully turned, his eyes green. His clothes were torn.. Including his crotch-area for whatever reason. Dylan looked away stupidly, embarrassed.
Poke noticed the green glowing chemical in his pocket and lunged at Dylans side. The two took to the floor as Poke wrestled for it.
Dylan hissed and dropped his radio on the kitchen counter, incase he'd need it. Poke was oddly strong- he quickly began tearing at Dylans pants, trying to literally get the cure.
"D-- Dude - Dude! Chill!" Dylan blocked him from getting the cure- as it had to all be administered to his mouth, and Poke would drop it in his state.
Poke eventually tore both Dylans boxers & Pants in one go, horrifying the smaller. There was a sudden pause in their wrestling match, in which Dylan ditched his undergarments to throw them on the counter a bit beside the radio to leave the infected off of his tail.

That was a horrible idea. Dylan got up to take a lunge for the radio, but Poke pinned him against the edge, using one of his veiny hands to keep Dylan pressed against the countertop.
Dylan knew he was overpowered but could easily get himself out of the situation. Something about this sudden escalation just- turned him on? It was such a slu*ttish thing to think about, but he wouldn't get a chance like this again.
Poke, frustrated, clearly thought that Dylan had the cure somewhere on him. In the midst of patting him down, Poke snuggly showed his mutated dick- It looked heavy and was length-wise a bit further than Dylans upper thigh. The now infected!Poke rubbed himself loosely against Dylans inner thighs before quickly finding himself turned on, and very open to this.. Lusty, feeling. He poked himself inside of Dylan, leaving the smaller trembling and lost for words.
Poke inserted the rest of himself in- a bit surprised by the reaction, thinking it meant something along the lines of him getting that chemical.

Dylan twitched and moaned out- The entire lower half of him suddenly struck with pleasure and guilt. This was so wrong, but felt amazing. To Poke too, considering he began thrusting mercilessly in and out of Dylan, muttering some sweet words amongst groans and even a sentence such as "Ugh, feels good.."


After about an hour, Dylan finally reached the radio and called out to Mikey and Ant- well, in between screams. Ant hopped out of the car, thinking that Dylan was in a lot of trouble. However, Mikey stayed back.. and heard the "AH!~" and the "HARDER, f*ck!" types of screams from Dylan.
Mikey wiped a nosebleed as Ant, made his way inside. He crept around until he saw the two brutally going at it and he looked away in a bit of disgust. He saw the cure, rattled through Dylans now-stained with tears pants, and administered the cure to Poke once he stopped to catch his breath briefly.

Poke stumbled back in confusion in what he just drank, but then was overwhelmed to find himself back. "WHY AM I GREEN AND NAKED?!" He exclaimed, blushing his ass off. Dylan panted and laid there, a thick bead followed my a trail of a- yeah, white substance, was leaking purely from his now stretched gloryhole.
Poke saw almost instantly what he had done and ran over to Dylan to check on him. Dylan panted, and gave a shakey thumbs up, slurring out something like "S-Six rounds is imp-impressive!" To get the taller flustered.

Ant, then proceeded to bang his head on every wall to get that mental image out of his head.

Chapter 6: Tough


// Bandites x Calixo

/PROMPT BY ANON- Argue & Quick escalation

Chapter Text

[This chapters' owner wished to remain anon. So, anon, enjoy your request!! <3]

[SHIP: Bandixo]
[Calixo x Bandites]



Calixo and Bandites were just sitting in their shared room- Since Kreek and TanqR insisted on sharing one, it left the two together.
Bandites knew a lot about Calixo- They went to the same highschool, but the dude was quiet. He interacted more with Ominous and MikeyDood then the other RBB competitors.

Calixo also recognized Bandites- there was an extremely awkward silence. Bandites tried making small talk not too long after, as he really wanted to ease the air in the room. Calixo engaged in a few conversations, but they mainly bickered on who deserved to win what, how what match was unfair, etc;
"I was actually just about to go to the bathroom and like, just, rant I guess? Im frustrated." Bandites blurted out. Calixo tilted his head in confusion; "Why? I thought the match between you and TanqR was fair."
"I mean yeah?? But still. I think maybe I should've won-"
"Narcissistic much?" Calixo slyly grinned from under his mask. Bandites now slowly got pissed and approached the shorter who was laying on his back on their shared bed. He folded his arms; "No, I'm just saying-"
"Mhhm, so, Narcissistic Cowboy? That's a new one." Calixo giggled, purposely getting a rise out of the taller. Bandites pinned Calixos arms at his sides the mere second later, pissy.
He then bent down, his scent now coating Calixos senses.

Calixo blushed a bit, and wriggled before Bandites growled; "Take that back. A Narcissist is the LAST thing I want to be called."
"Let me go first-" Calixo blushed uncontrollably. Bandites took his hand off briefly before muttering a "Sike" and placing his hands back. After a while, he finally understood;
"Oh, you pervert. You're liking this?" Bandites whispered in Calixos ears. Never hearing this side of him, Calixo was reasonably lost for words.

"Now look at whose the weirdo." Bandites chuckled. Calixo himself, was now getting upset, and freed himself of Bandites's hands, which still ended up pinning him down. He grabbed Bandites's shirt, and with a low hum; "Listen up Cowboy, I'll repeat our entire conversation to everyone AND tell them who you oh so discretely sh*t talked about towards me." He threatened. The taller slid down Calixos mask which made him jump; at this rate it went from a heated conversation to a lustful one.
Bandites whispered; "Do you even know whose in charge here?" He paused. "I am. You're not gonna say a word, not to anyone."
Calixos finger trailed Bandites's chin and poked it up. "And if I do?"
"I'll uhm- f*ck, I didn't think this through." Bandites got off of Calixo and facepalmed. Calixo raised an eyebrow and grinned; "What are you doing?"
"What do you mean?" Bandites looked at the dirty-blonde boy, as his smile grew.
"Pin me again." Calixos words sliced through the air and penetrated Bandites's heart easily.
"Par-- Pardon??" Bandites turned, pulling down his own mask.
"Did I stutter? Pin me down again, Cowboy."

Bandites stared at the smaller. His heart felt like it'd leap out of his chest, what was this freak doing to him? Better yet, why was he losing control of this situation to a wannabe superhero?
Bandites, set most of his feelings aside besides the romantic ones.
He re-approached the smaller before muttering something like 'You're so freaky.' To Calixo in his presence. Calixo just smirked and whispered something.. A bit more romantic, I don't feel like writing it.

Suddenly, just from those words, Bandites grabbed one of Calixos knees and put it against his lower-side (waist level) and went straight for a kiss. Calixo knew this was coming (Bandites, your body language gave you away). Calixo teased, leaving a light kiss on his lips, but eventually Bandites smashed his lips against the smallers for a better reaction. Calixo muffled out a 'Mph??!' as Bandites lifted his other leg, and proceeded to do the same action he did with the previous. Calixo got the memo and wrapped his legs around Bandites's waist, as the taller began peppering the same long kisses past Calixos hoodie and down his neck.
"G-God, that was fast.." Calixo lowly moaned, arching his back at certain areas that Bandites treated himself to. Bandites just shook his head; "Well, You were the one wanting this, weren't you?"
"Mgh, You- You're even sh*ttier-minded than I am, Band--"
Calixo was cut off by Bandites nibbling at his now exposed adams apple. Calixo gasped sweetly, starting to be turned on by all of the shameful bites.
Bandites grinned; "I like the Cowboy nickname. Keep it up Cal."
"Okay, Cowboy.. Show me what else that mouth can do." He whispered. Specifically because there was chatter outside about the results of the season but besides that, the room was dark and all the two could see now was each other. Calixo shifted his weight and was able to lift his hoodie up, and Bandites instantly got to kissing and sucking at all the sweet spots that Calixo may have been hiding. He was extra slow on the same 'sweet spots' that were discovered.

Then it got even better. By even better, I mean, the same idiots who were arguing just turned their interaction into a smutty war in the bed, Calixo losing by a long shot. Bandites literally pried Calixos clothes off of him, leaving him exposed to the cold air and the hot breath of Bandites's mouth and hands. His kisses traced over every beauty mark, and now every hickey that stained Calixos body. All until he got to the bottom, and awaited consent.

Calixo whined from the loss of contact but realized that Bandites was waiting for Calixo- not verbally, but through his eyes, asking to rim the smaller. Calixo just nodded as Bandites positioned himself inbetween Calixos' thighs, and his warm tongue entered the smaller.
Calixo held Bandites by the hair, knocking off the hat that once covered his mistaken hair-of-a rats nest.
"O-Ouuh..~" Calixo moaned finally, after 5 minutes in of Bandites treating Calixos hole to one of the best cleanings of his life. All Calixo could really do was bump his hips up against Bandites's mouth in bliss, and wish that he'd keep going. The whole risk of getting caught was blown out of the window once Calixo found himself getting closer and closer to being on edge- a release, was all he wanted and craved.

Just before Calixo could cum and make a mess of himself, Bandites stood up, unzippered his pants and just hammered into Calixo. Right then and there, the smaller came all over his stomach as Bandites used this opportunity to get used to the blondie's perfect figure. Bandites cursed and moaned under his breath at how Calixo squeezed at his length and bitterly kept hammering at his length similar to a blowj*b.
Bandites eventually started to move once Calixo calmed down, and Calixo could for sure feel himself being reshaped. He moaned and clawed at Bandites's arms, who was experiencing similar, if not more pleasure than Calixo. Every sweet thrust made his vocal cords go down the octave as Calixos went up in harmony.
Calixo began lightly shaking as he squeezed Bandites's arms in unison with each thrust. He whined and whimpered as the taller groaned and grunted. Once Bandites's thrust got sloppier, both knew that Bandites wasn't going to pull out. With a final thrust, Bandites finished himself inside of Calixo, pressing his weight against the smaller to really make sure his load stays in there.

Calixo huffed and burrowed his head in the crease of Bandites's jacket as there was a knock on the door. It opened, and it seemingly was Ominous. Ominous couldn't see anything but heard the noises and thought the worse. "Oh god, are you two arguing?! I just came to tell you guys to quiet down-- If anyones getting hurt-"
"NOBODY IS HURT, GO AWAY-" Calixo exclaimed, covering his face red out of pure embarrassment. Ominous soon got it and slammed the door, with a muffled yell of terror coming outside of the dorms. Bandites laughed and flopped on the shared bed beside his new lover and grinned.
"So they're downstairs right?"
"Right on the money, Cowboy" Calixo smiled, turning himself to face his interest.
"You up for another argument soon?" Bandites grinned, focusing on his canines. Calixo loved how evil this guy could be, damn.

Chapter 7: Work Tactic



Chapter Text




Ominous was having an exceptionally difficult day, particularly today. Work was slow and he was finding it difficult to focus, especially with how much he and PinkLeaf were getting into arguments recently.
He had been taking the frustration out on his script for his videos. He couldn't record for more than ten minutes without slipping over on his own , cursing, then re-trying the scene.
Roblox Headquarters closed an hour ago. It was somewhere around 11:30 PM, and he had gotten there early in the morning. He had multiple missed texts from Pinkleaf, in which he ignored all of them because of a petty fight the two had the night before.
He heard footsteps soon after. The sound of jingling keys, it was Kreek holding TanqRs arm while they headed out for the night. "Don't fall asleep on me yet babe, I had extra editing to do-" TanqR said while he passed Ominous's office. Ominous heard Kreek grumble as the footsteps died out into the quiet, dark night. Followed by the ding of the elevator, most likely for Kreek and TanqR.
Ominous dimmed his computers brightness down and let out a big sigh. "I hate thisss.." He whined to himself. He was struck on whether or not he should just stay the night after all. Besides, Ominous was behind on his schedule..




PinkLeaf was sitting in his car on the phone with IBella. "I know, we've been fighting about nonsense. I need to apologize but he hasn't answered my texts nor came home.." PinkLeaf gripped the steering wheel tightly. His sister sighed, which PinkLead heard despite it not being exactly into the microphone of her phone. "Have you tried tracking his location?" PinkLeaf turned red from the thought. "I don't want to invade his privacy, but.." PinkLeaf then hung up the call, knowing he should act now. He tracked Ominous via his Snapchat, and was slightly annoyed to find his significant other still at their job.

PinkLeaf got there as soon as he could and easily saw the only dim room in the building was presumably Ominous's office.
PinkLeaf took his keys and locked the door behind him, and soon got inside and called the elevator to the floor Ominous was at. Of course, the headquarters also served as a semi-sleeping quarter, but this was a little extreme.
The elevator ride felt like it took forever, before he finally reached the floor Ominous was on. The computer monitors light was visible from down the hall so PinkLeaf just followed it, and perched himself on the doorframe until Ominous noticed him.

"AH-" Ominous spun in his chair, and held up his coffee. The mug said 'Part-Time Procrastinator' which- Honestly, is quite a mood.
"HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN STANDING THERE?!" Ominous got up, staring at PinkLeaf. The taller rolled his eyes and clicked his teeth, "Long enough. Why haven't you been answering my texts? I've been worried sick."
Ominous glared but gave into the loving look of the taller. "I was upset about our fights." He admitted. PinkLeafs entire posture softened, as he walked over and held Ominous in a loving hug by his waist. Ominous jolted, but hugged PinkLeaf back, specifically by his upper torso. The two stood there lovingly hugging one another, before PinkLeaf started kissing Ominous from the head down, showering him in affection. Ominous giggled, "Fine! Fine, I forgive you!"
PinkLeaf slickly turned off Ominous's computer, leaving the two in absolute darkness. In a change of pace, PinkLeaf placed a passionate kiss onto Ominous's lips. It made the air in the room go from tense to loving, as Ominous adored kisses, especially PinkLeafs.
,Then it got a little more smuttier. PinkLeaf squeezed and tugged at Ominous's clothes, growing impatient quickly and finding himself turned on by the smallers' antics.
"Not here.." Ominous gasped, as PinkLeaf roughly gripped Ominous's sides, almost as if to claim him right then and there. Ominous protested slightly, but eventually gave in to the fact that PinkLeaf wasn't going to wait until they left the building to get his sexual tension out.
"Babe, I'm sorry.." PinkLeaf murmured in between rough kisses. "I should've never lashed out at you for my own drama.."
Ominous blushed and began unzippering the tallers jacket. "Shut up and f*ck me, that'll be your sorry." He huffed, impatiently. PinkLeaf blushed quite hardly from the comment and quickly took Ominous to the wall, his legs wrapped around PinkLeafs waist in a comfortable position. Ominous slipped his arms lovingly around PinkLeafs neck while they exchanged more broken, sloppy kisses. Eventually, they finally got onto f*cking, with Pinkleaf ripping off Ominous's clothes and just getting right to it.

"Ah, Ah!~ S-sh*t!~" Ominous squeaked, as PinkLeaf burrowed his head in the crook of Ominous's neck. He bit and left uncoverable hickeys that would either have to be edited out or poorly covered with some sort of foundation or makeup. Ominous clawed at PinkLeafs back, luckily, he didn't have much so it was more of a backscratch in a way, and not anything that leaves marks.
"You'r-e so pretty.." PinkLeaf gasped. He sped up as the noises in the room grew lewder and lewder. All Ominous could really moan out was "Harder!~" and "D-Don't stop!~"
This just earned a sly grin from the taller as his thrusts, just as fast as they were, began to slow down. The two hadn't had sex in a bit, so PinkLeaf completely forgot how long he could go for, and what his limit was.
Today was different, and Ominous overworked himself. He decided to hold it, and pick up the pace. Of course, he'd have a pretty large load, but his only thoughts right now were to- well, basically, make Ominous thought-less. And god, was it working like a charm. Ominous started failing to make out words, more on moans and pleasured screams of joy. PinkLeaf never knew his partner could make such elegant sounds like these, and there was one more he wanted to hear as the cherry on top.
PinkLeaf then came inside Ominous, without a warning. He managed to shift right onto Ominous's prostate, almost abusing it in a way before completely flooding his insides. Ominous let out a girlish moan of delight, his pleasured tears stained PinkLeafs arm and left him slightly shaking with kiss marks and love bites all around his collarbone.

PinkLeaf grabbed his jacket on the floor and slung it around Ominous, who passed out shortly after. "Whoops, I think I went too hard." PinkLeaf whispered to himself with a grin, holding the smaller in one of his arms and the keys in the other, as he locked up Ominous's office for the weekend and sought out back to his car to take the two home for some much needed, deserved rest.


And maybe a round two.

Chapter 8: Under


( Conor3D x Premium_Salad )

(SHIP: Premium3D)


Chapter Text

It couldn't have been later than 4:30 as Conor made his way to this oddly fancy dinner for the hunters that completed the "Egg Hunt." The dinner was simple, rewarding for completing 95 different badges in each game and thensome.
Conor was greeted at the door by Roblox himself and was given a seat next to two people he knew quite well. He had MemeAhoy to the right of him, and PremiumSalad to the right. Him and Premium haven't talked in quite some time, so he turned to MemeAhoy instead to greet him. There were one more seat at the rounded table that was occupied, so he was quite glad it was a small crowd.
"Hey Meme!" Conor smiled. MemeAhoy turned, and smiled back. "Hey Conor, I didn't know you also finished the Hunt?"
"It was really easy, especially with the guides I created." Conor proudly stated. Then Premium bud in; "Yeah, I helped with some of said guides!"
"Mhhm.." Conor side-eyed Premium who glared right back. MemeAhoy, quite confused, said; "What's with the glare?"
"Welll, I haven't talked to Premium after he wanted credit for some of the tutorials I did." Conor folded his arms, fixing one of his gloves. Premium rolled his eyes; "It's really not a big deal. Even if it were at the bottom, I don't really care. Any credit was fine, he's just stubborn."

"I'm not." Conor turned, beginning to bicker with Premium. Premium instead rolled his eyes and engaged with the active bickering until Roblox made an announcement, directing everyones attention to the taller figure.
"Hello everyone! Thank you all for being so strong during my event, "The Hunt" of 2024. This was all, a test, and I find you few to be the strongest who conquered the event with a sum of 95 badges or more. This event couldn't have been done without our scripters, mesh crew and our game developers for really making this event possible! And a special shout-out to our moderating team for really cracking down on the hackers and making this event playable. With this, I conclude my speech and soon we will be having a nice meal based off of the orders you all put in prior."

All of the attendants clapped as Roblox bowed and disappeared from the stand. Premium grinned; "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be here."
"Stop spewing lies." Conor snapped, his demeaner becoming cold. Premium rolled his eyes, tapped his class and sighed loudly. "I wish we could get some water already."
"I can get some" MemeAhoy smiled, he got up and took everyones glasses to calmly get beverages for the oddly needy guy.
"Can Meme take any longer?" Premium groaned. Conor glared and out of spite; "If you were really so thristy, go suck a dick or something." He muttered.
"Sure." Premium smiled. He dropped his fork purposely and dove under the white-clothed table. Conor looked around confused, until he heard a familiar zipping noise followed by touch to his lower-crotch.
A blush emerged from his face as he moved the tablecloth to see Premium moving Conors boxers to let a small shaft out of his pants. Conor shuddered as his eyes widened and he whispered; "What- What the hell are you doin-g-" He huffed, suddenly letting the cloth fall as Premium took his length into his mouth, sending a shiver of pleasure down Conors spine. His senses were impaired with lust as Premium violently sucked him off, trying to do such in a timely manner to avoid anyone seeing them. Conor gripped one of Premiums bunny ears and bent over the table, covering his mouth to make it look like he was thinking about something. In reality, he was muffling sweet moans of bliss from this sudden ordeal.
Just as quickly as the little round started, it ended with Conor shuddering in pleasure and giving Premium a seed to work with. Then, he tugged at the boxers and roughly groped Conor until he was slouched far enough down for Premium to get a good view of his pinkish-tight hole. Without a second thought, he plummeted his tongue inside, hungrily taking advantage of how distracted everyone else was.
Conor moaned into his hand and did his best to separate his ass from Premiums tongue, to no avail. All he could do was feel his insides be sharply poked at and coated disgustingly in saliva by Premium.
Then, as Meme walked back, Conor pulled his pants up and earned a sigh from Premium. He sneakily got back from under the table and licked his lips as Conor gave him a flustered glare. "W-What the f*ck Premium?!" He shuddered, as Premium shrugged. "I was hungry, sorry."

"..Just, do that again when you get the chance, I'm still hard." Conor whispered, Premium broke into a hungry grin and nodded. "Meet me in the bathroom in about.. ten minutes."
"Five." Conor blushed. Premiums eyes widened and he smiled, "Sure."
In the meantime, Premiums hand patted Conors shoulder as Meme came back and they made up the story that they had made up. Then, Premiums hand traveled further down, groping Conor again roughly. Usually, such thing is non-consensual but Conor was liking this, and even slouched a bit more on Premiums hand for an easier access. Premium cooed at Conor realizing how excited he actually became and smiled; "I need to use the bathroom. I'll be right back."

Memeahoy looked at Premium confused, but shrugged. "You ok Conor? Your face is really red."
"O-- Oh is it?" Conor felt his cheeks burning up. He got up suddenly, "May I go, This is embarrassing.."
"Sure, whatever makes you comfortable, I'll text you when foods coming out" Meme smiled, reassuring Conor.

Conor swiftly followed Premium into the bathroom, then he got quickly locked into the stall with Premium. Premium cupped Conors waist like he was a jewel, muttering softly; "Strip, we need to be quick about this.."
Conor nodded; "If we miss entrees I blame you for getting me so horny.."
Premium laughed; "Sorry Conor, somewhat payback for not adding my credits." He teased, unzippering his pants and revealing his length.
Conor whined and just wanted to get right into it. He bent over and pressed his elbows against the tiled wall, blushing; "Just slam it in. we don't have TI--" He shrieked, as Premium slammed into Conor with such force it made a tearing noise at his prostate. He shuddered in absoulute pleasure and began to drool slightly, already loosing his precious ability to think rationally. Instead, he grabbed one of his legs and lifted them up lustfully as Premium began pounding the same spot.

The stakes were high per say.. Minutes could have been hours for all they knew. All Conor knew was this pleasure, of when Premium slammed in and slowly pulled out. That same motion, over and over just drew him beyond words. It felt amazing, this lust was both calming and exciting all at the same time. The guilt he had about being caught slowly dissipated as Premiums thrusts grew sloppy with each growing minute. He moaned softly more as the two exchanged lovely words, Premium made sure to "knock up" Conor the best he could- He pushed down on Conors back and let out his load whilst being slammed into his prostate, leaving the smaller twitching and overstimulated.

Premium took cleaning up seriously and waited for Conor to come back to his senses.. Which took longer than the quick sex they had itself.

Let's just say, both boys were extremely quiet at the table and Premium ended up having to help Conor with a.. few extra things that night.

Chapter 9: Best Friends



I wanted to come back w more Poke x Dylan content though, so enjoy!! :D

Chapter Text

Finally- A day off. It's been a hot minute since Dylan got a chance to clear his head, he was ahead of his normal posting schedule and his videos had been getting viewed extra lately. Paul and Poke went out with Mikey, Ant, Cari and Ashley for a small breakfast or whatever, as they're trying some new vlog on a squad channel. Of course, it kind of sucked since Dylan felt a bit left out- Especially since Poke and himself had drifted a bit due to this, and his breakup with Cari.
Dylan got up to make himself a cup of coffee, but even that felt somewhat of a hassle. He wasn't upset persay, just down in general. It seemed as if this were going to be a pretty boring day.
Just as Dylan yawned and fixed his glasses, a warm hand embraced him. Another fixated and cupped his waist lovingly. “Hi Dyl!” Poke grinned, as he buried his head into the crook of Dylans neck. Feeling Poke's breath suddenly hit a sensitive area like that made him shudder. “Z? What are you doing back already?” Dylan blushed, looking back at Poke. Poke smiled, “You seemed down today, so I made the excuse that I wasn't feeling well.”
Dylan couldn't keep the blush off as his best friend touched him ever so carefully, yet romantically. His mind raced, he just wanted Poke to keep going. Then again, that was just an impulsive thought.., right? Zack's his best friend, nothing else.
As if Poke could read minds, he pretended as if he were going to say something, but he ended up kissing Dylan's neck ever so slightly. Something switched in Dylan that very moment, as he lightly nudged Poke further on the spot he kissed. “..Hah.” Poke smirked, kissing Dylans neck fully this time- and god, did it feel amazing. Dylans stomach filled with these sudden butterflies that almost made him feel sick, all in the right ways. Then he felt teeth brush his skin, before they engulfed the spot and eventually penetrated it to make a hickey. Then, Poke popped off absolutely embarrassed. “Oh my god. Oh my God, Dylan, I'm so sorry-” He choked out, realizing he really did just bite Dylan like that.

Dylan was lost for words as he turned to Poke- he wasn't disgusted, he wasn't bothered- his body wanted more of Poke, and desperately. “I won't tell if you don't.” He whispered, as if this scenario itself wasn't real. Poked eyes widened as his hands auto-pilot'ed up Dylans sweatshirt, and even his own breathing became blotchy. “Something is surely in the air..” Poke whispered, to match Dylans volume. He leaned in slightly as Dylans hand met Pokes dark brown, rather fluffy hair. “Maybe Paul did another experiment..” Dylan kept his voice low, getting his face even closer to Pokes. Just as Poke kissed him, he muttered; “No, It's just you~”

Dylans eyes widened as Poke passionately intertwined his lips with Dylans, leaving no breathing room. His hand never departed from Dylans skin, only leaving more butterflies from the sudden romantic twist of his best friend.
This seemingly touching moment died down quickly as they departed for air, leaving a thick string of saliva still connecting them. Poke blushed like crazy.. Soon realizing how addictive Dylan actually was- in a way, he was like a drug. One hit from him and Poke felt himself hooked, just as Dylan backed the two up back into his bedroom. Even doing this made Poke feel crazy, it wasn't enough.
Dylan closed the door behind the two, and quickly began stripping himself. Crazy to think he was feeling ever so jealous earlier, his best friend had just pushed every button and turned him on. The hickey would've been a dead give-away, why not finish the job?
Dylan traveled to Poke, sitting on him and beginning to unzipper his pants. Poke grasped Dylans bare thighs with a sick smile, doing his best to primarily not go crazy on him.
Poke got a hard-on the minute Dylans hand even ever so slightly brushed his length, prompting Dylan to let Poke undress the two himself.

Pokes hands ran through Dylans body one more time, admiring the curve by his hips lovingly as he took both of their boxers off in unison- Pokes length easily towered over Dylans, making him look massive compared to the smaller. Dylan embarrassingly covered his face as he lightly got up and lined himself up with Poke, implying zero preparation for his whole length. Poke, however, flushed up completely; "Do.. Do you need prep?" He asked, as his length trembled and leaked precum from the tip. Dylan smirked. "No, come on Z, show me what this big boy can do~" He smirked, completely getting out of his comfort zone. Poke blushed wildly and practically got a second hard-on if that was even possible.
He bucked his hips up into Dylans overly-sensitive and tight hole, making him whisper out something sweet. Dylan trembled and moaned out lightly, taking in this sudden new experience. The thought of the others coming home any minute, catching Dylan beginning to stretch himself out to Pokes liking.. God, that was hot to even think about.
Poke flipped Dylan over and lightly began thrusting once Dylan was a bit more adjusted, before the two began going at it like two horny teenagers. With every thrust, Pokes whole weight was pushed up into Dylans tight hole, leaving him a moaning mess. Their heads felt foggy and replaced with two shells of the innocent and funny guys they were on camera, instead, now were two lovers just struggling to cum, struggling to get that relief. Dylans glasses struggled to stay on his face as his cheeks began to become stained with pleasured tears, overwhelmed by this entire experience- Especially considering they were just saying hello as friends moments prior. All of this suddenly exited Pokes mind as he looked down and saw just how beautiful Dylan looked with his hole being destroyed like this. His eyes were locked at the top of his head and he was covering his mouth to limit the amount of moans his body released. Poke then took both of Dylans arms, and pinned them against the bed with one arm. In-between thrusts, grunts and groans of pleasure, he managed to say "M-- Make noi-se for me, Pre- Pretty boy~" He struggled to speak, feeling Dylan suddenly clench himself and almost close his legs out of bliss-
The two were definitely close, as a warm sensation suddenly met itself from Pokes upper-pelvis, until he opened one of Dylans legs and came to a stop- Pokes load came out fast, making Dylan moan louder than he had the entire round-- pulling out was out of the question, as Poke could barely think and the clench of Dylan drew him to his limit.

Once he finished fully pumping his mark into Dylan, he plopped himself beside Dylan, panting madly as the smaller whined and lightly addressed the damage- Dylan ever so seductively put a finger inside of his newly-stretched hole, slid it as deep as he could go before pulling out a finger coated with Pokes sem*n. He raised an eyebrow at the taller as Poke nervously laughed. "..S-Sorry, you were tight-"

Chapter 10: Rut | Lucimenti


After a long timee off waaiaiiitittinggg

Armenti x LuckyHD (Loomian Legacy youtubers) are finally here!!


Dubious to Consensual sex, Rough sex, implied hickeys/biting, and possibly cum inflation?

Chapter Text

"Dude, you're blocking my screen!" Armenti yelled, to the dismay of the taller who was in the lead because of his height advantage over Armenti. LuckyHD just clicked his tongue and continued to race ahead of the smaller.
The two were in the midst of a heated match in Blade Ball match, Armenti was losing by a solid five points. Lucky was only winning because of his cheating antics, and now there was a solid minute left on the counter before the winner would be called.
Armenti eyed the fan in the room, skillfully got up whilst watching his screen, and pushed the button until it blew Lucky's hair out of the delicate bun it had been placed into- forcing the hair into his face and blinding him just long enough to get in the lead with the ball with a merely few seconds.
Lucky turned the fan off with a growl, which didn't play in his part when they began another round as they were both battling each other to complete tasks towards the Classic Event that seemingly was pretty grindy. However, both of them were extremely competitive. Even though the room became grossly hot with just the two of them getting frustrated at one another, it was 80 degrees outside- what were they expecting to happen when Lucky turned the fan off?

In the midst of their fourth or fifth match in blade ball, a bead of sweat dripped down LuckyHD's sculpted and rather bulked torso, pooling in the valley between his newfound pecs before trickling down his abs and disappearing into his tight shorts. His breath comes out in heavy and angry gasps, his chest rising and falling rapidly. Armenti, equally drenched in a thin layer of sweat, narrows his eyes, focusing solely on the screen, but he can't help but steal occasional glances at LuckyHD's flexing arms and shining abdominals.
Lucky was no doubt more muscular than Armenti, hence the size difference- Lucky had embraced himself as a Overseer lord recently, via family heritage, therefore a lot of his movements were all almost.. godly, in a way, to Armenti. All he could do was helplessly lose to his friend who had slowly become one of his primary love interests. This was a pretty odd and sudden discovery considering all they were doing was playing a competitive virtual game of blade ball.

During the next intermission, Lucky caught Armenti staring sexually at him, and pretended not to notice. Truth was, he was primarily letting himself heat up due to summer being a rutting season for his 'kind'. Kreek was bound to get attacked by TanqR considering they were siblings and experienced similar rutting times- But Lucky himself? Pun not intended, he was 'lucky' now knowing his best friend was seemingly sexually attracted to him- Or, it was just a glance by accident. Either way, he purposely lost this round in order to make it end faster and urge the question to Armenti faster.

"StarCode_Armenti wins!" The screen flashed as Armenti clicked down his sunglasses with a confused expression. He turned, his fedora now falling off of his head. "Clover, you good? You don't usually forfeit but-"
"Why were you staring at me?" He grinned.. with a sickly horny expression. That's when Lucky's body began thinking ahead and getting turned on all by itself, Armenti's clouded and rather strange-smelling aroma turned into something sweet for the demon. Armenti watched this happen, including a thick tent in the crease of Lucky's drawstring shorts. "Are you in heat, dude?" He asked calmly, beginning to form a blush which he could play off as from the heat in the room. Lucky rolled his eyes at Armentis words, "More of a rut, but whatever you wanna call it."
"..Do you need help with that?" He says whilst pointing to Lucky's boner, and in response Lucky nods sheepishly. Armenti then bites his lip, getting up and urging Lucky to follow him into their kitchen- the bedroom was way too warm to do anything related to sex, and having water nearby incase Armenti passed out was necessary. Especially since Lucky knew he wasn't going to bottom to a human.

LuckyHD got right to it- He pulled the drawstrings down in one motion, both revealing that he wasn't wearing boxers- and the fact that he had not one, but two twisted co*cks that needed tending to. Both had a green gradient running up to its leaking tip, some rounded spikes on the side made them look scarily pleasureful to sit on.
Armenti gulped and understood he had promised Lucky moments earlier that he'd help, not knowing the extent of the tallers.. rut, for a better word.
"Lucky, I've never done this before-" He admits as the taller closes in on him, pinning him to the counterspace nearby to the point where he was then sat, and his clothes were ripped off at their genital areas with one tug of LuckyHD's nail.
Armenti gasped at his sudden exposure, at which LuckyHD grinned and lined one of his aching dicks with Armentis tight entrance. He went in bit by bit, stopping when Armenti asked him to in between choked curses of both pleasure and discomfort.
Once one whole co*ck was in, Armenti stared at the second one that rested comfortably on his stomach. It made his length look like nothing, besides a cruel joke.

"Can I..?" LuckyHD looked at Armenti with pleading eyes, as he bit his lip and was using his tipped tail to silently jack his second dick off. Armenti realized the discomfort he was experiencing, paused, before nodding and maintaining eye contact with the taller. "Gentle.. Okay?" He ordered with tears swelling in his eyes, as he felt the second dick abruptly stretch his poor virgin hole.
Armenti let out a cursed scream of joy as LuckyHD shifted slightly, and both spikes from the top and bottom of the penises had harshly rubbed against sweet spots inside of Armentis ass. The lengths poked out of his stomach wildly, leaving the smaller clawing at his friends arms for even the slightest bit of support.
Lucky was a bit shocked by his reaction and allowed him time to adjust to the rather huge lengths combined, and after Armenti looked up at Lucky with heart-shaped eyes- he knew it was okay to continue despite the lack of words from the red boy.

Despite a pit in Armentis stomach building up fast, he allowed Lucky to begin ramming him. It was tight and uncomfortable at first, but once he found a rhythm, it was over for Armenti. Lucky thrusted uncontrollably, his body urging him to go faster as his tail flicked happily from the warmth his reproductive area was experiencing.
Lucky bent down and bit Armentis shoulder to his tailbone, covering the light skin with pink and reddish bites, bruises, etc. Armenti used this as an advantage, grabbing Lucky's horns and using them as handlebars as his long hair voided his view of his partners.
Armenti at this point couldn't get out words, it was like he was on an extremely rough and pleasureful rollercoaster that would probably leave him inable to walk for a bit.

Then, Armenti came suddenly with shaking force- But Lucky was too far into it to stop now. He rode off Armentis high before overstimulating him, leaving Armenti to close up around his waist helplessly with a few pleasured moans. It would've sounded like he were being killed if it weren't for Lucky finishing soon after, both loads softly bloating the area that they entered and harshly pulling out- Armentis hole didn't close for a good few minutes, leaving him slu*ttily stretched.
Lucky panted, clipped his hair back up and looked at his partner who had came a second time just from having his tight guts filled with a demons sem*n. He rolled his eyes as he picked up Armenti, and attempted a form of aftercare- He left the smaller on his bed, and used his dazed-state to finish cleaning up the mess they had made on the counterspace.

Armenti huffed and panted wildly, recalling the sudden sex he just had. To be honest, that. That was wild. He felt himself be full with this substance that Lucky provided, and luckily (pun not intended) Lucky seemed to be out of his needy rut.
"Sorry about that." LuckyHD walked over and brushed Armentis hair out of his face with a concerned look. Armenti smiled and sat up his aching body. "It's fine, a bit sudden, but I'm happy you're feeling better dude."
"..Also, sorry about your stomach." He spoke as Armenti looked at the bump in his stomach- He groaned at the sight. "I told you I'd help, don't tell me this is some mpreg sh*t." LuckyHD rolled his eyes at this; "No, it's not, it's just sem*n. Do you need me to carry you to the bathroom?"
"If I can't get this out, I am blaming you if someone asks what's wrong with my stomach." Armenti held his arms out as Lucky took him in his arms, carefully carrying him to the bathroom to hopefully dispose of the excessive liquids inside of his anal area.

..Armenti and Lucky had a few rounds that same night, so there was no doubt that the two had a newfound "secret" that neither wanted to admit was.. quite- strange, to say the least.

And PokeNova had never wanted to move out or murder two people more. I mean, come on, thuds whilst you're trying to sleep? Horny bastards.

Chapter 11: Rut (Part 2)



kinks;; Collars, Subplay, praise, overstimmulating, frottage + some more dont bug me

art by @.kiweiqi

Powerbottom Kreek x Sub TanqR!! :D

P.S!! I have a discord server now!! You can check it out on my profile, a lot of my uploads will be announced there!

Chapter Text


"Do you *seriously* think that I'd talk to you after that stunt you pulled in the Headquarters in front of the hosts??" Kreek hissed at his partner, who was pretty much ignoring him because of his own moodiness. TanqR was overall going through his rut now (Due to him being older than LuckyHD, TanqR is more matured as a demon and can control this feeling much more.) TanqR had bitten Kreek in the building itself in front of DJ, that was pretty embarrassing all itself.
TanqR flicked his tail unhappily. "It was one bite.. I just needed some relief." He sighed, picking at his sleeve with a sense of guilt washing over him. Kreek judgmentally stared at his partner before sighing and ordering him to go to their bedroom, as he didn't want to deal with TanqR's consistent sex drive whilst he streamed.

TanqR practically threw his clothes down as his claws shed themselves, but Kreek was planning to make this experience.. different, for a change. Recently he had picked up a few things for TanqR to 'try' the next time he was in a sexual mood, and this was the perfect opportunity / way to put a spin on their usual bedroom fun except.. He knows how to really spruce up their time together.

TanqR laid down seductively, beginning to slightly hump one of Kreeks pillows due to his scent. His co*ck twitched anxiously as more and more of his demon senses were beginning to find themselves sprouting out of TanqR painfully. His tail flicked happily before Kreek walked in, pulling the tip before rolling his eyes with a smile. "Hey Tan, you're really horny now huh?" He teased, twirling the sensitive part in his hands. TanqR flicked his head back with a growl. "What the hell Kreeky??" He hissed, before Kreek laughed at the taller and let go briefly just to pull out a spiked collar from his back. "I figured I'd 'treat you' the same way how I felt, love." He spoke as he clipped the collar, TanqR looked down at it with a blush forming on his face. "What the f*ck?" (Yet, TanqR was very much enjoying this.)

Kreek clipped a black lead onto the collar and tested it as he pulled TanqR off of the pillow with a cynical grin. "Oh, this is gonna be a lot of fun." He whispered, as TanqR backed up until he was sat on the bed impatiently.
Kreek laid beside TanqR and pulled his leash until TanqR was now lined up with him, his clawed hands were now tearing at their mattress covers and possibly their blankets. TanqR was more fixated on Kreeks outfit, who was in a pretty tight bodysuit that assumedly had his genitals & ass exposed, as well as some hip windows to further show himself off to his partner. That was the (byfar) best part about Kreek, he was always quick to show himself off to TanqR and just him.
Kreek lifted up his face before he pushed TanqR forward, his length pummeling into Kreeks hips as he let out a stutter of pleasure. Usually he wasn't this sensitive, but a rut can displace his usual feelings by a thousand.
He began thrusting his hips uncontrollably as whines left his mouth, Kreek was still pulling the leash which was slowly pissing TanqR off- yet still gave him a sense that he wasn't in control anymore, made the whole ordeal even hotter in his eyes.
Kreek let out a few moans of joy but it was overall TanqR moaning his flat ass off, as he was now focusing primarily on scratching and squeezing Kreeks thigh which was now lifted onto his waist which helped him implant himself deeper into the smaller. Kreek squinted as he arched his back, his breathing became a lot more seperated. TanqR looked into Kreeks eyes needingly, their seemingly quick round was about to come to an end as his rut wanted him to finish painfully early. Kreek tightened himself with a sick smile as TanqR sobbed out; "PLEASE~!" He whined loudly, he sucked on his own teeth and bared them desperately wanting to finish deep inside of his partner.
Kreeks eyes swelled with tears as he grinned and teased. "Y-- You wan-na cum, big boy?!" He teased, flipping himself over and pulling TanqR's leash again. TanqR swiftly nodded, his drool was now pattering on Kreeks bodysuit as he was seething like an animal. Kreek laughed at this action in between seperated moans and breaths, before he nodded and lessened the clamp around TanqR's strained co*ck before they both abruptly came in sync. TanqR felt himself practically pouring his heat out into his partner, as he swung his head down with a wave of lust hitting him like a moving train.

Kreek likely had to take a few minutes before he popped TanqR out of himself, a nice warm bead of sem*n poured down his leg and seeped into the thigh-highs that Kreek had put on. He huffed loudly as TanqR flopped next to Kreek with a defeated huff.
"Feeling better?" Kreek lowly spoke, regaining his breath. TanqR kissed his neck romantically with a flick of his tipped tail; "Yeah.. Thank you for that, despite your.. Odd dominance." He blinked, as Kreek laughed at him and kissed his partners chin- which ended up leading the two into another pretty heated wrestling match for dominance.

Chapter 12: Prank!


UGHBHH I came up with this ship the other day and I had to shareee...

still need a shipname though

Kinks: Hate sex (mostly), kinkshaming, restrained-sex, drunk sex ||



Chapter Text



.. "Dude, this is gonna be so funny! Just wait until Jackeryz walks in!" Ryguy laughed. Him and Calixo were positioned at the entrance of the RB Battles building and had been planning to dump ice cold water on Jackeryz as a bit of payback for basically f*cking with Sketch all night. I mean, yeah, they're entitled to their own bodies and privacy, but its hard to record family-friendly videos when all you can hear is thumps and Jackeryz's oddly high-pitched voice pretty loud, and Sketch was relatively quiet besides the usual smack-talk. But nevertheless, still annoying as f*ck.

Speak of the devil, Sketch walks past them with a confused expression. "What are you two doing?" He tilts his head in confusion as his censor bar clicks with his head swing. Ryguy confusedly turned to Sketch and blurted out; "Wait, you're inside already??"

"I haven't gone out since yesterday." Sketch facepalmed. "Now answer my question, what are you two idiots doing?" Calixos eyes became alert as he turned, seeing Jayingee and his friend Albert approaching the building. "Uhh, Ry?" he blinked, and Ryguy let go of the rope that was keeping the bucket of ice water above the door. It hit Jayingee as he hissed loudly, Albert had skidded inside by then- leaving only a pink feather from his arm. "What the??" He laughs abruptly, cackling evily as he sees Jayingee drenched with ice cubes falling off of his shirt. He was dead quiet, and his red eyes slowly met Ryguys now panicked expression. "I THOUGHT YOU SAID 'uh' BECAUSE IT WAS JACKERYZ-" Ryguy yelled at Calixo, who rubbed his neck and pointed at Sketch- Thus, meaning they were home the entire time.

"You have fun dealing with that." Sketch put up a peace sign using two fingers before he walked back to the elevators to go check on his partner- he couldn't use his left hand as now it was visible he was holding a grocery bag- (Again, meaning Sketch lied- dumbass went outside, probably just door-dashed groceries since Jackeryz could be a little extra) and he left Ryguy and Calixo to clean up the mess.

DJ walked in holding his pink headphones with a confused expression. "What's going on here?" he paused. "And whys the cat drenched?"
"I'M NOT A CAT! I'M A TIGER-" Jayingee yelled, he shook off whatever water hadn't sunken into his clothes by now and he was PISSED. DJ blinked and stared at Jayingee. "Riight.." He turned then, to Calixo and Ryguy. "Did you two do this?"
"Kinddaa..?" They responded in sync. DJ sighed loudly. "Jayingee, you can confront whoever dunked you, just do NOT fight anyone. You four know the party for Russo is tonight, so don't make me blacklist any of you."

Jayingee exchanged a glare with Calixo before Flamingo threw his hands up. "What did I do???" He shrieked. DJ pointed to him. "You hijacked the building before, I still hate you for that-" He murmured as he walked away. Jayingee turned to Ryguy as he shrugged and murmured a "Sorry..?"
"Sorry my ass dude!" He grabbed Ryguys shirt violently. "If it weren't for that damn party I swear I'd tear you into pieces.."
"Anger issues much?" Albert joked. Jayingee turned to him angrily before he backed away awkwardly.

Calixo was also nowhere to be seen, as Jayingee put his shirt down and scoffed at Ryguy before walking away. Ryguy patted his hoodie (due to Jayingee's hands being wet, his hoodie had a few dark blueish spots on them.) "Wonder what's his problem?" Ryguy shrugged, in the back of his heads he was still laughing at this situation.




DJ cheered his boyfriend as he was wearing a pretty iconic 'Birthday Boy' crown- there was a steady crowd of people and the building was relatively crowded. Jayingee was relatively drunk as Albert had challenged him to a few shots at the bar- and Ryguy, per usual, was late and had only just showed up. He was pretty lost in the sea of Robloxians but still found a group of his friends. He stood beside the bar and watched Jayingee, rather confused as he seemed tipsy and was mid-argument with Flamingo. "HHHOW ARE YOUH NOOT DRUNKH??" He slurred out, slamming a glass against the wooden counter. Albert mockingly pointed and laughed at him. "Dunno man, I'm just built different!" He got up eventually and left as if nothing had occured. He wasn't stumbling whatsoever,, man, he's weird-

Ryguy got shoved by Sketch to knock into a stool as he caught it and sat down to keep his balance. At the bar was NightFoxx, who was cleaning a glass. He looked at him confused before Nightfoxx slid him a glowing drink. "Hey dude, it's been a bit huh?" He teased, and Ryguy looked at his drink with a confused look. "Oh, I don't drink-"

"Try it, just a sip." Nightfoxx smiled, as he turned away to serve someone. Ryguy just looked at the drink which had had a gummy worm coming out of the side of it. He took a sip and impulsively stuck his tongue out in a disgusted manner, but soon liked the sweet aftertaste and found himself taking more sips from it.

Ryguy unfortunately got drunk just from his first drink, and was a bit swoonish. Jayingee had now noticed Ryguy was there and stumbled to get up, before he walked over and quickly went to confront him. "Heyy ice-boy.." He swooned as well, but kept his angry glare on Ryguy. "You're still onthatt..?" He slurred, sipping his second drink. Jayingee looked a bit offended, yet he flicked his tail with an unimpressed huff. "We-lll,, maybe I am." "Then do something about it." Ryguy boldly said, smiling insultingly at Jayingee. Nightfoxx facepalmed and went to go make someone else a drink as he saw this suddenly unfold in front of his eyes.

Jayingee then picked up Ryguy, threw him over his shoulder with a bit of a struggle and silently (and slightly) stumbled with Ryguy in one of his arms. Ryguy quickly became startled and banged on Jayingee's back with his fists like a child; "Let me doownnn! This is embarrusinggg!!" He slurred, yelling as they then went into the storage room.

Jayingee let him back to his feet before he pinned Ryguy against the wall. In a joking tone, Ryguy cooed; "Ouhh, this is a different approach kitty~" As Jayingee then felt himself become bright red. "Tch, Don't- Don't call me that." He sternly said, despite his lack of soberness. Ryguy reached behind Jayingee and flirtily pulled his white-tipped tiger tail, making the taller whimper and cover his mouth suddenly. He yanked the sensitive animal part back, and glared at Ryguy. "You-"
"That sound was pretty~" He cooed, becoming oddly flirty due to his drunkness. Jayingee re-slammed him against the wall and went up to his ear with a small growl; "I'll show you what sounds pretty."

His hands went to grab Ryguys waist, but he stopped himself humanly. "..Uhm, I mean, If thats. Okay." He awkwardly paused. Let's not forget, consent is hot!
Ryguy looked a bit surprised at the sudden change in tone. "Yeaah.. Yeah, I think I'd like that~." He lovingly placed a hand on Jayingee's shirt, which made the room suddenly hot for him. Jayingee never thought he'd be drunk AND hooking up with the guy who pranked him earlier, but hey, weirder things have happened.

Jayingee then took Ryguys waist, before kissing him rather roughly and slicking his tongue in the smallers mouth. It made Ryguy's whole body twitch before he got used to suddenly being kissed this roughly. It was.. extremely new, yet hot to put it. Jayingee smirked, and after a few seconds he departed. "You're not a bad kisser for someone who's as immature as you.." He now spoke clearly, yet his mind was extremely foggy.

Then, no words were exchanged. Jayingee bared his cloudy-white claws and tore at Ryguys clothes. He ripped up the jeans and exposed his pinkish hole, which seemed oddly untouched. He ran his claw against Ryguy's enterance, before unbuckling his own pants and revealing a member with a knotted base. It twitched as Jayingee bit his lip, he was already lined up yet awaited the allowance of Ryguy. Ryguy suggestively looked down and nodded, before Jayingee picked up his legs and slammed Ryguy into the wall with a thrust. Ryguy moaned out something heavenly and didn't return to his senses for a good minute, before Jayingee's knot served as a stopper whenever Jayingee moved.

It was already hot enough seeing how much Ryguy had stretched just to fit Jayingee's co*ck inside of his tight entrance, but now with every thrust he was moaning like a p*rn star. His hips moved against Jayingee's knot and his body was arching and begging for more of this sexual attention. Ryguy clawed at Jayingee's shirt before his arms were pinned up by Jayingee's free hand. "This is what you get, ff*cking slu*t!~" He yelled, flipping Ryguy against the wall as his face met the cold surface. He muffled out moans as he felt his body being completely violated by the taller, and there was nothing he could do. His hips flapped themselves back and naturally bounced against Jayingee's co*ck, the pleasure was driving him insane. The sounds as well, as with every thrust he could hear his own ass clapping against Jayingee's base with a seductive wet noise following.

"AhHn~!" Ryguy screamed, his abdomen went numb with pleasure as his eyes began to roll up, Jayingee pressed his hands more against the wall as he continued to degrade him. "Y-You like this sh*t, Y-ou f*ckin-g co*cksleeve?" He paused inebtween some words to moan, as he rolled his hips into Ryguy's tight ass. He slapped the soft, round surface a few times and squeezed it roughly, sort of admiring how fat Ryguy's plump ass actually was.

This cycle repeated until Jayingee's knot unexpectedly popped into Ryguy, causing him to uncontrollably squirt his release all over the wall. Jayingee squirmed and struggled before finally giving up and releasing a sweet, thick load of bliss into Ryguy. His knot prevented him from slipping out easy, and guaranteed Ryguy had all of his sem*n built up inside of him.
He was only able to shakily pull out once his co*ck was done exerting itself, which was rather lewd since his co*ck was now covered in Ryguys anal fluids. All of the load miraculously stayed inside of Ryguy despite his hole being now unable to fully close for the time being due to the stretch, Jayingee still helped him put his clothes back on. Ryguy held his shoulders sharply as Jayingee picked him up bridal style, and waited until the hallway was empty of any Robloxians before making a B-line for the bedrooms.


"Ugh.." Ryguy groaned. He sat up and went to stand up before he felt painful static-like feeling in his legs. "f*ck! What the hell?" He clutched his head with one hand and his thigh with another. A soft tail had curled around his leg and he turned to see Jayingee fast asleep, snoring and proudly having no shirt on.
That's when he looked down and saw he was wearing only Jayingee's shirt. His arms and thighs had bites and hickeys scattered on them, and as he uncoiled himself, he limped to the nearest mirror and almost shrieked as he saw a bite mark around the ring of his asshole. He covered his mouth with his sleeve and blushed heavily, as despite the headache, he remembered the one-night stand that he had with Jayingee.
Jayingee now awake, tiredly tumbled over and smirked. "Had fun last night, Prankster?" He joked. Ryguy turned and blushed profusely. "Oh you little-"

Chapter 13: Compare


oh god u people are hungry for tanqrcraft..

prompt: size comparison
have fun xoxo

also feel free to join my discord!! its on my profile and i post book updates there :)

Chapter Text

It's been a few days since the announcement of RB Battles Season 4, Kreek and TanqR had been practicing together in their shared dorm at the headquarters. They're pretty damn bitter to one another, insults were sprinkled like candy. Even though.. The two have had a few lovely one-night stands. But no, when it came to competitions, they were rivals strictly.
That is, until of recently- TanqR had a whole new clothing line that Kreek got a notification for. A lot of it was aimed towards his youngest audience, but some were primarily for adults or people trying to cosplay as him. One especially was the "Girl TanqR" section, where his sister EHoopie had a few items. One that caught Kreeks eyes were a pair of tight thigh-high socks, which the color could be adjusted to be the same as TanqR's clothing line instead of the bright purple that EHoopie advertised them in. The socks had a gradient bow and were for the most part seethrough, but had a black tint to them.

So.. As a joke, Kreek ordered them- they came in the following week, just after Kreek had gotten finished arguing with TanqR. If there's one thing Kreek is, he can be as petty as he wishes when it comes to TanqR. And so, putting on the socks were kind of difficult- He ended up having to switch out of his pants and into some short-shorts, to purposely not match the rest of his clothes, Kreek just went with his normal grey t-shirt that he wore under his flannel normally.

TanqR walked out on sync to see this sight, and luckily his mask hid a thick bead of red blood pouring from his nose. "Kreek, what the f*ck.." He murmured, trying to convince himself he wasn't becoming madly obsessed seeing his rival in his own clothing line. The socksdid pinch around his thighs beautifully, and it for sure exposed his curved figure.
"You're the one staring, tough guy." Kreek teased as he ran his finger on TanqR's chest, before walking away-

TanqR grabbed Kreek's shirt and pulled him back. "You really think you can come in here with the balls to show off and not expect me to admire you?"
"Admire me?" Kreek blushed. Okay, well uh, that was weird of TanqR. "Didn't I just beat you in Arsenal? Well- you did say I had the balls-"
"At least mine are bigger-" TanqR said completely out of context. "You're a whimp, but I appreciate the sexy look you randomly decided to do~"
"One, I'm not a 'whimp' you british f*ckhead- Two, I don't believe you for one bit on that first part."
"Oh, you wanna bet?


" TanqR teased, unbuckling his belt. Kreek kind of just stared at him with an unimpressed look despite them both about to compare dick sizes because of some random petty conversation.
TanqR pulled down his boxers in the next moment, revealing a pretty large co*ck- which surprised Kreek, he didn't think that someone like him would be- uh, well, 'Big' down there. It was awkward for Kreek especially since he was about less than half the size of TanqR.

TanqR lightly grabbed Kreeks hips, rubbed up against them before his now erect member stood trapped between his thighs. "Let's see yours, prick." He lightly growled, his gloved hands were now making their way down to Kreeks shorts.
Kreek flushed and grabbed TanqR's arm. "Wait- That's not fair-" He panicked with a flustered tone in his voice. TanqR disregarded his comment and slid down Kreeks shorts and boxers in one go, before his small length was now shown.
TanqR just smirked hornily and rubbed his hand up Kreek's shirt- Worst part, Kreek wasreallyloving this. The physical touch from TanqR was turning him on- And it showed, especially in his own member.
"f*ck, don't do that you pervert-" Kreek softly hissed as TanqR's hands pinched one of Kreeks nipples from under his shirt, and he swerved his co*ck against Kreeks seductively. "Why? You're enjoying it, I can tell~" TanqR spoke in his ear, as he continued to keep up the pace. He was basically getting a thigh-job done from Kreek, but neither of them cared too much.
"I only wore these to make you mad, I think it- Hgh, backfired~" Kreek held onto TanqR's arm helplessly as he continued to rut against Kreek like a dog in heat. His tipped-demon tail wrapped around Kreeks right thigh to reassure Kreek that he wasn't going anywhere until TanqR was done with him.

TanqR's free hand trailed down to Kreeks ass before he hesitated, and made a light whining sound. Truth was, TanqR had really wanted this to happen- Something where he gets to f*ck his rival up, this time not emotionally but physically. Kreek had let himself open to whatever this demon wanted to do to him, and god was it hot to think about.

Kreek sighed and nodded as TanqR retreated his length from Kreeks thighs, before he pushed himself into Kreek without any hesitation or prior warning. Figure it as Kreek losing their petty argument, TanqR rammed into Kreek shamelessly as Kreek sharply moaned and tried to grasp around the reality of this situation: He's getting f*cked by a guy he hates all because of some petty conversation that lasted not even a minute.

TanqR lifted one of Kreeks thighs as he whispered into Kreeks ear; "f*cking slu*t, You're seriously letting me dominate you over a 2-minute conversation?~"
"S-Shut the f*ck u-p" Kreek slurred, his grip on TanqR's arm loosened as just as quick as they began to f*ck, he was oddly getting close.
TanqR put his thumb over Kreeks dick so he couldn't cum too early, and continued to ram into Kreek. He bit his lip to avoid biting the smaller and continued to reshape Kreeks hole- despite them doing this before.

"Hey have you seen Kreek recently?" DJ turned to his boyfriend, who shrugged. "I haven't seen em, but I think I heard them fighting earlier." Russo walked over and kissed his boyfriend on the head before DJ held his arm with a concerned tone in his voice; "What do you mean? Are they okay?"
"Oh yeah! I mean, probably? I heard thuds and screams-"
"..Are you positive that was fighting?" Sabrina chimed in from the other room. Russo pondered for a moment before he turned red from embarrassment. "Ohh right.. I heard clothes ripping and Kreek saying 'sh*t, I just bought those!' in a like, out of breath tone-"
"So they were f*cking again.." DJ facepalmed. "Whatever, someone get TanqR so he stops railing Kreek, I need help setting up his segment of the video-"
"Not it." Sabrina and Russo both said in sync, as the shorter glared into their souls before facepalming. "FINE- i'LL DO IT MYSELF!" He groaned. "I'm gonna need therapy after this.."

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, the original request only had 'Size comparison' and there wasn't much for me to go off of-)



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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.