Did White House, FBI, or DOJ 'Confirm' Authenticity of Ashley Biden's Diary? (2024)


A history of claims made about the government's purported confirmation of Ashley Biden's diary.

Alex Kasprak

Published March 27, 2023

Updated April 29, 2024

Did White House, FBI, or DOJ 'Confirm' Authenticity of Ashley Biden's Diary? (1)

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NOTE: On April 29, 2024, Snopes updated this story based on testimony provided by Ashley Biden. In an April 8letter to a judge requesting jail time for one of the two people convicted of stealing her diary, she wrote that "I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online." While this was not a "government confirmation," it is, Snopes argues, an official confirmation, as it was first-person testimony provided in a court proceeding.

Previous versions of this story noted "strong evidence" that the diary existed, but argued that no source had authenticated the contents of the pages published online and that the authenticity of photographs purported to be from a diary was a separate question from the factual existence of a diary. Biden's letter, in Snopes view, provides such confirmation. The story below documents the history of claims made about the document.

On Oct. 26, 2020, obscure right-wing outlet National File published what it alleged to be the entire contents of a diary kept by U.S. President Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley Biden, when she lived in Delray Beach, Florida. Purportedly left behind in the apartment she was staying in, the diary was quickly passed around amongsome anti-Biden activists, where it has become the source of claims of abuse and trauma she endured by the president, among other things.

Since National File's publication, debates about the document's authenticity have surrounded the diary. It was allegedly left behind in an apartment Biden was staying at in Florida and ultimately sold by the person who found it to right-wing activist group Project Veritas. Project Veritas declined to publish the diary, which inspired a "whistle-blower" from that organization to deliver the document to National File.

In April 2024, the New York Times published a letter that Ashley Biden wrote to the Judge as part of the sentencing process for someone convicted of stealing her diary. In the letter, Biden referenced the harm caused by the publication of photographs of her journal online, confirming that the words published online were hers while noting that they have been misinterpreted:

After being the victim of a crime in my early twenties, I developed PTSD. The journal that was stolen was part of my efforts to heal.

I am a private citizen, targeted only because my father happened to be running to be President. In other words, the extensive work I have done to move past my trauma was undone by Ms. Harris's actions. …

Although this criminal act happened more than three years ago, because of the publicity it drew—exactly as Ms. Harris intended—I am constantly re-traumatized by it. I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online.

Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love.

A History of Claims Made About the Diary

In October 2021, the FBIopened an investigation into "stolen property," including a journal, belonging to Ashley Biden after "a representative of the Biden family reported that several of Ms. Biden's personal items had been stolen in a burglary." In mid-November 2021, the FBI raided the homes of several employees of Project Veritas as part of that investigation. In August 2022, the two individuals who found, transported, and sold the alleged diary to Project Veritas pleaded guilty to transporting stolen property across state lines.

Developments in that still-ongoing criminal case have periodically been used to assert that the government or courts or some other official entity had "verified" the diary and its contents as authentic. In November 2021, for example, when Project Veritas confirmed media reports that it had been raided by the FBI, U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert tweeted,"if the FBI raided someone's house over Ashley Biden's diary being stolen, that means Ashley Biden's diary and the accusations in it were real."

Similar claims were made when the two people who first obtained the alleged diary were sentenced in a plea deal in August 2022. "Confirmed: Ashley Biden's diary is real," right wing influencer Kyle Becker tweeted of the news, explaining that "two people just plead guilty to federal charges of stealing the diary of President Biden's daughter."

U.S. Special Master Confirmation?

In March 2023, claims that the diary had officially been authenticated peaked again. This time the precipitating event was the filing of a document by a special master tasked with assessing Project Veritas' claims of legal privilege to withhold items collected in raids. That documentprimarily detailed reasons for rejecting most claims of privilege, but it also included a review of assertions about Ashely Biden's stolen property that Project Veritas had made:

In September 2020, sources identified as R.K. and A.H. contacted Project Veritas to report that they found a diary authored by Ashley Biden. … According to the sources, Biden left the diary and other belongings behind when she moved out of a house in Delray Beach, Florida, that one of the sources subsequently occupied. [...]

Project Veritas reached a Biden acquaintance who conferenced a person who identified herself as Biden. Biden stated that the belongings were hers and asked that they be delivered to a friend in Delray Beach. [...] In early November 2020, Project Veritas arranged for the delivery of the diary and other belongings to the Delray Beach, FL police department.

Aspects of this narrative, published in a court filing, have been widely shared as the latest evidence that the diary and its contents had been authenticated.But these statements were not a publication of facts or a representation made by the government. They were a recitation of claims Project Veritas' lawyers have made.

The most recent claims of official authentication stem in part from a March 21, 2023,tweet by the National File — the outlet that originally published the diary — that highlighted the special master filing discussed above:

To a passing observer unfamiliar with the criminal case against Project Veritas, this tweet could be incorrectly read as stating that the U.S District Court Special Master was the entity that "confirmed" that the diary was "legitimate." Indeed, that is how several right-wing influencer accounts read and disseminated the news.

Did White House, FBI, or DOJ 'Confirm' Authenticity of Ashley Biden's Diary? (2)

James O'Keefe, at CPAC meeting in 2020

This was not something the special master or the court said or did. The National File tweet was directed at Project Veritas' founder and former head James O'Keefe in the context of his decision not to publish the diary before the 2020 election. O'Keefe had claimed that he did not publish it because he could not verify its authenticity.

National File argued that the declaration of facts provided by Project Veritas in the special master filing proved that O'Keefe was lying about having doubts, and that he and his organization believed it to be real. In a later tweet, National File wrote:

James SPIKED the diary, weeks before the election. If it were up to James, you never would have seen it. Then, he lied about it, during the final week of the election. He said it was not confirmed.

National File was referring to these representations made by Project Veritas' lawyers in the special master filing:

Project Veritas worked to authenticate the diary and engaged a handwriting expert; it began producing a video news story.

Project Veritas reached a Biden acquaintance who conferenced a person who identified herself as Biden. Biden stated that the belongings were hers and asked that they be delivered to a friend in Delray Beach.

Project Veritas believed that the diary was authored by Biden and worked to finalize the news story about the diary and continued to analyze the contents of the diary. [...]

These statements, as well, had used as evidence of government authentication in myriad social media posts. However, they are representations made by "petitioners, through counsel" — i.e., the lawyers for Project Veritas. They are not, as has been implied, statements of the special master, the U.S. District Court, or government prosecutors. The special master's filing explicitly describes those prosecutors as not endorsing Project Veritas' representations:

The Government, for its part, has been more circ*mspect in its public statements to the Court regarding the relevant factual background and its investigation. It characterized Project Veritas' assertions as "either false or misleading and . . . directly contradicted by the evidence described in the sworn affidavits that were submitted to the federal magistrate judge in support of the search warrants.

The government, in other words, had not stated a view on the authenticity of the diary published by National File, and the lawyer representing Ashley Biden has declined to confirm its authenticity at the time. Simply put, nobody in a position to officially "confirm" the authenticity of that document has made such a declaration.

Circ*mstantial Evidence Builds

Regardless of any sort of official confirmation from the government or the Bidens, ample evidence built up strongly suggesting the diary belonged to the president's daughter. This information was not new and not a revelation by the special master. The details that went viral in March 2023 had been in the public domain since December 2021, when The New York Times published a detailed account of the investigation into Project Veritas.

In that report, the Times detailed an exchange between Biden lawyers and Project Veritas lawyers that ended with a threat by the Biden legal team to report the diary's theft to the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of New York (SDNY). That communication occurred the same month the FBI opened an investigation:

Ms. Biden's lawyers refused to acknowledge whether the diary belonged to Ms. Biden but told Mr. [Project Veritas lawyer Jered T.] Ede that Project Veritas should treat it as stolen property — the lawyers suggested that "serious crimes" might have been committed — and that any suggestion that the diary was abandoned was "ludicrous."

Ultimately, one of Ms. Biden's lawyers, Roberta Kaplan, told Ede: "This is insane; we should send to SDNY." Shortly thereafter Ms. Biden's lawyers alerted prosecutors at the United States Attorney's office for the Southern District of New York, which is now overseeing the case.

That an investigation was opened into, as it was first described in public filings, the theft of "personal belongings of an immediate family member of a then-former government official who was a candidate for national political office," and that two people were arrested for allegedly transporting, among other things, a stolen journal, further support its authenticity.

The existence of a phone call between Project Veritas and someone who identified herself as Ashley Biden, while also suggestive of the diary's authenticity, is not news, either. In March 2022, The New York Times reported on it:

A month before the 2020 election, Joseph R. Biden Jr.'s daughter, Ashley, received a call from a man offering help. Striking a friendly tone, the man said that he had found a diary that he believed belonged to Ms. Biden and that he wanted to return it to her. [...]

The man on the other end of the phone worked for Project Veritas, a conservative group that had become a favorite of President Donald J. Trump, according to interviews with people familiar with the sequence of events.

From a conference room at the group's headquarters in Westchester County, N.Y., surrounded by other top members of the group, the caller was seeking to trick Ms. Biden into confirming the authenticity of the diary, which Project Veritas was about to purchase from two intermediaries for $40,000.

Another piece of supporting evidence is that the Delray Beach Police Department "determined" that items including the diary "belonged to" Ashley Biden, and apparently felt confident enough to contact the FBI after receiving it and other items from a lawyer for Project Veritas, as reported by the Times in December 2021:

On the morning of Sunday, Nov. 8 — 24 hours after Mr. Biden had been declared the winner of the election — a lawyer named Adam Leo Bantner II arrived at the [Delray] police station with a blue duffel bag and another bag, according to the police report and the footage. Mr. Bantner declined to reveal the identity of his client to the police. [...]

The video footage [from an officer bodycam], which appears to be a partial account of the encounter, records Mr. Bantner describing the bags as "crap." [...] [T]he police did examine the contents of the bag and quickly determined that they belonged to Ms. Biden. The report said the police contacted both the Secret Service and the F.B.I., which later collected the items.

This is ultimately how the Biden diary ended up in the hands of the federal government in the first place, and how two people were ultimately convicted of stealing it. All of these relevant facts aside, though, no government official, prosecutor, or judge had explicitly "confirmed" that the diary published by National File was authentic at that time.

Ashley Biden's April 8, 2024, letter to the judge during sentencing proceedings, in Snopes view, serves as an explicit confirmation of the National File photographs. Harris was sentenced to one month in prison.


"2 Florida Residents Plead Guilty in Theft of Ashley Biden's Diary." NBC News, 25 Aug. 2022, https://www.nbcnews.com/news/2-florida-residents-plead-guilty-theft-ashley-bidens-diary-rcna44840.

Case 1:21-Mc-00813-AT Document 118. 21 Mar. 2023, https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/23719069/project-veritas-special-master-review.pdf.

Goldman, Adam, and Michael S. Schmidt. "Florida Pair Pleads Guilty in Theft of Biden's Daughter's Diary." The New York Times, 25 Aug. 2022. NYTimes.com, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/25/us/politics/ashley-biden-diary-project-veritas-guilty.html.

---. "How Ashley Biden's Diary Made Its Way to Project Veritas." The New York Times, 16 Dec. 2021. NYTimes.com, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/16/us/politics/ashley-biden-project-veritas-diary.html.

Howley, Patrick. "FULL RELEASE: Ashley Biden Diary Reveals Child Sex Trauma, Drug Abuse, Resentment For Joe - Whistleblower." National File, 26 Oct. 2020, https://nationalfile.com/full-release-ashley-biden-diary-reveals-child-sex-trauma-drug-abuse-resentment-for-joe-whistleblower/.

Schmidt, Michael S. "Judge Appoints Special Master to Review Material Seized From Project Veritas." The New York Times, 9 Dec. 2021. NYTimes.com, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/08/us/politics/project-veritas-special-master.html.

---. "People Tied to Project Veritas Scrutinized in Theft of Diary From Biden's Daughter." The New York Times, 5 Nov. 2021. NYTimes.com, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/05/us/politics/project-veritas-investigation-ashley-biden-diary.html.

Schmidt, Michael S., and Adam Goldman. "Ashley Biden's Diary Was Shown at Trump Fund-Raiser. Weeks Later, Project Veritas Called Her." The New York Times, 20 Mar. 2022. NYTimes.com, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/20/us/politics/project-veritas-ashley-biden-diary.html.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. AIMEE HARRIS and ROBERT KURLANDER, . https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/press-release/file/1528671/download.

Goldman, Adam. "Woman Sentenced to Month in Prison Over Theft of Ashley Biden's Diary." The New York Times, 9 Apr. 2024. NYTimes.com, https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/09/us/politics/project-veritas-ashley-biden-diary.html.


April 29, 2024: Updated with information from a letter authored by Ashley Biden as part of court proceedings and published by The New York Times on April 9, 2024.

By Alex Kasprak

Alex Kasprak is an investigative journalist and science writer reporting on scientific misinformation, online fraud, and financial crime.

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Did White House, FBI, or DOJ 'Confirm' Authenticity of Ashley Biden's Diary? (2024)


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